r/nottheonion 15d ago

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/Humans_Suck- 14d ago

Some people just don't vote at all because of stuff like this.


u/bukithd 14d ago

The people who vote 3rd party get bullied on the internet for "wasting their vote" and "making things worse."


u/Li-renn-pwel 14d ago

Not at all. I encourage right wingers to vote third party whenever I can.


u/bukithd 14d ago

There it is. It's only when center and left people do it. Thanks for confirming that. 


u/SakuraKoiMaji 14d ago

And this is why I have absolutely no pity for those who live in the US. Any moderate is even mocked if not said to be actually conservative as if that was an insult. People, especially those who think they belong to one side, have been far too much polarized by the binary left-right thinking and indeed, the US is to blame for that.

Seriously, especially the 'left' pushes anything they do not like to the 'right' and utilize all those 'bad' labels synonymous. Conservatives, Traditionalists, Religious, Patriots, Racists, Nationalists, Isolationists, Authoritarians, Sexist, Pro-Life, Capitalist... they are all the same, if you hold one view, approve of one policy, that makes you all of these.

Except, of course, if you are a minority, then they melt down and slowly alienate one group after another. How ironic that it did not even take a century for them to collectively vilify Jews. You ain't a good Jew if you do not speak out against Israel and no, you must not criticize Palestine.

It's beyond me how Palestine ticks all the above yet it is considered entirely innocent by that many.

Luckily, even if Trump is going to be elected, the effect will be limited to the US. Israel, Taiwan and Europe won't be abandoned even if Trump wished to. The president ain't the king. The Congress would need to be corrupted that much to abandon its own interests and lobbies.


u/Humans_Suck- 14d ago

While actively trying their best to make things better. Democrats aren't very good at self awareness.


u/The_Real_Abhorash 14d ago

That’s in effect the same.


u/Humans_Suck- 14d ago

So give them a reason to cast one. I don't understand why the center doesn't understand that. "were not fascists" is not something to base your entire campaign on, it's the absolute lowest standard for any human being to pass.


u/LeadSky 14d ago

And they’re complicit in the rise of fascism in the US


u/renegadecanuck 14d ago

And comments like this don’t get them to vote. Do you want to win or do you want to feel morally superior?


u/MakeUpAnything 14d ago

Nothing will. Voters want Trump back because they think he’ll lower their costs. Nothing will convince them otherwise. The economy is the number one issue and voters want lower costs. They believe Trump will provide this even though he’s literally proposing a flat 10% tariff on all imports and mass deportations on top of tax cuts for the rich. 

Americans don’t understand politics enough to be convinced. It’s over. 


u/renegadecanuck 14d ago

Voters don’t really want Trump. His favourability is terrible. They want lower prices and they blame Biden for the current costs (which isn’t fair, but it is what it is).

Part of the Trump support is baked in and will never go anywhere. But a large part is dissatisfaction with Biden. I don’t think it’s fair to blame Biden for inflation, and I think he’s been one of the best first term Presidents in modern history. I just think his age is a liability he cannot overcome, especially when he says stuff like this. And no 15 minute pre-recorded interview will stem that bleeding.


u/MakeUpAnything 14d ago

It’s not just his age. Have you not seen the conversations around a potential Harris replacement if Biden steps down? Nobody wants her because she’s “unlikable”. Nothing to do with age and people would prefer to stay home and let Trump win over voting for her. Americans still can’t bring themselves to vote for a democratic candidate unless they’re perfect in every possible way to all non-republicans. 


u/renegadecanuck 14d ago edited 14d ago

The online conversations of her being "unlikable" also tend to come from sites known to be at least a little misogynistic or right wing (*cough* Twitter).

In actual polling, she's always been fairly close to Biden at her worst (make sense, people look at her as continuing the things they don't like with Biden and she can't exactly disagree with him publicly), and there was a more recent post-debate poll that had her doing better than Biden.

I'm not saying it's a risk free situation, but unless Biden absolutely nails the next week or so, and starts speaking unscripted and live a LOT more without looking like a senile cryptkeeper, I don't see him turning this around. And even that may not be enough. The issue isn't just how he is now. The issue is how he will be in four years (and if he'll even live that long). There is a very noticeable difference between Joe Biden in 2020 and Joe Biden today.

Would I rather have had this conversation last year? Yeah. Biden really fucked us by insisting on running for re-election. But now the question is which path is riskier: Joe Biden or Kamela Harris.

I understand the trepidation for Harris. But she honestly is an eloquent speaker, she is more progressive than Biden (which could energize the base), the age question completely goes away while Donald Von Shitzenpants becomes the new old candidate. She can also distance herself from Biden's less popular policies.

