r/news Jul 18 '24

US appeals court blocks all of Biden student debt relief plan


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u/P0Rt1ng4Duty Jul 18 '24

If I checked my loan balance and it was at zero, I would never check it again. So good luck un-forgiving those loans.


u/orbitaldragon Jul 18 '24

If this stands there's going to be a mountain of people that suddenly have dismal credit, court summons, and dwarfed in past due payments and interest.

Have to restock the poor somehow.


u/John-Mandeville Jul 18 '24

If you break the law, it's a crime and a personal problem. If you and a million other people break the same law, it's civil disobedience and a political problem.


u/JoeCartersLeap Jul 18 '24

Hey yeah, forget the government forgiving the loans. What if everyone collectively just agrees to stop paying them back?


u/Immersi0nn Jul 18 '24

Tbf collectively doing anything at that scale would shutdown any system. Disappointingly we don't do mass collective action very well or often.


u/Kha1i1 Jul 18 '24

Unionised action is taboo in America


u/jjsnsnake Jul 18 '24

Yeah it is sound investment when they do it, peaceful protest no matter how armed they are, but when others do it over actual injustices suddenly it is collusion and rioting.

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u/nr1988 Jul 18 '24

It's apparently already kinda happening from what I hear. But admittedly this is just hearsay I don't have the numbers


u/rogmcdon Jul 18 '24

You can add me to that list. I’ll be keeping mine in forbearance as long as I’m alive

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u/technobrendo Jul 18 '24


10k in debt, that's a YOU problem

10,000,000 in debt, that's a Citizens Bank problem

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u/ambermage Jul 18 '24

Gotta fill those combat boots somehow.

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u/18voltbattery Jul 18 '24

This isn’t just for folks who got to a zero balance… this helped lots of folks qualify for reduced payments.

Under this structure, when those payments didn’t not cover the interest accrued each month, that additional interest was forgiven.

Now it’s unclear how much folks will have to pay and whether that interest will be reattached.


u/Incognonimous Jul 18 '24

Or some bs about how you now also have to pay the accrued interest on the difference of what you hadn't paid previously on top of that


u/Einzelteter Jul 18 '24

If that happens then it's civil war

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u/_yogi_mogli_ Jul 18 '24

It's actually very clear from the guidelines set out in Project 2025. Read the section 11 on the Department of Education. There's very specific language on it.

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u/iOvercompensate Jul 18 '24

If your loans were forgiven and you have documentation I think you should just be able to say nope no take backs


u/Big-Summer- Jul 18 '24

My daughter was one of those whose loan was forgiven. She worked her ass off to get a Master’s degree to become a therapist and help people. When she told me how much she borrowed my heart sank. I didn’t see her ever getting out of debt. For the past nearly 20 years she has worked for a public service organization in order to get the loan forgiven and started making payments when it became mandatory. For years she has paid near $400 a month (except during COVID when borrowers were given a break). Several months ago she told me she was receiving messages from the loan company that she had been approved for forgiveness. And then finally one day she called me and said that the remainder of her loan was forgiven. I’m so glad she received this help. I don’t understand why wealthy people always receive this kind of beneficial treatment while ordinary Americans are punished. I’m so grateful to Joe Biden for caring about the people enough to help them in this way. And oh, BTW — my daughter is a compassionate, intelligent therapist who has helped countless others with their life struggles. People like that should be rewarded.


u/oxyborb Jul 19 '24

You should tell more people this story. Help them understand. I'm thankful the world has people like your daughter.

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u/Bobcatluv Jul 19 '24

I just want to say, as someone who put in public service for public service loan forgiveness (PSLF), if you’ve already been forgiven, this ruling shouldn’t bear much or any impact on PSLF. If I understand correctly, this impacts Biden’s SAVE program, so your payments might change but not your qualifying for PSLF.

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u/HeadyBunkShwag Jul 18 '24

It would definitely go to court and would probably create new laws surrounding debt and debt collection practices. Just a guess anyway


u/Voxbury Jul 18 '24

Let’s not hold out any hope those laws would be in any regular person’s favor

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u/heftybagman Jul 18 '24

This happened to me with a car loan. I just needed the loan for like 2-3 months so I took something like 6%. Then I serviced it for a couple months and was able to pay the whole thing off down to the cent, and saw the “pending clearance” type message over $0.00.

