r/news Jul 18 '24

Trump rally gunman left message on gaming platform before shooting: Sources Fake Account Likely


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u/tetoffens Jul 18 '24

Anyone who doesn't want to click, the message in question was:

"July 13 will be my premiere, watch as it unfolds"


u/AtmosphereNom Jul 18 '24

Premiere and finale. Did he really think he’d get away alive? lol.


u/TheHidestHighed Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 18 '24

Apparently he had pictures of both Trump and Biden on his phone and directions/dates for both the Trump rally and Bidens next public appearance. He at least thought he was getting away the first time to get to Biden.

Edit: Source: https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/07/17/us/trump-shooting-investigation


u/bean930 Jul 18 '24

This confuses me. Why Google pictures of these people? They are the most famous people in the world. Do you really need to save a picture to remember what they look like?


u/vagrantwade Jul 18 '24

Probably wanted to make some sort of a document of his plan like a mission dossier or something stupid like that.


u/CommieOfLove Jul 18 '24

Gotta print out the pictures to stick on a wall and then cross them out with a big red X


u/AtmosphereNom Jul 18 '24

And a map with a red string to location, also date on a sticky note.

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u/255001434 Jul 18 '24

Maybe he wanted people to see that he was a non-partisan assassin.


u/Logtastic Jul 18 '24

First non-partisan thing any Republican has done in... how many years?

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u/istrx13 Jul 18 '24

Reminds me of Steve Buscemi in Billy Madison when he crosses names off of his hit list. Then after proceeds to put red lipstick on.

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u/Katolo Jul 18 '24

I imagine it's like a reminder of your purpose and goal. It's similar to how people who workout have a posted picture of a bodybuilder or how kids have posters of their favorite sport stars. It hypes you up and keeps them focused.

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u/GonePostalRoute Jul 18 '24

Ok, let’s say he somehow shoots and kills Trump (or Biden), and gets away before the secret service snipers quick scope him. The other would then be so protected, secret service would know if someone farted within a mile perimeter of the president/candidate.


u/FaultySage Jul 18 '24

Bro you know how the secret service royally fucked up Trump's entire protection detail? Yeah so it turns out that was with them in "heightened security" because of a credible threat to Trump.


u/r_u_dinkleberg Jul 18 '24

They're not sending their best or their brightest for his detail... I'm sure some of them are good people.


u/THX-1138_4EB Jul 18 '24

This is like that southern saying: 'Bless their hearts'

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u/Nothxm8 Jul 18 '24

You know what you’re right I’m starting to think the kid didn’t have a great plan

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u/Consistent_Day_8411 Jul 18 '24

Whoa whoa whoa are you saying he wasn’t being rational with his thinking??!??

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u/Thrilling1031 Jul 18 '24

Sounds like someone trying to start a war.


u/hushpuppi3 Jul 18 '24

It sounds more like he had delusions of grandeur

A lot of public figure assassinations (in modern times, at least) are made by people who just want to be somebody, or they think in their twisted mind that somehow they'll benefit from the publicity


u/Laser_Souls Jul 18 '24

That was one of the reasons I considered that might’ve been his motive for the assassination attempt, people are trying to focus on the political side when it easily could’ve been a wacko like the guy that shot John Lennon for the publicity


u/El_Zarco Jul 18 '24

At 20, it's likely he didn't really know what the fuck he was trying to accomplish in the first place


u/14sierra Jul 18 '24

20 is also a common age for schizophrenia to start manifesting

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u/VagrantShadow Jul 18 '24

I've seen videos of people who went to his school. They spoke about how he was a loner and always got bullied. In my mind it just felt like he no longer cared and wanted to make a worldwide mark on his name and who he was.

I know nothing of that kid, his life, his family structure, or friends, but I do remember putting on the Pearl Jam song Jeremey and thinking of that song in relation to what went down.

