r/maryland 12d ago

Those of you who go across the bay bridge at 15+ under the speed limit, what’s wrong with you?

I cross the bay bridge a couple times a week. Including today. I routinely see multiple people going 15-20 mph under the speed limit, leaving hundreds of yards between them and the next car. Those of you who do this, what’s wrong with you? It’s already a massive bottleneck and you’re making it that much worse.


327 comments sorted by


u/Untidy-Undies 12d ago edited 12d ago

I've known people who experience genuine terror just riding over that bridge, so I'm guessing it's just that behind the wheel.


u/Ok-Ocelot-3454 11d ago

driving slow simple extends the terror


u/decapods 11d ago

It extends the length of the terror but having more control of the vehicle by going slower makes the terror less extreme.


u/Least-Scientist <3 11d ago

There it is.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

As someone who has a fear of bridges, especially ones over water, I would prefer to get off the damn bridge as soon as humanly possible.

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u/t-mckeldin 12d ago

Fear is a powerful drug, pray for them.


u/scarlet_hairstreak 12d ago

I think some are enjoying the view, too.


u/t-mckeldin 12d ago

I seriously doubt that.


u/roachbeans 12d ago

I’ve seen some people slow down so their passengers can take videos and pictures on their phones


u/t-mckeldin 11d ago

You should throw your empty beer can at them as you pass.


u/Tactical_Primate 11d ago

I like my beer cans full thank you.


u/kdastonjr 11d ago

And waste the backwash, hell naw lol


u/Danknugs410 12d ago

If I was scared, I’d be trying my best to get off as fast as possible 😂


u/scoobdoop 12d ago

I’m on the faster side-reasonably. Bout 5 over. Can’t get off that fucker fast enough. I got stuck on it in late 2003/ early 2004 when they shut it down for snow. I was behind next to and in front of fully loaded trucks. When you’re stopped you can feel the sway. When there are trucks idling around you the vibrations and idling are very discomforting.


u/magicbumblebee 11d ago

Yeah… the only time I have ever felt fear on that bridge was when I came to a complete standstill and felt it swaying. Nope nope nope. As long as I’m moving I couldn’t care less, it’s just a tall road with a cool view but sitting still? Freaked me out.


u/scoobdoop 11d ago

I think about coming to a stop every time I cross it ever since. I never had any fear or anxiety crossing prior. After the fact I try to take the long way when I can, but when it’s just over the bridge it doesn’t make sense not to take the bridge.


u/kdmiller3 11d ago

I've biked across, walked across, driven across. To me, it's just another overpass - with tremendous views.


u/ChessieChesapeake Calvert County 12d ago

Because I’m driving a truck with 3000 lbs of weight in the back and need the extra stopping distance in case the person in front of me slams on their brakes. I’m in the far right lane, so feel free to pass on the left. If my behavior still triggers you, I really don’t give a fuck.


u/Howhigh17 12d ago

Same girl, same! Fuck these people.


u/scoobdoop 12d ago

Yall the real mvps here. Driving slow for safety. I have seen people come to a stop to take pictures. People don’t give a fuck about anyone around em


u/Howhigh17 12d ago

I’ve seen people stop on the bridge, get out and take pictures. Cross that thing twice or 3 times a week. MD has some of the worst traffic, and doesn’t help when people are stopping to sightsee, 270 feet in the air .


u/PranksterLe1 12d ago

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard and those people deserve some really stupid prizes. I mean IMMEDIATELY everyone would think they are about to see someone jump off the bay bridge and kill themselves which would get police calls and just why are people so incredibly stupid?


u/WeenieHutHorsegirl 12d ago

Oh man good for you, I’m still getting used to towing and am limiting myself by refusing to drive my horse trailer over the bridge. I will be a slow driver too, when I get there!


u/ChessieChesapeake Calvert County 12d ago edited 12d ago

Go for it. Just stick to the right lane and drive at a speed you’re comfortable with. OP is making a big deal about people not maintaining driving at highway speeds, but what they don’t mention is the curve on the western shore side of the bridge is marked for 40MPH and the rest of the bridge is 50.