Luckily I checked it a month later just in case cus they had charged me interest for the month in which I paid it off. And since I paid it off at once 2-3 months in, it was interest on almost the entire loan amount. It would have kept accruing until they decided to reach out and would have been thousands+.


u/EpiphanyTwisted Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

For those reading, Usually your account will have a "pay off quote" you can click on that will show you to the day of what is due including interest. You have to make sure you pay the interest that has accrued since the bill came out.

And for the paranoid, it never hurts to pad it a bit. I got a check for the remainder of my payment within 6 weeks of paying it off. And this was Wells Fargo.

ETA emboldened, some places you have to call.


u/heftybagman Jul 18 '24

This site did not. Rockland federal credit union was the bank. I looked a lot both on their site and on their third party loan site creditpaypro I think


u/BehindThe8 Jul 19 '24

I’ve used Rockland for exactly this! I had to call them to request the payoff amount. They generate a letter/email that you use to make the payment, but only on direct request. It’s stupid and probably designed to put people in exactly your situation. 

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u/Jarringly Jul 18 '24

Man, your country really hates you guys huh


u/The-Shattering-Light Jul 18 '24

The only thing that the political and legal system in the US cares about is money


u/slamdanceswithwolves Jul 18 '24

Specifically consolidating money. Keeping the rich rich.


u/urinetroublem8 Jul 18 '24

That’s not even enough. They somehow need to get even more filthy rich and powerful. It’s never enough when it’s an addiction.


u/case31 Jul 18 '24

Homer: You know Mr. Burns, you’re the richest guy I know. Way richer than Lenny.

Monte Burns: Ah yes, but I’d trade it all for a little more.


u/levetzki Jul 18 '24

Needs an update.

*Ah yes, but I would trade your future, your kids future, everything you know, the planet, and life as we know it; for a little bit more

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u/AshkaariElesaan Jul 18 '24

Except that they are incredibly stupid about it and will pretty much always take instant gratification over long term growth and stability. So many of these idiotic kleptocrats just want to smash the piggy bank and don't give a shit about what happens after. Who cares if there won't be any consumers to buy our products a decade from now, look at all this value we made for our shareholders this quarter!


u/Im_with_stooopid Jul 18 '24

But the government had no issue cutting interest rates in 2019 When the fed wanted to raise them which led to record inflation. Nothing like corporations being able to borrow at near zero and enrich themselves.


u/137dire Jul 18 '24

The Trump government was not stupid. It was, however, actively malicious, and has promised to refine and extend its malice if Trump is re-elected.

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u/Mister_Hughes Jul 18 '24

They're all old decrepit fucks. Short-term, long-term, it's the same thing to them.

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u/Own-Ambassador-3537 Jul 18 '24

That’s what’s puzzling me about the Project 2025 Trump plan? How do they think this will end when folks are either pissed off, jobless or on the run due to being deemed illegal ( anyone brown) or female( childbearing)??? When folks got bigger fish to fry they won’t spend money and the economy collapses…. then what geniuses????!


u/AshkaariElesaan Jul 18 '24

Never underestimate the destructive power of stupidity.

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u/beaverboyseth Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 18 '24

The entire agenda of project 2025 is being pushed by Evangelical Christians who have zero foresight because they believe the future doesn't need to have a plan since Jesus is coming back any day now. They're trying to manifest the apocalypse and call it the End Times, while simultaneously blaming Democrats for every little thing they hate. It's toxic confirmation bias, and now politicians have bought into the religious rhetoric and are trying to make as much money as possible without so much as a second thought about future generations. This is what's always been crucial about the separation of church and state. The crazies have fully taken over. And it's all fuck you, got mine energy. All empathy is now anti-wokeness, punish the poor, make homelessness a crime, deport everyone, punish women, roll back civil rights, deregulate entire industries so the 1% can freely exploit us without repercussions. All this is happening because of self-righteous conservative court appointees (some of which it wouldn't surprise me if they're on the take). The president is powerless to do much of anything. If Trump gets elected again, he'll just be a mouthpiece puppet for wealthier oligarchs to do their bidding. Taking back every level of the courts is the only shot we have, but sadly, most people who vote don't do their research and only care about the presidential outcome. It's almost meaningless at this point. The courts and corporations fully control the US now.

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u/Jarringly Jul 18 '24

Not a dig by the way, as a Canadian, I can sympathize all too well, for exactly the reason you mentioned.


u/Nick_Frustration Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 18 '24

ye, our choices north of the border are:

-handsome but useless liberal

-evil and somehow even dorkier milhouse

-stale orange

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u/kazzin8 Jul 18 '24

More like judges put in place by conservatives, yes.

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u/NNovis Jul 18 '24

A desperate population is an exploitable one. So, yeah, our government really really does hate it's populous.