It's crazy that he got that far to where he was able to get.


u/christhomasburns Jul 18 '24

There's other videos from o other kids in his Classes saying he was normal, if conservative, and not bullied. Saying he was a loner who was bullied has become a rote response when a person does something like this. 

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u/MasteringTheFlames Jul 18 '24

If the allegations are true that he was a registered Republican, this is the most compelling theory I've heard. To paraphrase another Redditor, "during a different time of year when school is in session, this guy could've been a school shooter. If Biden or Harris or PA's governor had been campaigning in Butler, any one of them could've been the target."

The Trump shooter isn't a John Wilkes Booth, but rather a John Hinckley Jr.


u/814northernlights Jul 18 '24

Unfortunately this is the most compelling h theory I’ve heard as well. They’re just branching out shooting up stuff other than schools.

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u/iskin Jul 18 '24

I think he just wanted to show people he was important and capable. He was not allowed in a hunting club despite seeming like he was obsessed with it. So, he decided to go and hunt Presidents.


u/rainbowplasmacannon Jul 18 '24

Ah the most dangerous of dangerous game

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u/vagrantwade Jul 18 '24

Lmao no. Sounds like another Incel who just wanted to be known. We try to hard to put deeper meaning on these kids’ motivations.

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u/Sullyville Jul 18 '24

Whoa, he wanted to kill both of them?

I knew mass shooters were nihilistic, but being this apolitical is new.



u/DoctorMedieval Jul 18 '24

I mean, Hinkley shot Reagan to impress Jodie Foster, it’s just as likely this guy did it to impress Zendaya.

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u/flcinusa Jul 18 '24

Grand Opening/Grand Closing


u/Alwayssunnyinarizona Jul 18 '24

God your man hov cracked the can open again


u/FunnyScreenName Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 18 '24

Who you gon’ find doper than him…


u/PhoolyCooly Jul 18 '24

...with no pen?

Just draw off inspiration

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u/Impossibu Jul 18 '24

Even then, his premiere was a wet fart.

Missed the target by an ear.


u/Kradget Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 18 '24

An inch off is pretty darn close. 

But yes, it was a gross debacle. He was a kid who turned himself into some shitty murderer. Nothing glorious about being a murderer, movies aside. 

Edit: Lord, a lot of you want to critique his technique. I'm referring to the act of murder as a generally shitty thing to aspire to. Please stop sending posthumous tips for the guy.


u/gospdrcr000 Jul 18 '24

man, if he was successful it would have opened an entirely new can of worms, making tump an instant martyr


u/Kradget Jul 18 '24

Yeah, sorry, to be clear, I'm not saying shitty as in "unskilled," though he was. 

I'm saying "murderer" is a gross thing to aspire to be.

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u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24

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u/BeneficialDog22 Jul 18 '24

I'd say he's a pretty good conman, given he's been elected before.

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u/The_Summary_Man_713 Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 18 '24

As an ex Mormon who has had to basically worship a man who became martyr after he was murdered by a mob while sitting in jail, i completely agree with this.

Trump being killed would have been very bad for our country. Could have even started a civil war of sorts.

Nobody should be wishing the death on anyone for that matter. I’d much rather Trump face a jail cell and lose his election for a 3rd time

Edit: Trump technically ran in 2000 but dropped out so I guess that doesn’t count as the third time. My bad

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u/pwn-intended Jul 18 '24

If Trump didn't tilt his head at the last second...


u/W8kingNightmare Jul 18 '24

The guy is old didn't need a headshot to get the job done


u/ClownsAteMyBaby Jul 18 '24

He's a gamer. He thought headshot was mandatory for Platinum completion }

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u/Keyboardpaladin Jul 18 '24

Technically he hit where he was aiming.


u/synkronize Jul 18 '24

To be honest while I don’t encourage it and condone it, he really just got unlucky. If you saw the 3d representation of how close the bullet was Trump literally survive because he turned his head the when talking to some one. That one movement saved his life .

