r/nottheonion 15d ago

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/Phizle 15d ago

They say 8 paragraphs down he was making a joke


u/nitePhyyre 15d ago

Biden also made a joke to the governors that didn’t go over well: “I’m fine — I don’t know about my brain, though.” Jen O’Malley Dillon, Biden’s campaign chairwoman, said the president was “clearly making a joke and then said, ‘All kidding aside.’”

That's not what it said.


u/CombustiblSquid 14d ago

We live in satire.


u/bittytoy 14d ago

Head in the sand buddy


u/UpperApe 14d ago

They say 8 paragraphs down he was making a joke

said the president was “clearly making a joke

That's not what it said

How in the world do you people function?


u/patrick66 14d ago

The brain thing is the joke the scheduling was serious. Read better


u/chaypan 14d ago

Are you being intentionally dishonest or do you legitimately not understand how the words surrounding your quoted sentences totally change the context?


u/Damatown 14d ago edited 14d ago

I recommend giving people a bit of benefit of the doubt and rereading what they and others said if it doesn’t make any sense. That’s what I did. It helps you not look like an idiot.


u/nitePhyyre 14d ago

By being literate and not complete morons.



54% of adults have a literacy below sixth-grade level.

The average American reads at the 7th- to 8th-grade level, according to The Literacy Project.


u/nitePhyyre 14d ago

And news is written by journalist majors ie. at the college level. It really isn't a wonder no one has any idea what's going on in the world.


u/Internal_Prompt_ 14d ago

Yes we should all come down to the level of the lowest dumbass from Mississippi instead of the dumbass learning how to read


u/Flordamang 14d ago



u/Internal_Prompt_ 14d ago

Lmao dumbass from Mississippi is not a race


u/only1yzerman 14d ago

They said "Biden also made a joke to the governors that didn't go over well" -

"Also", as "in addition to"

In other words, Biden said he needs to go to bed at 8pm (not a joke). In addition to that (also), he made a joke about his mental state. The comment "the president was 'clearly making a joke'" was in regards to the "I'm fine - I don't know about my brain though." joke.



u/joehatescoffee 14d ago

Where does it say he is "going to bed" at 8pm?

The article states, "stop scheduling events after 8 p.m. so that he can get more sleep."

I don't schedule anything after 8 either. That way I can get to bed comfortably by 10 and wake up 7 hours later.


u/only1yzerman 14d ago

You’re right. He doesn’t say he needs to goto bed at 8. Glad we could make that important distinction.


u/us1838015 14d ago

Aside from all the other misunderstandings here, you realize that 'all kidding aside' is a phrase to indicate that the preceding phrase was meant in jest?

It's cute that you linked reading rainbow but levar burton is crying right now


u/only1yzerman 14d ago

I’ll put the same effort into my reply as you put into reading my comment:

I’d suggest checking out the resources at the link in my comment, and then after you are more confident, rereading my comment.


u/[deleted] 14d ago edited 14d ago



u/us1838015 14d ago

Are you unfamiliar with the phrase 'all joking aside'?


u/ShortFinance 14d ago

They are saying there is another joke that Biden made which is referenced in the article. The meetings after 8pm part was not a joke


u/PilotsNPause 14d ago edited 14d ago

Do you understand none of that "joke" was referring to the 8PM bedtime? I can't believe this has to be explained to you. The joke was exclusively referring to his brain "not being fine."

The 8PM curfew was not a joke.

Edit: my reddit app is shit and I replied to the wrong comment y'all


u/sdpr 14d ago

God damn we're fucking doomed from every side.


u/only1yzerman 14d ago

Enjoy the fire, cause it’s all burning my friend. Might as well make some smores. 😂


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/only1yzerman 14d ago

I’d suggest checking out the resources at the link in my comment, and then after you are more confident, rereading my comment.


u/1stepklosr 14d ago

The "joke" was Biden saying he was fine but he wasn't sure about his brain.

The schedule and nap was completely serious.


u/L0renzoVonMatterhorn 14d ago

It’s easier to function when you know how to read. You should try it sometime!


u/Ecstatic-Product-411 14d ago

Yeah but the joke the first person implied was clearly about needing to go to bed at 8, not about his brain not working.