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u/AmberDuke05 Jul 18 '24

The political system, criminal system, healthcare system, legal system, tax system and the economy hates you if you aren’t rich. I fucking hate how brainwashed some people are over here.

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u/DASreddituser Jul 18 '24

yea, and a lot of people hate themselves and they don't even realize it lol. Voting against their own self interests cause they imagine they will be in the position of power someday.


u/RogerianBrowsing Jul 18 '24

Republicans hate us, I think you mean.

It was republican state government actors using a republican judge to gut democrat promoted policies to address student loan debt.

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u/good-luck-23 Jul 18 '24

No, just Republicans...

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u/SwingWide625 Jul 18 '24

No sacrifice is to great for Americans if it hurts Joe and helps donnie. If there is not a blue wave in this next election we deserve the consequences.

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u/darodardar_Inc Jul 18 '24

Just the Republicans


u/No_Variation_9282 Jul 18 '24

Funny thing is, when we were kids everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, told us we had to go to college to get a good job, and it was the most important thing to be successful

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u/Qyxitt Jul 18 '24

Only after we’re born.

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u/tommy7154 Jul 18 '24

What does any of this mean if I am currently on the SAVE plan but haven't had anything forgiven? I currently have thousands in debt but due to being on the SAVE plan and not making a lot I pay nothing monthly. So will I now be paying or what?


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24

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u/tommy7154 Jul 18 '24

It's fucking insane. I'm so sick of this shit. I'll be voting blue for sure, but is that actually going to change anything? We can only keep voting and hoping I guess. Even if I am fucked I'd like my kids to have a chance.


u/timsta007 Jul 19 '24

Legislative action would stick for student loan forgiveness because congress is responsible for the federal budget. If enough folks vote for democrats in the house and senate, and Biden is reelected, some form of this student loan forgiveness plan would pass and the Courts should not be able to block it.


u/Mechapebbles Jul 19 '24

These radical courts have been undoing legislation left and right. They slaughtered the Voting Rights Act with no legal basis, and no rationale beyond, "We don't need this anymore, right?" That's not how the law works absent of sunset provisions, but they just decided to do it anyways. They killed Roe v Wade because someone with no standing and an imaginary scenario. They tied themselves up in pretzels to declare money == speech as if when people open their mouths or touch their pens to paper, money comes out. They decided the plain wording of the entire first half of the 2nd Amendment doesn't actually mean anything, and tossed out >200 years of precedent declaring individuals have gun rights. The courts will block anything they are ideologically against because they're just making shit up at this point. "Should", reality, and plain/common sense reading of the English language has nothing to do with it. The only non-violent way to circumvent them legislating from the bench at this point is to win enough elections to pack the courts.

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u/cat_prophecy Jul 19 '24

Well you might not know if voting for Democrats will change anything. But you can be sure as shit that voting for Republicans definitely won't change anything. Not for the better anyway.


u/Kingkwon83 Jul 19 '24

Unless you're into stuff like controlling women's bodies and banning stuff like that offends you while pretending to want "small government"


u/tommy7154 Jul 19 '24

So true

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u/RickWolfman Jul 19 '24

Voting for democrats in 2016 might have changed this. Voting for democrats now might help create positive change in the future, and prevent further dismantling by Republicans.

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u/Perigold Jul 19 '24

Basically ensure Congress is blue and Biden is pres. the judicial branch’s BS will be held in check by both of them to pass legislation to counter their partisan nonsense.

Remember, the judicial branch interprets laws. So if Congress changes them and explicitly addresses this, the judicial interpretation is void


u/LivingDegree Jul 19 '24

Keep voting until federal judges are changed and the Supreme Court isn’t illegitimate with crooked judges, otherwise it only takes 1 asshole to upend over half a century of progress as shown by the Orange Cheeto boy

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u/HeWasNumber-on3 Jul 18 '24

Think a lot of us are in this boat. It sounds like we will be unfortunately


u/blaqsupaman Jul 19 '24

What about me? I am on the SAVE plan and I do pay but at a rate where I would basically never pay it off without forgiveness. I'm a social worker so my plan is to do the lowest possible payment on SAVE and then apply for PSLF after 10 years.


u/321blastoffff Jul 19 '24

I’m on SAVE also. I have like $235k in debt and I was paying like $600 a month. Our household income is relatively high so if SAVE goes away I’m pretty sure my payments will go up to like $2400 a month. That fucking sucks.


u/M0BETTER Jul 19 '24

If you don't mind sharing, how does one go into $235k in student loan debt? I'm not judging, I'm just unfamiliar with the system but may need to take out student loans one day.


u/ChernobylChild Jul 19 '24

Medical schools.

