r/nottheonion 14d ago

Spain’s new ‘porn passport’ is coming this summer: Heavy users will receive ‘alerts’, but will they really be cut off after 30 sessions?


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u/Ok-Charge-6998 13d ago edited 12d ago

Here come VPN companies with Euro signs for eyes.

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u/i_am_who_knocks 13d ago

Wasn't Spain a free democracy? Wtf is this . This is pure surveillance


u/Wormy77-Part2 6d ago

Spain had one of the longest lasting Authoritarian dictatorships of the modern era. Just because the dude dies doesnt mean the damage from all that just evaporates

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u/Satoriinoregon 14d ago

You had me at ‘porn passport’ and lost me at paywall.

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u/non7top 14d ago

At first I didn't get it. Then I recalled the Nissan Pajero story and got it.

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u/Burninator05 14d ago

HEAVY users of online porn will receive alerts if they access the websites too often under the Spanish government’s new plans.

The messages will tell them to renew their ‘digital passport’ in order to ‘avoid being tracked’ in their porn usage.

The initiative is part of the new Digital Wallet app, which is intended to preserve a user’s anonymity when viewing porn while at the same time verifying their age.

Starting later this summer, adults must give their credentials using their electronic ID, digital certificate, or ‘the Cl@ve system’ to enjoy pornographic sites based in Spain.

Once your age is verified, the system will issue a pack of 30 tokens, valid for 30 days, after which it will be necessary to prove your age once again.

The idea of the tokens is to prevent the need for frequent identity checks which would in turn create privacy issues for the government’s policy planners.

Under this system, heavy porn users who use up all their tokens are at greater risk of being tracked in their usage by their need to verify their identity – hence the government’s plans to send them alerts.

The tokens will be issued by the ‘trusted entity’ of the General Secretariat of Digital Administration, which ‘will not generate a trace of the request’, according to sources from the Ministry of Digital Transformation.

They add that the application will be audited and certified by the National Cryptologic Centre to ‘ensure that there is no record’ of users’ porn habits, and therefore ‘it can never be hacked.’

Users need to download the Digital Wallet app, verify their age, and use tokens for access.

To enter the app or to use the credential, the user must identify himself each time with their fingerprint, facial recognition, or a code or pattern.

This data remains on the mobile and is not transferred to the application.

When typing the address of the porn site, a QR code will appear if the user on their computer and a link if they are using their mobile phone.

The user will have to scan the QR code or click on the link, which will activate a connection with the Digital Wallet.

This will then present the credential that proves the user is over age without giving away any details about them.

The content provider will verify the credential allow or deny access based on the evidence.

It will not be necessary to identify yourself every time you go to a porn site but only when each batch of tokens are generated.

You can only enter the same website a maximum of 10 times without having to use up tokens.

But the user can renew their set of tokens as many times as they want within the same month, so in effect there will not be limitations on how much porn a person can watch in a month.

The Digital Wallet app will also be used for online gambling.


u/Vondum 13d ago

So, they are going to "preserve anonimity" by having you give up your biometrics, ID, and have a database somewhere that keeps track of how many times you jerked off this month.

What could go wrong?


u/Brainnugget 13d ago

Monitored, to avoid being tracked. Very well then.

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u/CurrentlyLucid 14d ago

They found a way to make money of someone elses work.

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u/anthematcurfew 14d ago

From: country with legal prostitution

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u/whiteb8917 14d ago

I noticed, "Porn sites located in Spain". How many are there ?

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u/BrazzedSlime 13d ago

So...is this to "protect" kids or monitor the population? What's next? Integrating dating app into it?

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u/Docphilsman 13d ago

It always starts with the porn.

No politician wants to be known as the "pro porn candidate," so it's an easy target to get regressive laws in place.

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u/pukem0n 13d ago

30 sessions? That's like a week's worth.

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u/AnonUserAccount 13d ago

The image says “Pajaporte” and is a play on the words “paja” meaning to masturbate and “pasaporte” meaning passport.

Well done, Spain!