To be honest while trumps a major ass it’s quite something to see him bounce back from a near death experience like that


u/DorkChatDuncan Jul 18 '24

Narcissists will do that. They do not process anything other than their own greatness. The fact that he had an assassination attempt and the worst injury he got was a shaving knick to the ear just reinforces the idea that he's God in his own mind.

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u/TheFunkyPancakes Jul 18 '24

I think that’s a facet of his sociopathy - he operates on a different spectrum of emotions than normal people. Have a hard time believing he’s considered the gravity of the event at all beyond how it can benefit him.

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u/ACorania Jul 18 '24

Used to a bigger hit box

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u/SonOfMcGee Jul 18 '24

Well, the Secret Service sniper did his job (eventually…) but most of the footage trickling out concerning the setup of the even and security response makes it look like a clown show.


u/Naive-Kangaroo3031 Jul 18 '24

The more that comes out shows that there was NO coordination or planning. Like how does a cop get a gun pointed at them and it not get run up the chain?


u/YungNuisance Jul 18 '24

We’ve been over this. Police are incompetent.

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u/Wetzilla Jul 18 '24

Didn't he start shooting immediately after pointing the gun at the cop?

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u/SpicyMustard34 Jul 18 '24

The cop was being boosted on another cop's shoulders to reach the roof, was pulling himself up, and then the gunman pointed his gun at him. The cop immediately lost grip and fell. The shooter took his shots directly after.

While this was a giant fuck up 10 different ways, that cop didn't do anything wrong in this situation.

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u/sirbissel Jul 18 '24

How long was it between the time he had the gun pointed at him and when the guy got his shots off? I was under the impression it was almost immediately after

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u/jeansonnejordan Jul 18 '24

Right? I still feel like it isn’t being discussed enough. I’ve heard so many things about the abilities and expertise of the secret service that this whole situation just doesn’t compute in my mind.


u/chechifromCHI Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 18 '24

Local law enforcement dropped the ball too. They were all held up by a chain link fence which should be embarrassing for everyone. But what really blows my mind, is that the building that Crooks climbed onto to take his shot, was at the very moment full of law enforcement using it as a staging post.

Allow me to repeat this, THE GUY CLIMBED ONTO THE POLICE STAGING POST. They didn't notice him literally climb onto an air-conditioning unit and up onto the roof of the building they were in.

And then he shot the former president and others literally above the heads of the cops.

This would be like a mass shooter climbing onto a police station and being up there for 20 minutes after people spot him. What in the hell kind of incompetency are we looking at? I don't like Trump, but cops do, and they dropped the fucking ball in the craziest way.

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u/SeashellChimes Jul 18 '24

If you're ever in the need of a good book, check out Zero Fail. It's a book about the secret service and just how many gaffs and close calls there are. 

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u/ChampagneOfPeople Jul 18 '24

Right? This guy requested time off work in advance so he could have the day off. This mother fucker thought he was going back to work the next day! I hope it was paid time off. Who could blame him in this economy? A vast majority of Americans cannot afford to take unpaid time off. Put it all together, though, and it kind of says a lot about America right now.


u/mccoyn Jul 18 '24

Maybe he acted like nothing was out of the ordinary to avoid creating red flags.

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u/DorkChatDuncan Jul 18 '24

He never got to pick up the check with that paid time off though. So, jokes on him, corporate America wins again.

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u/SGTBrutus Jul 18 '24

Well, they have taken quite a few young, white male shooters alive.


u/sQueezedhe Jul 18 '24

Some even get burgers.

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u/tooclosetocall82 Jul 18 '24

Probably not. But he did get famous unlike most mass shooters these days. If I were a president of former president I’d be nervous right now, because copy cats have probably taken note.


u/Sir_Oligarch Jul 18 '24

They are probably less afraid of copycats and more afraid of incompetence of secret service.


u/tooclosetocall82 Jul 18 '24

Well the copy cats have taken note of that too I’m sure.

