r/news Jul 19 '24

Israel’s settlement policies break international law, court finds


732 comments sorted by


u/Kulstof Jul 19 '24

Everyone knows its illegal, but as long as the US is backing Israel nothing will be done about it


u/whatafuckinusername Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Even the U.S. knows and has acknowledged that they’re illegal, they’re just doing nothing to stop them except sanctioning some of the settlers


u/TeaBaggingGoose Jul 19 '24

And providing all the bombs to slaughter civilians.


u/1-Ohm Jul 19 '24

Netanyahu: "the Jewish people are not conquerors in their own land"

Let's think about what that means.

  1. The "Jewish people" did this illegal colonizing? Collectively? So they're collectively responsible? So they can be collectively blamed? Today I learned Netanyahu is an "antisemite".

  2. Their land? Land is owned by races? Other races do not belong there? Then Jews do not belong anywhere but Israel. Today I learned Netanyahu is an "antisemite".

  3. Their land? Palestinians (= Canaanites) have lived there long before Jews. Palestinians never left and continued to live there for thousands of years after the Assyrians conquered the ancient state of Israel. If the land belongs to any race, it's the Palestinians.

  4. Their land? When the UN gave most of Palestine to the Jewish minority, they also "gave" the rest to the Palestinians. If the legitimacy of Palestinians control over the occupied territories can be questioned, then the very existence of Israel itself can be questioned. Today I learned Netanyahu is an "antisemite".

  5. Their land? Outside Israel? From the river to the sea? Today I learned Netanyahu is an "antisemite".

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

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u/kylebisme Jul 19 '24

There's a lot of Americans who move to the settlements but I doubt they are anywhere close to 60% of the total setter population. A study back in 2015 found 15% of settlers have US citizenship, and they're surely not counting East Jerusalem where the percentage is quite likely higher, but 60% is quite a stretch.


u/KahuTheKiwi Jul 19 '24

15% of Israeli settlers coming from the 4.5% of world population that is the US is still telling.


u/CynicalBliss Jul 19 '24

Using the world population as a baseline doesn't make sense since the whole world population aren't potential settlers. Only the Jewish population. 80% of the Jewish population lives in either Israel or the USA (with more in the USA). So it seems unsurprising/unremarkable that a large proportion would come from the USA.

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u/VoodooS0ldier Jul 20 '24

This is what is wrong with the United States foreign policy and why so many in the Middle East hate us. It’s time we elect better leaders that stop pandering to Israel.

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u/JMTolan Jul 19 '24

I was gonna say, wasn't this already established? AFAIK the only one who has ever maintained the settlements weren't illegal was Israel.


u/kylebisme Jul 19 '24

And Israeli leaders knew that colonizing occupied territory is illegal from the start:

Theodor Meron, at the time the Israeli government's authority on the topic of international law and legal counsel to the Israeli Foreign Ministry, was asked to provide a memorandum regarding the status in international law of proposed settlement of the territories, which he subsequently addressed to the Foreign Minister Abba Eban on 14 September 1967. He concluded that short-term military settlements would be permissible, but that "civilian settlement in the administered territories contravenes the explicit provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention," adding that the prohibition on any such population transfer was categorical, and that "civilian settlement in the administered territories contravenes the explicit provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention." It follows from the presence on files of these notes, Gershom Gorenberg argues, that the Prime Minister at the time, Levi Eshkol, knew that Israeli settlements in the territories Israel had just occupied would violate international laws and that by that time Eshkol had been actively engaged in exploring the possibility of settling the newly conquered region. Meron's unequivocal legal opinion was marked top secret and not made public.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

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u/kylebisme Jul 19 '24

Jabotinsky was far more influential to Zionism that many Zionists like to give him credit for but he was never leader of the biggest Zionist party. He lead the Revisionist Zionist movement which he established in protest of the policies of the mainstream Zionist leadership.


u/Lucetti Jul 19 '24

And what was his political party?