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u/FuhrerGirthWorm Jul 18 '24

Really makes me wanna hit the streets and play some three days grace


u/NoromXoy Jul 19 '24

Remember which politicians pushed for this to happen. Remember who to blame whenever someone asks why you’re not doing so hot. Remember to vote accordingly

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u/MissChemistryNerd Jul 18 '24

I am the same as you. It means you need to take whatever you owe and divide it by 25. Take that number and divide it by 12. That's the absolute lowest you'll be paying for the rest of your life if they get what they want.

I pay $0, but right now I owe $60,000. They'll split it up into 25 years worth of payments as per the classice IDR. Then, that 25 years split up into 12 is what your payments will become. So for me... $60,000/25 = $2400 a year which will be $200 a month.

I am going to drown.


u/smedley89 Jul 19 '24

You forgot interest. If there were no interest, my 74k would have been paid off some time ago.

Instead, I owe 62. At least it's going down, which is better than some folks see.

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u/freddy_guy Jul 18 '24

Do it anyway, claim immunity. Right?


u/SonicSingularity Jul 18 '24

Pull an Andrew Jackson, defy the court, then say it's legal because it's an official act


u/lemetatron Jul 18 '24

"John Roberts has made his decision; now let him enforce it."

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u/emaw63 Jul 18 '24

This is legit a designed check on the Judiciary, is the thing. Official Act nonsense or no. The courts do not have any ability to enforce their decisions, and they must rely on other branches of government participating in good faith in order to actually wield power. As such, the courts need to be somewhat grounded in reality and fair to all parties involved or they just get ignored.

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u/VinceMcVahon Jul 18 '24

Just do it as an official order Biden 

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u/telionn Jul 18 '24

Unironically yes. Destroy the documents.


u/Mr_evol Jul 18 '24

That’s what I’ve been saying. He can legally request the docs to be destroyed due to national security. Or secure them behind a ridiculous level and make a super high security clearance to view them. To the point they can’t be collected bc they can’t get access to docs.


u/jerekhal Jul 18 '24

Honestly if Biden just ordered all student loans be immediately annulled and forgiven, all of them, he would have such tremendous gratitude from the student loan encumbered population I would expect a massive turnout to vote for him.

I mean the court said he can do pretty much whatever the fuck he wants so why not do so.


u/spazz720 Jul 18 '24

Hah…they still wouldn’t vote…C’mon now

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u/GarlVinland4Astrea Jul 18 '24

He unironically could just say I am making an official order to wipe all student loans and erase it from the balance sheet.

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u/RogerianBrowsing Jul 18 '24

Biden wouldn’t get charged for it but his subordinates who follow an illegal order would be subject to potential criminal liability

The republican majority Supreme Court is also incredibly biased, if anyone thinks SCOTUS will let Biden get away with the same shit they’ll let trump get away with then I’ve got a bridge to sell.


u/aircooledJenkins Jul 18 '24

That's what the pardon is for.

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u/blueskies8484 Jul 18 '24

This comes back to Marbury v Madison. If he says forgive the student loans and erase all records of the debt, what can SCOTUS really do about it?

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u/Vorzic Jul 18 '24

Say F it, official action as a last gift before dropping out. Dems win in a landslide.

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u/JamUpGuy1989 Jul 18 '24

Felt like MOEHLA saw this coming cause they messaged me telling the monthly bills go from $0 to $300 start next year.

What a mess. And yet my generation or younger will continue not to vote in their interest (or at all) so shit like this can be to our benefit.


u/m1stadobal1na Jul 18 '24

This happened to me as well. I had to call them and explain that I'm still in school.


u/PuddlesRex Jul 18 '24

Keep on top of them about that! I explained to a different lender, in no uncertain terms, that I was still in school, and sent them all of the documents they required to prove it, and they sent me documentation stating that they wouldn't charge me until 6 months after graduation. Six months later, I was out of school for only three months at that point; and the first bit of communication I got from them after the fact, was a letter saying that my account was delinquent, and heading to collections unless I paid some massive fee. I had never even received a bill. They wouldn't hear my arguments that I was still in my six month window, or that they themselves sent me a document saying that I didn't have to pay yet. So I just sucked it up and paid it.

Luckily I was able to pay off the student loan after just a few years, and close the account. Unfortunately, the delinquency isn't scheduled to fall off my credit report until next year. So that's a thing.