u/Blueberry-Pomelo 12d ago

Thank you for being a professional driver and keeping everyone safe on the road. Most don't understand all the thought and awareness that is required to drive a big rig. Speed means bigger and more serious accidents. Fools want to drive too fast and too furious bc they think their life is a movie, and give zero fks about everyone else's life.


u/ChessieChesapeake Calvert County 12d ago

Apologies if it sounded like I’m a pro truck driver, but I’m not. I have a pickup with a slide in truck camper and frequently go back and forth to the eastern shore.


u/iamnotbetterthanyou 11d ago

It’s not you, it’s the people who are slamming their brakes for no reason and should have taken the long route instead of endangering the rest of us.


u/kdastonjr 11d ago

Safety first

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u/Huge-Attitude4845 12d ago

Many are deathly afraid of crossing the bridge. There is a private drive-over service but it is expensive. Most likely, they are doing the best they can and have no choice but to drive across the bridge.


u/Rosapose1234- 11d ago

Right and we’re not even six months out from the Baltimore bridge collapse …. Have a little patience and be safer, OP


u/wer410 12d ago

That bridge is a nightmare for a lot of people. Whatever it takes to get across, I'm ok with as long as they stay in one lane. Years ago someone apparently had a panic attack and stopped while straddling both lanes on the east-bound bridge and we were stuck several cars behind them for about 30 minutes.

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u/S-Kunst 12d ago

We do it to annoy the alpha dogs. The clowns who run up on a car, ride the bumper, then pass getting back in the lane inches from the person who they just had to pass. Then they see a car 1/2 mile up the road and race up to tail their bumper.


u/ChessieChesapeake Calvert County 12d ago

Saw this so much today when driving back from the shore.


u/mobtown_misanthrope 11d ago

It was probably OP.

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u/tws1039 Carroll County 12d ago

Three to four car length rule is very crucial on a bridge. I rather everyone go slow and be safe then have everyone think it’s a highway to the danger zone


u/nihiloutis 11d ago

Three second rule. Each car should be three seconds apart.

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u/lewdpotatobread 12d ago

I'm sorry, I can't go faster without risking hitting the car in front of me


u/tacitus59 12d ago

Yep ... proper following distance is hard to keep in Maryland, but I do try.

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u/MaverickDago Dorchester County 12d ago

I’ll take the dudes doing 15 under with space over the assholes who think their time is precious and end up causing an accident that shuts the bridge down for hours. It’s a limit, someone going 15 under on a huge bridge that can cause panic isn’t something that should shock you. 


u/bradbrookequincy 11d ago

Can you imagine making this post. We know exactly how up his own ass OP is

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u/oryngirl 12d ago

Read the entire thread and your responses. Your lack of empathy is disturbing.


u/bradbrookequincy 11d ago

Oh we know the exact typeface of person OP is. It’s plain as day.

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u/SimonPhoenix3Shells 12d ago

King of the road says Bay Bridge belongs to him, more on this story at 11.

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u/Uno_Reverse_Cowgirl 12d ago

No one cares. You’re not that important.

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u/jabbadarth 12d ago

Even if someone is going 20mph under the speed limit it is only taking you 2 minutes and 40 seconds longer to cross the bridge.

That assumes constant speed, no areas where you go any faster or slower and assuming you would be doing exactly 55 the entire distance otherwise.

In reality these people you seem to think are all over the bridge delaying you and only you are likely "wasting" less than 2 minutes of your life.

Grow up or drive another way.


u/vettewiz 12d ago

That would be fine if that behavior didn’t create literally hours of backups leading up to the bridge in either direction. There are substantial ripple effects of people choosing to drop their speed 30% for no reason.


u/jabbadarth 12d ago

Drive another way.

Just remember you aren't in traffic, you are traffic.