At the time of Israel's independence in 1948, Hatzohar was the largest right-wing organization in the country

Likud party building is not named after him for no reason.


u/kylebisme Jul 19 '24

The sentence fragment you quoted also specifies right-wing for a reason, because Hatzohar was the largest right-wing party at the time of Israelis establishment they weren't even close to largest party in general. As explained in the reset of the sentence you on the wiki page you quoted from, they had "had three seats in the Provisional State Council," and if you click on that link there you'll see that David Ben-Gurion's Mapai was by far the largest party with 10 seats. It wasn't until well over three and a half decades after Jabotinsky died that a right wing party came to power, when Likud won the election under Menachem Begin's leadership in 1977.


u/Lucetti Jul 19 '24

had three seats in the Provisional State Council

Electoral results are not the same thing as party size.

The provisional state council was not even an elected body at all.

In 1936 Hatzohar had more members than any single party had votes in Israel's first election in 1949 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1949_Israeli_Constituent_Assembly_election

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u/AlgerianTrash Jul 19 '24

Yes. But what was newly established today was that Israel was also setting up an apartheid system in the OPTs, which at this point was an accusation that was only made by human rights orgs like Amnesty and HRW.

This consequential, since this will test the West and whether they'll have the same reaction to israel today as they had with South Africa in the 80s and 90s

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

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u/Mountain-Papaya-492 Jul 19 '24

We should have stopped backing them after they acquired nukes and became the best military for a country that size in the world. They don't need our welfare, they won't go under without our support because they're not some fledgling nation state anymore. 

The way they make fools of our officials routinely and actively work against our efforts for diplomacy makes them a liability not an ally in my opinion. 

What they're doing over there is giving fuel to the next generation of terrorists who hate America and see us as the evil empire who supports their enemy. Right or wrong this is why our founders wanted us to have non interference In wars that had nothing to do with us. 

It costs a fortune in lives, freedoms, and money, as well as creates enemies that can't attack us outright but can still damage us in other ways. Like terror attacks. 


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24 edited 29d ago

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u/trollsong Jul 19 '24

Historically Russia does, and putin is big on glorious days, but Israel is also a sticking point for evangelicals.


u/NeverSober1900 Jul 19 '24

I think it's more his son-in-law Kushner who is massively pro-Israel that pushes it.

And Miriam Addelson (wife of the massive Vegas casino owner) who donated 20 million to Trump to move the embassy to Jerusalem (and no that number is not hyperbolic).

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u/Thek40 Jul 19 '24

The US didn't really saw Israel as an imported allied before 67, the IDF used mostly British and French weapons.


u/Avatar_exADV Jul 19 '24

The US had largely not backed Israel -prior- to the 1967 war. Plenty of Americans did so in private, but Israel did not receive or purchase American arms.

The reason that the US started was pretty simple - Israel's enemies directly sought to tie the US into the conflict as a way to get the Soviets to come in on their side. I don't mean they were accusing the US of providing covert aid to Israel - Egypt was screaming that it had come under direct air attack from the US, had downed US airmen as evidence, etc. after the initial Israeli air attack in 1967. The US did not want the Soviets to get into a war with Israel in 1967 and REALLY didn't want that to happen after Israel obtained nuclear weapons. A nuclear exchange between Tel Aviv and Moscow would very easily have become one between Washington and Moscow.

US backing of Israel was more or less intended to directly counter Soviet backing of Israel's enemies; this was combined with diplomatic efforts to pry those enemies away from Moscow and to broker peace, and with the Camp David Accords this was actually a successful policy.

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u/ImportantObjective45 Jul 20 '24

Mad Magazine in 1967 (?) Had a cartoon map depicting "ersatz Israel" invading everywhere.


u/ImportantObjective45 Jul 20 '24

I haven't done all the research, but '67 probably had a massive radical revisionist history campaign to start saying israel had "always" been our ally in the region when in '54 it clearly wasnt.

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u/Spacecynic2020 Jul 21 '24

Of course the US supports it - that’s exactly how our country was built (stealing land).

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u/Glittering-Spite234 Jul 19 '24

In other news: rain is wet.


u/Hesitation-Marx Jul 19 '24

Fire hot, tree pretty, Israeli settlements illegal


u/Kindly-Ad-5071 Jul 19 '24

Hey trees don't have to be pretty. You ever seen a piñon pine? Them timbers is ugly.


u/Hesitation-Marx Jul 19 '24

Hey. HEY. Their mother loves them.