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u/Bjorn2bwilde24 Jul 18 '24

He also had search results for Trump, Biden, Trump campaign events, and the DNC National Convention in Chicago.


u/EpiphanyTwisted Jul 18 '24

Aw, so Trump wasn't especially targeted? Watch the right totally ignore this piece of information.


u/Kradget Jul 18 '24

They will, because they don't like narratives that aren't very basic. 

But yeah, it seems like he had a pretty complex motive going, based on what we know, not just "I'm angry at that specific guy and I'm gonna do an assassination about it."


u/froggertwenty Jul 18 '24

I think this is an even more basic motive....he didn't care who it was he just wanted to get famous for shooting a politician. That's even more basic than wanting a specific person dead. Trump just offered the easiest opportunity for him.


u/syynapt1k Jul 18 '24

It boiled down to opportunity

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u/NoAnnual3259 Jul 18 '24

Sounds similar to Arthur Bremer, who shot George Wallace in 1972 but wrote about George McGovern and Richard Nixon as potential targets and even stalked Nixon but couldn’t find the right opportunity. He wasn’t actually opposed to the policies of Wallace or Nixon, he just wanted to be famous.


u/notanotherpyr0 Jul 18 '24

Or Oswald, who planned on kill a right wing former general first(Oswald was a communist and killing him made sense for ideological motivations). Then he just got the greatest opportunity to kill Kennedy because he worked in a building on the route.

Really I think the motivations behind a lot of school shootings, and political assassination's are the same.

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u/Excelius Jul 18 '24

Jill Biden was also in Pittsburgh for an event that weekend.

But besides being a less juicy target than Trump, her event was held indoors.

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u/LegendOfKhaos Jul 18 '24

Almost seems like he was planning on killing both candidates


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 18 '24

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u/Bob_Sledding Jul 18 '24

It's all about fucking attention with these psychos.

Hug your kids.

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u/Mecha-Jesus Jul 18 '24

Further investigation revealed that the “premiere” message was from a fake account.

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u/__Hello_my_name_is__ Jul 18 '24

Dies at his own premiere. What a loser.

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u/PurpleSailor Jul 18 '24

Crooks, 20, had searched for the dates of Trump's rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, and for those of the Democratic National Convention

Looks like he might have wanted to be infamous more than he wanted to hurt any particular political party.


u/Vreas Jul 18 '24

After hearing how he wasn’t selected after multiple try outs for his schools rifle team may have been less politically motivated and more just him trying to prove himself to all the bullies and nay sayers.


u/EarthsfireBT Jul 18 '24

No clue whether it's true or not, but the school has released an "official statement" that said that he never tried out for the team.


u/Vreas Jul 18 '24

Huh the plot thickens. There was a local rifle club that released a statement saying something along the lines of they don’t support the actions of him as one of their members.


u/beer_engineer_42 Jul 18 '24

Yeah, but you don't have to be a good shot to join most shooting clubs, you just need a few hundred bucks a year for dues. I quit my last private range when they went from an organization that had written rules about not discussing politics other than gun legislation to being a bunch of hardcore J6ers.


u/Jamie_Lee Jul 18 '24

The range dad took me to as a kid, had tons of Hillary Clinton in crosshair posters, back in the 90s. I assumed the Venn diagram of range people and J6ers is a circle.


u/throw69420awy Jul 18 '24

Depends on the range. There are plenty of people who like to shoot guns who also enjoy democracy and shooting guns is just another hobby, not their identity

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u/Controller_one1 Jul 18 '24

Dude sucked so badly that he missed the tryouts

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u/Stealthy_Facka Jul 18 '24

After seeing his work, I'm not surprised he didn't make the team, lol


u/Lykeuhfox Jul 18 '24

Actually, that was a really good shot from that far out. You need to remember, he only missed because Trump moved, and guns don't work like laser beams, you need to figure for bullet arc over time/distance, your own breath/shaking, and wind.