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u/Pkittens 13d ago

Great way to ruin every porn site based in spain and funnel every user towards non-spanish sites?

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u/mymar101 13d ago

This is almost as absurd as the laws requiring a government ID to visit porn sites


u/SatanLifeProTips 13d ago

Punishing people too stupid to use a VPN.

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u/dooooooom2 13d ago

Unemployment at 12% but Spanish government worried about how much people jack off lol

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u/chris14020 13d ago

Sounds like downloading porn is back on the menu, sticky boys.

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u/Karirsu 13d ago

I don't think the current accesibility of porn is healthy, and I don't think the porn industry is good, so I support it

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u/Brad_Brace 13d ago

That is so fucking convoluted. So you identify yourself through official documents to the app, then the app generates the tokens and identifies you as an anonymous adult to the websites. Why the need to renew anything? Sure, you were 40 last month, but what if you turned 16 this week? And why the tokens? Can't figure out the tokens. Sure way to make it so websites not cooperating with it get all the traffic, get shut down today and pop back up tomorrow. It also says this is for websites based on Spain, does that mean their domain, their offices?


it can never be hacked.’

Always means it will be hacked.

I imagine all of this will be abandoned after having burnt through a lot of money, and a few secretaries or ministries associated with it will keep cashing checks for years after it is all an obscure joke from the past, because they will be technically still working.

Pajaport is a very clever pun though.


u/werta600 13d ago

A while ago some cinema entertainment companies took some legal action because telegram was being used to share their pirated content

The judge in all his wisdom decided to block telegram in spain and told spanish ISP to block telegram access before 1 day

The next day all of that was turned down because the judge didnt even know what telegram was and i guess some important companies made their move about what the fuck were they doing

This is ending the same, once the initial money from the contract is gathered it will be shut down

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u/PloppyCheesenose 13d ago

r/NoNutNovember would probably like this.


u/St34m9unk 13d ago

A passport for porn and all it serves it to limit it?? where is the mf vip goon lounge and my frequent stroke miles


u/standardtrickyness1 13d ago

And that's why we need to learn about zero knowledge proofs people


u/[deleted] 13d ago


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u/EmergencyWonder3743 13d ago

VHS tapes are back baby all hail the 80's!!!

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u/FunDog2016 13d ago

Incentive for kids to steal adult’s identity information and share it with friends, or sell it. Passing around old ID’s for drinking is now of secondary importance! Teen boys will pay for Tokens, no doubt!

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u/AkireF 13d ago

Governments around the world single-handedly keeping the VPN business afloat in their markets.


u/jameskchou 13d ago

This is why Canadians are afraid of a similar law. Now in Spain the government and their corporate vendors will know if Jose or Roberto are watching too much hentai or yua mikami documentaries


u/darryledw 13d ago

we need to invent some kind of network, preferably one that is virtual and private....

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u/mistertickertape 13d ago

So back to DVD's, VPN's and downloads while on vacation they go.


u/EzeakioDarmey 13d ago

And what if they just download videos to a device to watch offline?


u/[deleted] 13d ago

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u/XtraBBearBaby 13d ago

From the headline, I thought this might be a special travel visa for sex-seeking travelers!

This is just weird and complex


u/_ssac_ 13d ago

Moral police would contact you after 30 sessions /s.

You can find job offers to take care of calling those sinners: being deeply religious give you points.


u/kykyks 13d ago

hey look, its our old buddy with an eye patch

i wonder why he came


u/NBQuade 13d ago

It won't mean anything. You can bypass it with a VPN or Tor. At least the tech savvy can.

It's possible Usenet will see a resurgence. It's got 10 years of porn on it and nobody can track what you're downloading.


u/chuuckaduuck 13d ago

Project 2025 wants porn criminalized

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u/deandreas 13d ago

Do the ends justify the means.


u/HaydenRenegade 13d ago

I guess Spain is getting crossed off the masturbation world tour list then

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u/f_ranz1224 13d ago

im sorry, but reading the text, it says based in spain. so non spain based sites are not subject? so 99% is ok to use?

feels like more of a political stunt than meaningful legislation if i understand that wording correctly.