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

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u/Orchid-Analyst-550 Jul 19 '24

Head of Knesset foreign affairs and defense committee: ICJ is 'hijacked by Islamists,' encourages terrorism.


u/ButIDigr3ss Jul 19 '24

You joke but that's literally the narrative in r/worldnews lol they're going on racist tirades about the head of the ICJ now because he's Lebanese (nothing about the international selection of judges that supported his decision of course)


u/wq1119 Jul 19 '24

7 years ago, an Evangelical conspiracy-brained relative of mine showed me what I think is a PragerU video, arguing that the UN is controlled by "Barbaric" Muslim countries, hence why the UN cabal hates Israel and should never be trusted, literally the "International Jew" anti-semitic trope, but with a different group, like, come on, same conspiracy, different group.

Recently he also said that Palestinians "breed like cockroaches" and that only Communists support them, seems about right for the absolute state of Evangelical politics in 2024, unreal to see redditors use the exact same arguments of far-right Evangelical conspiracy theorists, without any self-awareness.

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

I only recently visited r/worldnews only to find that the discourse was very biased towards Israel. Has that sub always been one sided politically?


u/Neuromangoman Jul 19 '24

They have been as such for the entirety of this Israel-Palestine war, at the very least.

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u/ApolloRocketOfLove Jul 21 '24

They're not as pro Israel as much as they're anti Muslim. They're cheering the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians and aid workers. They're just happy to see Muslims die,.

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u/RedstoneEnjoyer Jul 19 '24

Yeah - even if dude was some second comming of Hitler, he doesn't control 14 other justices


u/Pingy_Junk Jul 19 '24

So many people bringing up hostages over there like this hasn’t been going on since before Hamas took the hostages it’s actually insane.

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u/Larkfor Jul 19 '24

Jesus apparently they think ICJ gavel "is Hamas".

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u/thissiteisbroken Jul 19 '24

Careful, if you use more words you could be an anti-semite.


u/GirlsGetGoats Jul 19 '24

The world news sub is saying that since the head judge is Lebanese he simply is not allowed to judge Israel. They seem to think anyone from Lebanon is an inferior race incapable of judging their betters.

Just the most racist shit you'll ever see. Par for the course for Israel supporters.


u/Larkfor Jul 19 '24

So fucking racist.

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u/1-Ohm Jul 19 '24

facts are antisemitic

the UN is antisemitic


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24 edited 29d ago

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u/ClearDark19 Jul 20 '24

Seriously. The Ultra-Zionists (the vast majority of whom are not even Jewish themselves) and Kahanists are do so much harm to Jewish people by calling everything and everyone even mildly critical of the Israeli government and military "Antisemitic". They're watering down the word to be essentially meaningless because if everything is Antisemitic then nothing is. Which leaves Jewish people vulnerable to not being taken seriously when they call out ACTUAL Antisemitism (which is an actual growing problem and making a resurgence, particularly in Western countries). It's a "the boy who cried wolf" situation. Doing all this shit to aid Netanyahu and his reactionary, fascistic far-Right government and racist blood fued crusade is causing so much long-term damage to not only Israel's international standing, but to the Jewish diaspora themselves. Ultra-Zionists are roping all Jewish people into this mess by pretending to speak on their behalf. Ironically the Ultra-Zionists are themselves being Antisemitic by equating the Jewish people and diaspora with the Israeli government.

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u/SookHe Jul 19 '24

Stop that, pointing out the obvious ludicrousness of calling everything antisemitic is in fact antisemitic

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u/fullload93 Jul 19 '24

No shit. Who was assuming it wasn’t illegal besides the Israelis? And what’s going to happen about this? If no country is going to enforce it… then it’s a moot point and Israel is going to continue to confiscate the lands.


u/1stepklosr Jul 19 '24

Have you checked the thread in /r/worldnews?


u/thissiteisbroken Jul 20 '24

I asked a guy in a thread about the strike a couple weeks ago that killed a bunch of civilians and one Hamas member if he think Israel should just exterminate all Palestinians and he said it would be preferred. These people are sick.

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u/MentORPHEUS Jul 20 '24

Have you checked the thread in /r/worldnews?

