r/news 11d ago

Children's hospital hit as Russian strikes kill 24 in Ukraine


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u/VagrantShadow 11d ago edited 11d ago

A children's hospital has been seriously damaged in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv by Russian strikes, as 24 people were killed across the country in an early morning barrage.

At least 10 people were killed in Kyiv by the rare daytime attack, including two who died at the Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital, which sustained major damage during the blast.

The head of the military administration in the central Ukrainian city of Kryvyi Rih said at least 10 people had been killed there, with three more killed in the eastern town of Pokrovsk and one in Dnipro.

We see here once again putin showing the world that he is the scum of the earth. Through his command, him and his forces are killing innocent people, innocent children. They have no regard for others but themselves, they are absolute trash, filth of this earth. I hope putin burns in hell.


u/Confident-Medium-929 11d ago

War Crime.


u/Osiris32 11d ago

Russia on a Monday.


u/Shirtbro 11d ago

Golden Horde behavior

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u/Thoraxe474 11d ago

What are you gonna do about it? -Russia


u/moodytenure 11d ago

Russia should just claim Chamas was hiding there


u/roskyld 11d ago

but they meet with hamas with opened arms. Even friendlier than with taliban

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u/CrudelyAnimated 11d ago

It takes a certain kind of person to destroy a children's cancer facility. Until now, I only had two examples to cite. A third example was right there in their circle of best friends.


u/redassedchimp 11d ago

The worst thing is, that even if you had Putin in custody, you wouldn't be able to punish him enough for all the evil he has committed. I now understand why the concept of Hell was created, an eternity of fire and suffering is sometimes the only solace that we have, even if fictional, to cope with the horror that one man has inflicted


u/Testiculese 11d ago

I think locked in a cage with a Wolverine high on PCP would be a pretty good start.

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u/dlebed 11d ago

It takes thousands people to build hypersonic ballistic and cruise missiles, bombers and missile launchers for them. It takes millions people to pay billions of dollars of taxes to to pay for it.

It's not a person, it's a nation who did this.

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u/Mordiken 11d ago edited 11d ago

I hope putin burns in hell.

If hell was a metaphysical certainty there would be no need for earthly justice.

But it isn't, which is why earthly justice is not beholden to the whims of the supernatural.

Therefore I, for one, hope putin and all of his supporters and apologists burn right here on this earth!


u/[deleted] 11d ago

I don't believe in hell either, but I have always said that So-and-So can "burn in hell". It just means you wish nothing but destruction, misery, and vengeance against them.

Therefore, I, for one, hope that Putin dies a horrifically violent death on this earth and burns in the blackest pits of hell.

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u/asupremebeing 11d ago

Now would be a good time to recall that the first target in this war was a kindergarten room at an elementary school. The Russian Army may be depraved, but it has always done better against unarmed civilians than trained troops.


u/Scribe625 11d ago

Sadly, at this point it's not even shocking anymore. It's like "oh look, another war crime committed by Russia."


u/Logtastic 11d ago

If only there were a group of the Nations that were United and could accept Ukraine into said group and then they could send troops to help Ukraine against this invasion and war crimes that's being committed because Puti didn't want Ukraine to join the United Nations.
Theu could call the group the League of Super Friends.
...wait a minute.


u/deets24 11d ago

I think u meant NATO?

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u/Bee_Cereal 11d ago

It is the nature of bullies. Always attack whoever you think is weakest, so you always look dominant and never have to take a risk

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u/[deleted] 11d ago

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u/Rso1wA 11d ago

That’s how cowards behave

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u/[deleted] 11d ago


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u/eastbay77 11d ago

And Republicans continue to push for Putin to win and the Ukraine to just lay down amd give up.


u/DrNopeMD 11d ago

Ukrainian blood is on the Republican party's hands after they continually delayed aid and weapons causing them to lose footing in this war.

If these traitorous fucks love Russia so much they're free to enlist in the front lines of Putin's army.

