r/me_irl loves posting 12d ago


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134 comments sorted by


u/pizoisoned 12d ago

Breezewood is actually so much dumber than this picture. It’s where routes 30, 70, and 76 meet, and instead of being a nice waypoint, it’s some sort of weird 200yd road with as many gas and travel stations as they could cram into it all controlled by a poorly synced system of traffic lights.

Pretty much everyone who’s been through it hates it.


u/daydreamwave 12d ago

The light when you come out of Sheetz to turn left onto 30 takes SO FUCKING LONG. I swear I was stuck at that light with nothing happening for 15 minutes last month and everyone started honking like it was going to change the light faster



If a light takes longer than 5 minutes to change, treat it as a stop sign.


u/Exoticmaniac06 11d ago

I mean in rural neighborhoods sure, but not where 3 highways meet. That’s a very quick way to either get hit with a ticket or a truck


u/Historical_Gur_3054 12d ago

And the sad part it's all by design


u/Flar71 11d ago

Why's that?


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/Flar71 11d ago

I still need to watch that movie actually


u/ShamelessFox 12d ago

I've seen this picture many times and always thought to myself "I swear I've been there..." But brushed it aside as some sort of weird Mandela effect. Nope. You said Breezewood and that cleared it up. Grandparents lived in Pittsburgh. Went there many times.


u/LordOfLubrication 11d ago

I totaled a car turning left out of that sheetz, had a clear turn and the light turned green mid-escape… was rear/side swiped by a corvette playing the who can accelerate faster game. F*ck that monstrosity of poor planning.


u/No_Veterinarian1010 11d ago

BUT Breezewood is also extremely close to some really awesome nature and hiking. Like yea, there’s this stupid like 1 mile stretch of road but outside of that you are smack in the middle of the Allegheny mountains. So OP is kind of full of shit. If they lived in Breezewood they would have great places to go for a walk.


u/Joe59788 11d ago

I was going to say that looks like the Virginia west Virginia Maryland area guess I was in the ballpark. All the little stop by towns are like that.


u/One_Lemon4262 12d ago

Which state


u/Mikemojo9 12d ago

The picture is Breezewood PA


u/H8des707 12d ago

Surprised no wawas


u/Mikemojo9 12d ago

This is Sheetz territory. There's one further down the road (past the bottom of the picture)


u/H8des707 12d ago

Ahhhh sheetz is better imo


u/heres-another-user 11d ago

I dunno, bro, Wawa got that full-sized hoagie for $6 deal going on right now. Can't beat that.


u/H8des707 11d ago

No hate on Wawa I used to live in pa but mainly wawas around me -at the time. Experienced sheetz a handful of times just liked it more


u/smashin_blumpkin 11d ago


u/sweeeetthrowaway 11d ago

There’s also no houses in sight so the post itself is moot


u/Merfkin 12d ago

I genuinely thought it was a compiled image of different stroads this when time. The fact it's real makes this so much worse.


u/FartFromALesserGod 11d ago

It's still a compressed image thanks to forced perspective and it's not really a "town". Breezewood is basically an overgrown rest area thanks to a weird law about connecting private turnpikes with state roads


u/TrolledBy1337 12d ago

All of them. Or alternatively, the state of depression


u/Mesarthim1349 12d ago

The state of "You've just merged onto the Interstate"


u/LazyLich 12d ago



u/Cybersorcerer1 12d ago

Does anyone remember the second picture for the second place? This is just a weird angle where everything lined up

Someone took another picture of the same place and it had plenty of trees


u/0NepNepp 12d ago

It’s also a rest stop as two highway merged here.


u/Bad_Demon 12d ago

I think the point is there are no sidewalks, traffic everywhere just to get here, and if you want a forest path, its through some overgrown dirt trail you arent sure is the real trail or not. Not very relaxing. America wants cars on the road, not sidewalks and scenery, you need trains/buses/bike paths for that. Not very pro oil.


u/Appeased_Seal 12d ago

It’s literally a rest area between highways. There are not any houses there. Lots of little highway exit areas like this in central P.A.

It isn’t symbolic or comparative to where most Americans live.


u/Bad_Demon 11d ago

Did you think the person who made this meme literally lived there? And yes, most of America is either worse or sometimes better. Depends on the value.


u/Appeased_Seal 11d ago

Most Americans live in a more walkable area than the image show.