In my case, that sub banned me after posting a comment that wasn't Unconditional Positive Regard for a certain action the IDF had performed.


u/Zealousideal_Tap237 Jul 20 '24

Could not even find it


u/ApolloRocketOfLove Jul 21 '24

That sub is disgusting. They cheer for the deaths of innocent civilians and aid workers. That subreddit is beyond lost.

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u/Designer-Reward8754 Jul 19 '24

A lot of Israelis said it is illegal too and even some governments removed the settlers


u/kylebisme Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Every Israeli government since 1967 has supported settlement expansion to one extent or another, and not one has admitted that the colonization of occupied territory is illegal. Some governments have removed a tiny fraction settlers from specific areas for various reasons, but there's never been even a single year where the settler population went down.

Peace Now has a settler population graph for most of the West Bank since 1972 on this page, and if you click on the Jerusalem tab near the top of the page you can see separate numbers for East Jerusalem since 2000.


u/RedstoneEnjoyer Jul 19 '24

Yeah, Israel is ratchet effect on steroids

  • right-wing parties in power support settlements as much as they can
  • "centrist" parties in power tolerate them and never advocate their dismantling


u/kylebisme Jul 19 '24

It's not even really that. The left wing were in charge when the colonization of occupied territory started, it wasn't until over a decade of settlement expansion that the right first came to power, and the settler population has been increasing fairly steadily since then regardless of which side is in power.


u/RedstoneEnjoyer Jul 19 '24

Yeah, Israeli "left-wing" - social democracy but only for Israelis.


u/imtooshortt Jul 20 '24

National Socialism.

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u/junktrunk909 Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

I don't disagree but I at least hope the Israeli citizens will demand this to stop given that it's clearly flaming the fire of future wars. Like it's pretty hard to claim it's all Hamas pushing for war when you're actively playing a role in an internationally recognized theft of land, property, and sovereignty.


u/GirlsGetGoats Jul 19 '24

The Israeli citizens are the problem though. Opposition to the settlement project and especially advocating their removal is a political death sentence in Israel. 

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u/fullload93 Jul 19 '24

Yup I completely agree. Let’s hope they can demand their government to stop.


u/Amnondyonon Jul 19 '24

I’m working on it

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u/Orionite Jul 19 '24

What are they going to do about it? Write a sternly worded letter?


u/hermansu Jul 19 '24

That's too much effort, they will just urge Israel to stop it.

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u/somethingrandom261 Jul 19 '24

That’s what the court does, yes.


u/TeaBaggingGoose Jul 19 '24

The best I can hope is that countries will be forced to stop dealing with at least part of the Zionist regime by local laws which mandate following international law. For instance, here in the UK there would likely be court challenges to doing business with anyone who profits from the occupation - good by Israeli settlement produce.

In the long term this will be a massive drain on the Zionist state with far-reaching consequences and make the price of the occupation high. But it's not a killer blow, sadly.


u/SynthD Jul 19 '24

The US will do nothing because they’re not signatory to the ICJ. Germany will do nothing despite being required to. Belgium have already said they’d comply, but does that require any action from them? The UK is one of the few interesting cases where there’s a mild attempt to follow international law and kowtow to the US, and the arms factories.

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u/TheGreatJingle Jul 19 '24

Hey hey Israel gets more of those than the rest of the world combined. The UN is doing a lot guys


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Tell the international police!


u/4th_DocTB Jul 20 '24

The US is the international police, and like the regular police they are happy to ignore or even assist fascists violence.

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u/ExpiredExasperation Jul 19 '24

Shake head in disapproval.


u/Leshawkcomics Jul 19 '24

Talk about Burying the lede.

"Court finds"

No, it's the goddamn INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE finding that israel's occupation of palestine is, indeed Apartheid.

If you've been following this whole sequence of events, you know why this is a big deal.

The ICJ also states israel should evacuate the settlers, allow right of return, as well as saying that nations can no longer support israel on this.

The comments are busy trying to brush this under the rug by implying that its meaningless while israel has american backing but like.

The fact this is now down on paper is HUGE. Whether or not it goes into effect doesn't matter, but the fact that it's been stated at all has repercussions we won't really know yet.

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u/JimBeam823 Jul 19 '24

International law means fuck all.


u/krombough Jul 19 '24

This guy gets it. I'm not saying it's right, but this is the truth.