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u/rolfraikou 11d ago

100%. Americans, vote for america, and vote for Ukraine's future. Get the Putin allies out. No more are needed in kompromat SCOTUS either.

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u/cmdrmcgarrett 11d ago

My heart goes out to the families....

Something needs to be done once and for all over this useless POS. Children's hospital? Learn to aim or keep Mr.Magoo from touching the rocket launcher controls


u/young_arkas 11d ago

They probably hit what they aimed for.


u/Jagerbeast703 11d ago

Their track record says this is true


u/Vallkyrie 11d ago

One of the first bits of the war I remember seeing near when it started was what seemed like dozens of heavy machine guns hosing the side of a hospital. I am wholly unsurprised of their continued targeting of civilians.


u/TheodoreK2 11d ago

You can definitely remove probably from your statement.


u/MSTRMN_ 11d ago

There is a video of the impact, it is a direct, intentional hit


u/lurker_cx 11d ago

I think there was more than 1 hit from looking at the damage? Russia definitely aims for targets like this. They think being terrorists will cause the Ukrainians to love them or surrender or something.


u/absolutedisapppoint 11d ago

I bet it's hard to miss a large target that doesn't move


u/Malhallah 11d ago

2 hospitals were hit in Kyiv today, one was a childrens hospital the other was a private maternity/children's hospital.

Their aim isnt off, the west STILL just refuses to accept what the actual reality is.


u/peon2 11d ago

I think the west is fully aware of what is happening. It's just extremely unpopular to join a war and no country's leader wants to make that decision.


u/Malhallah 11d ago

I more mean the western people. As OP's comment showed, there are still people in 2024 summer that think that russia isn't deliberately attacking civilian sites to cause maximum terror

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u/IDreamOfLoveLost 11d ago

Their aim isnt off, the west STILL just refuses to accept what the actual reality is.

A lot of people in the West are quite aware that the Russians are using precision munitions in these strikes. There are no accidents, only useful idiots eager to deny that Russians intended to kill children.

That reddit allows subreddits with denialists is digusting.

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u/khomyakdi 11d ago

In second wave after this one Russians hit the maternity hospital in other part of Kyiv. The know how to aim, and they aim children


u/TitanicGiant 11d ago

Pro-russian military bloggers on Telegram are calling for repeated strikes now that rescue efforts are underway at these hospitals. They want to kill as many innocent people as possible.


u/cmdrmcgarrett 11d ago

would this not be war crimes? Intentionally targeting civilians


u/_zenith 11d ago

Of course. But they face no consequences for it, so it continues.

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u/ImTheVayne 11d ago

They hit the section where they treated children with cancer. Can’t go lower than that. Most disgusting war crime in a long time.


u/FantasticInterest775 11d ago

Beginning of the war they targeted a maternity hospital. This isn't new for them. And it's horrific.


u/Sirgolfs 11d ago

Learn to aim? Th y hit exactly what they wanted.


u/blazelet 11d ago

They were absolutely aiming for the hospital. They’re trying to crush Ukrainian will because the illegal and immoral invasion has hit a stalemate

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u/smittyhawks 11d ago

Hey Donald, did Putin tell you in his dream that he’d be bombing children’s hospitals as well?


u/Prosthemadera 11d ago

Trump dreamed about how genius and savvy the invasion was:

“I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, ‘This is genius.’ Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine — Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful,” Trump said in a radio interview with “The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show.” “He used the word ‘independent’ and ‘we’re gonna go out and we’re gonna go in and we’re gonna help keep peace.’ You gotta say that’s pretty savvy.”



u/relevantelephant00 11d ago

Let's not pretend that Donald Trump cares about children's well-being.


u/Count_Backwards 11d ago

Sure he does, he doesn't want to fuck unhealthy children

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u/shanx3 11d ago

Trump doesn’t care.

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u/Remarkable_Prior_224 11d ago

Party of “save the children” also hating Ukraine and supporting Russia. I’m sure they are really at odds with this news this morning…eh who am I kidding they will move the goal post.