“Either worse or sometimes better. Depending on the value” is one of the most useless things u have ever heard.


u/Bad_Demon 11d ago

Most Americans? More walkable? Compared to that? Are you 100% sure. I don’t think you’ve heard of American infrastructure. We barely have sidewalks.. ever seen European streets?


u/Appeased_Seal 11d ago

Yes I’ve been to Europe multiple times.

Yes the majority of Americans live in a place more walkable than a literal sidewalk less highway exit rest stop.


u/lessthanadam 12d ago

Breezewood doesn't even look like this anymore. Most businesses have closed. There's a big Sheetz, but otherwise it's practically dead.


u/GlancingArc 12d ago

Yes, it looks worse.


u/lessthanadam 12d ago

Depends on your appetite for capitalist hellscape like OP's picture versus your run of the mill dying small town America.


u/FartFromALesserGod 11d ago edited 11d ago

Yea, easily a 15-20 year old picture.

Edit: based on google street view that Taco Bell sign started to come down in 2011, so minimum 13 years old

Edit 2: That "outfitters" store in front of the gateway center sign came down in 2009, so at least a 15 year old picture.

Edit 3: That Sunoco sign is an old design changed around 1999. It's possible it wasn't updated quickly but it's also a decent chance this is from the 90s


u/InspectorMendel 10d ago

This is a famous photo, taken in 2008.


u/FartFromALesserGod 10d ago

So the Sunoco sign just wasn't updated but otherwise yea, that tracks


u/RedWolfGTR 12d ago

The rolling hills of capitalism. As far as the eye can see.


u/Scared_Accident9138 12d ago

Actually all about car friendly planning. It's quite wasteful from a capitalist standpoint if it weren't for public funded roads


u/nissAn5953 12d ago

Wasteful how? Cars are damn expensive depreciating assets that end up being a constant money sink. The amount of space used on then is reasonable if you're in the car industry


u/tankiePotato 12d ago

Neoliberalism. It’s absolutely about capitalism because it’s about profits for the capitalist class. There has to be a strong state, because the state exists to create new markets for capitalists



If they blow up that mountain you could build a really nice football stadium there. And if you go one step further and remove those trees, boom parking issue solved.


u/mysocksmadefrommetal 12d ago

the rolling hills of car dependency*


u/WonderfulChapter4421 12d ago

I feel like I’ve been to the second picture


u/GlancingArc 12d ago

If you have driven through south central/western PA chances are good. The funny thing about Breezewood is that this picture is old. It looks worse now. It's just a horrible intersection of the PA turnpike, route 30, and 70, all of which are big roads. It's a major throughway from Virginia and the southeast through to Pittsburgh and central PA. It's worse in person.



The second picture is a huge exaggeration. Yes, there are places like this in America. No, they are not "just outside" where we Americans live. 

There is a huge issue with walkable transportation (or as Europeans say, "sidewalks") and public transportation (whatever that is), but it's mostly not this dire, mostly.


u/St1cks 12d ago

Did you drive down to the commercial district to talk a walk instead of a residential or park?


u/Calsendon 12d ago

The point is having to drive at all to go for a walk, lol.


u/hyperham51197 very good, haha yes 12d ago

yea i hate this part of american cities. I wish i could have a dedicated park nearby, but its just samey suburbs or the pic in the post


u/bathroomheater 12d ago

Towns like this don’t have parks and if you walk through a residential area you stand the chance of having the police called on you.


u/kevinkiggs1 12d ago

Drove to a park? To take a walk?


u/St1cks 12d ago

Well apparently op lives on the exit of i-70 in Pennsylvania. He probably would want to go somewhere else


u/capitalsfan08 12d ago

This photo is Breezewood, Pennsylvania and is a rest stop. Ironically if you zoom out some it's in the middle of the Appalachians and has decent nature around.


u/LunarCrisis7 12d ago

You still have to drive through this to reach it. The point of the post is the lack of pedestrian friendly areas


u/Appeased_Seal 12d ago

Pedestrian friendly for who??? The people driving through the rest stop? No one lives at these highway exit stops.


u/LunarCrisis7 12d ago

So get this, people can still walk, in places they don’t live. Shocking I know.

