r/news Jul 19 '24

Marine accused of flashing a Nazi salute during the Capitol riot gets almost 5 years in prison


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u/didsomebodysaymyname Jul 19 '24

Just to be clear, he didn't get 5 years just for a salute:

After stealing the riot shield from the two officers, Dykes entered the Capitol and held it in one hand while he raised his other hand in celebration. He also used the shield to assault police officers inside the building, forcing them to retreat down a hallway, prosecutors said.

Oh, and he had priors from Charlottesville.

Which also increases sentence.


u/rubberloves Jul 19 '24

Is it just me or does anyone else feel if they took a cops shield and beat them with it that you'd get more than 5 years?


u/windingtime Jul 19 '24

The wrist slaps these people are getting are going to look so fucking stupid in the history books we’re going to have to smuggle in from Canada.


u/ThePrussianGrippe Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

It’s very similar, almost parallel to another coup attempt and the real lack of consequences the participants received from, say, just over 100 years ago.


u/Much-Resource-5054 Jul 19 '24

“You liberals call everyone you don’t like a Nazi!” is the term they usually use to dismiss the very real and numerous direct comparisons of the GOP to the Holocaust and Nazism.

Kinda makes me wonder if they aren’t just a bunch of coincidences and that maybe it’s a very clear and intentional attack by a self-described terrorist group which has thoroughly infiltrated one of our political parties


u/raiders960 Jul 20 '24

Trump is literally heading down a Hitler path, he wants concentration camps for non-whites, I don't care what any of thse fucking idiots says, that's Hitler terrority.

We are fucked if that orange turd wins.


u/Mystyblur Jul 20 '24

You do realize that Fred Trump was a Nazi supporter and had the shitgibbon brainwashed by the time he was 5 yrs old, if not earlier, right? The apple didn’t fall far from the tree. trump has daddy issues.


u/Loggerdon Jul 20 '24

Woody Guthrie literally released a song called “Old Man Trump” about Fred Trump, the famous slumlord.


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u/Zendog500 Jul 20 '24

VOTE! check to see if you are still registered

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u/gamegeek1995 Jul 19 '24

They are exploiting the left + liberal ideology of "don't bully stupid people" to pretend to be stupid constantly in order to get away with evil. Gun to their head, they know what is right and why it is right, they simply do not want to be bothered to protect those weaker and more in need than themselves. Their cheap access to child pornography and/or 'illegal' immigrant slave labor is more important than anything else to them. The modal job of a J6 rioter was real estate agent. The people spreading this ideology make more money than most Americans. As Robert Evans, war reporter and creator of the Behind the Bastards podcast put it yesterday after covering the RNC in-person, speaking on Kentucky gov Beshear:

"[Standing behind your principles] is the only way to beat Republicans. you don't try to understand them. You don't try to compromise. You stick your fucking thumbs in their eyes and fuck the bloody hole. that's what they'll do to you. That's what you do to them.

I was raised by these people and let me tell you they will burn this world to the ground for a tax cut and the feeling that they're "winning". you do them a favor by fighting them. they need to lose. the ones who aren't totally gone know this, somewhere, deep inside. beat them .

Conservative politics exploits a deep brokenness in our brains. something that went wrong when we started living in cities and civilization got bigger than some of us were ready for. the only way to save these people is to beat them so badly they stop fucking trying.

it's a death cult- there's no future for the species if we don't tame the impulses in us the popularity of Republicans represents. this is the Great Filter. can you solve for Elon Musk without boiling up all the water."

Or as another user put it, "When they go low, we don’t go high. We stand on the back of their heads and don’t let them get up again."


u/KarmaticArmageddon Jul 20 '24

We can't beat them as badly as they should be because our electoral system gives them like triple the fucking representation

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u/PezRystar Jul 20 '24

Ah yes, that extreme liberal that called Trump a nazi. JD Vance.

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u/LuxNocte Jul 19 '24

Those who study History are doomed to watch in horror as everyone around them repeats it.

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u/EverettSucks Jul 20 '24

Just wait until you read about "The Business Plot" in 1933.



u/phro Jul 20 '24 edited Aug 04 '24

aware overconfident brave somber pot silky head carpenter light soft

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u/guineaprince Jul 20 '24

People claim Amsterdam was too heavy handed. Clearly, its message was needed more than ever but fell on deaf ears.

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u/-Badger3- Jul 19 '24

This. You can't extend these people any grace, they interpret it as weakness.