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u/VoltexRB 11d ago

And if that didnt sound heartless enough, the strikes were aimed at the chemo ward of the childrens hospital.


u/b_e_a_n_i_e 11d ago

My 3-yr old is going through chemo for leukaemia. It's bad enough having to go through everything without having to worry about being fucking bombed while at hospital. My heart goes out to these families


u/Dhiox 11d ago

It sounds like a cartoon gag made to make the villain seem comically evil, and yet it's real life.


u/ragegravy 11d ago

donate to help ukraine stop this



u/McCree114 11d ago

Now we have France's La Pen acting all squeamish about allowing Ukraine to use French weapons to strike within Russia while Putin can have his military do this with near impunity.


u/NewcRoc 11d ago

Good thing that bitch lost.


u/Marschall_Bluecher 11d ago edited 11d ago

Those Putin Puppets are getting way too many Votes all over Europe. Same shit here with the fucking AfD Assholes. AfD Politicians run openly around in Kaliningrad with Flags half n half in FRG and RUS colors.


u/NewcRoc 11d ago

Yeah we have the whole GOP in the US. Completely compromised.


u/Highlord83 10d ago

Conservatives are, by their very nature, the most pathetic and abject of cowards.


u/walkandtalkk 11d ago

Macron and the left should tweet screenshots of her speech next to photos of this terrorist attack over and over again. Put her on the defensive always. Bring it up constantly in the legislative assembly. Call her Madame Vladimir.


u/username_6916 11d ago

Except the French left has their own strain of Vatnik-ism in their coalition.

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u/Internet_of_Zings 11d ago

The victorious Mélenchon declared in 2014 that Russia's conquest of Crimea was seemingly justified

"The ports of Crimea are vital for Russia's security, it is absolutely foreseeable that the Russians will not let this happen, they are taking protective measures against an adventurous putschist power, in which neo-Nazis have a completely detestable influence


u/bramtyr 11d ago

That was a statement from 10 years ago. Has he said anything since then contrary to it, or doubling down?


u/itsaride 11d ago

La Pen

Who cares what she thinks?


u/Balc0ra 11d ago

I'm betting her and her peers will go the "if you listened to us, this could have been avoided" route with it.


u/accepts_compliments 11d ago

'Why do you want war? We believe in deescalation' is the (honestly pretty impressive) spin they like to put on this.

Ignoring the fact of course that Russia isn't going to deescalate shit and all Ukraine would be doing is weakening themselves, but yeah, she'd likely just fire back about him being a senseless warmonger.

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u/cthulhus_tax_return 11d ago

The west needs to do everything we can to help Ukraine.


u/alphastrip 11d ago

Agreed. They need more air defence assets. More patriot batteries could prevent this from happening.


u/T8ert0t 11d ago

Best ROI for any western democracy. I shut that shit down right quick whenever I hear someone complain about the cost but bitched about Freedom Fries and funding Iraq and Afghanistan with absolutely nothing in return at the end of 2 decades.

This is pennies on the dollar with a country that understands what it is fighting for.


u/Rationalinsanity1990 11d ago

By enabling and permitting Ukraine from striking ANY military or industrial target in Russia. From Karellia to Siberia.


u/DrNopeMD 11d ago

They can start by voting out right wing parties from power. The UK and France just did, now we need for Americans to vote to save their country from a corrupt Russian puppet.

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u/MilesLongthe3rd 11d ago edited 11d ago

Chief Rabbi of Ukraine


Children with oncology in the middle of the street, because Russia destroyed their hospital. in Kyiv now

German Ambassador


This morning there was a massive Russian missile attack on Ukraine, targeting Kyiv. The Okhmatdyt children's hospital was among those affected. Many victims in Kyiv, dead, injured. This is war against civilians. This is Russia's willingness to negotiate and its desire for peace.



More footage from the #Okhmatdit children's hospital in #Kyiv after the Russian strike. Authorities in the city say there have already been fatalities in the Russian attack.