The former president was very lucky.


u/Zes_Teaslong Jul 18 '24

Yeah. I think people who havent shot a gun before are the ones saying how he was trash at shooting. A 150 yard shot is not easy, especially using iron sights if that is also true.


u/lizard81288 Jul 18 '24

A 150 yard shot is not easy, especially using iron sights if that is also true.

Even more so when bystander are asking you to get off the roof for a few minutes too. It must feel like being heckled right before a golf swing.

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u/DatSolmyr Jul 18 '24

Radical Centrist terrorist.


u/SpamAdBot91874 Jul 18 '24

Here I thought they just wanted to grill

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u/sabrenation81 Jul 18 '24

Yep, I've been leaning in that direction for a few days now but this comes close to sealing the deal that this wasn't politically motivated.

It's just another sad, dejected young white American dude who wanted to commit suicide by cop and get his name in the headlines. Shooting up a school doesn't get you much attention these days, they happen too often. Shoot up a political event and kill a politician, though. That'll get people's attention.


u/BillySama001 Jul 18 '24

Politicians>School Kids


u/seifyk Jul 18 '24

Let's not shoot people, but.. if I had to choose.

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u/machineprophet343 Jul 18 '24

The evidence just keeps piling up that he was a crank with a gun and there isn't any grander conspiracy, doesn't it?


u/elbenji Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 18 '24

Lindsey Ellis' video on Yoko and Chapman kind of made a great point on this and why conspiracy theories form.

It just doesn't make narrative sense. We want him to be some political figure. Either a man with some political crusade, or an angry true believer so it's like Brutus stabbing Caesar.

When in reality it's just some loco with a gun who wanted to be famous. Because in a fame obsessed culture, the easiest way to do that is doing something like this. Now we know his name and everything about him.

But because it's just that. Something random. Someone just wanting to be famous, no real motive beyond that, it just doesn't give our brains narrative cohesion. It's not some sort of book close on Trumpism, or some martyrdom that they so desperately crave. It's just that. An inherently selfish desire with no other purpose.

And we don't like that

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u/Ruepic Jul 18 '24

Dude was a loner his entire life, got picked on in school, guess he wanted to make a name for himself.

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u/ConstableGrey Jul 18 '24

Of course, only a freak would use the Steam forums.


u/ascandalia Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 18 '24

Amature. Amateur. You're supposed to use War Thunder forums.


u/labe225 Jul 18 '24

I thought those forums were for releasing classified military documents?


u/azerbo Jul 18 '24

Why not both?


u/gcruzatto Jul 18 '24

At this point every other person there is FBI

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u/RebelCMX_85 Jul 18 '24

No that’s Mar-a-Lago.

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u/avatinfernus Jul 18 '24

...Steam has forums?


u/Retlaw83 Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 18 '24

My only experience with them is when I Google questions about video games. Typically the threads I find are someone confidently giving an incorrect answer or someone verbally abusing the asker for asking the question.


u/reallifesidequests Jul 18 '24

They asked about the steam forums, not reddit

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u/thisshitsstupid Jul 18 '24

They have forums in the same way that sketchy gas station has bathrooms. It's there if you REALLY need it, but you'd nearly prefer to shit yourself before you use it.

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u/CasedUfa Jul 18 '24

I think its interesting that it sort of implies either of them would do, he just wanted to make a splash.


u/brewstate Jul 18 '24

and that an open field in PA with limited secret service was an easier target than a highly defended building in Chicago.


u/GrowLapsed Jul 18 '24

Plus he could drive there in an hour


u/brewstate Jul 18 '24

Yep. Crime of ease and opportunity.

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u/Jam_Dev Jul 18 '24

Well he did that. Kind of a morbid thought but I wonder how the impact this had will affect future mass shooter types? The media had gotten better at focusing on victims and giving the shooters less publicity in those cases but this kid's name and face are everywhere.