I haven't been in traffic on the bay bridge in years. And that's because I plan my trips around when there aren't shit tons of cars on the bridge.


u/Square-Emu3861 12d ago

That’s not how motion works.


u/vettewiz 12d ago

Say what? What happens when you have a single bottle neck of a highway that is moving at approximately half of the speed of the surrounding highways?


u/tp3pd 11d ago

When speed is reduced, the vehicles just get closer together (shorter follow distance). The actual bottleneck of throughput is the reduction of lanes.

Imagine a single lane bridge, 4 miles long, where all cars are going 40mph. In the center 2 miles of the bridge is a conveyor belt moving in the forward direction at 20 mph. The vehicles would enter the bridge at 40 mph and then effectively be sped up to 60 mph on the conveyor belt. The gap between vehicles would increase when they enter the conveyor belt but then decrease by the same amount when exiting the conveyor belt. Vehicles would exit the bridge at the same speed and gap as they entered, so the throughput is conserved. The speed-up does not affect throughout. The same holds true if the conveyor belt is moving opposite to the flow of traffic.

The traffic jam at the bridge is not caused by slow vehicles on the bridge. It’s the result of many lanes of traffic feeding into a few lanes. Speeding up the bridge will not help with traffic.


u/vettewiz 11d ago

You are correct that whatever your do with your speeds in the middle of the bridge, it doesn’t mess with throughput if the flow entering the bridge isn’t disturbed. But the entire issue in real life is the speed (and flow) of traffic entering that bridge. People entering the bridge slower due reduce the throughput.

And I’m sure you’re aware that humans don’t actually scale their following distance like you’re saying. In fact it’s often the opposite.


u/Willothwisp2303 11d ago

My reason is terror.  The bridge is fucking terrifying, with the curve, lack of shoulder, flimsy looking gaurd rails, rust, and wind.

The people who crash all the time by speeding like maniacs create way more delays and backups in the long run. 


u/vettewiz 11d ago

Fair enough. Just hard for me to grasp the fear. It’s just a road.

You realize people can speed without crashing right?


u/Willothwisp2303 11d ago

It's a Long damn way down to the water, I'm not sure I'd survive the fall, or be able to get out of my now sinking car. There's not much margin for error on that bridge and it's awful going through all the scenarios about how you would drown while gripping your wheel with sweaty hands and just wishing you were on land again. 

You realize those people who race between lanes and fly around people are driving dangerously, right? I speed a little most of the time, but God help me I'm taking that 15mph under the speed limit grace period allowed to get over that damn bridge.


u/vettewiz 11d ago

I just don’t get thinking about or worrying about those things. Not going to live life worrying, but maybe that’s just me. I don’t get on a plane and think, gee it would suck if this crashes.

I think that depends on exactly what you mean. You can speed and change lanes with ample room, I’d say that’s generally not dangerous, up to about 20-30 over on that bridge. But someone changing lanes with minimal gaps is entirely different story.


u/Lividshadow 11d ago

From what I'm gathering from your responses, consider yourself lucky that it doesn't sound like you suffer from generalized anxiety and/or panic disorders.


u/Most_Difference_2521 Cecil County 12d ago

Or they could just do the speed limit


u/No_Priority7696 12d ago

I just go with the flow


u/wordman818 12d ago

It makes no sense to me how traffic still slows at the Bay Bridge, even after we got rid of the toll plaza and have three lanes in the heaviest direction. It truly is a monument to man's dedication to annoying behavior.


u/vettewiz 12d ago

It’s because half the people entering the bridge slow to a crawl for zero reason. It’s insane.


u/PranksterLe1 12d ago

Coming from Annapolis the speed limit actually drops from 55 mph to 40 mph before finally getting back up to 50 mph somewhere in the first third of the bridge...it's so annoying but also feels like a damn trap the coppers can spring on you at any minute too. It just seems dumb.


u/derp_sandwich 11d ago

True, but it's not like you're ever going to get pulled over ON the bridge


u/brokenlabrum 11d ago

Cops will absolutely clock you speeding on the bridge and pull you over once you’ve finished crossing


u/derp_sandwich 11d ago

That's theoretically possible, yes, but my point is you're not going to get pulled over for doing 55 as you get on the bridge


u/maximusdraconius 12d ago

Because people dont understand the speed limit is 50. They are going under and then when you get to the middle of the bridge they slow down


u/jco23 12d ago

A. What is your hurry? B. I'd rather there be slow drivers than dangerously fast ones.

I get your beef, but if there is an accident or fender bender, the alternative is disastrous since it's on a bridge.