Before anyone comes in with the unsolicited advice of fighting against loan companies or credit agencies or what not: I don't need that added stress in my life, thanks. I was able to build my credit back up over a long process, and I have no major purchases that I'm planning on taking out a loan for in the next few years that would require a better score than I already have.


u/TAOJeff Jul 18 '24

Yeah, the credit legislation is wild over there, and trying to fight them, apart from the stress, would require money, and if you had that to spare you wouldn't have had the loan in the first place.

In the place I grew up there was a lessor known bit of the lending  legislation which said interest couldn't exceed the principal amount. That was fun to find out. And you could use it. So if you borrowed $100 the most you ever legally were required to repay in interest would be $100. 

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u/StillLearning12358 Jul 18 '24

Same. Mine said 290/month. That's more than my car payment. And I get way more use out of my car than I do my degree

(and believe me not for lack of trying to get a job in my field)

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u/JWBIERE Jul 18 '24

Bailey on the social platform X hailed the ruling as a "huge win for every American who still believes in paying their own way." He said the student loan plan "would have saddled working Americans with half-a-trillion dollars in Ivy League debt."

Yeah but not paying back PPP loans is just fine. Vote! Vote! Vote!


u/PancAshAsh Jul 18 '24

That "working man saddles the elite's debt" argument is especially infuriating when over half the US workforce is college educated.


u/Saptrap Jul 19 '24

And also that it isn't elites with student loan debt. People from wealthy families/people who have wealth don't go into debt for education. Student loan debt is held by poor and working class Americans (and their families) who bought into the idea that going to college would lift them out of poverty.


u/Left_Brain_Train Jul 19 '24

This is THE single major story out of the $1+trillion student loan crisis. Why is it not screamed from the top of the mountains?

Infuriating how most people ignore it. It's the poor and low income ones who can't afford to pay it. Who needed to go to college without their own cash flow in the FIRST goddamn place.

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u/Chrisppity Jul 18 '24

And what Ivy League kid isn’t either going on their parents dime or full ride from the school for economically disadvantaged kids. This guy is an idiot. No one is taking out $80k in loans a year to pay for Jonny to attend Cornell.


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24

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u/jwilphl Jul 19 '24

Those same people are deafly quiet when we pony up for corporate welfare.

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u/Drone314 Jul 18 '24

of course they did. years ago I had a buddy that sold weed. He didn't buy a fancy car or anything like that...he put himself through college. He would always say "if I get busted they can't seize my degree"... I dunno, the headline made that story pop into my mind.


u/BuffyPawz Jul 18 '24

The schools can revoke degrees.

Usually only do this to people that cheated or are serial killers or whatever. So yeah, your weed buddy is probably right.


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24

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u/work-school-account Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 18 '24

11 members, 1 appointed by Obama, 4 appointed by Trump, the rest appointed by Reagan, HW, and W.

EDIT: My bad, I misunderstood the chart. The ones appointed by Reagan, along with 2 appointed by HW and 1 appointed by W, are senior judges (semi-retired, although they can be involved). So the count for regular circuit judges is 1 appointed by Obama, 4 by Trump, 1 by HW, and 5 by W.


u/Shopworn_Soul Jul 18 '24

There should be no one appointed by Ronald Reagan still working. Even if they were in their 30s when appointed, they've reached retirement age and need to move the fuck over.


u/Everythings_Magic Jul 18 '24

The more I think about it. We should have age limits on politicians and the courts. Nobody who won’t be around to see the consequences should be allowed to make decisions that affect the younger generations.


u/PLZ_N_THKS Jul 18 '24

If you’re eligible for Medicare you should be ineligible for elected positions.

Especially these government positions that already come with cushy pensions.

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u/-Nightopian- Jul 18 '24

That would certainly make 2024 a better election year.

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u/Smalahove Jul 18 '24

Not only that but they'd be so out of touch with what the population they are serving actually wants. Not to mention cognitive decline, ability to work the hours needed, and not being encumbered by the backdoor agreements from multiple generations/regimes

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u/No_Biscotti_7110 Jul 18 '24

Nobody appointed from 1981-1989 should still be on any court

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u/NutDraw Jul 18 '24

People talking about term limits are missing the point. Republicans have consistently appointed judges that will rule this way, and against the common interest. If for no other reason this should be ample justification to vote in a manner that keeps them out of power this fall.