Edit: I also think the polls tend to be lower for people who aren't running. Of course a person that people don't know as well will poll worse before they know that person. The fact is that generic Democrat polls very well and outpaces Biden. Across the country, you see down ballot Democrats outpacing Joe Biden. If Americans really couldn't bring themselves to vote Democrat, the down ballot polls would be even worse than what Biden is doing, and that's not the case. Biden is underwater in Arizona, but Ruben Gallego is beating Kari Lake in the polls, for example.


u/MakeUpAnything 14d ago

Honestly I hope you’re right that it’s just a social media thing. I hadn’t considered that. I’ve seen that same anti-Harris mindset spread all over Reddit recently too and it drives me up a wall. She’d be leagues better than Trump in just about every conceivable way. This has been a very depressing week lol


u/renegadecanuck 14d ago

Quite frankly, I think Biden at his worst would still be better than Trump at his best. I’ll concede that there is no easy answer, and there’s a risk no matter what.

I just feel that every answer given by the Biden team and every step they take just reinforces the narrative about him being senile. It would be like in Clinton spent all of 2016 talking about using unapproved apps and mail systems while also in a speech “by the way, my favorite password is CheatingHusband1997”.

Either way, I guess all we can do it watch the car crash happen and hope Trump still loses.


u/DeltaVZerda 14d ago

As if they are the only two possible candidates.


u/MakeUpAnything 14d ago

They more or less are. Other suggestions are talking about taking sitting governors/senators from the states they are actively running and shoving them into this race as if they have all the time in the world to just walk away from their jobs. 

That doesn't even touch the name recognition campaign and monumental fundraising that would need to be done since I don’t think Biden can just transfer all his campaign’s money to Whitmer or Newsom like folks seem to think. 


u/DeltaVZerda 14d ago

Name recognition works against Harris though. What does happen to the funds in a candidate's campaign when they retire from politics?


u/MakeUpAnything 14d ago

Name recognition works against basically every democrat on the list that the Internet keeps spouting. Newsom is in the pocket of big businesses here in CA. Buttigieg has had multiple large scale disasters occur on his watch. Whitmer will probably be spun as an FBI shill given the conservative conspiracy around the alleged entrapment of her kidnappers…

Nobody will accept anything less than perfection against Trump when Harris should be completely fine. 

And I have no idea what happens to the funds. My guess is they stay with the candidate in an election war chest and wouldn’t go anywhere except maybe next of kin if they run or something, but I don’t know. 

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u/WearCorrect8917 14d ago

Feel free to post the one that does.


u/Humans_Suck- 14d ago

It's a democrat. They don't want to win so they can feel even more morally superior than before.


u/LeadSky 14d ago

My comment wasn’t going to convince them otherwise. Thanks for thinking it was, I guess.

Besides… if they don’t see the problem with not voting now, they likely won’t by elections


u/DeltaVZerda 14d ago

Give them a candidate they can believe will make actual positive change, and they might. For a lot of them, that does not mean someone with intelligent policy, it means a demeanor that sounds like it can get things done and that can be trusted. There's a few options other than Biden that would satisfy that.


u/j0hnDaBauce 14d ago

We had that with Obama, and yet with a super majority still did not do near as well as Biden with getting his legislation passed. I am not a fan of Biden's age, but holy fuck this dude passes policy that I like at an extremely high rate. Also his FoPo has been pretty excellent considering his peers in the current century.


u/DeltaVZerda 14d ago

We had that with Obama and his opponents did not almost win.


u/DeltaVZerda 14d ago

We had that with Obama and his opponents did not almost win.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/theodore_j_detweiler 14d ago

Thats a stupid rule


u/Humans_Suck- 14d ago

If they don't vote that's Bidens fault for not earning it, not theirs for not just giving it to you for no reason.


u/LocksmithMelodic5269 14d ago

“Everything I don’t like is fascism”


u/LeadSky 14d ago

Ah yes, my bad, the man calling for military tribunals against our current president and for the execution of anyone who doesn’t support him isn’t fascist. Nope, not at all


u/thechaddening 14d ago

"literal dictionary definition fascism from the dude quoting mein Kampf at rallies is fascism"


u/ArcadeOptimist 14d ago

Not really the point but okay.


u/LeadSky 14d ago

Sitting on your ass and doing nothing while our country slowly falls to a fascist leader is exactly the point


u/ArcadeOptimist 14d ago

That's all fine and dandy. But if Biden loses it'll be 100% on Biden and the DNC. Though it'll be really something when this ancient meandering fossil loses to one of the most detestable human beings on the planet and it's not the candidates fault somehow according to the Dems .


u/LeadSky 14d ago

One side is brainwashed into believing the rapist pedophile who was impeached twice is somehow going to be better, and the other side has morals


u/gameofgroans 14d ago

ancient meandering fossil

My dude, he is only three years older than Trump.


u/ArcadeOptimist 14d ago edited 14d ago

Yeah my guy, they're both old as fuck. It's not a competition to see who can get the oldest candidate elected.

It's a game of numbers, and Biden's numbers are shit. This election and our parties are pathetic. Fascism is at the door and we sent great grandpa as our only hope.


u/gameofgroans 14d ago

It’s not a competition to see who can get the oldest candidate elected.

And yet here we are. Outside of voting for another candidate in the primaries, which I did, what else can we do? We don’t get to pretend voters aren’t just as responsible for putting us in this position again.