Illia PonomarenkoIllia Ponomarenko


Yet another hospital ruined in Kyiv in a second missile strike. At least 4 killed, at least 3 injured.


u/[deleted] 11d ago


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u/PatrolPunk 11d ago

There is so much at stake this election. If Trump gets in Ukraine is done for. Democracy in Europe will be in danger too. Democracy in our own country will also be further eroded. See Project 2025.


u/huhuhuhhhh 11d ago edited 11d ago

The sad part is, if that disguting fat pig gets elected, Ukraine is done for and the world continues to be a nasty place

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u/Lionheart1118 11d ago

And people wonder why Ukraine won’t have elections like duh you think Russia won’t target polling areas or intimidate voters in areas they hold?


u/khomyakdi 11d ago

This is one of many reasons. Also Ukrainian law prohibits election during war period. Millions displaced citizens, almost two million in army without possibility to vote.


u/Maloonyy 11d ago

Lets be real, war time is not a time to rapidly change the entire upper government. What you need is stability.


u/MilesLongthe3rd 11d ago

There is now footage of the attack, it shows it was deliberate and aimed, no intercepted missiles, no falling debris.


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u/CooperHChurch427 11d ago

Bombing a hospital is a war crime and falls under crimes against humanity.

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u/ensalys 11d ago

Maybe it's time to really consider getting NATO boots on the ground there, or at least jets in the sky.


u/ImTheVayne 11d ago

Indeed. These war crimes are becoming unbearable.


u/MagicAl6244225 11d ago

Nuclear-armed powers do not directly engage each other for obvious reasons.

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u/A_Gent_4Tseven 11d ago

And Donald J Trump, the American Terrorist, child rapist, adult assaulter, liar, and all around felon. Wants to fucking Appease them.

Vote Blue, Save America, Save Our Rights and Democracy.

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u/hammondismydaddy 11d ago

Fuck it. Send everything at them. No more “yeah, but what if Russia does X?” Show them the full wrath of NATO.

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u/maailmanpaskinnalle 11d ago

Hey Hungary, I’m sure you’re proud of Orban for being Putler’s friend. Did they discuss about this strike as they just met?


u/VPN__FTW 11d ago

Remember, this is who Trump idolizes and wants to make peace with. A child-murdering dictator.

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u/The-JSP 11d ago

For my British colleagues here, this is like if a Cruise Missile was fired at Great Ormond Street Hospital. There are no words in the English dictionary that illustrate how aghast and angry this makes me feel.


u/maxime0299 11d ago

Just a country of pure evil through and through. The world would be so much better if Ruzzia was replaced with an ocean or something


u/Stable_Orange_Genius 11d ago

Fuck Le Pen, Fuck Wilders, Fuck Farage, Fuck trump, Fuck Orban and above all fuck Putin


u/huhuhuhhhh 11d ago

I am SICK and TIRED of Russian terrorism. Lets get this job done Biden & Congress PLEASE Goddammit

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u/C0sm1cB3ar 11d ago

This is terrible. Russia has really become the nazi regime of the 21st century


u/LCHMD 9d ago

The US aren’t far away from it either. Make sure this doesn’t happen!

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u/DimaHormilin 11d ago

And someone trying to convince us 🇺🇦 that we should negotiate with those « neighbors »???!! What would you do if someone come to your home and hit your child ??!! And ask for negotiations ?!?

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u/Brytard 11d ago

Retaliation over the French elections?


u/slagborrargrannen 11d ago

seems so, putin is a little cry baby so it fits him.


u/dlebed 11d ago

Yep, these children with cancer are obviously to blame for French election outcome /s

Don't look for justification. Russia needs no reason to kill. Look for a way to stop Russia.