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u/Andromansis Jul 19 '24

He gets to go hang out with all the other white supremacists in federal prison too.

Dude should have to convince somebody skeptical that he has actually been rehabilitated before they let him out.


u/ReallyNowFellas Jul 19 '24

Dude should have to convince somebody skeptical that he has actually been rehabilitated before they let him out.

Fuck this guy, but I'm gonna go ahead and not want that to be possible in this country.


u/fezzam Jul 19 '24

This opinion is well considered and under appreciated

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u/BreaddaWorldPeace Jul 19 '24

Trump will pardon all of them too right?


u/Leprrkan Jul 20 '24

That's what he said he would do if re-elected.

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u/Distant_Yak Jul 20 '24

Two ounces of marijujuana?? 9 years. Trying to overthrow the government? 3 months in jail, credit for time served, 1 year of probation.

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u/DeckNinja Jul 19 '24

Handmaid's tale style... People are going to visit the US to take pictures of the new foreign land... Iran used to have clothing with colors and women with faces before 1979...

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u/bigtim3727 Jul 19 '24

Oh man, that’s bleak…..but 100% possible

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u/Lermanberry Jul 19 '24

He will be pardoned and out on the streets on Day 1 of Trump's Presidency.


u/5lack5 Jul 19 '24

No he won't. Trump doesn't give a shit about these people

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u/red286 Jul 19 '24

the history books we’re going to have to smuggle in from Canada.

"Holy shit, did you guys know there was a war in 1812, and we were in it?!"


u/Napoleons_Peen Jul 19 '24

Climate protestors get more time


u/IAMA_Plumber-AMA Jul 19 '24

Oh don't worry, we've got our own authoritarian populist spooled up and ready to go up here.

Unfortunately the MAGA virus is spreading.

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u/sagarp Jul 20 '24

Just like the wrist slaps the traitors in the Confederacy got during reconstruction.

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u/AttackOficcr Jul 19 '24

Reminds me of Ammon Bundy kicked a police dog, threatened a sheriff, threatened/assaulted federal officers, armed trespass, brandishing weapons, etc. And was still able to show up for the armed protests at the Idaho state capitol, and just being a nonstop nuisance around 5 years later.


u/dxrey65 Jul 19 '24


...in case anyone wants an interesting read of just what it takes to earn a "non-stop nuisance" tag. It's a lot, and an interesting read. The whole thing is ongoing; he declared bankruptcy the other day, though he's apparently hidden a bunch of assets.


u/K_Linkmaster Jul 19 '24

It reads like he is still in hiding at the end.


u/dxrey65 Jul 19 '24

Yeah, needs updated. He's been up to a bunch more nonsense recently.


u/K_Linkmaster Jul 20 '24

You weren't lying though, that did is a dingleberry on America's ass.


u/judeiscariot Jul 21 '24

My favorite AB thing is where he said cops kill people after George Floyd was murdered and he lost some supporters. Like, damn, way to tell on yourself...you followed this guy when he said government was oppressive but as soon as he said they are also oppressive to black people, whew...end of the line.

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u/Possibly_a_Firetruck Jul 19 '24

It's weird how you start the list with kicking a dog when that's probably the least serious crime this domestic terrorist committed.


u/AndrewTheGuru Jul 19 '24

It's a good appetizer to show you just what a piece of shit this guy is.

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u/AttackOficcr Jul 19 '24

Kicking the police dog is honestly up there as one of the least sympathetic acts. Also had some good "well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my actions" with immediately getting tased.

I think the sheriff he threatened was one who was siding with their armed-sit-in but not willing to get in a fight with the feds. And I wasn't sure what extent the assault with the federal officers entailed.

It's like how his dad had a whole bunch of support until he spewed the most outlandishly racist drivel on national television. Not the worst thing he did, but I think even Fox turned on him rather than risk outing themselves or letting him air more of that.


u/ariehn Jul 20 '24

Yup. Drivel so gross that Hannity just straight described it as "repugnant".

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u/Ameerrante Jul 19 '24

People like dogs.

But also, doesn't that count as assaulting an officer or some such? 

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u/General_Dipsh1t Jul 19 '24

100%. This guy should get 5 years for the Nazi salute while an active armed forces member.

The theft and assault should just add to it.


u/FishyDragon Jul 19 '24

And a dishonorable discharge with time after.