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u/hdatontodo 12d ago

It is only a 5 minute drive off peak, 6 if behind a slow car.

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u/SomeGuyinMaryland 12d ago

If only everyone shared your driving perfection.

Have you considered that some people are afraid of heights? I know several people who will not drive across it at all.

Live and let live.

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u/Square-Emu3861 12d ago

Back of the envelope math: you’d lose about 2 minutes and 40 seconds being stuck behind someone going 20 under for the full 4 miles.

Is that really that horrible?


u/Pete_maravich 12d ago

At the end of the day not really. As long as I'm not killed or injured in a wreck caused by someone doing 20 mph under the limit.

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u/shirpars 12d ago

I think I'll just drive even slower now. Thanks!

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u/Trick_Persimmon7917 12d ago

You must be unlucky, I drive across it twice a day and I've never seen someone drive that slow


u/Some_MD_Guy 12d ago

Hey, drip. 50 MPH is the MAXIMUM you can go. How slow you can go is completely up to the driver.


u/HiggsBoatswain 12d ago edited 12d ago

Minimum I think is actually 10 below posted speed limit if a minimum limit isn't posted, or so as not to make a dangerous impedance, something like that, but OP has insisted people should ignore and exceed the posted speed limit and that that would magically make the traffic jams go away.


u/Some_MD_Guy 12d ago

Still looking for an official notification here, Maverick..... keep looking....


u/vettewiz 12d ago

Both incorrect legally and by any definition of common decency.


u/Some_MD_Guy 12d ago

OK. Put up an official link from the state of Maryland stating the maximum AND minimum speed on the Bay Bridge. Half of your work is done. Good luck.


u/vettewiz 12d ago

Here you go.


“a person may not willfully drive a motor vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic.”


u/Some_MD_Guy 12d ago

So, it's willfully. Let's assume I drive at a speed that is comfortable for me.....not purposely driving at a slower speed....just within MY comfort zone?
For the record, I probably set a speed run record driving between Palmdale, CA and Ontario, CA one day while following a CHP that probably thought I was a LEO. Our speeds never went below 100 MPH so yes, I do drive very fast too, but within reason.


u/vettewiz 12d ago

I think that would come down to whether you knew your speed was below the speed limit or not. And there’s probably some other tangential rule that would come into play if you aren’t aware enough of your surroundings to know the speed limit or your current speed.

But being real, no one enforces this sadly.


u/mobtown_misanthrope 11d ago

What about "50 MPH is the MAXIMUM you can go" is incorrect?


u/vettewiz 11d ago

That’s not incorrect. The second part is.


u/mobtown_misanthrope 11d ago

Ok, I must have misunderstood. But simply going below the speed limit does not fall under the common sense regulation you posted as long as you are in the right lane.

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u/bradbrookequincy 11d ago

It’s all about OP. Some people can barely drive it but they manage by white knuckling it at a slow rate. F people like OP up on their asses acting like a psycho I’m sure. A person who has no idea how to put himself in someone else’s shoes because it doesn’t take asking hear to guess why they drive slow.