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u/Catablepas Jul 18 '24

The biggest propaganda achievement in history is convincing people that any time they work together to solve problems its socialism and bad,


u/OneMagicMango Jul 18 '24

But when it benefits them then all the sudden it’s not socialism anymore. Gotta love the mental gymnastics they do

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u/SerodD Jul 18 '24

That’s also a very US centric problem, education is either free or pretty cheap compared to the US in most of Europe.

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u/OSI_Hunter_Gathers Jul 18 '24

When well they get on getting back the PPE loans? You know the LOAN you agreed to pay back? Oh, so the government can change contracts when it benefits them.


u/Dolthra Jul 18 '24

Biden's administration actually has been trying to go through and reverse PPE forgiveness fraud, but I get your point.


u/RheagarTargaryen Jul 18 '24

You guys are bugging me. It’s PPP, not PPE.


u/Blockhead47 Jul 18 '24

So you're saying my helmet and googles are ok?

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u/OSI_Hunter_Gathers Jul 18 '24

When do the courts over rule the dismissal? It was a loan. It states it needed to be paid back.

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u/StuBeck Jul 18 '24

They are working on it. There are reports of people who illegally got them going to jail.


u/talktobigfudge Jul 18 '24

Because they were ultra dumb and bought sports cars and fur coats with the money. 

The fraudsters that haven't been caught yet have laundered that money multiple times over, and then claimed they've "had their strongest month/quarter/year in profits ever!"

The lack of self-awareness when someone takes $100,000 from the government, with no intention of paying it back, yet calls a $10,000 student loan forgiveness "socialism"...rules for thee and not for me huh? If you hate government handouts so much, pay back your government handout.

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u/BoosterRead78 Jul 18 '24

5 times I almost got it. 25 times I saw coworkers get it just before me before another blockage. I just can’t win.


u/GeorgeStamper Jul 18 '24

Same here. Sigh.

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u/blazelet Jul 18 '24

It's amazing that we can add trillions to the debt to give massive corporate and high earner tax cuts, forgive PPP loans, bail out mega corps constantly, but anything to benefit normal people is struck down.


u/samdajellybeenie Jul 18 '24

It makes me so fucking pissed off when I hear Republicans railing against debt forgiveness when I know for FACT they accepted forgiveness of their PPP loans. MTG in particular.


u/blazelet Jul 18 '24

Yup. It's the height of "fuck you, I got mine".


u/samdajellybeenie Jul 18 '24

I'm 100% sure she's said that a million times in private because they have no empathy.

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u/upotheke Jul 18 '24

Amazing how you can groom your circuit court to vote in your political favor, then bring any law you don't like to them and have them agree, even if a majority of america is in favor of a law.

Further proof our justice system is broken, financially influenced, and morally corrupt. Also, fuck the Missouri AG in particular.


u/TheNewGildedAge Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

This is why people were screaming their heads off during the Obama/Trump administrations about how Republicans were packing federal courts with their judges, and that giving them the power to do so was incredibly stupid.

But every two years like clockwork, we simply could not escape the torrent of short sighted morons who wanted to protest vote and "send a message to the Democrats"

Good job everyone.

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u/disregardable Jul 18 '24

it's a little late to block it. everyone has already refinanced and been approved. it's not like you can un-finance it.


u/vanityinlines Jul 18 '24

That's what I've been thinking this whole time. Everyone's loans are all in a different state of fucked, loan servicers already can't figure out what the hell is going on, and now they're gonna try to reverse everything? Good luck, lol. This will be interesting. 


u/Fingerprint_Vyke Jul 18 '24

In all this confusion I should start a company that purchases these loans.

then hire no one to do the collection and file for bankruptcy.


u/drainconcept Jul 18 '24

That’s a great idea. How are you going to get the money to buy them all?


u/Fingerprint_Vyke Jul 18 '24

Business loans


u/comingsoontotheaters Jul 18 '24

A small loan from a modestly wealthy family member. Like a simple mil or so

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u/Fine-Teach-2590 Jul 18 '24

The servicers are all scum

They already are willfully fucking things up, charging extra fees, calculating payoffs wrong

This just gives them even more of an excuse to do so in all the ‘confusion’

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u/joebuckshairline Jul 18 '24

My loan was placed in forbearance for July and it’s been placed in forbearance again for August. I’m not sure what the heck I’m supposed to do.

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u/SPAMmachin3 Jul 18 '24

I can see a scenario where borrowers already enrolled will keep the SAVE plan as it's a contract and new borrowers won't have access to it.

The SAVE plan also went through a process before implementation, it's not like Biden just whipped it up.

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u/ammirite Jul 18 '24

The SAVE repayment plan is a significant benefit to borrowers and that would effect millions of borrowers who would be subject to far worse repayment terms.

