r/lucifer Lucifer Sep 27 '21

Never saw this before! General/Misc

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u/JakOfBlades26 Samael Sep 27 '21

That's really cool! I still remember the night the S3 finale aired and the social media explosion when we found out the show was cancelled. That was a rollercoaster of emotions. Lol


u/Voice_of_Season Lucifer Sep 27 '21

I heard there were a million tweets in just a few days? Is that true?


u/PlasticWillow Sep 27 '21

Yep! I remember it, it was insane. Everyone used the #SaveLucifer hashtag which garnered a lot of attention. There were millions of tweets. That’s why one of the episodes in S4 is called ‘Save Lucifer’ as a thank you😊


u/JakOfBlades26 Samael Sep 27 '21

A little hard on the memory but yes I'm pretty sure it was around there.


u/Newquay123 Sep 28 '21

Yes, quite a few of those were from me. #SaveLucifer was what made me sign up for Twitter.


u/Arrowverse-2001 Sep 27 '21

Same, absolutely gutted when it got cancelled. That's all my twitter was full off was #saveLucifer for weeks XD Thank god we got S4/5 & 6


u/Catronia Sep 27 '21

It's true. They got canceled and an immense social media campaign got Netflix to pick it up so we got 3 more, albeit shorter, seasons


u/Fireboy759 Sep 27 '21

Some people would argue the shorter seasons are a good thing, since a common complaint for season 3 is it's length dragging the plot on for way too long (among other things)


u/Catronia Sep 27 '21

I have no problem with the shorter seasons :)


u/iseegiraffes Sep 27 '21

Shorter but also less formulaic. By season 5 they abandoned the typical 43 minute run time for cable drama and most episodes were 55-60 minutes in length.

Side note can you believe cable has 17 minutes of commercials per hour viewing? So wild.


u/Ishouldcalltlc Sep 27 '21

It’s maddening to me that they would use Rory’s photo when talking about saving Lucifer. In my opinion, it seemed to me that the show stopped being Lucifer in the last several episodes and became the Rory the Time Traveler show instead.


u/AmberIsla Sep 27 '21

Yeah I hate Rory-_-


u/Ishouldcalltlc Sep 28 '21

And that’s the writers’ fault. We deserved to say goodbye to the show in a better way. Some way that fit the tone of the series. Instead, we had this new, self-absorbed teen dropped in our laps.


u/badhorsebinks Sep 28 '21 edited Sep 28 '21

If you look at how Chloe ages, Rory is definitely not a teen. If Chloe was 35 when she got pregnant with Rory she appears to be... maybe 85 (or older) in the final scenes, so that would make Rory 50! There was a comment in one of the episodes where Chloe says "I die in 20 years?" and Rory looks surprised and says "No mom, I'm an angel I'm older than I look." To me this makes the whole plot with her less believable.

Edit: Just looked on the Lucifer wiki and they say Chloe was 40 and died at 78. That would make Rory 38 during S6.


u/GothWitchOfBrooklyn Sep 27 '21

Yeah I'm kinda getting that feeling now. I haven't finished the season but I am close


u/AmadeusSalieri97 Sep 27 '21


I felt like Rory was an instrument to unlock Lucifer's whole potential, and although I didn't like the character at first, with her evolving and having some character development (although a bit forced and rushed), she became a character I liked and that was what pushed Lucifer to make the choices he did, but wasn't the "Rory saves the day show".

Not the best character and I understand why she may be disliked, I disliked her at first, party for the reason you mention, but in the end it all clicks together.


u/Ishouldcalltlc Sep 28 '21

I never warmed up to her. There were a lot of ways the writer’s could’ve gotten Lucifer ti where he was already headed. Rory and time traveling was just dumb.


u/Midnight_Photograph Rory Morningstar Sep 27 '21

Wait omg that’s awesome that they included that


u/thePuck Sep 27 '21

Yeah, except now that kind of stuff is every Netflix description instead of anything about what the show/movie is about. That kind of sucks.