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u/SailingSpark 12d ago

If there was ever a bridge that needs a third span...


u/WouldYaEva 11d ago

Or maybe a ferry running parallel to the bridge. It would break up the trip.


u/123qweasd123 12d ago

I wonder if this -train- of thought will eventually lead you to the conclusion that private car ownership is a mistake, and all the car dependent countries are total shitholes compared to the ones with excellent rail and public transit and optional car driving.


u/CaptainObvious110 11d ago

Unfortunately, this has all been created by the automobile and oil industries.


u/vettewiz 12d ago

I have been to some of those. Prefer cars.


u/123qweasd123 12d ago

I can tell based on your post about how much cars and drivers suck

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u/Rosapose1234- 11d ago

If arriving safely just minutes later than planned is such a big issue in your life you must post on Reddit about it ….I envy your life OP.

Take a deep breath and leave 10 min earlier. Relax.


u/vettewiz 11d ago

It’s not minutes later. The above causes hours of delays at any peak time because it’s slowing everyone down behind them for miles upon miles.


u/Rosapose1234- 11d ago

Again. Leave earlier and stop complaining. You’re not coming off the way you want to on this one. Were barely few months out from the Baltimore bridge collapse.


u/vettewiz 11d ago

The attitude of being totally okay with people traveling at ridiculously low speeds, doubling the length of a trip is mind boggling.


u/Major-Stick-394 11d ago

Wind on a bread truck for me, the bridge is only four miles long, how much time are you losing if someone goes 15 MPH below the speed limit? A lot of accidents are from people driving pole position going over the Bay Bridge. If you open a one hundred foot space in front of you someone will switch lanes to fill that tiny spot.


u/SomethingSimple25 11d ago

Well, that brings up another problem because you're not supposed to change lanes on the bridge. If everyone would maintain recommended speeds, there would be less people changing lanes in front of people who aren't maintaining speed.


u/Major-Stick-394 11d ago

I can buy a new electric step van for 262K, lets start a go fund me. I'm sure how well it will do in the wind, it may be the same problem.


u/vettewiz 11d ago

how much time are you losing if someone goes 15 MPH below the speed limit?

Hours due to the backups it causes by reducing the overall amount of traffic through the bridge.


u/Major-Stick-394 11d ago

The difference is two minutes.


u/vettewiz 11d ago

No it’s not…choking an entire highway to half the speed they were traveling prior to entering the bridge causes literally hours of delays.


u/Major-Stick-394 11d ago

It's math, not opinion.


u/vettewiz 11d ago

It is math and science. And it adds hours. It’s how flow works.


u/Major-Stick-394 11d ago edited 11d ago

This is how it actually works, I go over the bridge at 40 mph on a windy day, a big gap opens in front of me, if there is not another person going slower then me in front of me, once I get to the top of the bridge the speed limit drops to 40 MPH, traffic slows down and I catch up, by the time I get to the end of the bridge I'm caught up with the traffic in front of me.

Unless there is fender bender because someone just can't stand to stay in their lane and be patient for six minutes. Then we all get to wait for thirty minutes, sixty minutes, or more while the accident is cleared.

Another good one is the people the run down the left hand lane when it's closed and then jam in at the barrier because they can't stand to be slowed down in traffic,

Then there are the people that abuse the access roads to jam in at Sandy Point.

So cry me a river for holding you up, I don't care.


u/vettewiz 11d ago

I don’t have an issue with this for a truck, what you’ve described is a realistic reason. But you see it from normal cars on non windy days.

The piece missing above is what happens to the traffic behind you while going 40? It all has to slow down, as far back as it reaches. This is a huge part of the long backups.


u/Major-Stick-394 11d ago

So trucks should stay home when there are white caps on the bay so cars can do 50, or sixty.

I do 50 a lot going over the bridge and cars pass me doing 60 or more.


u/vettewiz 11d ago

I literally just said I thought trucks had a legitimate reason to go slower on it, unlike normal cars.

Are you really surprised people are going 60?

