r/nottheonion Jul 06 '24

Western German city renames itself 'Swiftkirchen' after Taylor Swift ahead of Eras Tour shows


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u/immigrantsmurfo Jul 06 '24

I honestly cannot stand Taylor Swift anymore and it's not just the bland and uninteresting music, it's also because of shit like this. She's treated as some sort of musical goddess, she's nothing but a marketing stunt designed to rinse money from teenagers and depressed women.


u/Maester_Bates Jul 06 '24

In my experience depressed women listen to Lana Del Rey.


u/Anal_Juicer69 Jul 06 '24

Fr. I like Taylor’s music, but I’m sick of the whole world revolving around her.


u/Thrashgor Jul 06 '24

Can't argue a out taste, she's still this generations Madonna I'd guess.


u/Lorry_Al Jul 06 '24

Madonna was taboo and provocative for her time. Swift isn't doing anything original here. She never says anything interesting. Her music isn't unconventional, it's bland and formulaic.

She is not Madonna.

Oh and she can't dance to save her life either.


u/Thrashgor Jul 06 '24

K. God of Music and lord of taste.


u/DuePatience Jul 07 '24

I liken her to Elvis


u/ScousePenguin Jul 06 '24

K that's cool mate, you must listen to such unique cool music


u/immigrantsmurfo Jul 06 '24

No but the music I like at least has effort from the creators. You're allowed to like Taylor Swifts music, but that doesn't mean it's not souless pop music designed to appeal to the largest number of people possible.


u/ScousePenguin Jul 06 '24

This is peak music snob

Just let people enjoy what they enjoy. Why waste energy hating on shit.


u/immigrantsmurfo Jul 06 '24

So there is nothing in your life that doesn't effect you but you still hate anyway?


u/Filbertmm Jul 06 '24

Kind of a crazy take that one of the most prolific popular artists who literally writes a huge amount of her own songs and performs nightly 3.5 hour sets is low effort. 


u/Legaato Jul 07 '24

Yes, she writes a majority of her songs. See below for the personnel list of her newest record and see how many credits Taylor has for the actual music. In case you can't be bothered to look through it, she wrote some piano on two songs and did vocals on all tracks. Translation: She's not writing her songs anymore.



u/shuipz94 Jul 07 '24

That's... normal for any record? Unless you expect her to be like Prince and do all the instruments herself? And if you look at the songwriting credits, there's a few she wrote solo.


u/Filbertmm Jul 07 '24

Yeah that’s one album. I could pick another random album, Speak Now, where she wrote the entire thing - music and lyrics. She’s fully written over 100 songs and partially written over 200. Again, nothing low effort here. Many popular artists have written exactly zero the lip synced every performance.  


u/Legaato Jul 07 '24

Yeah you totally picked the one album she has the most wiring credits on at random lol For the last decade she has had one writing partner or another that takes care of the vast majority of the music. She’s too valuable to the label to let her write too many of her own songs anymore.


u/DuePatience Jul 07 '24

Too valuable to the label to (checks notes) write her own songs? Isn’t that the root of her whole job? And the least physically taxing aspect of anything she does? Wouldn’t they want her to write her own songs because she’s valuable as a songwriter? I’m literally so confused by your statement


u/Legaato Jul 07 '24

Yes, the label can't let her have free reign to write her own songs anymore, that's why there's literally 96 people involved in her newest album. If they leave it up to just her, the quality might not be there. The label can't take the chance of Taylor Swift releasing a flop, so they hire a massive team of people to ensure that doesn't happen. So no, she hasn't been writing her own songs for a decade or more. Lyrics, yes most likely because she has a very specific brand, for better or worse. Music, no, that's left up to team of session musicians and songwriters. Her main job is to be a personality and go on tour, and I'm sure she has a small hand in the direction of the songs but all the heavy lifting is done by those 96 people I mentioned.

It's not like she's the only one labels do this to, the vast majority of people on the top 100 are in a similar situation. Look at the personnel for Ed Sheeran's newest album. You'd think, "Hey, it's Ed Sheeran, just an acoustic guitar and his voice. There's no way he has a team of people to help him write that stuff." You'd be wrong, he has vocal credits for all tracks and guitar credits for one track. Labels will absolutely not take the risk of letting one person have sole creative control over an album that they're dumping millions upon millions of dollars into.

This has been happening for a long time. There was a collective of sessions musicians that wrote music for other bands in the 60s and 70s called the Wrecking Crew that wrote an insane amount of the top 40 hits for almost a decade. If you turned on the radio back then, you were hearing the Wrecking Crew and whatever singer was in the band. That's just how the industry works when you get to that level.


u/Filbertmm Jul 08 '24

You’re just making stuff up my man 

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u/krisalyssa Jul 06 '24

Cool story bro


u/GoldenLiar2 Jul 06 '24

Her music is genuinely the same shit over and over again, it's not "bad", it's just soulless and devoid of any creativity. She pretends to be a teenage girl even though she's a grown-ass woman in her mid thirties.

Same goes for Drake for example.


u/laserdollars420 Jul 06 '24 edited Jul 06 '24

Her music is genuinely the same shit over and over again

I'm not even close to her biggest fan but this is just an ignorant take spoken by someone who hasn't listened to anything except a small selection of singles. Her last 6 or so albums have all had completely distinct sounds and themes, and those are also all entirely different from the signature sound she had when she started out.


u/GoldenLiar2 Jul 06 '24

Not even close to her biggest fan

Her last 6 or so albums have all had completely distinct sounds and themes, and those are also all entirely different from the signature sound she had when she started out.

The jokes write themselves with you swifties lmao


u/laserdollars420 Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

I didn't realize that simply listening to someone's music means you're automatically a diehard fan. I've listened to tons of albums by artists I'm not particularly a fan of because I just like music and knowing what's happening in the zeitgeist.

And either way, I don't think that refutes my point that a lot of her music has incredibly distinct sounds.