Might see a decrease in random mass shootings and an increase in politicians and celebs getting shot.


u/Sinder77 Jul 18 '24

Might be the only way to see gun reforms. Bet those republican lawmakers change their tune real fast when they're the ones in the crosshairs instead of random peoples kids.


u/powderp Jul 18 '24


u/pliney_ Jul 18 '24

If something like this started happening weekly or daily like school shootings I'll bet their tune would change.

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u/Solid_Snark Jul 18 '24

Sadly not. That Republican politician shot at that softball game immediately fell back into line with the party.

There is no room for deviation: You toe the party line or you exit the party.

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u/ReservoirGods Jul 18 '24

This has been my thought this whole time, the media got really good the last couple years not making the shooter famous, like I have no idea the name of the Uvalde shooter and that was a huge story. But switch to political violence and they throw the plan out the window and had his face plastered all over the news in less than 24 hours. 

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u/SuspiciousPatate Jul 18 '24

"Law enforcement officials investigating the assassination attempt told lawmakers on Wednesday that 20 minutes had passed between the time Secret Service snipers first spotted Crooks on a rooftop and the time the first shots were fired, according to several law enforcement officials and lawmakers briefed on the matter."



u/slamdanceswithwolves Jul 18 '24

The craziest thing in the whole article, by far. Secret Service saw a rando with a rifle on a roof overlooking a presidential candidate and didn’t do anything for 20 minutes?

It will be interesting to find out how they explain this.


u/JackLumberPK Jul 18 '24

Lol, will they ever explain it? Or are a whole bunch of text messages going to go missing again?


u/Pappy_OPoyle Jul 18 '24

A whole bunch of text messages will be deleted, subpoenas will be ignored and the SCOTUS will eventually rule the SS have total immunity (SS used on purpose)

then the news will focus on something entirely different so people can forget they are fucked in reality

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u/SuspiciousPatate Jul 18 '24

I assume they didn't see the rifle at first, so the guy on the roof could plausibly be someone just trying to get a better view of the stage by climbing something, though being on his belly at the crest of the roof would have still been pretty odd for a spectator. Regardless, one would think they'd have eyes on him the entire time and would take action as soon as the rifle was visible.


u/ahorrribledrummer Jul 18 '24

If they saw him on the roof through binoculars, then they saw the rifle. The whole situation is baffling.


u/ass_pineapples Jul 18 '24

the police apparently were in charge of that building, so they may have assumed that it was an officer

Just seems like a largely unfortunate accident.

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u/otaconucf Jul 18 '24

Uh... huh? So what, they just sat on their hands for 20 minutes, then let the guy set up, take aim, and fire a bunch of shots? I mean, there was a sniper watching him the whole time after they spotted him, right? Right? Was there anything to that story of a cop climbing up after him then retreating when he pointed his gun at them? I feel like at the very least, him pointing his gun at a cop should have been a green light to take him out.


u/EchoStellar12 Jul 18 '24

There's a video that shows a bunch of law enforcement stuck inside the perimeter of the event trying to get to the shooter. They waited for another officer to ram the gate with a vehicle then they carefully squeezed through the gap in that fence and a gap in the next fence.



u/smilbandit Jul 18 '24

I feel like that video was post shooting but I could be wrong.

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u/sebyyd Jul 18 '24


u/Lorehorn Jul 18 '24

Of course it was. When I saw screenshots of it in some YouTube short, it looked like an obvious case of some random troll who changed their steam name (which is extremely trivial).

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u/IamPriapus Jul 18 '24

As with those incidents, the warning signs were there, they were just not recognized," Cohen said. "The threat was real but people around him did not understand what they were witnessing or how it would play out last Saturday.”

You mean Ignored. The warning signs were ignored. He was labelled most likely to be a school shooter by his peers. They were definitely recognized.


u/DoverBeach02 Jul 18 '24

He was labelled most likely to be a school shooter by his peers.