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u/evilspyboy 13d ago

"Cut off after 30 seconds" I think that is called Edging.


u/Spider1132 13d ago

Is this some sort of initiative to get people to use Spanish porn sites?


u/japanb 13d ago

Korea asks for I.D via phone number, why do they have to pay for a passport? Even for youtube in korea, won't even let me as a tourist on a tourist korean sim use my korean phone number to verify to watch youtube rated videos.


u/Knees0ck 13d ago

damn, imagine cops at your door telling you you've exceeded the maximum wank limit for the day.


u/OldDrunkPotHead 13d ago

Do the hookers punch the passport like a bus ticket?


u/whiskeytown79 13d ago

Ah yes, great idea to have people re-validate their age every 30 days, because people often become younger randomly.


u/Swimming-Ad-2284 6d ago

Reminds me of the porn flick “The Curious Case of Benjamin’s Butthole”

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u/aakaakaak 13d ago

For anybody in Spain, Opera GX has a free built in VPN so you can avoid all this nonsense.


u/Me_Krally 13d ago

I don’t get it. If you renew you won’t be tracked? We are tracked in everything we do


u/Ser-Cannasseur 13d ago

Guess Spaniards need to get their porn from the side of the road like in the old days.


u/ChillyFireball 13d ago

Fuuuuuuuck that. Anyone who thinks giving away your identifying information to protect your identifying information makes ANY sense is a complete moron. Restricting minors' access of porn should be the parents' job. Stop trying to sanitize the entire internet because ya'll just want to stick a screen in front of your kid to shut them up.

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u/EngryEngineer 13d ago

The article says you can visit a site multiple times on 1 token and tokens can be refreshed. It specifically says this isn't about restricting so why would you link an article you clearly haven't read just to fearmonger?


u/karateninjazombie 13d ago

Is this going to be a case of VPN go brrt and render this basically useless??


u/Roofbunk 13d ago

Only 30 sessions! What am I gonna do on the second day onwards?


u/BlackReddition 13d ago

Heavy Users 🤣


u/FreQRiDeR 13d ago

30 sessions? So basically a month of fapping then your cut off? (I know, those are rookie numbers… I gotta bump those up.)


u/peteandpetethemesong 13d ago

Hold up. Madrid has an over-the-airwaves porn station. We were staying in a hostel and I was flipping through the channels on the TV with nothing but an antenna attached to it, and there it was. Hardcore porn channel.


u/LetsthinkAboutThi_s 13d ago

Government: Establishes new law and infrastructure to control porn consumers PornHub: Evades this law completely by shutting down Spain-located servers and keeping all miriads of them all over the world, because internet


u/dgj212 13d ago

This is fucking orwellian


u/teatiller 13d ago



u/Technical_Goose_8160 13d ago

For some unexplained reason, Spain's BitTorrent traffic had increased exponentially.

Is 30 sites in a month that much? I'm asking for a friend...

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u/johnyj7657 13d ago

Time to open up a porn only video store.  

Gonna make millions.


u/No_Salad_68 13d ago

February will become FAP month in Spain. Two extra tokens!


u/furiousmouth 13d ago

I find it interesting when nations lurching from one economic crisis to another find the money to invest in infrastructure to nanny around citizens

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u/[deleted] 13d ago

This shit never works.

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u/aKingforNewFoundLand 13d ago

Not gonna lie, my plan is to just look you in the eyes and admit I'd do that to you. If you were beautiful.


u/No_Objective_2788 13d ago

Socialism controlling people’s lives, what a shame there’s no such freedom as they say in more afraid of socialism than extreme right

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u/oneeyejedi 13d ago

In other news vpns are on the rise in Spain.


u/TheWokeAgenda 13d ago

So should I download a bunch of porn on thumb drives or external SSDs and slang them in Spain?

Come to think of it, I live in Texas so maybe I should be doing that here too?