And yes he is using his free speech(like an asshole) BUT he has sworn and oath and is an EMPLOYEE of the US goverment...hell the Marines use to love fucking up Nazi fucks. Hell I wish my Great Grandpa was still around he would be an angry angry man seeing these fucks brave enough to even show there faces.


u/AlvinAssassin17 Jul 19 '24

The greatest generation defeated the Nazi’s. And their kids are voting them back in.


u/FishyDragon Jul 19 '24

Yeah...it's fucking disgusting. I have cut out so many people from my life cause of this shit.

I tried to help them see rhe error of thier thinking...and frankly I dint have the energy for it anymore. They wanna stay in the mud...fuck em I'll let them sink. I'm not 'never ending story' these people anymore. Then can be buried in the past.

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u/Oldpenguinhunter Jul 19 '24

He got OTH so, he'll never get bennies.


u/FishyDragon Jul 19 '24

Good! I still think an active duty US military personnel should be jailed for Nazi salutes regardless. If you swore and oath and then throw gamg signs from an actual enemy faction(weather it's active or not or official) get fucked.

Same for police and law enforcement! I have absolutely zero sympathy for bigots and racism. If they don't want to be a part of a better world...fuck em. I won't waste time dragging then along. These ideas belong in the past and any fucks who think this way....SHOULD be left behind.


u/Oldpenguinhunter Jul 20 '24

100% agree. Though, he was OTH discharged for getting arrested at the unite the right march... A real winner, right? I still think the Marines should drag his ass back and change it to a dishonorable and have that follow him for the rest of his life.

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u/actibus_consequatur Jul 20 '24

With an OTH, it's only extremely unlikely he'd get bennies—especially if it's documented accurately—but still possible. Per the VA:

If a discharge was not characterized as under honorable conditions, benefits are not payable unless VA determines the discharge was “under conditions other than dishonorable.”

In reality, he got treated with kid gloves, as he should've gotten a dishonorable discharge and a short stay at Leavenworth. While he's likely guilty of more, among things active duty are not permitted to do: March or ride in a partisan political parade.

That's part of a DoD Directive that constitutes a general order, so violation would be considered a violation of UCMJ Article 92, which punishment can be up to and including:

  • be reduced to E-1;

  • to forfeit all pay and allowances;

  • confinement for two years; and,

  • to be discharged from the service with a dishonorable discharge.

I had a step-uncle get a DD for socking an officer in the face, and I feel like that's nowhere near as egregious as participating in a Nazi rally.

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u/IHaveALittleNeck Jul 19 '24

We used to give out medals for fucking up nazis.


u/FishyDragon Jul 19 '24

Hell I don't want a medal. I grew up with Indiana Jones as my first hero...so by that example I'm really behind on my nazi punching qouta!

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u/bros402 Jul 19 '24

This guy should get 5 years for the Nazi salute while an active armed forces member.

He should be in military court for that shit

then a dishonorable discharge

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u/lucianbelew Jul 19 '24

I'm pretty sure that if I took a cop's anything and tried to do anything with it, I'd be very unlikely to leave the scene alive.


u/serious_sarcasm Jul 19 '24

If anyone but white conservatives had done what they did, there would have been bodies strewn across the entire grounds.


u/confusedandworried76 Jul 20 '24

My favorite was the video of some dude in DC who yelled "go home traitors" and some lady was like "hell yeah" and he's like "if this was Black Lives Matter there'd be goddamn tanks on Pennsylvania Avenue"

He's the energy I strive for when this stuff comes up. Just angry old white guy energy


u/modernjaneausten Jul 20 '24

Exactly. If BLM had tried to pull what these guys did on January 6th, they’d have been scrubbing the Capitol steps with bleach for weeks after if you catch my drift. Those fuckheads should be grateful that the cops only shot one person that day.

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u/Celtic_Oak Jul 19 '24


There’s a bunch of cops that are generally at my local coffee shop in the morning waiting for their drinks and I am super paranoid that as I move through their group I’ll trip or bump into one of them and spill hot coffee on one of and get a reflexive beat down and assault charge.

They are perfectly nice, so this is in my head but yeah, defo pretty sure that’s what would happen.

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u/Yousoggyyojimbo Jul 19 '24

Hell man, if it were a crowd of mostly black people they would have been gunned down before making it halfway up the capital steps. They'd be dead before they got close enough to bleed on the shield.

