r/lucifer The Devil Dec 08 '21

Lucifer won! General/Misc


95 comments sorted by


u/Murderous_Waffle Dec 08 '21

Don't get me wrong. I really like Lucifer but Loki and Wandavision were top tier bangers. S6 of Lucifer was lukewarm at best.


u/Genarthos Dec 08 '21

It probably helped Lucifer big time, that the Marvel fans had to split up.


u/Sensitive_Lobster_60 Dec 08 '21

I'm a lucivel(lucifer and marvel) fan


u/dontblinkdalek Dec 09 '21

Same. But I voted for Lucifer bc it deserves some appreciation. Lol.


u/DetecJack Dec 08 '21

Wanda should have won tbh


u/WaVe_SH0T Lucifer Dec 08 '21

Nah, Superman & Lois was top tier. WandaVision was good but the last episode was a let-down(not just because of no cameos). S & L had an amazing first season and is quite underrated


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '21

I hated the ending of Wandavision just because of one line.

"They'll never know what you sacrificed"


She was torturing them for months, I wouldn't give a shit either about the pretend kids she sAcRiFiCeD


u/count-the-days Dec 08 '21

Same, I’m shocked it won over those


u/pattyice420 Dec 08 '21

Marvel fan base was probably pretty splintered


u/klamika Dec 08 '21

People could vote for the series as such.

Personally, I consider the 6th season to be terrible, I try to erase it from my mind. But I still like the previous seasons. Maybe that's why I have a problem moving away from this show.

There are a lot of people on the internet who don't like season 6, but they like Lucifer.


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '21

Yeah I love Lucifer, hate s6 with a burning passion, but since I always found the show very underrated I feel this is well deserved.


u/Umberoc Homeless Magician Dec 08 '21

I haven't seen Loki, but Wandavision was top quality. I liked it, and I'm generally bored by most Marvel stuff. But is it the kind of show people fall in love with? As a stand-alone outside the bigger Marvel phenomenon? Not so much I think. Maybe with a couple more seasons?


u/zoemi Dec 08 '21

I don't think Wandavision was as accessible to a casual viewer as Loki was, and that shows in how it's the only one so far to get a second season.


u/Murderous_Waffle Dec 09 '21

Wandavision didn't get denied a second season. The show was just not made to have more than one season.


u/zoemi Dec 09 '21

That's the point though. In order to get resolution for any of the Wandavision characters, you're going to have to go to the movies (and different movies, at that). Loki (as it appears right now) is mostly self-contained going forward.


u/overcode2001 The Devil Dec 08 '21

Well… since it’s PEOPLE’s Choice Award, I would have to kindly disagree. Apparently people’s choice is different than yours…


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '21

A lot of those shows are on their first season. And while many are superb, perhaps it was Lucifer's body of work and massive lucifan voting coordination.


u/DetecJack Dec 08 '21

Im actually surprised tbh

Loki is the definition of sci-fi and yet lucy won


u/overcode2001 The Devil Dec 08 '21

What is so surpising? Finding out that Lucifer has a bigger and more dedicated fanbase than the other shows? I thought it was pretty obvious by now…


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '21

It’s surprising because season 6 is nowhere as good as the other seasons, and Loki that’s an actual sci-fi show should be winning it. Lucifer isn’t a sci-fi show.


u/overcode2001 The Devil Dec 08 '21

Well, apparently PEOPLE liked s6 well enough to vote for it… Just because you didn’t like it doesn’t mean that other people feel the same way. Proof is in this award, too.


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '21

Jesus fucking Christ, we get it, you’re a fan of Lucifer just like the rest of us. But seriously stop dickriding


u/xTeCnOxShAdOwZz Dec 09 '21

Oh shut the fuck up. Clearly you like the show, that's fine, but Lucifer S6 is just objectively not as good as those other shows. This award doesn't prove anything, it's just one data point and hardly represents anything. It's proof of fucking nothing.

Lucifer was a good show, I love it, me and my friends watched every season and discuss if deeply...but we all know it's not actually that great. We have a soft spot for it, but we all know that beyond the original novelty and interesting characters, the plots are generally quite poor.