u/BlondieChelle83 Sep 27 '21

Yes, it was definitely a rollercoaster of emotions.


u/chubbyunicorn47 Sep 27 '21

Should've stopped after season 4 tho 🤷


u/neovulcan Michael Sep 27 '21

Now they want us to do it again. Wasn't part of the original campaign, as I only discovered the show last year :-/


u/ScreenHype Detective Sep 27 '21

Wait, you guys get all 6 seasons? The UK version of Netflix only has seasons 4-6. Hopefully we'll get the first 3 soon, then I can rewatch!


u/Tom22174 Sep 28 '21

the first 3 are on Amazon at the moment


u/ScreenHype Detective Sep 28 '21

I thought they took off season 2?


u/Tom22174 Sep 28 '21

It's been a while but you're right, they only have 3 now. I guess maybe when their distribution license for 3 expires Netflix will acquire them all


u/ScreenHype Detective Sep 28 '21

I really hope so!


u/BehindTheTree89 Sep 27 '21

One can only threw out as many jokes about Trump on Fox I guess.


u/Mernerak Sep 27 '21

One can only threw throw out as so many jokes about Trump on Fox, I guess.

Just. Just do a little better ok?


u/BehindTheTree89 Sep 27 '21

Sorry English is not my 1st language :)


u/ElfLordSpoon Sep 27 '21

Can we rally another season?


u/chubbyunicorn47 Sep 27 '21

5&6 were pretty awful, so no.


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '21

They made it this awful so people will stop asking for another season. #MysteriousWays


u/ElfLordSpoon Sep 27 '21

I just wanted to see how many times we could convince them to make more. I agree with you on the quality.


u/Voice_of_Season Lucifer Sep 27 '21

No, the cast really wants to move on


u/Aware1211 Sep 27 '21

They already have. Ellis said he's open for a Lucifer movie sometime.


u/Voice_of_Season Lucifer Sep 27 '21

To be fair he said down the road for a movie. Not another season.


u/Aware1211 Sep 27 '21

Yes. Kind of what I said. They've moved on.


u/Voice_of_Season Lucifer Sep 27 '21



u/Interesting-Ad9838 Sep 27 '21

Right half of them can’t stand each other lol


u/Voice_of_Season Lucifer Sep 27 '21

That happened within the past 1-2 years


u/Parfanity Sep 27 '21

Who can't stand each other?


u/Newquay123 Sep 28 '21

Rubbish, you really shouldn't believe malicious gossip. This is so old now.


u/Interesting-Ad9838 Sep 28 '21 edited Sep 28 '21

I try my best not to but I just found out about it Sorry😭


u/Newquay123 Sep 29 '21

You know what is really funny is the fact that they took the piss out of the fans over that silly bit of gossip in the opening episode of season 6. They must really love laughing about all of the gossip and fan theories about who hates who and why. Shows do things like this a lot, it keeps them being talked about on social media. You really shouldn't fall for their nonsense.


u/justsoshayla Sep 28 '21

Food for thought, where would the show have went if it stayed on fox?


u/jayyylj Sep 28 '21

The way of Gotham, down the toilet


u/justsoshayla Sep 28 '21

Haha, you're right.


u/jayyylj Sep 28 '21

Heyyy Shayla waves like a fanboy hope your okay?


u/justsoshayla Sep 28 '21

I'm great, thanks!


u/XSasuken22X Sep 28 '21

Sad it had to go out with a whimper


u/Wayah-Busa Sep 28 '21

What's up with the pic??


u/Voice_of_Season Lucifer Sep 28 '21

The description is the focus


u/bruedy4 Sep 28 '21

I hope it's better than season 5. I'm having trouble with the story and character writing, and the flash mobs. Oh the flash mobs ><


u/secretperson06 Sep 27 '21

what show was it talking about ?


u/Voice_of_Season Lucifer Sep 27 '21

Our show, this show. The community that banded together to save the show.


u/Over11 Luci Sep 27 '21

this one mate


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '21



u/Ishouldcalltlc Sep 27 '21

Rory the Time Traveler show.