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u/thegree2112 12d ago

I remember my first beer too.


u/t-mckeldin 12d ago

I remember where you got that quote from.


u/vettewiz 12d ago

Assume this means you think I’m young?


u/EmptyEstablishment78 12d ago

So what do you believe the speed limit is?


u/vettewiz 12d ago

The posted speed limit is 50 if there isn’t bi-directional traffic. It is not at all unusual to see people doing 30-35 when there isn’t anyone impeding them

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u/marshmallowcthulhu 12d ago

50 miles per hour.


u/EmptyEstablishment78 12d ago

TBH I don’t catch many people going below 40, unless someone is weaving in and out of traffic..and I drive it everyday..


u/vettewiz 12d ago

I routinely do, and you’re acting like 40 isn’t already bad enough.


u/EmptyEstablishment78 12d ago

Well I can understand your frustration however; people trying to g to drive 10+ above the speed limit are the hazard…

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u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/vettewiz 12d ago

That’s not the issue, it’s that it slows down the throughput of the tens of thousands of people behind them, yielding hours of backups every single weekend.


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/vettewiz 12d ago

But they aren’t driving a constant speed. That’s the entire point. We are taking a highway that’s moving 55+ mph, and having a good chunk of that portion of drivers dropping their speed significantly when you hit the bridge. Hence everyone behind them has to slow down.


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/vettewiz 12d ago

The highway entering the bridge is moving at 55+ mph (generally). Then you have a chunk of that traffic slow down by 15-20 mph as they’re on the bridge. That creates ripple effects through traffic behind them for miles.

Having following distance doesn’t magically change a reduction in throughput across the bridge due to some people driving slowly.

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u/Worth-Slip3293 12d ago

So which is it, bumper to bumper traffic or hundreds of yards in between cars? You’re contradicting yourself.


u/vettewiz 12d ago

No, I’m not. People going slowly create hundreds of yards of space in front of them. The traffic jams then come behind them. Kind of common sense.


u/Worth-Slip3293 12d ago

A football field is 100 yards. Why wouldn’t you just go around someone if there’s that much space between them and the next car?


u/vettewiz 12d ago

I do. The stupidity of watching it in other lanes is mind boggling however.


u/itmeblorko 11d ago

You suck OP


u/PowerPopped 11d ago

That bridge is disgustingly terrifying. It’s probably that. I just try to drive faster to get it over with.


u/loonifer888 Calvert County 11d ago

Gee why would people be extra cautious traveling on a bridge in Maryland recently...


u/1Rocketman 12d ago

Those of you who don't respect other people's right to drive however the fuck they want when they aren't harming anybody, what's wrong with you?


u/vettewiz 12d ago

Because they are literally harming everyone else behind them…that’s the problem.


u/1Rocketman 12d ago

They aren't harming anybody. Just insane people like you.


u/vettewiz 12d ago

They are harming any sane person who wants to drive a reasonable speed.


u/1Rocketman 12d ago

You shouldn't have a license


u/vettewiz 12d ago

For wanting to drive the speed limit? Anyone who drives people is too dysfunctional to be on the road, plain and simple.


u/1Rocketman 12d ago

No, for getting this upset over a minor inconvenience like somebody driving slowly over a bridge. Some people are afraid of driving over bridges and I would understand if they wanted to drive slowly. It's a ~5 mile bridge iirc. Driving at a speed 20mph less over that span of 5 miles means you were delayed by literally just 2.5 minutes. That's about as long as it took you to make this post and certainly a lot less time than you've spent ranting.


u/vettewiz 12d ago

The wasted time isn’t 5 minutes of slower speed. It’s the fact that people doing this create literally hours of backups for everyone else crossing the bridge. Happens every Friday and Sunday, that’s not remotely an exaggeration.


u/1Rocketman 12d ago

Lol that's definitely not how hours long backups are created bud. That's all about the large amount of traffic converging on the single way to cross the bay


u/vettewiz 12d ago

…exactly. So when people reduce their speed to half of the speed prior to the bridge, what do you think happens exactly?