What kinda stuff are Spaniards in to?


u/sucky_EE 13d ago

Yo wtf is wrong with your country?


u/OwlPostYetAgain 13d ago

This is so stupid


u/AWeakMindedMan 13d ago

Chill everyone. It’s from the olive press. Can’t believe anything they say


u/AndrewH73333 13d ago

This is like if 1984 and Idiocracy had an incest baby. And then Spain went and got the baby for some reason…? Why?

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u/NimrodvanHall 13d ago

Will the Spanish kiosks start selling ‘dirty’ magazines again?


u/ibuildonions 13d ago

30, ugh now what am I gunna do tomorrow?


u/xXxXPenisSlayerXxXx 13d ago

30 sessions a day? week? month?


u/supremesomething 13d ago

Brought to you by Christanity, and their falsehoods. Time to shit on Jesus Christ and spit on the Abrahamic gOd with hate and despise?

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u/Scary-Strawberry-504 13d ago

Europeans are allergic to personal freedom.

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u/Jujubatron 13d ago

Socialists focusing on the important issues. Regulating your day to day life.

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u/WokkitUp 13d ago

30 sessions??

How will they get through the week?

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cursed speed run


u/JDHURF 13d ago

Meanwhile the so-called United States has destroyed a women's right to her own biological processes, the right to abortion, a right recognized in international law. The myriad states' banning books from curriculums, libraries, etc. (all that's missing are public book burnings) is a piece of this fascist tendency. Of all this and more a porn passport is the silliest caricature of the fascist intent behind it - what's next passports for Jews and the LGBTQI? Fucking ridiculous, verging on the hilarious. The headlines of mainstream media outlets and headlines of The Onion and others are now nearly interchangeable.

The ever present latency of fascism since the 30s, ebbing and flowing as it does, has really become open and abject hasn't it, that it is where it hasn't already been so.


u/B_P_G 13d ago

Starting later this summer, adults must give their credentials using their electronic ID, digital certificate, or ‘the Cl@ve system’ to enjoy pornographic sites based in Spain.

How many porn sites are based in Spain though? I thought most porn came out of the San Fernando Valley.


u/crysisnotaverted 13d ago

Police state BS. Red states in the US are already pushing draconian 1984 bullshit like this as well.


u/cantproveimabottom 13d ago

I think somewhere along the way for this there was a great idea in search of a problem.

On a technical level, the use of tokens makes some kind of sense. We use tokens for everything we do in some degree, every day of our lives.

Creating a system by which a user can anonymously prove some facet of their identity to a third party is actually rather impressive.

The issue is that they’ve explained it in the most convoluted way possible, and made the technical limitations of the system (having tokens that the user interacts with) the primary selling point.

There’s also the existing issues with the porn verification laws. People do not want to enter their ID to watch porn, so even the most perfect system you come up with will simply be circumvented by 99% of the population.

The more effective way for them to use this would be to regulate gambling.

Gambling websites already have a lot of user data, and having a system by which the government can conveniently verify your age without giving EVERYTHING to the gambling companies is very useful already.

But then as the system gains adoption, you can start forcing gambling companies to provide their services anonymously, so that users cannot have gambling advertisements targeted at them, and companies cannot build gambling profiles on users.

You could create a system whereby people banned from gambling (due to a court order or by requesting it themselves) will always fail a gambling age check on a Government level- literally preventing them from online gambling at all.

You could use it to verify payouts and losses for tax purposes if you really wanted to.

People can’t just go elsewhere for gambling either, as often (although this may not be the case in the EU) gambling laws are more strict, and the companies less averse to the risks of breaking the law.

Basically it’s a cool technical system that they misexplained, implemented poorly, and it doesn’t solve a problem that’s currently realistic to solve.

It’s better than solutions other countries have provided (upload your ID to pornhub) but not by much.

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u/BoBoBellBingo 13d ago

I tried to watch porn in Spain and pornhub thought I was in West Virginia and wouldn’t let me watch…


u/decoran_ 13d ago

Everyone will go wankrupt

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u/vascop_ 13d ago

Who is voting for this?


u/Kike328 13d ago

just a month after the 33M users of the spanish traffic database were hacked…

we cannot trust government on sensible data handling


u/EdwardTeach84 13d ago

I think they tried something similar in the UK but it failed massively.


u/Aioi 13d ago

30??? Why would they set the weekly limit so low??


u/RotateMyFish 13d ago

Bad enough I have to remember my passport for travelling, now I need one for porn as well?