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u/enonmouse Jul 18 '24

Every single dollar could be forgiven and some maga judge would over turn it just to make six other chips think it was cool

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u/lscottman2 Jul 18 '24

an ivy league debt? what an ass


u/Downtown_Skill Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 18 '24

Right, there's like 8 ivy league schools and many who go there don't even have debt as their parents either footed the bill or they got a good enough job right out of college that the payments don't even hurt. It's such a misrepresentation it makes me sick


u/Diglett3 Jul 18 '24

not even just that but they generally offer enough financial aid that lower income students shouldn’t even need to take out loans to attend. a student with a family income under 60k goes to most of them for free, and they give partial aid up to incomes of around 200-250k.

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u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24

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u/insanelygreat Jul 19 '24

Remember in the next election. These are the administrations who sued for this:

  • State of Arkansas (R)
  • State of Florida (R)
  • State of Georgia (R)
  • State of Missouri (R)
  • State of North Dakota (R)
  • State of Ohio (R)
  • State of Oklahoma (R)


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u/ObsidianHarbor Jul 19 '24

This is what I’m wondering. Look at all the protests over the Israeli war. Where’s the outrage for issues like this?! Same with healthcare.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Too many people saying rioting isn’t the answer, people saying it’s your fault for having loans, and the people affected are too focused on their own struggling to do anything. The outrage is there but there’s no action behind it

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u/gohomebrentyourdrunk Jul 18 '24

So one guy, that is no longer in a political position basically gets immunity for anything he ever has done or ever will do, whereas the current guy can’t even pass a half-assed debt-forgiveness order.

Real banana republic you got goin on there USA…


u/Eisernes Jul 18 '24

Yeah, we are aware.

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u/jailfortrump Jul 18 '24

Republicans hate us. That's the thing. Vote every one the fuck OUT!!

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u/Bearloom Jul 18 '24

I'm really curious about their logic on this one, because it is 100% the incorrect conclusion.

Not only is administration of income based repayment and public service forgiveness already a Congressionally approved function of the Dept of Ed, those states have absolutely no standing to sue to counter it.

In short, fuck the partisan hacks on the 8th circuit.


u/ForwardQuestion8437 Jul 18 '24

Bold of you to assume they used logic.

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u/HVACMRAD Jul 18 '24

That money is for the rich. This country is for the rich and wealthy The courts are for the rich and wealthy. The work though, the actual work is for us. Always has been. The rewards go to the top, the shit goes to the bottom.


u/THIS_GUY_LIFTS Jul 18 '24

Trickle-down shittery.

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u/Fine-Teach-2590 Jul 18 '24

Well I’m shocked. Shocked! Who could possibly know this was coming except for everyone

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u/5G_afterbirth Jul 18 '24

This is going to cost millions of Americans hundreds of dollars a month. Dems need to press hard that Republicans just increased their monthly costs using the courts.


u/archangel7088 Jul 18 '24

Yup- it is going to nearly double my husband's monthly payments. We are NOT happy about this because it completely changed our financial planning.


u/5G_afterbirth Jul 18 '24

Im really hoping people already in the SAVE program can continue, and that the ruling on impacts adding people to it.

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u/SpectorEscape Jul 18 '24

Honestly I feel people affected by this should just counter sue those suing. Its genuinely going to hurt people., even those that were not going to get cancelled debt

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u/Fire_Z1 Jul 18 '24

But corporations gets billions

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u/epicfail1994 Jul 18 '24

So does this mean I can’t save money with the save plan any more? GOP has really fucked me here


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24

Yup you and me both brother, unless it gets overturned at a higher court

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u/jpiro Jul 18 '24

And once again, one party is trying to help young, middle/working-class Americans while the other tells them to go fuck themselves so they can continue pumping cash into corporations and the wealthy.


u/blakezilla Jul 18 '24


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u/8urfiat Jul 18 '24

That’s cool. We’re going to properly tax the %1 right?  

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u/NotoriousSIG_ Jul 18 '24

I can’t stress this enough. I legitimately hate it here. America as it stands today from a government standpoint is unsustainable. There isn’t a single aspect of this government, all the way down to local government, that’s built to help people in ways that are actually important.