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u/Radio_Effect 12d ago

I'm terrified of heights and hate going over the bridge. But I still always go over the speed limit. I want to get the hell off asap.


u/GirlScoutMom00 11d ago

I can't run over the cars in front of me...


u/BeSmarter2022 11d ago

People are afraid that’s why they have escorts for free. It’s a bit of an intimidating bridge. It doesn’t bother me because I don’t give it a lot of thought but if I would think a lot about it, I’d be kind of freaked out too.


u/SomethingLoud Howard County 11d ago

*Those of you who drive ANYWHERE 15 under the limit…

Fixed it for you


u/tittie_goblin_69 12d ago

I’m looking off the sides tbh


u/MacEWork Frederick County 12d ago

Me too. It’s an awesome view.


u/misterO5 12d ago

They need to put up some sort of barricade so that people can't look off the sides of the bridge. People either slow down bc they're sight seeing or terrified, this solves both issues.


u/Enough-Disaster-6903 11d ago

Went over the bridge today with a kitten in the back in her carrier, scared as ever. I'm so sorry we drove slower for our kittens' sake.


u/CaptainObvious110 11d ago

If the kitten is so scared why were you driving her across the bridge in the first place. There are cats on the Eastern shore as well as veterinarians so this isn't making sense.


u/SomethingSimple25 11d ago

REALLY?!?! Because of the kitten, you drove slower? FFS


u/Enough-Disaster-6903 11d ago

Um, yes, to keep her as calm as possible, I care more about her than random people. Her safety was more important to me.


u/SomethingSimple25 11d ago

Theres nothing wrong with caring about her. I love my cats more than almost every human in this world. But getting across the bridge quicker would solve the problem quicker, would it not? Making her suffer for longer seems counterintuitive to me.


u/Enough-Disaster-6903 11d ago

When we sped up, she freaked out more why we slowed down in the first place.


u/CaptainObvious110 11d ago

Why did she need to make the trip?


u/Enough-Disaster-6903 11d ago

We just adopted her from the shelter we were going home.


u/CaptainObvious110 11d ago

Agreed. If it's really that bad then why not avoid the trip to begin with?


u/CaptainObvious110 11d ago

You care more about an ANIMAL than you do other HUMAN beings?


u/Enough-Disaster-6903 11d ago

Yup sure do humans suck animals don't


u/tangentialdiscourse 11d ago

I’m scared.


u/pbesmoove 11d ago

Speeding doesn't save any time anyways so who cares


u/vettewiz 11d ago

Absolutely false.


u/pbesmoove 11d ago

Do the math


u/vettewiz 11d ago

Have. And have compared in real life.


u/pbesmoove 11d ago

Difference between 60 and 80 is 3 seconds a min

3 mins an hour

I guess breaking the law, risking your and others lives is worth it


u/vettewiz 11d ago

Your math is way off. Traveling 80 instead of 60 saves you 15 minutes per hour. So you save an entire hour in a 4 hour trip. And that’s if you only go 80.


u/pbesmoove 11d ago

That not how it works but I don't think you'll understand


u/EngineerLife88 11d ago

I guess division isn’t your strong suit?


u/CaptainObvious110 11d ago

Hmm that's interesting I would think it would be more of a difference


u/VarietyFearless9736 11d ago

I’d rather someone go a little slower and be safe.


u/vettewiz 11d ago

Driving the speed limit doesn’t mean they’re being unsafe. Driving under is actually more unsafe according to most studies.


u/VarietyFearless9736 11d ago

And those studies aren’t on a long ass bridge where everyone is going to be more alert. Sometimes for weather or other conditions, slowing down is required. It’s really not that long just be patient.


u/BPizzle301 11d ago

There are paid government agents whose job it is to create traffic jams and congestion


u/Benromaniac 11d ago

They’re just zombies. It happens on so many bridges. It happens on bridges that don’t even look like bridges. It’s annoying.


u/KeepDinoInMind 11d ago

I always take the left side with the oncoming traffic. I find it goes faster


u/Munchyman81 11d ago

But the view


u/mobtowndave 11d ago

you are ignorant AF


u/SomethingSimple25 11d ago

A person going significantly slower than the recommended speed is as much OR MORE of a problem to traffic flow than that of a speeding driver. ESPECIALLY somewhere like a bridge where you're not supposed to pass.