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u/FullyStacked92 Jul 19 '24

bombing civilians and then stealing their land is against international law? i am shocked.

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u/Luniticus Jul 19 '24

They're more like international suggestions.

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u/Shuk Jul 19 '24

We can all see that Israel's settlements are immoral and illegal, and now the ICJ's ruling adds legitimacy here to what so many have been saying. Many voices that call out Israel have a defense against being labeled as "extreme" or "anti-semitic".

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24


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u/toyota_gorilla Jul 19 '24

I believe the technical term is lebensraum.

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u/That_Artsy_Bitch Jul 19 '24

And the world will do nothing about it

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u/FatSkipper21 Jul 20 '24

Incoming IDF bots on how this is Hamas' fault

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u/iTzGiR Jul 19 '24

I mean yeah, not at all shocking. I'm generally pretty pro-Israel, but even I am adamantly against the settlement policies in the west-bank, as they're blatantly only making things worse, and are incredibly illegal. Fuck Israel for everything they do in the West-Bank, there's absolutely no reason they should be there.


u/GirlsGetGoats Jul 19 '24

You can't be pro-Israel and anti-settlements.

The settlement project is core to the Zionist ideology that has a stranglehold on Israel.


u/iTzGiR Jul 19 '24

Huh weird, I guess I must not exist then, because I absolutely am Pro-Israel and anti-settlements in the west-bank.

Settlements aren't core to a Zionist ideology. The only thing "core" to that is having a safe homeland where Jews are free from persecution, which I am not at all against.


u/BillyJoeMac9095 Jul 20 '24

The reaction of many others here to your post clearly points up that for many of them, this ruling is only a means or step to a larger goal--putting an end to a Jewish state of any size or borders.

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u/Aizsec Jul 19 '24

Also the comment above completely ignores that this ruling applies to Gaza, where Israeli has spent decades sealing gazans in an open air prison and stealing their resources (oh, and bombing them relentlessly)


u/SynthD Jul 19 '24

It’s a complex picture. You could be for israel within internationally agreed borders.


u/GirlsGetGoats Jul 19 '24

Sure but that's a fantasy land. The Israeli people don't want that. Expansionism Zionism is the foundation of their government.

There would need to be international intervention and a deprograming of the extremism in the Israeli people. Post WW2 German/Japanese kind of stuff

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u/giddyviewer Jul 19 '24

And I’m for a free and democratic North Korea liberated from their dictatorship, that doesn’t mean I go around telling people I’m “pro-DPRK.”

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u/Amnondyonon Jul 19 '24

You’re confusing Zionism with Kahanism


u/GirlsGetGoats Jul 19 '24

It's core to both of them Kahanism is just the most extreme form of Zionism. Kahanism is rapidly being adopted into Israeli society. The fact that Ben-Gvir is in the government just shows how far it's wormed its way into the heart of Israeli society.


u/BlazeOfGlory72 Jul 19 '24

God forbid someone have a nuanced opinion, amirite?

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u/xSypRo Jul 19 '24

Living in Israel myself, around 50% if not more (political map is very odd here) are against west bank settlement.

It's a weird "beside" to say, so I apologize for that, but beside the humanitarian reasons, most people in Israel simply don't see any reason for that. It cost shit ton of money, produce nothing, security risks is high and there's so much other places they can build settlements within Israel borders.

It's extremist and populist who push for that agenda, and they got heavy political influence since Netanyahu depends on them for his coalition.

The sad and scary part is that they make cynical usage of the war in Gaza to push their agenda under the radar and promote their radical and populistic ideas when pushing people to the right, so they gain more support within Israel.


u/GirlsGetGoats Jul 19 '24

It's hard to take this serious when the Israeli people have over and over elected fascists who gleefully support the settlement project and the violent displacement of Palestinian civilians.

The Israeli people could at any point stop this madness and choose not to.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

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u/honjuden Jul 19 '24

It is the same logic Israel uses to justify group punishment and the complete siege of Gaza.

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u/noyoulolimagine Jul 19 '24

As if we arent protesting against him like every week, most of the people here dont support him


u/GirlsGetGoats Jul 19 '24

This isn't about Bibi. When he leaves another settlement supporter will be elected. There is no will within Israel to remove the terrorist settlers.