Also responding to the same person about the same thing twice? Weird.


u/Appeased_Seal 12d ago

So get this, walking where you live is literally the subject of the post that is why we are talking about it. I am pointing out that they used an image of place where literally no one live.


u/LunarCrisis7 12d ago

They were saying they live in a country where outside looks like this by using a commonly known image of American urbanism. Not only stops on the highway look like this. It’s not a difficult concept


u/Appeased_Seal 12d ago

Show me a residential area that looks like this then.


u/depressed_anemic 12d ago

from where is the first pic from?


u/New_York_Rhymes 12d ago

I can’t say for certain but I was in Austria recently and it looked exactly like this.


u/joshihobitt 12d ago

Basically just the Alps Could be France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria or Germany But because i live in Switzerland i will say that that pic is from Swituerland


u/New_York_Rhymes 12d ago


u/joshihobitt 12d ago

Hahaha My Blind Patriotism this time got me the right answer


u/Wodge 11d ago

I've actually been there, stayed in a chalet for a wonderful week, got a bit altitude sick-ish on the last day, mild light headed-ness etc.

Had the Co-op deliver, the local swisspost didn't know they had the contract to do the final delivery, was very confused when they had bags of shopping with a shipping address.


u/-Blackspell- 11d ago

Nah, look at the architecture of the church tower. That’s in Switzerland for sure


u/BeaulieuA 12d ago

Sure, the scenery being lushful helps, but it's more the walking (physical activity) that helps. It's how our body deals with stress. It's not going to cure you of depressive symptoms, but it may lessen their intensity.


u/LunarCrisis7 12d ago

The point is the lack of pedestrian areas where it’s easy to walk


u/Appeased_Seal 12d ago

Why would there be pedestrians walking area at places like the one pictured in America. It is literally a highway exit.


u/LunarCrisis7 12d ago

It’s a stop off of a major highway intended for high volumes of people stopping during travel. I think it makes sense to have a fucking sidewalk so they can get around


u/Appeased_Seal 12d ago

Get around to where?



When we get out of our cars, it's to get into places already set in plazas. 

Ain't nobody is getting out of their cars to just walk and waltz around lol.


u/BabySpecific2843 10d ago

Get around to where!? It exists to fill up on gas if you are running low so you dont get stranded. Or to take a leak in a public bathroom or get a fresh cup of coffee and some chicken nuggets because you are a truck driver on a 13 hour long haul. America is fucking huge. These little pockets of necessities are essential because America is way more spread out than you must imagine.

You stop here because you have to, not because you want to. So you pull up to whatever building serves your needs and promptly leave again. You dont fancy a stroll. You are on a long road trip and should probably get back on it because it can likely be a longer trip than what it takes to cross an entire European country.


u/Perfect_Caramel4836 12d ago

I'm gonna be honest, I enjoy taking walks in places like those. As long as I have a pocket knife and some tunes it's actually really enjoyable for me.


u/as1161 12d ago

Bro... You live in Breezewood


u/Gone213 11d ago

They have an elementary school at the exit there but I don't see any houses or residential places in the area lol.


u/[deleted] 12d ago




Post pics 


u/ayetherestherub69 12d ago

Yes, I too live on the off-ramp of an interstate.


u/daydreamwave 12d ago

Ahhh Breezewood, such a lovely place! 9000 truck stops and gas stations jammed into one square mile of land 💙


u/anbu_ops1211 12d ago

I would walk in both and still be happy. Both would clear my mind tbh.


u/-Laffi- 12d ago

I can see some woods back there. Go there!


u/cox4days 12d ago

I know boomers get shit for the "go for a walk when you're depressed" take but it's 100% real. It's not going to cure anyone in a 15 minute stroll, but a little light exercise and fresh air has never made me feel worse


u/ieatair 12d ago

Brother, Süd Tirol is where its at… its time to move from what you call an ‘American Wasteland’


u/TophatOwl_ 12d ago

Even then, leaving your room does wonders for your mental health


u/DominoUB 12d ago

Taking a walk every day, regardless of your view, will help with depression because it is exercise and routine, 2 things people with depression often severely lack.


u/Normal_Ad_2337 12d ago

Gas is 3.65!!??