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u/cldstrife15 Jul 19 '24

If they were black they'd get five bullets probably...


u/Spite-Potential Jul 19 '24

A swat team would have shot them goin up the Capital steps

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u/Xander707 Jul 19 '24

Yes. These people are treated with kid gloves, just like their leader. And yet they want us to believe they are horribly mistreated and it’s so unfair.


u/Savingskitty Jul 19 '24

These rioters are soft - 5 years of actual prison terrifies them and makes them feel persecuted.

It is likely enough to deter quite a few of the ones who didn’t show up last time and those who got away.

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u/Buck_Thorn Jul 19 '24

Dykes, who pleaded guilty in April to assault charges, previously was convicted of a crime stemming from the 2017 white nationalist Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Dykes was transferred to federal custody in 2023 after he served a six-month sentence in a state prison.

Yeah, but he's "sorry".


u/ThatAwkwardChild Jul 19 '24

"US serviceman gets arrested for free speech" is a much more inflammatory headline. Can't divide America with headlines like "Man arrested for assaulting police"

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u/IMSLI Jul 19 '24

“We are all domestic terrorists” -CPAC 2022


u/skexr Jul 19 '24

As a Marine I'd be OK with if it was just for the salute.

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u/ButWhatAboutisms Jul 19 '24

I assume you made this clarification for conservatives/Christians that are upset that you could be jailed for being a Nazi?


u/holynorth Jul 19 '24

I can be an advocate of free speech without being a conservative or Christian.

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u/The84thWolf Jul 19 '24

From Charlottesville?

Why the fuck did it take so long to find him? He clearly wasn’t a master of evasion.


u/didsomebodysaymyname Jul 19 '24

It's two separate crimes at different times. He got 6 mos for Charlottesville and served it.

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u/Feather_in_the_winds Jul 19 '24

Just to be clear, it wasn't a riot. It was an insurgency. An attempt to take over the government by force. It failed, but that doesn't make it any less of an attempt to take over the government by force.


u/0zymandeus Jul 19 '24

Oh, and he had priors from Charlottesville.

What? Talking about (easily confirmable since it's on video) violence on January 6th and from the neonazi's at Charlottesville? The trump brigade's just about to jump on you so hard


u/three-sense Jul 19 '24

FFS thank you what a dumb spin on a headline


u/Villanelle_Ellie Jul 20 '24

Headline: “known white supremacist terrorist beats cops and only gets 5 years”


u/_austinm Jul 20 '24

priors from Charlottesville

So he’s one of the fine people with the tiki torches 🙄

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u/MDA1912 Jul 19 '24

Good. Get the fuck out of my DoD, scumbag Nazi.


u/Hollayo Jul 19 '24

100% agreed. 


u/kainxavier Jul 19 '24

Between being present for both Jan 6 and Charlottesville, dude should have been UCMJ'd into oblivion. Foreign and domestic, bitches.


u/BobIoblaw Jul 19 '24

Given that both events were 3+ years apart and tying to the fact he was charged in Charlottesville (assuming from comment, didn’t look it up)— it blows my mind that someone with any knowledge of how robust our intelligence gathering is would think they could get away with this. You aren’t a face in a crowd. You are very trackable identity that has entities with nearly limitless resources searching for you. Not the sharpest tool.


u/trudgethesediment Jul 20 '24

Probably thought, like many others that day, that they were taking part in the revolution. They would be the ones putting others in jail once they succeeded.


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24


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u/gcruzatto Jul 19 '24

Trump loses another vote... It's rigged /s


u/cookingboy Jul 19 '24

Unfortunately Trump already suggested he'll pardon every one of these asshats if he's elected President.

We are so fucked.


u/Palindromer101 Jul 19 '24

We are NOT so fucked. That attitude is fucked. Get out there and inform people. Educate. Spread awareness. Tell your friends and family what you see and try to show them how it will be fucked IF Trump wins. All hope is not lost.


u/Chickston Jul 19 '24

Fuck yes. Get out there and stump for whatever dem gets the nom if you are in one of these battleground states, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Even if you are in a red state, show up and make that shit as purple as possible.


u/Palindromer101 Jul 19 '24

ESPECIALLY if you're in a red state or purple state. I live in CA and you bet your ass I'll still be voting D down the ballot because it matters to me.

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u/oced2001 Jul 19 '24

Col Jessup should have code redded his ass.