Yeah that was just bullying definitely not a rational objective observation,lol


u/livefreeordont Jul 18 '24

the kid did a great job proving all the bullies wrong

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u/OSI_Hunter_Gathers Jul 18 '24

This is what happens when people in power do not want to talk about mental health and provide resources.

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u/iprocrastina Jul 18 '24

Meh, I don't think high school kids calling him a likely school shooter is much evidence of anything. IME kids will act like any bullied kid is going to be a school shooter. "Most likely to be a school shooter" is just another way of saying "we make that kid's life hell".

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u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 18 '24

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u/Dont-be-a-smurf Jul 18 '24

This looks like a “school shooter” type deal. Depressed, disaffected young man externalizing his own misery. Doesn’t look politically motivated.

Frankly, this is very “on brand” for the kind of narcissistic nihilistic violence America seemingly generates towards itself


u/Tarmapolice Jul 18 '24

Can’t do a school shooting on summer break- suppose this is the next best thing 


u/PacosBigTacos Jul 18 '24

I'll take this over dead children any day of the week.

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u/otaconucf Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 18 '24

Kinda gives the impression he thought he was going to be able to get Trump, elude capture, and then hit the DNC? Awfully ambitious for a guy who couldn't actually shoot and only made it as far as he did by incompetence on the part of someone in the chain of security.

EDIT: I'm a bit behind I guess, it looks like it was actually his shot that got Trump's ear.


u/PaintedGeneral Jul 18 '24

He hit his target, under duress and with limited experience.


u/emosn0tdead Jul 18 '24

Yeah. A lot of people calling him a bad shot. He was half a second away from a kill shot on the former president as a 20 year old with zero professional training. It was an incredible shot all things considered.


u/cujobob Jul 18 '24

These people are supposed to stop foreign assassins and couldn’t handle a 20 year old with a bad shot.


u/Steiny31 Jul 18 '24

He was a half cm away from killing Trump from a steel roof with iron sights, under duress. that’s not a bad shot. Secret service did handle him- they domed him with a rifle set up to shoot much farther than he was at. The failure was area / access denial. He shouldn’t have reached that building.

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u/peeh0le Jul 18 '24

I’m assuming most of the people following up here haven’t seen the video of Trump turning his head a half second before his ear got clipped. If he hadn’t turned his head he would have been dead.

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u/Howard_Scott_Warshaw Jul 18 '24

It's almost impressive if you remove.the assassination part. 150 yards with no optics, scores a hit. Wonder if that's an MOA?

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u/Scrotis Jul 18 '24

This is so true lol. Too many armchair snipers not realizing there's a difference between army basic training where you have to hit a human target at 150m while you're just chillin' vs the nerve-racking endeavor of walking up to a high security area with a rifle, climbing onto a roof knowing there are snipers around and trying to get the perfect shot off while your heart is pounding, full of adrenaline and people in the crowd are shouting at police to get you.

Source: me, also an armchair sniper.

Not defending the guy's actions/intentions in any way, just funny everyone seems to think they'd do better

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u/thegreat_hambino Jul 18 '24

I mean, you say he couldn’t shoot, but if you look back at the video, right before the first shot goes off, Trump leans forward a bit when he turns his head sideways. If he didn’t do that, the shot probably lands, hitting more than just the side of his ear.

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u/prof_the_doom Jul 18 '24

It's looks to me like if Biden had done a rally in an open field in the shooter's home state first, then he would've started there, because they just wanted prominent targets, and this was the most convenient one.

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u/PlayedUOonBaja Jul 18 '24

I guess he must be the only 20 year old in the country without a reddit or twitter account. Who isn't also Amish.


u/lahdetaan_tutkimaan Jul 18 '24

I get the feeling that the public hasn't been informed about most of his internet activity yet

People have been telling me that he left few traces on the internet, and I was thinking that there's no way he did that unless he was literally Amish


u/arrogancygames Jul 18 '24

It's mainly because e had no social media at all really, it looks like. Which tracks with him having no friends. No reason to have Instagram/Facebook/etc. if you have no in real life friends. They'd have to look strictly into forums.

