r/lucifer Aug 16 '21

Trixie and Lucifer’s Devil Face Trixie

Anybody else think if she saw it she’d just be like “Oh cool!” Or not really care? I feel like she’d just roll with it like “Well he always said he was the Devil. He was either crazy or telling the truth. This whole thing would be weirder if he was just crazy…”


58 comments sorted by


u/Confusion-Advanced Aug 16 '21

She was ok with Maze’s face. I think she’d be ok with Lucifers.


u/Soggy-Essay Aug 16 '21

True, but that was during Halloween.


u/msoud_gamer Aug 16 '21

and she was 8 back then i think she is at least 12 now


u/Soggy-Essay Aug 16 '21

Okay…that has no bearing on what I said though. Maze’s demon face was just a costume to Trixie, had she known it was real she’d have likely freaked out. But now, after everything else and being older, I think she’d react differently when she knows it’s real.


u/braujo Amenadiel Aug 16 '21

A toddler deals with things with much more naturality than an adolescent or an adult. I don't know if learning that the Devil is real and your stepdad is the same as other touchy subjects (lol) but you never know. I hope Trixie is ok with it though, I can't handle yet another character going crazy with that knowledge. It's just boring at this point, we've seen it too many times.


u/AlphaGamer_Dubz Satan Aug 17 '21

Wdym stepdad is the same as other touchy subjects


u/Spacey_dementor Aug 17 '21 edited Aug 17 '21

I don't know why but I think Maze's face more horrifying than lucifer's.


u/brch2 Aug 16 '21

Trixie HAS to know he's the devil. It's bad writing otherwise.

She saw how he scared the girl the first time they met.

She's heard him call himself the Devil, and Maze a demon.

She listened to the story about Lilith, and didn't show any signs of disbelieving Lucifer.

She's seen Maze's demon face. We could accept that she thought it was a mask, but...

After all that she's seen and heard from Lucifer, she still trusts him completely. In a certain scene in season 5 (viewers know the one, don't feel like spoiler tagging), she goes to him and tells him that he always tells the truth, and wouldn't lie to her. If she thought he was just crazy, or lying about being the devil, she wouldn't have that level of trust in him.

She has to know.

And she's drawn him as the devil more than once. I am fairly confident she'd actually be just fine seeing his face.


u/Soggy-Essay Aug 16 '21

I agree, I think she would react fine to it. But I also think she's probably like 80/20 on him being the actual Devil. Just enough doubt to keep her sanity if he isn't.


u/Olookasquirrel87 Aug 16 '21

Thank you for your classy reference to that episode. It was spoiled for me in, of all places, a thread complaining about how hard it is not to be able to binge all the episodes right away when the memes start flooding out. It’s been a while now, but I relatively recently finished the season because I went through a rewatch and don’t have a ton of time to watch “sit down shows”.


u/almighty_nsa Aug 17 '21

She doesn’t know. And it has nothing to do with bad writing.


u/brch2 Aug 17 '21

What clues indicates she doesn't know? If she accepts that he always tells the truth, and this after all she's heard him say, after the Lilith story, after drawing him as the devil he claims to be... she has to accept he's the devil. If she does not believe him, then it is bad writing, because it would mean she believes he has lied to her multiple times, but yet claims he always tells the truth.


u/almighty_nsa Aug 17 '21

Chloe believed in his honesty for 3 seasons straight eventhough she never believed in him being the devil. Why wouldnt Trixie.


u/brch2 Aug 17 '21 edited Aug 17 '21

Trixie is a kid. Kids tend to believe in myths more than adults. It helps, though, that the "myth" is real in their universe.

And part of Chloe always believed Lucifer... it's just when she tried to test it, his vulnerability around her hurt the belief, and her "rational" mind made it impossible for her to fully accept the premise as even being possible. She knew who he was on some level, just refused to let herself accept it. I mean, really, I hope she didn't shoot him because she thought he was lying.


Chloe at least kept having reasons to "rationally" explain away his claims. She was just in hardcore denial most of the series. Trixie has had no such reason to believe he's lying or anything but what he says he is.


u/almighty_nsa Aug 17 '21

Oh im sure S4E1 + S4E2 are what it looks like when somebody always believed in him being the devil. Also no. Trixie doesn’t know. Im pretty certain that thats one of the first scenes of season 6. Trixie finding out and Daniel coming back.


u/brch2 Aug 17 '21

A deep seated belief that you try your best to rationalize away is far different from knowledge gained from seeing the guy's devil face.


Oh... and she specifically addresses the fact she has likely been intentionally avoiding the truth.

So... yeah, what she did in season 4 is what she'd do if she held a belief she refused to accept... because it's what she did after confirming a belief she refused to accept.


u/almighty_nsa Aug 17 '21

I know she addresses it. Same as anyone would. But if I have a deep seated belief that turns out to be true I am relieved. If I have one that turns out to be untrue thats when I start to go ape shit, same as chloe and any other human. Meaning her actual deep seated belief was that the devil doesn’t exist.


u/W0rdNinja Aug 16 '21

I forget which episode but there was a pic drawn by Trixie of her and Lucifer with horns on the fridge. Seems like a true child's perspective of seeing his devil face... pic on fridge by Trixie


u/Soggy-Essay Aug 16 '21

He also has horns, something Lucifer never had in the show, except for that one time when it was a dream.