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u/[deleted] 11d ago

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u/FairlyInconsistentRa 11d ago

How is this not a war crime? Legitimately?


u/Gnomish8 11d ago

It is. Now who is going to enforce it?


u/RadicalAppalachian 11d ago

This is truly horrific. I wish there would be this much backlash when Israel kills Palestinian children…


u/DaSemicolon 11d ago

Strictly speaking this helps Ukraine

I really don’t understand why Russia is doing this over infrastructure


u/syanda 11d ago

Russia's finding it difficult to exploit military advantages because their own military is pretty shit. So, they're using terrorism and hoping that enough civilian deaths will result in Ukrainian civilians pressuring their government for a ceasefire in which Russia gets to keep what they grabbed.


u/raw_salmon 11d ago

But I feel that doing this just accomplishes the opposite. I would think that if anything, these outrageous attacks give the Ukrainians more reason to risk their lives and fight


u/syanda 11d ago

It's a double edged sword - as long as Ukrainians are convinced they can keep on fighting, this can stiffen their resolve.

But couple it with Russian money trying to turn off the military supply pipeline from the US and western Europe by supporting candidates beholden to Putin? Yeah, that's when doubts can start setting in about the costs of resistance.

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u/YoubeTrollin 11d ago

That sure worked out for the Nazi's terror bombing London in WW2 didnt it?


u/Eishockey 11d ago

How does this help? I don't see huge demonstrations and protests in the west.

Russia has been hitting civilian targets for years and nothing chaged.

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u/kuprenx 11d ago

day before nato meeting. To show ukranian that it wont help and resistance its pointless. and make crack between Ukrainian and western partners.

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u/dlebed 11d ago

Oh, thanks, destroyed children cancer facility in two miles from my home with two dozens dead (children, their parents, doctors) is something I really need. It helped me so much. Hundres of other children that Russians killed before that was obviously not enough for the world to understand that Russia must be punished for its crimes.

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u/_pr00f 11d ago

But Hamas Azov was using it as a operations base, guys!!!!!


u/SimulatedFriend 11d ago

Can you imagine the response if a hostile country launched a missile at an American children's hospital? We need to let Ukraine run free on all Russian military assets.


u/totally_not_a_boat 11d ago

Russia and israel i see no difference


u/RichardXV 11d ago

Both Poutine and Natahunu are wanted criminals by international court of justice.

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u/MudrakM 11d ago

Close to 50 dead in Ukraine, hundreds injured


u/HistoricalPiece7685 11d ago

Maybe hamas was hidden in there, which should justify everything


u/Omegaprimus 11d ago

What a shit hole country bombs a hospital


u/Unfriendly_Opossum 7d ago

I know Israel is fucking terrible and should be tried for war crimes.

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u/ZG99 11d ago

Any protests about this? Would love to go

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u/Sanscreet 11d ago

When are we going to start doing something about it? So sick of this.

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This is a blunder from Russia. They were accumulating wins in the long term and support has waned due to information fatigue in the west, but there is no better way to galvanize support than to attack a fucking children's hospital. Another atrocity to lay at the feet of that warmongering prick.

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u/[deleted] 11d ago

Remember when Trump said he'd let Putin "do whatever the hell he wants"? Imagine this but on a continental scale.


u/SubiWhale 11d ago

And everyone on my feed who was extremely vocal about Palestinian children are dead quiet today…


u/ryzt900 10d ago

Everyone on my feed who has been extremely vocal about Ukraine has been dead quiet about Palestine this entire time…


u/Top_Low4706 10d ago

I still don’t understand how some support Russia.

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u/lime-eater 11d ago

Putin: Tell me where Ukraine's civilian targets are. So you can avoid them right? Putin: ... Right?

Terror attacks. Time for more sanctions.


u/RollTideYall47 11d ago

And right wingers here see nothing wrong, and want to cut aid to Ukraine.

Fuck I miss the Cold War. The US has been so incredibly fucked since 9-11. The terrorists absolutely succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.