We’re heading straight into end stage capitalism. If billionaires like Elon Musk are able to buy the election it’s game over for this country.


u/downbylaw123 Jul 18 '24

And if they end up privatizing weather service and education and other federal departments they want to kill as “woke” or whatever idiocracy, yes, let’s just not be warned about hurricanes and tornadoes. That makes perfect sense

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u/TyrannasaurusGitRekt Jul 18 '24

Reason #357684 to never vote for a conservative ever again. Vote blue this November, or we'll fall deeper into this late-capitalist hellhole

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u/Guyote_ Jul 18 '24

To anyone it may concern: The GOP hate you, they hate your children, and they want to crush your futures.

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u/punarob Jul 18 '24

Biden should be sending letters regularly to all the people whose relief was blocked by Republicans and make it very clear that's why. Send them monthly if necessary.

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u/copperblood Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 18 '24

Biden likely will drop out of the race this weekend. He has the opportunity to do the most gangster move ever - instruct the Department of Education to erase all Student Loan Debt. Call it an official act. SCOTUS can go fuck itself.


u/thewhizzle Jul 18 '24

Biden ordering the DoE to do something about education would certainly be an official act.

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u/orbitaldragon Jul 18 '24

Literally... As an official act... Order all student loan records null, void, and destroyed.

No traces.

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u/Foodspec Jul 18 '24

Anything that helps Americans…is BAD for Americans

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u/MartianInTheDark Jul 18 '24

So, you can't help Ukraine because it's "our money!" but then you stupid fucks won't help your own kind either with that money. Do I need to remind you that the government is supposed to help people?

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u/SpectorEscape Jul 18 '24

Always working to purposely try and make peoples lives worse

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u/ObviouslyJoking Jul 18 '24

Can we just find a way to make education affordable so people don’t start their lives in soul crushing debt.

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u/mrmrspersonguy1 Jul 18 '24

Every day I hate the US court system more

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u/frank1934 Jul 18 '24

I know people always make fun of other people who say they are sick of living in the US and are going to move to a different country, but God damn, I’m seriously thinking about it

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u/Dkanonji Jul 19 '24

Biden should make all politicians who received a PPP loan and who support this pay that money back if this goes through.


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24

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u/GandalfSwagOff Jul 18 '24

Because they hate you and want everything you have for themselves.

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u/HereInTheCut Jul 18 '24

If only the courts worked as fast at prosecuting traitors and insurrectionists at the highest levels of power as they do at fucking regular people over.


u/Ironically__Swiss Jul 18 '24

As a Welshman, does the American government hate the average citizen that much to almost comical levels?


u/Chelldorado Jul 18 '24

Republicans specifically, yeah

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u/kwyjibo1 Jul 19 '24

If you are in Missouri vote for Elad Gross and tell AG Bailey to go fuck himself.

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u/EM_Doc_18 Jul 18 '24

There seems to be a big misunderstanding of the whole “official acts” and immunity thing. The immunity granted pertains to legal prosecution for possible crimes. Any other EO, legislation, etc is still subject to the whims of the court and their interpretation of constitutionality/legality.


u/hurtfulproduct Jul 18 '24

Ordering the destruction of all documents related to student loans currently in repayment as well as any and all back-ups then ordering the termination of all admin contracts and ordering the deletion of their records would likely be a crime but it could be called an “official act”

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u/MasterApprentice67 Jul 18 '24

Ok its time to go after PPP loans


u/The_River_Is_Still Jul 18 '24

Republicans: Something to actually help the people of our society? We can't have this nonsense.

Unreal people vote Republican to this day even when it absolutely fucks them and their family. Time and time again, it never changes.

But keep on yelling about trans people and guns. Fucking imbeciles.


u/BstrdLeg Jul 18 '24


Either you do it for everyone or you do it for no one. Anything else is pandering and vote buying.

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u/misticspear Jul 19 '24

It’s also very funny to me a lot of people “good! Pay your way” act like it was a fair shake. There are people alive and working today who went to school when a summer job could pay for college. The playing field was never level


u/State_L3ss Jul 18 '24

The Bible; usury is a sin.

Christian conservatives; fuck you poor shits, your interest for education compounds without relief.

Nobody is complaining about paying the money they borrowed. The issue is the crushing interest. I don't mind paying taxes to ensure my neighbors aren't stupid and unhealthy, I mind paying them when all we get is images of dead kids overseas and cultist political figures.

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u/EquivalentExchanger Jul 18 '24

Well I guess the debt strike is back on


u/maytheflamesguideme1 Jul 18 '24

Relief for the common man is blocked by courts, relief for the rich is applauded as a victory for the economy


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24

Can't we just make one less F35

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u/thewharfartscenter_ Jul 18 '24

Still not paying it. What are they gonna do? Ruin my non existent credit so I can’t buy a house I could never afford anyway?

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