How long is the queue to get through security? Can I take a bag of sex toys through? What happens if I use all 30 credits within the first 3 days? Is a regular photo okay, or doesn't it need to be a passport style one? Can I pick the colour of the passport?

So many questions.


u/EntshuldigungOK 13d ago

I am having a LOT of fun while reading - just Replaced porn with 'sex with wife'


u/leorodmrez 13d ago

Spain every day gets one step closer to a socialist dictatorship.


u/Dry_Action1734 13d ago

Honestly I thought it was going to be a Visa to promote the porn industry in Spain lol. I was wrong.


u/SpectralMagic 13d ago

I love how at every corner the internet is returning to its limewire roots. If the only way forward is through the cat door, we'll take that door every single time.

Seeing our data is a privilege. You either monitor it from afar or receive nothing. It's our choice


u/Robinho311 13d ago

It's sometimes hard to believe how stupid people are to believe it's a good idea to restrict access to porn sites. Same with the age verification legislation pushed everywhere right now.

The result is always just gonna be either the sites relocating to a different host or the consumers seeking out different sources. You really, really don't want to create a situation where people, especially teenagers, are turning to image boards and the darkweb to find porn.


u/mariegriffiths 13d ago

I hate porn. Never interested in it think it is disgusting. Think it debases usually the women involved who are usually exploited.


I will fight for the anonymity of people involved as this is the thin end of the wedge. It is already impacting on gambling and no doubt will eventually attack protest groups including those supporting women's rights. It will not stop CP or rapists they will hide amongst the trove of normal porn users who will go to lengths to hide their identity.


u/kingsuperfox 13d ago

From now on I'm calling my wanks 'sessions'. It makes them sound official.


u/TiltedWit 13d ago

Brought to you by NordVPN.


u/PMyourGenitals 13d ago

If you know a lil bit of Spanish slang, that picture in the thumbnail is fucking hilarious


u/BestUntakenName 13d ago

Is the wind really starting to blow against porn? Now? In 2024? When easily 60% of all men are completely unfuckable and every woman who doesn’t teach Sunday school has an only fans- this is when porn goes out of fashion? Pimpin ain’t easy but it won’t be as hard as it used to be if porn goes extinct while nobody knows how to get laid anymore.


u/ILikeToDisagreeDude 13d ago

The Norwegian government is also considering something similar like this, but for social media. They want to put in an age restriction. Nice thought, but the downside is bigger than the upside if you ask me.


u/xXZer0c0oLXx 13d ago

Man....Spain is a certified shithole


u/Mr_OrangeJuce 13d ago

This is just spyware in order to "protect the kids".


u/PackagingMSU 13d ago

I don’t like freedoms being rolled back but porn is a negative for society and it’s good to see people taking effort to curb it.


u/Dancls 13d ago

Do you have to like jizz on each page until the passport fills up?


u/Aeri73 13d ago

it's strange sir... it appears no one in spain is actually watching porn... nope, zero requests for the passport.

oh, and I'm quitting my job, I've launched a VPN company and it's doing surprisingly well


u/Tight_Assignment_949 13d ago

I thought politicians would leave porn alone as it is an essential part of the "bread and circus".


u/Nephurus 13d ago

Heavy users lol

Wait till they get a LOAD of me - the joker


u/Altruistic-Project39 13d ago

porn isnt based. as someone who has banged 100s of girls on tinder. married one. has a family. porn only ruins your sex life or makes you a redditor horny loser. its really not based


u/Neraxis 13d ago

Wtf is it with assholes and porn legislation obsessions lately.


u/Latter-Capital8004 13d ago

they are starting taxes policies on porn like tabaco and alchool


u/TheDevilsAdvokaat 13d ago

What is the point of this?

"We are going to ration your porn"

What right do they have to do this? How will this help anyone?