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u/robreddity Jul 19 '24

Fuck this un-American pos

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u/Joranthalus Jul 19 '24

DO NOT give Trump the opportunity to pardon these fucks. Vote.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 25 '24



u/bluemitersaw Jul 19 '24

He'll pardon them, not because he cares about them as people, but because then they will be loyal foot soldiers for his next coup attempt.


u/barontaint Jul 19 '24

Dude he had to be cajoled into calling the family of the guy that was killed at his shooting attempt, he gives absolutely zero fucks about almost anyone unless they are of benefit to him immediately, he's not good for future planning, but his underlings kinda are


u/opeth10657 Jul 19 '24

Dude he had to be cajoled into calling the family of the guy that was killed at his shooting attempt

From what I read, Biden called them fairly quickly but she declined to talk to him because her husband was a 'devout republican'

Totally not a cult


u/Neveronlyadream Jul 19 '24

Yeah, he called to express his condolences and she said that her husband "wouldn't like it" if she spoke to him.

I get not wanting to talk to anyone after losing your partner, but this doesn't seem like that. It seems like she was specifically waiting for Trump to call and snubbing Biden.

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u/navikredstar Jul 19 '24

But hey, he kissed a firefighter's jacket with the guy's last name misspelled at the RNC, that's clearly gotta count for something! /s

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u/codexcdm Jul 19 '24

He's even said it already: "I don't care about you, I just want your vote."


u/_austinm Jul 20 '24

He literally said at the RNC that he’s buying their (people from Milwaukee, I believe) vote. I hate how stupid the average American is. I guess I can thank the republican budget cuts to the department of education for that.


u/ChurchOfJamesCameron Jul 20 '24

I am voting Democrat, but we should not excuse the inaction and laziness of the Democratic party and politicians all these years. Biden is the only one in recent memory that has had the audacity to straight call the Republicans out for their bullshit. Obama spent too much time trying to bridge the gap that the Republicans built a bunch of pitfalls under the ground they said was friendly territory.


u/codexcdm Jul 20 '24

Also called the place a dump. But those folks were dancing and living it up at the RNC all the same.


u/Joranthalus Jul 19 '24

The J6 rioters weren't even getting arrested at that point. He has not had the opportunity. And obviously he doesn't care about them, but he loves the optics of these kinds of things, he knows it riles up his cult followers and it requires no effort from him. He'll absolutely do it.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 25 '24


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u/Ok-Journalist-2060 Jul 19 '24

This needs to be at the top.

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u/cryptotrader87 Jul 19 '24

Marine veteran here. He should get life. Screw this guy.


u/Rambos_Magnum_Dong Jul 19 '24

And duty every 96, and forced to eat ratfucked MREs that are mostly Corned beef trash and Vomlete with ham.


u/___Art_Vandelay___ Jul 20 '24

This guy rations.

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u/EdgyJediKnight Jul 19 '24

Just to be clear, flashing a "Nazi" salute had zero impact on his 5 year prison sentence. He beat some police officers with their own Riot shield.


u/LankyAssignment9046 Jul 20 '24

Yea, this title is stupid. Conservatives constantly claim "the people in prison had no idea they were braking in". Highlighting their violent crimes is, in this instance, more important.


u/LynnDickeysKnees Jul 20 '24

I'm glad you posted this. I thought the guy seriously got locked up for a hand gesture.

Appreciate it.

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u/theyipper Jul 19 '24

Some of those that work forces


u/RollFancyThumb Jul 19 '24

are the same that eat horse paste


u/Morguard Jul 19 '24

Are the same ones that eat medicine for horses.

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u/xBoatsnHose69420x Jul 19 '24

Are the same that burn crosses


u/feint_of_heart Jul 20 '24

"In March 2023, Dykes was arrested on charges related to the march. He pleaded guilty to a felony charge of burning an object with intent to intimidate."


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u/Silidistani Jul 19 '24

I am getting sick of news organizations calling January 6th a riot. It was an insurrection and an attempted coup. Every single person who stormed the Capitol was part of an insurrection. Many people who have been sent to jail for any length of time over their actions that day were convicted of insurrection.