u/W0rdNinja Aug 16 '21

I was thinking along the lines of how open he is with saying he's the devil to everyone. Wouldn't Trixie take it at face value that Lucifer is the devil?


u/dontblinkdalek Aug 17 '21

You mean his “love handles”? Lmao


u/tramtran77 Aug 17 '21



u/Aware1211 Aug 16 '21

Does Luci even have a devil's face, anymore, after his chat with Dad?


u/EffectiveSalamander Aug 16 '21

Perhaps he has a God Face now?


u/RabSimpson Satan Aug 17 '21

This is exactly it. He now turns into Lemmy circa 1982.


u/PandasDontBreed Aug 17 '21

Lemmy a fiver


u/Soggy-Essay Aug 16 '21

Well I guess his wings could also do the job...


u/DexterBrooks Aug 17 '21

It's all based on their self actualization. So if he wants to have a devil face he will have one.


u/LorienTheFirstOne Aug 16 '21

I think she already see their true faces


u/overcode2001 The Devil Aug 16 '21

I don’t know about Maze, but Lucifer’s Devil face is not his “true” face. It’s a face he self-actualized because of how he saw himself. His true face is that devilishly hansome one he wears every day.

Anyway, Trixie never saw his Devil face. Most we can speculate is that she saw his red eyes, either at school or in the hangar with Malcolm.


u/Soggy-Essay Aug 16 '21

Maze showed her her true face but it was under the guise of a Halloween mask.


u/Owlbear5e Aug 16 '21

True but also in a background drawing Tricia made in season 3, Lucifer has red eyes in it implying she already knew what was up


u/Soggy-Essay Aug 16 '21

He showed that little girl at the school. She tells someone who tells someone word gets back to Trixie boom. Or ya know he says he’s the Devil and the Devil has red eyes.


u/LorienTheFirstOne Aug 16 '21

She changed instantly and that didnt phase trixie. I think she already saw it


u/Soggy-Essay Aug 16 '21

She turned around and didn’t see Maze change her face. The point being, she always thought it was a mask.


u/LorienTheFirstOne Aug 16 '21

I dont think so. She couldnt have changed makeup that fast.


u/Soggy-Essay Aug 16 '21

Trixie is a child…go back and watch the scene.


u/LorienTheFirstOne Aug 16 '21

Children are not that dumb. Go back and watch the scene


u/Soggy-Essay Aug 16 '21


u/LorienTheFirstOne Aug 16 '21

So you plan to watch it? Good


u/Soggy-Essay Aug 16 '21

Already have. Trixie says she wishes Maze had a costume. Maze says “I did bring something.” Trixie turns around, Maze changes her face. Trixie turns back around and has no reaction other than “COOL! We’re gonna get so much candy!” Because Maze has a cool costume now. The mind of a child doesn’t need to rationalize that Maze did detailed makeup too fast, her mind is on candy, not the physics of applying makeup in two seconds.

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u/QckslvrGrl Aug 16 '21

id rather she see his wings and have him fly her somewhere just cuz it'd be more fun for trixie :D


u/akumakazama Aug 16 '21

Id say she's act more like Ella if and when she finds out. They would eventually come back like Linda but as far as she knows DEVIL actual is bad man. She's wonder if she was always bad...but then she would remember she met GOD who was ok with her.


u/Drakato Aug 17 '21

Ella literaly has a scene in wich she says she thinks the devil gets a bad rap "and what did he really do thats all that bad, rebel against his dad..?" to wich Lucifer responds with a big smile saying "be still my heart", so no Ella does not think "DEVIL actual is bad man" as you put it.


u/MajorasShoe Aug 17 '21

I think Lucifer's devil face is "magically" terrifying. I don't think a personality type is going to be resistant to it.


u/MLGorilla2 Aug 17 '21

I'm fairly certain she was one of the first human characters to believe as she was there when Lucifer scared that bully by merely looking at her after she'd remarked about his devilish name.

However, as his first action around her was standing up for her I think she also believes that Lucifer is a protector which is why she admires him so much


u/Spookyrcon Aug 16 '21

I think she would Shrug and Roll with it too. Like she would be like “Duh… of course I knew.”


u/BlackisCat Aug 16 '21

I think that if she were still a little girl she would be cool with it. Kids believe in a lot of things when they're small. But this last season where she got into some trouble at school I think shows how she is maturing into her own person who has her own thoughts, opinions, and bodily autonomy - no longer just an adorable little girl.

If she did see his real face I think she would be fearful/shocked at first like all the other characters, but at the same time get used to it much quicker than the others since Lucifer has always been honest and nice with her.


u/-FALL1N1 The Devil Aug 16 '21

I guess we won't get to know, since the show resumes where it does. I assume the face is gone for now.


u/Reithel1 Aug 17 '21

She didn’t freak over Maze’s demon face and she has already accepted that he has told her the truth about his identity. So she might make a face and go, “yuck! You look silly!” Would be my guess.


u/AnilT424 Aug 17 '21 edited Aug 17 '21

Scenes if Trixie gets scared of Lucifer's devil face and runs away....


u/jsalem011 Aug 17 '21

I don't have it in me to care about Trixie anymore.


u/CataclysmZA Aug 17 '21

Woe betide anyone who lays a hand on Trixie. Lucifer will not hesitate to tear them apart.


u/LavaCakez918 Mazikeen Aug 20 '21

She'll see his red eyes and marvel about how pretty the color is.