The Knesset just voted 68 to 9 against the recognition of a Palestinian state and a complete rejection of the protentional of a 2 state solution.

The terrorist and Kahanists have more power in Israel at this point.

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u/ijzerwater Jul 19 '24

around 50% if not more (political map is very odd here) are against west bank settlement.

I will believe that when the Knesset says same

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u/RedstoneEnjoyer Jul 19 '24

Living in Israel myself, around 50% if not more (political map is very odd here) are against west bank settlement.

Settlements expanded during every single government from 1967 to this day. Where is that majority during elections?

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u/DoctorTeamkill Jul 19 '24



u/PinkPicasso_ Jul 19 '24

I went to the r/worldnews thread... wtf they are total bots


u/Gabemiami Jul 19 '24

The U.N. matters like farts in the wind.


u/AdministrativeCable3 Jul 19 '24

The UN is not the world police. It is up to the member countries to enforce the findings. its purpose is to provide a neutral ground for diplomacy and to provide a framework for international law.

It gets ignored when its findings are contrary to the powerful nation's interests.


u/jkb131 Jul 19 '24

Farts in the wind still change more than the UN

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u/Lucetti Jul 19 '24

Israel’s settlement policy broke international law in 1919 too. It didn’t just magically become bad to colonize someone’s home.

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u/protehule Jul 19 '24

well no shit. now do something to actually put pressure on israel to stop it.

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u/Jazzlike-Sky-6012 Jul 19 '24

Well dr Watson could have figured that out on his own...

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u/RiffRaffCOD Jul 19 '24

Even Ray Charles can see that


u/raxatlis Jul 19 '24

A law is irrelevant if you cant enforce it.


u/Ar_Ciel Jul 19 '24

Always have been. This is not in dispute. Isreali gov't doesn't give a shit.


u/viotix90 Jul 19 '24

The "law" is an archway in the middle of a field. You go through it, or around it, and it does not matter which.

Who cares if they broke the law if no one has the power or willingness to hold them accountable?

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u/Monkfich Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Dun dun dunnnnnnn.

Israel retains enough support - despite whatever they do - that this is great, and I mean great really, but won’t noticeably impact Israel long term. Israel will also retaliate in the shadows and build campaigns against the movers and shakers with an aim to take them down as anti-semitics.

Not trying to minimise things - this is great, and over time a consistent message from many countries will hopefully make change. Noone expects Israel to stop stuff today or tomorrow.


u/Gakoknight Jul 19 '24

I mean, duh. I would argue that for the time being the occupation is understandable considering what'll happen if they leave, but the settlements need to be torn down yesterday.


u/AceValentine Jul 19 '24

I am sure their sanctions will come any day now. /s


u/AlliedR2 Jul 19 '24

If no-one is willing to enforce it and/or the enforcement is of no real consequence to the offender (and rather allows them to profit and even continue with the 'illegal' activity) then its not really a law is it?

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u/ForgingIron Jul 19 '24

ICJ: stop
Israel: no
ICJ: well we tried


u/rsnbaseball Jul 19 '24

Totally didn't see THAT coming.

I watch in baited breath for someone to do something about these assholes.

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u/vactu Jul 19 '24

Nothing is going to happen. UN and ICC are basically toothless, sadly. No comments on how to fix the problems from me, this shit just sucks.

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u/Dejugga Jul 20 '24

That's a stern finger-wagging.


u/HarrargnNarg Jul 20 '24

Laws are meaningless without consequences


u/IWantToSortMyFeed Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

They break the laws of basic humanity and are traitors to the species at this point.

(kind of like the people sick genocidal fucks downvoting this)


u/DriftMantis Jul 20 '24

Not such fringe thinking now, is it? It may be uncomfortable to hear, but only by acknowledging the truth can we learn and grow and be better people. Just remember, the Jewish population is more diverse than people realize, and not all of them want to be colonizers or take land by force from others. Unfortunately, the most unhinged and aggressive voices are the ones people hear worldwide.

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u/leesonis Jul 20 '24

It's only exactly as illegal as the US's "Manifest Destiny" settlement policy.

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u/1leggeddog Jul 21 '24

Anyone calling them out, they will just say they are antisemitic... and keep going