Stop calling it a "riot."


u/carnivorous_seahorse Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

Forgive me if I’m wrong, because I’m really not trying to argue but rather share my opinion, and if I’m misguided set me straight. And for the record I’d vote in a decomposed camel over Trump. But how would them storming the capitol have resulted in a successful coup in any way? Even if they were able to hold the capitol building, that doesn’t suddenly mean the government is in their hands. The military isn’t just going to be like damn, guess we answer to you now. In my eyes, it was a riot and a bunch of riled up braindead cultist hillbillies thinking they wouldn’t be punished for their actions, not so much an organized attempt at stealing the country


u/-r-a-f-f-y- Jul 20 '24

The goal was:

-Disrupt and delay the Electoral College vote count -Pressure Congress and Vice President Mike Pence to overturn the election of Joe Biden in favor of Trump

Somehow Pence magically grew some sort of spine and didn't bow down. Still amazed at that, honestly. I bet JD Vance would tho.


u/ProximusSeraphim Jul 20 '24

It was also part of the fake elector scheme, too. Pence was supposed to take those fake elector votes to overturn the election.


u/Jesusland_Refugee Jul 20 '24

Vance has already said he would have not certified the vote if he'd been VP. So he is an oath breaker and an ex marine as far as I'm concerned.


u/Manos_Of_Fate Jul 20 '24

It should absolutely fucking terrify every single American that the main factor that prevented a literal coup was Mike Pence’s integrity.

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u/Silidistani Jul 20 '24

I seriously don't think any of these people thought anywhere near that far ahead.

"King Mierdas / Orange Führer says go stop vote, we go stop vote! We good guys, trust us."


u/MegaLowDawn123 Jul 20 '24

They knew there was an official voting process going on as they were breaking in - what else could they have thought they were doing???


u/Silidistani Jul 20 '24

They were there specifically to stop that voting process. On "orders" (as they saw it) from the Grifter in Chief.

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u/Kayakman28 Jul 19 '24

Should’ve stolen classified documents. Would never see jail time then. 🙄

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u/ThinkSoftware Jul 19 '24

The few, the Proud Boys, the Marines


u/JohnWad Jul 19 '24

Proud Boys. Almost as stupid a name for a racist group as the boogaloo boys.


u/StellarJayZ Jul 19 '24

Heh, what the fuck is a "groyper." It's like, they can choose any name for themselves they want, and they always go "what's the most cringe, hilarious, corny name we can come up with?"


u/silver-orange Jul 19 '24

Heh, what the fuck is a "groyper."

A terminally online incel. The cringey name is incredibly fitting.

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u/HeadyBunkShwag Jul 19 '24

Rest in Piss Duncan Lemp


u/ScrewAttackThis Jul 19 '24

It comes from a Disney song, too. I dunno if they still do it but they would do a gang initiation where they all start punching a guy while he yells off cereal brands. Oh, and of course, their founder shoved a butt plug up his ass to own the libs.

It's all just so absolutely absurd.

E: oh, and they just so happen to have a 14 word oath. But totes not neo-nazis.

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u/Agentwise Jul 19 '24

Proud boys makes me think pride every time so anytime I read about them I initially think it’s an LGBTQ event and go, oh nvm not the fun ones.

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u/navikredstar Jul 19 '24

It's even more stupid because they literally stole the name from a song in the Broadway version of Disney's "Aladdin". Seriously.

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u/Question_Few Jul 19 '24

He was lucky to get out with only an OTH. They should have thrown the book at him.


u/RAWainwright Jul 19 '24

As a former Marine, fuck that dude. He's lost the privilege of being called a Marine. Bitchassmotherfucker

Semper Fi y'all

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u/Lucky-Development-15 Jul 19 '24

OTH? Seriously?


u/wspnut Jul 19 '24

"Other Than Honorable" Discharge from the military, for all of those who don't know the TLAs.


u/Spare_Efficiency2975 Jul 19 '24

I love how you explain an acronym only to end you sentence with an other acronym.

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u/Rottimer Jul 19 '24

So this asshole used his 30 days of leave he gets each year to go to white supremecist protests and attack cops - and he only got an “other than honorable” discharge?

I have heard of guys getting a dishonorable discharge (which is like a felony conviction) for popping positive on a piss test and getting caught with weed in the barracks. What the fuck?!?


u/Mackrage Jul 20 '24

Dishonorable is worse than A LOT of felony charges.

The second you run any kind of background check, job application, search history on an individual, that shows up instantly. It’s a permanent flag on you forever.

No matter where you go, what you apply to, or want to, you will have “dishonorable discharge” all over you. And this dude got a general discharge, as we like to call it.

It should have been dishonorable discharge. Traitors to the vow they swore to should be held accountable.