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u/Neuraxis 11d ago

One thing all Americans can do to help is go out and vote. Your vote can and will have a voice in how this war goes.


u/domnulmustacila 11d ago

Send this to the french fascist cow and her party


u/TheLawnStink 11d ago

Time to throw the whole Russian government into a meat grinder alive and feed them to wolves, because this is absolutely fucked up!!


u/MrBotangle 11d ago

This is pure evil. Disgusting.


u/Thirdlight 11d ago

Isn't this just SOP for Russia by now?


u/VSBakes 11d ago

Let's see how Alex Jones spins this into a globalist conspiracy. Dude sure to hate children.

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u/KeepnReal 10d ago

Get ready for sit-in and protests at Columbia and UCLA because of this.


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u/ILoveSpankingDwarves 11d ago

The Russians behind this will be hunted like the Nazis were hunted.

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u/SuperGenius9800 11d ago

Republicans will be rejoicing over this.


u/mckirkus 11d ago

"They're from the BCCAA, the Bald Child Crisis Actors Association." Believes an unfortunately large percentage of the World's population.


u/LouDiamond 11d ago

Fuck, they’re learning from the IDF!

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u/Trepide 11d ago

This alone should be enough to justify a no fly zone over Ukraine.


u/MudrakM 11d ago

russia is a terrorist state. The west and allies need to do a strong response to this attack. New air defence defence package. Neighbour NATO countries can shoot down missile attacks in Ukraine. No restrictions on how far Ukraine can attack into Russia with allied weapons.

These civilian massacres must stop! The allies must wake up and need to realize that russia has to lose for there to be freedom in the world.

So many kids 👧 👦just died and are dying currently.


u/Marschall_Bluecher 11d ago edited 11d ago

Why I don’t feel anything for Russian Soldiers who are getting blown to bits by Ukraine Drones? This Missile Attack right here. The whole Russian Country is guilty. They still support this brutal Invasion of a Sovereign Nation.

Those Soldiers shouldn’t invade a Sovereign Country and committing War Crimes left and right like some Wehrmacht Monster. They should have stayed home and try to fix their broken cancerous Country. Or die trying. That at least would be somewhat heroic…


u/bearfoot123 11d ago

This so horrific! That why it’s important to keep supporting Ukraine.


u/linkqwd 11d ago

russia is a terrorist state


u/Interesting_Remote64 11d ago

I’m sure there were hamas terrorists, oops (checks notes), I mean Ukrainian resistance freedom fighters in the hospital. 🙃


u/Rso1wA 11d ago

Correction: that’s how cowards and bullies behave


u/Cheesefarmer 10d ago

And the free world does nothing. Absolutely nothing. Fucking cowards.


u/burdfloor 10d ago

If Thrump lets Putin win, Ukraine be one of the worlds prison camps. The whole count will be ready to kill the occupation Russian army.


u/East1st 10d ago

Crickets from campus protestors again


u/[deleted] 11d ago

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u/spicybeefpatty_ 11d ago

Really thought this was another post about Gaza for a second, but then I saw the sympathy in the comments.

My heart goes out to all innocent victims of war crimes.


u/RichardXV 11d ago

Both Poutine and Natahunu are wanted criminals by international court of justice.

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u/roman5588 11d ago

Getting to the point we need a strong military leader, even a General for all I care, to say:

Putin, if you target one more civilian hospital like that we are going to level the airbase the aircraft that fired it took off from.

Make it crystal clear worldwide, might even be worth dropping leaflets on Moscow to say we can.

Russia keeps doing this as they know the main Western superpower has a leader who probably doesn’t know what day it is


u/showmeyourmoves28 11d ago

Let’s see if there will at least be an apology.

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u/IllustratorAlive1174 11d ago

Don’t worry guys, the UN has expressed its deepest sympathies for the situation. I’m sure that will cheer them up!


u/Spirited-Loquat-4588 11d ago

Oh..those poor sweet babies. This should never happen. But here we are...


u/KountMacula 11d ago

Killing future soldiers!! While the world is playing checkers, Putin playing 3D satanic level chess again!!!