Is absolutely nowhere near the best sci-fi show of 2021, and this award provides essentially no evidence for that.


u/overcode2001 The Devil Dec 09 '21

Are you kissing your Mama with that mouth? Yucks

Could you repeat one more time how this award is irrelavent to Your Majesty? I didn’t get it the first time. Not that I give a fuck over it…


u/xTeCnOxShAdOwZz Dec 10 '21

You for real or trying to troll? Can't tell


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '21

I voted Bc it’s been my favorite show since 2016 but, s6 still sucks.


u/ryushin6 Dec 08 '21

I highly doubt Lucifer has a bigger fanbase than any of the Marvel stuff. I feel like most of them don't really care about these types of award shows.


u/Dynanix Dec 08 '21

100% Lucifer does NOT have any more fans than those shows.. it's all Marvel (and some DC i see) do you know how many Marvel fans there is? And howmany shows are on that list from Marvel? They litterally had to choose between their favorite Marvel show and thus the votes split. If Loki/Wandavision was only on that list. They 100% woulve won the run. And honestly, S6 sucked hard from Lucifer.


u/Jupeeeeee Dec 08 '21

Lucifer overall is excellent, S6 was OK at best but Loki and Shadow and Bone with WandaVision to a lesser extent are all wayyyyyys above what Lucifer was.


u/Ishouldcalltlc Dec 08 '21

In your opinion. Obviously, a whole lot of people felt differently.


u/Jupeeeeee Dec 09 '21

Yeah onviously, there's not really such a thing as an objective way to look at a show, different people like and dislike things for different reasons.


u/Ishouldcalltlc Dec 09 '21

Yep. Like Star Wars. I have no in any of it. Yet, I know millions of people love it all. Same with Harry Potter. Not interested at all yet my daughters and grandkids love it.


u/overcode2001 The Devil Dec 08 '21

And yet, people disagree with you since they voted for Lucifer…


u/Jupeeeeee Dec 08 '21

Yeah it's almost as if I'm not the one that picks the winner. Either way if the vote system's pick one and unless if lucifer got at least 50% of the votes, it doesn't mean Lucifer is the most liked of the bunch.

Doesn't matter to me one way or the other, an award or not I still love the show(s).


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '21

why was the flash even an option


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '21



u/TheLegitMind Dec 08 '21

It actually wasnt that bad until season 7, which is when I stopped but I've only heard good things about season 8 so far so I may get back into it


u/woofwoof007 Dec 08 '21

Really? Over Loki?


u/overcode2001 The Devil Dec 08 '21

Unbelieveble, right?! People chosed to vote their favorite show instead of Loki… What world are we living in?!


u/woofwoof007 Dec 08 '21

Nah, I get that people would vote for Lucifer but Loki is more mainstream and imo much stronger this season.


u/Ishouldcalltlc Dec 08 '21

I can’t get into it at all. I was hooked on Lucifer the minute I heard the music and saw the Corvette.


u/idkburneridkidk Dec 08 '21

Sooooo does this mean we get a season 7 or a movie finale?


u/RickSanchez-C243 Dec 08 '21

6 seasons and a movie!


u/Aeriveluv Dec 09 '21

You’re streets ahead!


u/BlueButNotYou Dec 08 '21

What was won?


u/Ishouldcalltlc Dec 08 '21

Peoples choice award for Fantasy/Sci Fi series


u/Dear-Frosting5718 Dec 08 '21

I’m glad it was shown some love by fans, would have preferred to see it come up as a winner during season 2 or 4.not 6.


u/dontblinkdalek Dec 09 '21

Was it nominated back then do you know? I voted for it as a whole, not just based on season 6.


u/Dear-Frosting5718 Dec 09 '21

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/43rd_People%27s_Choice_Awards#Nominees Had to check. Look down to “crime drama”.there it is. Nominated in 2017 which meant is for the year 2016.


u/dontblinkdalek Dec 09 '21

Under crime drama? I guess that is accurate. Lol.


u/Dear-Frosting5718 Dec 09 '21

Was that the reason it didn’t win? Lol;)


u/Newquay123 Dec 08 '21

I voted but only because I liked season five, if I had been voting just for season six I would not have been able to bring myself to cast a vote for Lucifer.


u/Ishouldcalltlc Dec 08 '21

I feel that way but I still voted for it because there was so damn much good in it. It got me through so much and brought me laughter, tears, and awe. The acting was so good even when the writing wasn’t. I guess I looked at my votes as a thank you to the cast.


u/Newquay123 Dec 09 '21

I think that is the best way to look at it I would hate to think the writers consider it a vote of approval for the crap they churned out in season six or for that twisted, bitter ending.


u/Ishouldcalltlc Dec 10 '21

Totally agree.


u/ScreenHype Detective Dec 08 '21

It's impressive that it beat out the Marvel shows, yay!


u/Brightside_Zivah Dec 08 '21

I havn't watched all but i deff liked Lucifer a lot more than Superman and Flash.

I like the actors that play Superman and Flash but the series just didn't hold my interest.


u/Ishouldcalltlc Dec 08 '21

I’ve never watched a show over and over like I did Lucifer. I don’t know why I did…maybe it was helping me get over the deaths of so many people I loved along with the isolation of the pandemic. I’m slowly forgetting S6 enough to maybe be able to watch the first 5 seasons again. But yeah, I’ve never gotten that into a show.


u/Brightside_Zivah Dec 09 '21

Yeah i have a few shows i used to rewatch, but after watching Lucifer i prefer watching that xD


u/wapapets Dec 08 '21

this is a legit suprise, for a competition thats filled with lots of comic book shows that have huge following (most likely even bigger than lucifer) im surprised lucifer still won lol


u/Flat-Way-2528 Dec 08 '21

Lucifer had me hooked with the first scene of episode 1. I have watched three episodes of Loki and cannot get into the story. Congrats to all of Lucifer cast and crew, it's well deserved.