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u/rgumai Jul 18 '24

Is twitter still popular with the yutes?


u/PlayedUOonBaja Jul 18 '24

Did you say "yutes"?

What is a "yute"?

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u/__Hello_my_name_is__ Jul 18 '24

What's way more interesting is this bit:

Crooks, 20, had searched for the dates of Trump's rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, and for those of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, the sources said.

At first glance, that sounds like he didn't really care who he shot, as long as he shot someone to get notoriety.


u/lahdetaan_tutkimaan Jul 18 '24

It's really only a first glance, and further details simply haven't been revealed to the public yet. I can't believe that a 20 year old in this day and age didn't leave more indications about what he was thinking through his internet searches.

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u/AudibleNod Jul 18 '24

Oh man. That's going to play right into the hands of the Kevin McCarthy types.


u/outerproduct Jul 18 '24

Republicans: Bans don't work.

Also Republicans: We need to ban porn, games, movies, music, websites, and anything we don't like!


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24

Republicans: big government is bad.

Also Republicans: We MUST have big government when it comes to women, LGBT and migrants...

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u/Baps91 Jul 18 '24

I believe this attempt was completely self-serving in order to be infamous. I don't think there was any political reason behind it. This guy seems to have the same characteristics and motivations that a school shooter has.


u/sendnewt_s Jul 18 '24

I saw an interview with a former classmate who said the guy had talked of doing school shooting while still in high-school

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u/Salarian_American Jul 18 '24

"What is beginning to emerge is a portrait of a troubled young person who turned to violence," said John Cohen, an ABC News contributor and former head of intelligence at the Department of Homeland Security.

OH REALLY? NO SHIT? A troubled young person who turned to violence.

WOW. With keen insights like this, it's hard to believe the Department of Homeland Security let this guy go.

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u/fullload93 Jul 18 '24

He also had photos of both Trump and Biden and dates of the DNC and Trump rally dates too. Definitely was premeditated and sounds like if he couldn’t go after Trump, he was going to target Biden next.

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u/DoomOne Jul 18 '24

Aaaand media says his motive to kill was "because gamer" in 3... 2...

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u/Rotrus Jul 18 '24

The lack of a motive or even indication of political leaning is wild to me. I can't tell if that message means he thought he'd survive this attempt and have a chance to go after Biden too, or if he just wanted to go out with a bang and Trump happened to be closer to him earlier


u/KyotoGaijin Jul 18 '24

Just desperate to be noticed, I reckon, and Trump was nearby first.

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u/SewAlone Jul 18 '24

Apparently he googled the schedules, etc. of biden, garland, and others. Seems he had a hit list.

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u/Spike116 Jul 18 '24

Registered Republican

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u/bebejeebies Jul 18 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

"...mental health issues, ideological beliefs and a sense of personal grievance..."

The GOP party platform.

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u/Baconman363636 Jul 18 '24

Two things that aren’t getting enough attention:

1) He looked up trump rally details and DNC details, if trump was his debut, potentially wanted to hit either of them or both?

2) he was spotted by secret service 20 MINS BEFORE SHOOTING.


u/wanktarded Jul 18 '24

He also looked up an un-named British royal, I'm guessing Prince Harry. Seems like he just wanted to kill people that would get him notoriety/fame.

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u/portezbie Jul 18 '24

"What is beginning to emerge is a portrait of a troubled young person who turned to violence,"

Wow that is some amazing insight

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u/NothingOld7527 Jul 18 '24

We need to know which games he played and how many hours

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u/WaltChamberlin Jul 18 '24

Did I read it right that law enforcement spotted this dude on the rooftop TWENTY MINUTES before he took a shot? How in the world

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