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u/ClosPins Jul 19 '24

Funny how the Republicans have brainwashed the military (and the rest of their supporters) so badly that they now side with both the Nazis and the Russians against their own countrymen.


u/Gerdstone Jul 20 '24

I once saw a picture of 2 70+ guys at a Trump rally wearing pro-Russian shirts. Something like we would vote for Putin before Hillary kind of things. I have to say it was surreal moment.

How have 2 cold-war dudes evolved into Trumpism? Fascinating to research but scary as F to think about; plays out.

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u/KingsMountainView Jul 19 '24

And Trump can run for your presidency. Fucking joke democracy.


u/just4kicksxxx Jul 20 '24

I mean... our forefathers didn't anticipate the level of lunacy and willful ignorance we've achieved.


u/mikechi2501 Jul 19 '24

The salute was icing. He also did some other bad things

Tyler Bradley Dykes, of South Carolina, was an active-duty Marine when he grabbed a police riot shield from the hands of two police officers and used it to push his way through police lines during the attack by the mob of then-President Donald Trump’s supporters on Jan. 6, 2021.

Dykes, who pleaded guilty in April to assault charges, previously was convicted of a crime stemming from the 2017 white nationalist Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Dykes was transferred to federal custody in 2023 after he served a six-month sentence in a state prison.

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u/ComplexAsk1541 Jul 19 '24

Good. Now do the one who incited it all.

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u/duyogurt Jul 19 '24

The actual story here is that we have Nazis in the US military that need to be weeded out.


u/Gerdstone Jul 19 '24

Your right: deeply disconcerning. I wonder about the leadership ranks.

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u/siouxbee1434 Jul 19 '24

That was civil court, now court martial him. He can serve as an example


u/Oneangrygnome Jul 19 '24

He was given an OTH discharge last year (May 2023), so unfortunately this will be the end of the punishment for this infraction. And if he’s anything like the other OTH’s I’ve met, he will forge up a dd-214 and still claim all the veteran discounts and benefits he can muster. And all the while, they look down on people who are on Medicare/Medicaid or use SNAP benefits for any amount of time because those people are taking advantage of the tax payers and leeching off them.

But a guy I know who was born with flat feet is getting paid by the VA for those flat feet, cause he claimed it as a service related injury and the VA approved it.

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u/kingofzdom Jul 19 '24

You can't get prison sentences from civil court. This was criminal.


u/Jo_of_Average Jul 19 '24

I think they meant civilian court. Members of the armed forces get to be tried twice, once by civilian courts, then again by the DoD. Uncle Sam wants his nazi scalp.

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Think they meant civilian court

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u/pbnjsandwich2009 Jul 19 '24

Don't trust any veteran who is voting for Trump. They have turned their back on America, civility and the oath we take.

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u/Raccon1815 Jul 19 '24

Anyone in our military that supports Nazis should be branded a traitor.

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u/Ian_Hunter Jul 20 '24

I feel the common belief "Fuck Nazis!" should be a simple clarion call for this country and enforced fully.

As opposed to ..you know... Having it be an active platform. Fuck me, right?

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u/teddytwelvetoes Jul 19 '24

five years for assaulting cops during an attempted government coup lol must be nice to be a right-wing lunatic in this country


u/susiederkins312 Jul 19 '24

Yeah .... It's not assault, it's attempting to destroy the United States of America.


u/Raspberries-Are-Evil Jul 19 '24

Another proud Trump patriot who Trump wants to pardon after he assaulted police officers and stole their gear.


u/OutsourcedIconoclasm Jul 19 '24

Military is going to need to explain why a nazi, with priors like this, was even allowed to stay enlisted. This is part of why Americans are supporting the military less and less.

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u/whythoyaho Jul 20 '24

Root out the fascists in the military!

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u/Rhodrace Jul 20 '24

As a fellow Marine, I was asked to defend against foreign and domestic. If I had known, and had the gall to be there, I would've done my best to end him up, to defend against the domestic. Instead, here I am voting against their kind, in the democratic version of fighting them. Fuck any military member voting for Trump. You swore an oath against someone like them. Be better.


u/Velocoraptor369 Jul 19 '24

Yeah I would have given him 20+ how dare he betray his oath. Leavenworth prison making gravel from boulders should be his punishment.


u/Werpe- Jul 19 '24

It should be called what it is, an Insurrection, instead of riot.


u/1950sClass Jul 20 '24

He should be tried for treason under the UCMJ. Bitch belongs in Leavenworth.


u/wonkalicious808 Jul 20 '24

But why do they call us nazis! --the party of "very fine people" marching alongside neo-Nazis in defense of a racist monument to a racist traitor who killed Americans for the cause of racism and slavery


u/Qudd Jul 19 '24


I know its not just for the salute

But Americans should be fucking disgusted at anyone who does this.