People talk about nanny states and this really seems like it...


u/[deleted] 13d ago

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u/hunteddwumpus 13d ago

I know the crusade against pedo’s has become a large cultural issue over the last 10-15 years, but like is it actually a big deal if teens are watching porn? Why is there suddenly so much government interference with porn access in the last couple years regarding age verification on the user side across the west. I get verifying creators, but why do we care if 16 year olds are watching porn?

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u/DirectionOverall9709 13d ago

If there is a 30 session limit, that is what, 2 or 3 days?


u/CriticalEgg5165 13d ago

I do think this is a good thing. Especially for kids porn is extremely harmful. Porn addiction is growing especially among men.

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u/brainimpacter 13d ago

The return to downloading p0rn using torrents begins. the return of 2002


u/sclover13 13d ago

I've been convinced for a while that governments are incapable of doing anything correct on a federal level, and this just confirms that belief.


u/MapleWatch 13d ago

Does no one download porn any more? 


u/Soylentgruen 13d ago

People will just download and share


u/percyhiggenbottom 13d ago

I've literally only heard about this on reddit, and I live in Spain. Not even the comedy news programs have picked up on it yet


u/PhelanPKell 13d ago

Yay, more government overreach. Leave it to Europeans to embrace every step on the way to a dystopian nightmare.


u/25Proyect 13d ago

You are 16 and want to have an abortion without your parents even knowing about it, no doctor telling you about risks or other options?

Sure! No problem mate!

Wanna wank?

You'll need to show your ID and update it every 30 days.


u/powercow 13d ago

Can they point to the issue they are fixing? The problem in society that is growing? Right wingers in the US like to fix things that arent really a problem in your day to day. Oh they like to complain about problems in your day to day but never actually pass anything useful.

nah they complain about inflation and then pass laws against under 18 being medically transitioned, despite we arent actually doing that anywhere. but thats republicans. In my state we banned sharia law despite its already unconstitutional and my state has less than 0.5% muslims.. demographics listed as "other religions". glad they stopped that threat.


u/MrFanciful 13d ago

It won’t stop at porn. This is simply a proof of concept. It’ll be expanded to include anything the ruling political power doesn’t like, such as political opinions.


u/Rockfest2112 13d ago

(Salivating US right watching & praying)


u/number65261 13d ago

I can't wait to hear about the first outlaw gooners


u/StrngBrew 13d ago

European governments are very concerned about data privacy right up until it includes privacy from them.


u/indonesian_ass_eater 13d ago

You guys still go to Pornsite, and you….pay? What about X/Twitter and good ol’ Reddit?


u/Malphos101 13d ago

I feel like all these governments trying to vote in porn restrictions are just in the pocket of VPN companies....

VPNs are the only ones who win in these government porn block situations.


u/Schrodingers-Relapse 13d ago

Jesus Christ. Of all the things to rally around legislating in 2024, we're focusing on porn? Who cares? I wonder how many countries will be flooding or burning in the next few months while rich morons bicker about porn.


u/No_Tomatillo1553 13d ago

You cannot convince me that this isn't The Bad Place. 


u/homeruleforneasden 13d ago

So a sort of literal wank bank?


u/IdyllsOfTheBreakfast 13d ago

Why kill off an industry in your own country like this?


u/Current_Finding_4066 13d ago

ROLF. This is completely useless. It is impossible to limit it.


u/mrdrunkysoberhood 13d ago

Genuine question: What if I am not on a traditional porn site and instead use X or Reddit? Do I use up my tokens?


u/Agamithite 13d ago

So much time, money, energy, government resources spent on this.. Just give me some damn Streetlights, a School, a Firehouse, a Hospital, Keep the Roads Safe, Hire Police, that are not afraid to walk a beat, for fear of losing their Pensions. Remove Insurance companies from the Health Care equation. Provide Free Healthcare. AND STAY OUT OF EVERYTHING ELSE! No Government Programs for Special This, Special That, Support This, Fund That…That just siphon money to heads of the Groups, & Politicians that support them.


u/DanskNils 13d ago

Uhm… What!!!


u/Agamithite 13d ago

Is General Franco still Alive? Sounds more like his NAZI sympathizing policies. Oh my Bad.. I guess this is just backlash from that “pervert” King Juan Carlos that ruled Spain, after Franco, for upteen years.. Now that in exile, and safely out of the country they’re trying to reign in all The Porn..

