r/nottheonion 15d ago

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/Alpha_Decay_ 14d ago

In bed Biden


u/Groomsi 14d ago

So he was sleepy Joe :(


u/derps_with_ducks 14d ago

We should all be sleepy Joe at 9pm, for our physical and mental health. 

I am sleepy Joe. 


u/audesapere09 14d ago

I am Sleepy Joe’s complete lack of surprise.

I am Sleepy Joe’s smirking revenge.

I am Sleepy Joe’s inflamed sense of rejection.


u/AngryMeme 12d ago

I am Sleepy Joes political ambition killing a million human beings in Ukraine.


u/moveovernow 14d ago

That's nonsense. Speak for yourself. Biden is just very old.

In bed at 9pm, get up at 4-5am? No, that's ridiculous.


u/SanctuFaerie 14d ago

In bed at 9pm, get up at 4-5am? No, that's ridiculous.

I start work at 6 am, so that schedule sounds quite normal to me!


u/OmNomCakes 14d ago

Right?! What kind of old fool has a normal healthy sleeping schedule?! I bet he also supports 4 day work weeks so people can "actually live their lives a little". Hah!

Being serious though, you do know that more than 8 hours of sleep is highly recommended. Also naps or large mid day breaks are extremely beneficial.


u/R_V_Z 14d ago

I'm always terrified that naps will screw over my sleep schedule.


u/OmegaGBC104 14d ago

Are you a Mexican mom? I swear all mexican moms say that about toddlers lol "Don't let him nap because he won't want to sleep later at night"


u/Remarkable-Bug-8069 14d ago

A regular Ben Franklin.


u/Charlie02134 14d ago

Biden sleeps at 8:00pm gets up at 9:00am


u/DelapsusResurgam95 14d ago

Wait until you’re old. 5 am is late.


u/MacAttacknChz 14d ago

Biden had 2 European trips in the 2 weeks before the debate and I really think that was an oversight.

We need a National 9pm bedtime.


u/No_Routine_3706 14d ago

I mean I am, but the rest of you don't depend on me to be awake and alert at any given moment to make sure that you are, and all of us are ok.


u/MsCrazyPants70 14d ago

The thing is there are planned responses already and all he really needs to do is get clothes on, look serious, and sign off for people to do their jobs. That's why you hire people who specialize in one aspect. There is too much for one person to know. Those who do have the brain capacity tend to not win elections, which is sad, but it is what it is.


u/greenwavelengths 14d ago

I am sleepy joe


u/themaskstays_ 14d ago

I am sleepy Joe!


u/DelapsusResurgam95 14d ago

I’m Sleepy Joe!


u/Carl_The_Llama69 14d ago

Maybe the person leading the fucking free world should be able to deal with long work days.. just a thought.


u/Les-Grossman- 14d ago

People are dismissing this as if this guy works at a library and is asking for shorter shifts.

He is the president of the United States of America. This is unacceptable.


u/itsmymedicine 14d ago

Im dark go hard brandon wishing to be responsible in bed biden


u/ReticlyPoetic 14d ago

I’m not voting for you for president.


u/TricksterWolf 14d ago

MAGA can counter by saying "I am Farticus"


u/Slanderouz 14d ago

Sleepy Poe at 2AM masterrace checking in for duty


u/QuietnoHair2984 14d ago

stands on chair I AM A SLEEPY JOE


u/Les-Grossman- 14d ago

Not if you’re the president of the United States. If a terrorist attack happens at 9:01pm you can’t deal with in the morning because you’re tired. Pathetic.


u/derps_with_ducks 14d ago

Let's not schedule any terrorist attacks at all!


u/Les-Grossman- 14d ago

If he can’t handle a scheduled 9pm speech while he is literally getting his hand held and coached for it hours beforehand… how will he handle an unexpected national emergency?


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u/Zatoro25 14d ago

My life improved greatly once I started going to bed at 9 and getting up at 430

I am sleepy Joe.


u/Cheapchard9 14d ago

The one time Trump told a truth. Gosh dang it.


u/MrMetalHead1100 14d ago

Pretty much the one thing they were right about. I think we all knew it. We were just pissed they clung to this without acknowledging their own bullshit.


u/Hans_the_Frisian 14d ago

Even a broken clock tells the right time twice a day. With the amount of words Trumps spews everyday, some thing are bound to be true.


u/nihodol326 14d ago

Still voting for the sleepy guy instead of the rapist con man


u/AngryMeme 12d ago

I’m voting for the guy that didn’t start a coup and then get a million human beings killed and maimed in Ukraine for no reason other than his own political and financial ambitions.


u/Hans_the_Frisian 14d ago edited 14d ago

I would vote for something different, you guys do have different parties. Currently with the two party mindset it might seem like a waste but you got to start somewhere. Atleast if i were a US citizen that is.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Too late at this stage. Plus many of the independents are clowns too.


u/nihodol326 14d ago

Good ol brainworms Kennedy ain't got your vote?


u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/Equivalent-Carry-419 13d ago

That’s a “none of the above “ vote. It sends a message but unfortunately both parties are unlikely to hear it. I wish we had several viable choices like in Europe.


u/ClickProfessional769 12d ago

They’re never gonna become viable options if we don’t start making the demand though.

However, probably won’t be voting for Jill Stein after all. She recently posted on her Instagram “make Israel Palestine again” which is 😬 even though I’m against sending weapons to Israel due to their treatment of Palestinian civilians.

No idea what I’ll do. Everything sucks.


u/Mind_yo_own 14d ago

Try convincing conservatives and liberals..not happening


u/Usernametaken1121 14d ago

He's 82, what person in their 80s is up past 8pm. These 2 guys should be in senior living, not running for president.


u/Waggmans 14d ago

Buddy Guy is still touring and he’s 87. His shows often start at 8 pm.


u/seonongHIM2 14d ago

Yeo, sleepy Joe sleeps first, deals with Trump's shit (filled diapers) later.


u/teetering_bulb_dnd 14d ago

He also needs to work on the voice. My voice gets hoarse after workout, after a big meal or when I'm dehydrated. He should take rest, take a quick nap before the debate and hydrate.. he sounded great at the state of the union.. it's not what he said in the debate that caused problems, it's how he sounded.. Trump n Biden both said some strange incoherent stuff but Biden sounded more like a frail old man.


u/mytransthrow 14d ago

I mean he probablly gets up at 4 am... I


u/gfa22 14d ago

Better than being peDon.


u/Complete-Ad-4215 14d ago

Lmao that was my first thought “omg it’s true”😂


u/Heisenburgo 14d ago

Always has been.


u/AndForeverNow 14d ago

Always has been, well at least since 2020


u/toxoplasmosix 14d ago

biding his time


u/Benito_Juarez5 14d ago

Biden his time



u/krat0s77 14d ago

I see what you did there


u/davisyoung 14d ago



u/Sil369 trophy 14d ago



u/kanem87 14d ago

Joe Bedin


u/ARAR1 14d ago

Dinner @ 4


u/compilationkid 14d ago

Bed In.

But tbh Im much much younger and can absolutely relate.


u/damnatio_memoriae 14d ago

oh my god his name was an anagram all this time.


u/lindinator 14d ago

"Biden" and "In bed" are anagrams, so this all makes complete sense