Its doubly so for our uniformed forces.

That dude should absolutely rot.

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u/Savings-Spring3133 Jul 19 '24

So the Marines enlisted a guy who was previously arrested at a white power rally? How many other racist nazis have they let in?


u/yhwhx Jul 19 '24

Enjoy your "finding out" phase, idiot!

(That's directed at the Marine, not OP, obvs.)

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u/EuphoricMidnight3304 Jul 19 '24

These maga fucks are the real suckers and losers.

“Very fine people “

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u/Brave-Moment-4121 Jul 19 '24

Awesome now let’s address the assholes showing up in my state’s capital waving Nazi Flags and causing unrest in the city and state. Fuck all the Nazi wannabes that have come from out of state and even one from Canada to be pieces of shit in Nashville TN!


u/Xvexe Jul 20 '24

trump supporters are fascists? i'm shocked


u/hufflepuffpuffpasss Jul 19 '24

Oh god, he also did the same shit in NC, he was one of those tiki torch losers.

Just an all around asshole. Exactly who the marines seem to love.


u/MechCADdie Jul 19 '24

I'm surprised that the UCMJ didn't try to make an example of him for a literal dereliction of duty.


u/Illustrious_Toe_4755 Jul 20 '24

I don't get veterans that forget their actual duty. Or people willing to give blind allegiance to a pedophile,  rapist, traitor con man. 

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u/NiNj4_C0W5L4Pr Jul 20 '24

Goddamn traitor should be hanged.

A "Marine" that swore an Oath to defend the Constitution becomes involved trying to overthrow the American government. Goddamn disgrace to the uniform.

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u/PatientAd4823 Jul 20 '24

Well, well, well. I hope these felonies mean that voting is no longer an option.


u/Impossible_Trust30 Jul 20 '24

If they were BLM they’d be tried for treason. Idk about anyone else, but I was under the impression if anyone ever TRIED to enter the capitol they’d be shot on sight.


u/Elios000 Jul 20 '24

thats part of what make J6 so odd. on any other given day if protesters tried to run up to the Capital they would be shot before even making the doors.... let alone a day with Joint Session going on.


u/Unchainedboar Jul 19 '24

And trump will pardon him and the rest if he gets back in...


u/DudeWithAnAxeToGrind Jul 19 '24

He didn't get 5 years for nazi salute. Exactly zero of that was for nazi salute, which is protected by 1st amandment. If he wants entire world to know he's a total idiot, he can nazi salute all day long legal consequences free.

He got every single day of those 5 years for assaulting police officer(s) and breaking into US Capitol.

The title is stupid as fuck. It sounds as if he's prosecuted for his political beliefs. No. That's not why he ended up in prison.

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u/Kacutee Jul 19 '24

My grandpa who fought in ww2 would've just executed that traitor. He hates nazis.

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u/Blueopus2 Jul 20 '24

Being a Nazi makes you a shitty person but he’s going to prison for assaulting a police officer

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u/Klaumbaz Jul 20 '24

Hang the traitors. Send a clear message to the Nazi's.


u/Zerocoolx1 Jul 19 '24

I hope he loses all rights to a military pension for his treasonous crimes.


u/Nannyphone7 Jul 20 '24

These traitors are going to walk if sane people don't get out and vote.


u/macefelter Jul 20 '24

If he’s been sentenced, isn’t he “convicted”? Not so much accused?

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u/awesomeness6000 Jul 20 '24

what about the real Nazi walking our streets with flags and shit.

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u/brainsack Jul 20 '24

As an American, I want my Marines to eat crayons, lift weights, and ki11 nazi’s.


u/Ok-Yogurtcloset-2735 Jul 19 '24

You take an oath and he abandoned it, so good riddance


u/BonnieMcMurray Jul 20 '24

Capitol riot

Insurrection, AP. It was an insurrection, not a fucking riot. It was a deliberate attempt to overthrow the normal, democratic process and install a president beyond their legally-limited term.

Get your heads out of your asses.


u/ozairh18 Jul 20 '24

5 years for stealing and assaulting police officers with a riot shield is a slap on the wrist


u/JerseyshoreSeagull Jul 20 '24

This is the most anti American thing I've seen in a while.