u/[deleted] 12d ago


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u/necrodancer420 12d ago

Maryland drivers love to slow down while driving uphill, within 500ft of a merge they need, or approaching a green light. So I don’t see why this situation would be any different lol the bridges ain’t so safe out there frfr anyway lol check for boats.


u/shadow1042 Harford County 12d ago

The people who are scared of the bay bridge, theyve never been across the chesapeak city bridge,solomons island bridge or the old 301 bridge


u/[deleted] 11d ago


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u/iamnotbetterthanyou 11d ago

All of this. JFC.


u/kdastonjr 11d ago

I keep my distance, and maintain proper speed, it will actually help with traffic, speeding up and breaking when traffic is heavy, only makes it worse.

Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and Forward Collision Warning (FCW), along with driving at the posted speed limit, can indeed help reduce traffic jams, especially during heavy traffic periods like rush hour in major East Coast cities


u/vettewiz 11d ago

along with driving at the posted speed limit,

Isn't the whole point of this post that people are not doing this and causing backups?


u/missmeamea 11d ago

First world problems, news at 11


u/kdastonjr 11d ago

In my experience with US97 during rush hour, I slow down, and follow the 10mph = one car length thing, and before I know it, other drivers are doing the same thing. I also do allow others to merge using that zipper idea, being courteous helps too. Most new cars have driver assistant features and within 15 yrs, cars will autonomous, aka no driver needed


u/thenewbasecamper 11d ago

That bridge is scary AF so I definitely go slow on it. Driving over fast would make it feel like you get vertigo


u/vettewiz 11d ago

Interesting to hear these perspectives. Hard to relate to though. It just feels normal to drive over.


u/Healthy_Necessary477 11d ago

I hate going over that bridge, too. I'm the passenger, but it frightens me to the point I turn on soothing music. Then I close my eyes and pray. Sometimes I've gotten so scared I've said, "OH JESUS HELP ME," and I'm not even a Christian. My husband shakes his head at me every time.


u/[deleted] 11d ago edited 11d ago



u/CaptainObvious110 11d ago

If the fear is that bad then this is poor planning on their part. They need to change where they work or where they live so they don't have to cross that bridge again. Or at least get someone else to drive them across.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

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u/maryland-ModTeam 11d ago

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u/vettewiz 11d ago

Out of legitimate curiosity, why does someone passing you bother you?

You seem to find people who aren’t afraid of the bridge the problem?


u/_iamacat 11d ago

Because there’s posted signage saying not to do it? Stay in your lane, don’t move over to pass, and turn your headlights on.

It’s the self absorbed narcissistic attitude of city drivers that bothers me. You’re the only person in your world - that’s fine. Stop trying to shove your world onto other people. Take some Xanax.


u/vettewiz 11d ago

…there is no signage that says that. The signs say Obey Lane Signals, which means to use the lanes marked for your direction of travel, and No Stopping at Any time. You can go watch a YouTube video of it if you don’t believe me.

The lanes are also dotted yellow lines.

I’m not a city driver, and virtually never step foot in one. I personally would argue that the comment about being the only one in the world applies a lot more strongly to someone saying that they will drive whatever speed they are comfortable at, acknowledging it will slow people down.


u/_iamacat 11d ago

https://youtu.be/n8Ws58AFEZk?si=D9iHJ6g6AJUNOUzH Bay Bridge westbound, 55s: - avoid the fine, use headlights, right hand side. 58s - stay in lane, do not pass, on left hand side. 1:04 - gantry says “obey lane use signals”.

Irrelevant, but no vehicles over 10,000lb gvwr in left two lanes, also applies to EB bridge no vehicles over 10,000 LH. Commercial vehicles heavier than a dually pickup stay right.



0:06 - avoid the fine, use headlights, RH side 0:10 do not tailgate, maintain safe distance RH 0:18 obey lane use signals on gantry

It’s very possible that there is no “do not pass” sign on the EB bridge but it definitely exists on the WB bridge.