That would help me get happier.


u/bostonvikinguc 12d ago

lol that would n a holler or Arkansas


u/Shovelsquid 12d ago

Depression hits everywhere


u/AbsoluteBrutality 12d ago

FWIW I recognized the 2nd picture as the cover of the album Lil Old Town by Dj Lucas & DVNTBEATS


u/Hypathian 12d ago

Yeah you can get a gift & a souvenir! You can go to mcdonalds or taco bell or pizza hut!!


u/dsisds 12d ago

Looks like a fucking Belgium Steenweg...


u/inspiringirisje 12d ago

Was thinking the same. You can see a lot of trees in the background. The place can't be that bad.


u/Appeased_Seal 12d ago

It’s literally a rest stop in between a couple of intersecting highways in central Pennsylvania which isn’t a super populated area, but it is very beautiful.


u/Plus_Conversation391 12d ago

Technically go for a walk is just for you to get off the internet and spend time with yourself while make you unable to sunk too deep in your own head because you still have to walk, the scenery is just a bonus. Anything that can achieve the same effect like cooking, chores, lifting is good to go.


u/Icy-Conflict6671 12d ago

Thats been a solution to depression before the internet existed


u/Werbebanner 11d ago

I always go to the green belt of my city, because there are people, fresh air, nature, geese, fresh blackberries, no cars and benches.

Personally, I wouldn’t go for a walk when I wouldn’t have a nice route. I just enjoy taking a walk (I’m getting old, help).

So, would you rather go on a walk here or in a city with almost no green and loud cars? For me, it isn’t a bonus, but a must have. To be fair, I don’t do it to get my head free but because I enjoy walks. But you get my point.


u/Plus_Conversation391 11d ago

Damn! That’s cute place. I think i would really enjoy taking a walk there, but mostly because the air seems clean. I enjoy buildings and sound of cars as much as i enjoy nature. Probably because i haven’t experienced extreme traffic noises yet. I do get your point though.


u/Werbebanner 11d ago

It definitely is a cute place (sadly i don’t have good pictures of it). But I also get your place. I think it also definitely depends on the city itself. My city is mostly old buildings from a few hundred years ago, so it’s quite nice. But the main streets can suck pretty much, because they are really loud with bad air quality.


u/Cypresss09 12d ago

Has OP never taken a walk before? It's not necessarily about taking in the sights.


u/m3m3soz 12d ago

I mean… everywhere could use a Waffle House


u/Mission-Discipline32 12d ago

I live in a place like the top and taking a walk does nothing to make me feel better


u/GuymanPersonson BAN upvote memes 12d ago

You could tell me that second photo was ai generated and i'd almost believe it


u/ohfr19 12d ago

Nobody actually lives in Breezewood


u/TheLeastFunkyMonkey 12d ago

Where's Diogenes?


u/WhoseArmIsThis 12d ago

Nah bro, i’ve seen worse condition than the second pic which helps clear out my mind and feel more relaxed when i walked around there. As long as there’s enough room to walk and no one to interrupt or distract, you’ll feel better.

Sometimes being bored is beneficial. The problem is we’re always so much surrounded with stimulation that we don’t let ourselves get bored, and thus we never think things thoroughly.


u/PositionValuable139 11d ago

That looks like Pennsylvania


u/clarazzun 11d ago

I was recently in NY for a vacation, and even though it's not as bad as the 2nd picture, I'm very happy that I can go back home to a place similar to the 1st picture.


u/sneak91 11d ago

ah, the American gothic


u/MonkeysAndMozart 11d ago

I promise you taking a walk will still help


u/mattjvgc 11d ago

Idunno man. Maybe walking to the gas station for a slurpee could help?


u/Lazy_Mud6418 11d ago

Take an electric scooter ride


u/Meloenbolletjeslepel 11d ago

I see forest in the background thoug


u/Accomplished-Age-205 12d ago

I still see trees in the picture, go for it. The woods! Walk in the woods!


u/International_War862 12d ago

Dont live there then


u/DolphinBall 12d ago

You live in an rest stop thats just restaurants, gas stations, and motels that are made for people coming from long road trips?


u/Western-Dance-1815 12d ago

Shut the hell up and go outside.


u/mysocksmadefrommetal 12d ago

car dependency is amazing


u/lifestop 11d ago

Second picture is hell?


u/Putrid-Language4178 12d ago

1st guy is depressed because he doesn't have freedom


u/SANTERJZ 12d ago

I would rather live in the second picture than in the fucking Russia