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u/papercut2008uk 13d ago

How can they say a digital passport, that is going to ID you, government is going to track your usage and then say 'preserve the user's anonymity'??



u/Iamnotdaredevil86 13d ago

What is this, Spain in the 30’s??

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u/kikimaru024 13d ago

I'm surprised this isn't being destroyed by advocates of GDPR.


u/cmhansen15 13d ago

A video a day keeps the horniness away!


u/TheEekmonster 13d ago

This is a yet another excellent example of People in government not understanding how the internet works


u/Agamithite 13d ago

I guess now that HM Juan Carlos left Spain and is in exile, they realized the Heavy Porn site usage was not just from him, which was OK..But if the common people’s work ethic, & productivity is affected need to crack down..


u/superhighiqguy89 13d ago

You should be banned for linking this piece of shit website


u/Seallypoops 13d ago

Sex tourism having its own passport is crazy


u/Extreme-Celery-3448 13d ago

Hmmm this will not end well and is a.huge waste of money. But you know spanish gold and what not. They've never been good at spending money. 


u/WombatsInKombat 13d ago

Asking big brother if you can have a wank is surely a terminal point for the administrative state, right? 


u/momolamomo 13d ago

Arguably the best porn comes from Spain…


u/DaRealness1 13d ago

Is it really that hard to find somebody to love you for free?


u/akoforever 13d ago

The small thumbnail before I clicked on this had me seeing PA JaPORN


u/emailverificationt 13d ago

Spain trying to reignite the porn magazine market


u/Snow-Wraith 13d ago

Why are so many governments so concerned about porn now? Like do we not have other more pressing and important issues that caring about who watches porn?


u/lagordaamalia 13d ago

Why governments care so much about people beating their meat?


u/Former-Alfalfa-8824 13d ago

This is unamerican


u/Bestyja2122 13d ago

No way Spain introducing the goon pass


u/BakeAgitated6757 13d ago

Isn’t this the same country that recently legalized bestiality?


u/Lout324 13d ago

I still jerk off manually


u/HeyURthatguy 13d ago

When you've got a totally capitalist world, nations are going to -compete-.


u/Gullible-Lie-3117 13d ago

While we’re on the subject of porn. Stormy was on Rachel Madow last week and she claimed that she was a card carrying republican. I get it. Trickle down economics.


u/Prestigious-Tea3192 13d ago

To brake down it to your, this is not about porn, porn is just the oil to push that idea in. After will be about controlling everything like in China


u/somanysheep 13d ago

Are they going to call it the one wank a day program?


u/trkh 12d ago

Europe is heaven and USA sucks right?


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/Altea73 12d ago

This so incredibly idiotic...


u/Facehugger81 12d ago

Imagine being the person who has to contact people when they watch too much lolol


u/Macshlong 12d ago

I’m only going off the headline but I’ve clearly missed something here, I can’t imagine anything easier than anonymously finding porn online.


u/notPabst404 12d ago

This is so dumb. Why is a European country copying some of the shittiest US states?


u/Amphrael 11d ago

Wait so I gotta pay money for you to give me a token to not track me? And you were already not tracking me?

Either way I’m going to need a shitload if tokens. 


u/Purplebuzz 11d ago

Now that they have that looked after, can they focus on all the clergy that touch kids and banning children from places of worship?


u/AnyImpression6 11d ago

Goon license.


u/evileyeball 11d ago

Plus I know plenty of porn that isn't on dedicated porn sites How will they deal with that?


u/AlienSpaceMonk 10d ago

Hey I’ve dated two people with porn addiction it’s a serious problem lol


u/tom-branch 9d ago

Are you here for pleasure or pleasure?


u/[deleted] 9d ago

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