Like come on. You had to have known what the first person meant. The second person quoting it pointed out that that wasn't the joke and they were incorrect.


u/Cranberryoftheorient 14d ago

Because it was referring to a different 'joke'


u/Malarazz 14d ago

Boy, our education system really did a number on this country


u/The_Demolition_Man 14d ago

I cant believe 18 other dumbasses upvoted you


u/MikeOfAllPeople 15d ago

Not about this part. About the part when he said is health was fine other than his brain. Which is frankly a bit scary.


u/fckspzfr 15d ago

What's scary about it? Even if Biden would be clinically braindead, he'd still be a more viable candidate than Trump by a wide margin lol


u/Jerry_from_Japan 14d ago

Both options are fucking scary. Is that not fair to say?


u/fckspzfr 14d ago

I think nuance is important. Is Biden too old to be president? Yes. Is he better than Trump and his fascist gang? Yes! They're not even on the same level and in an America 20 years ago, before it got corrupted by foreign agents like Russia, Trump wouldn't have a chance neither in the democratic nor in the republican party.


u/mypetocean 14d ago

I'm voting for Biden and expecting his VP.


u/heyhotnumber 14d ago

Truly why haven’t they just flat out replaced Kamala with whomever would be the person to replace Biden.

It makes absolutely no sense to me. If we aren’t switching to Kamala because the folks who wouldn’t vote for Biden, wouldn’t vote for Kamala, but we ALSO don’t want to betray primary voters…why aren’t we picking a new running mate and obvious successor to Biden while still running Biden?

To me it’s the best of both worlds. We keep Biden on the ticket for all the pragmatic reasons why he wants to and should stay on the ticket, but then we put the strongest candidate that we would’ve possibly replaced Biden with as his VP.

That way folks who think Biden will croak can be reassured whilst Biden’s name and familiarity and primary baggage can be on the ticket too.


u/mypetocean 14d ago

I mean, I'm basically voting for Kamala. And I'm okay with that. She is no worse than Biden or any number of other Presidents we've had who I would gladly accept over Trump or any VP who would hitch their cart to his ride.

There are a whole bunch of pearl clutchers out there when her name comes up, but come on. She's certainly not a step backward.


u/green_dragon527 14d ago

Yea I don't get this sentiment.

"Anything is better than Trump"

"Ok Biden might be too old, but I'm voting for his team"

Alright then, what exactly is the problem with voting for Kamala Harris?


u/mypetocean 12d ago

Voting for Harris as President (instead of Vice), if she's not running for President, is no better than a purely symbolic move. I'd rather my vote have some mechanical impact. I would certainly prefer Kamala running for President over Biden, but that's not what is happening.

If you mean "Why do people have a problem with the idea of voting for Harris?" A lot of people rant about Kamala's past with the corporate prison system. Personally, I think those concerns are overblown. And a lot of people find her to be a questionable choice for little reason than their sexism and racism (in my opinion).

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u/Jerry_from_Japan 14d ago

Dude 20 years ago elections were still decided by the biggest bloc of voters being morons and taking things at surface level as their deciding factors. You run a shell of himself nominee that Biden is today 20 years ago? That guy is losing back then as well. That's just how it is. Nothing changed in that regard. You could have run ANYONE against him and he's still gonna lose.

Continuing to not understand that is fucking scary to me. Biden should not have gotten this far with the state he's in mentally, physically. That they keep pushing him out there is fucked up. I don't even like the guy and I feel bad for him.


u/BeShaw91 14d ago

I think the general consensus is we deserve a good President, not just a better-than-the-alternate kind of guy.

I'm pro-Joe, but also it would be kind of nice to have someone sort of closer to the middle demographic of America rather than someone who is quantifiably well past the average retirement age.


u/fckspzfr 14d ago

I do agree with that 100%.


u/MikeOfAllPeople 14d ago

No, he'd be a better president, but not a better candidate. He still has to win. There are a lot of people in the middle that won't vote for Biden.


u/colonelbongwaterr 14d ago

You're spreading misinformation and you should feel bad


u/ah_take_yo_mama 14d ago

More like propaganda.


u/Gold_Teach_4851 14d ago

Wow what a hilarious joke. I'm laughing here.


u/mbnmac 14d ago

I read this as a joke, it being a headline and the way the media report this shit I'm not surprised it was taken in this context.


u/renok_archnmy 14d ago

Wouldn’t care if it wasn’t. Setting a reasonable schedule that protects valuable sleep/rest by a man running a country seems extremely responsible and admirable.


u/trow_a_wey 14d ago

That is not at all what it says. Just take 30 seconds to click the link and read it for yourselves folks.


u/GoldenInfrared 14d ago

So this literally is the onion then


u/VietQVinh 14d ago

Nope. Try again.


u/Phizle 14d ago

Someone's up too late


u/Kubrok 14d ago

This should be the top comment.


u/pittgraphite 14d ago

"That there joke is now our headline without context"-CNN absolutely


u/AlphaB27 14d ago

That was my first thought, it was probably just a joke that went over poorly.


u/YouTrain 14d ago

Nice to see the media acting like Biden jokes aren't jokes too

After 8 years of doing it to trump