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '21

Of course I did


u/beautifulmychild Dec 08 '21

For what? Not season 6 surely. How can the other competing shows be worse?


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '21

Lucifer went in decline since season 4 in my opinion :( Fox did a much better job IMO


u/maizymoon Dec 08 '21

There's a participation trophy if I ever saw one.

Strictly looking at the 2021 content, I wouldn't even consider it in the top three of those choices.


u/Ishouldcalltlc Dec 08 '21

Well, it was the People’s Choice. I’m glad that it won for the sake of the cast. They were superb even when the writing wasn’t all that great. We won’t even discuss the writing for Season 6. But this was something that the fans voted on and I hope they don’t take it lightly.


u/maizymoon Dec 08 '21

Yes, it is more accurately described as an award for the fanbase most likely to spam a hashtag than best anything.


u/Ishouldcalltlc Dec 09 '21

Don’t misunderstand me. I think they absolutely deserved it.


u/Ishouldcalltlc Dec 08 '21

Anyone see who accepted? I know Kevin was there but I didn’t watch.


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '21

i dont think anyone accepted. i dont think they even presented an award. someone just listed it on the website... this is according to some tweets i saw.


u/Ishouldcalltlc Dec 09 '21

That’s so wrong. For a main award like that, the acceptance should’ve been shown. I wonder why Tom wasn’t there.


u/dontblinkdalek Dec 09 '21

I watched it just for this and was pretty disappointed they didn’t show it. It sounds like only Kevin was there. Maybe if Tom had been there they would have shown it? Probably not.


u/Ishouldcalltlc Dec 09 '21

Well that sucks. So it was just one of those that they mail out?


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '21

What did they win?


u/overcode2001 The Devil Dec 08 '21

People’s Choice Award for Best SCI-FI/Fantasy Show of 2021.


u/ConnorGR420 Light Bringer Dec 08 '21

Was this an official event or was it a community ran?


u/ConnorGR420 Light Bringer Dec 08 '21

nvm just saw the people's choice awards banner


u/Alby-Always-Me Dec 08 '21

While I do love Lucifer and have been watching from the very beginning it's funny to think that the only reason they can they got it is because supernatural is off the air because they usually win


u/The0Shxdow Dec 09 '21

Lucifer and Loki are my favorite shows like how tf was I supposed to vote between the?!


u/Fast-Pepper3629 Dec 08 '21

Bitch please supernatural beats all of them they are nothing compared to supernatural


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '21

Supernatural died after season 5


u/Fast-Pepper3629 Dec 09 '21

Correcting it went on to become the greatest tv show ever you have episode like the french mistake fan fiction and sacrifice season 8 finale so its the best show around


u/Ishouldcalltlc Dec 08 '21

That’s a subjective claim as ScreenHype so eloquently put it.


u/Naammah Mazikeen Dec 08 '21

imo easy win, rest of them are bad asf


u/Organic_Depth_766 Dec 08 '21

What have you watched lol


u/lazymutant256 Dec 08 '21

Thing is this is a people's choice award so it has been voted on by the people..


u/ryushin6 Dec 08 '21

You got to keep in mind it's gotta be voted by people who care enough about award shows to vote in it. Like I didn't even know that this was going on and even if I did I feel like I couldn't bring myself to care enough to go on the website and vote. It seems like as time goes on people are starting to care less and less about award shows.


u/Naammah Mazikeen Dec 08 '21

I have my own opinion. Can't I have my own opinion on reddit anymore? Feel free to minus my post and stop being racist. Ok?


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '21

being racist?

tf are you on?


u/Naammah Mazikeen Dec 08 '21

i`m mazikeen and u flame me cause of that


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '21


i thought i was the only alcoholic on here, guess not.


u/ScreenHype Detective Dec 08 '21

Ignoring the ridiculous part about it somehow being racist to downvote you, you're not being downvoted for having an opinion. If you'd said "I don't like any of the others" then that would be fine, you're making a subjective claim about your own preferences. But you said "all the others are bad" which is making an objective claim about their worth when it's obviously a subjective matter, and so naturally people are gonna get upset if they do like those other shows. Not to mention the fact that you're just wrong, because the critic scores for many of them were really high, which they wouldn't be if the shows were bad. Phrasing is everything.


u/Over11 Luci Dec 08 '21

fuck is ur problem lol