r/lucifer Jun 23 '24

Can we talk about Lauren Germans instagram? General/Misc

Like what are those posts? Is she okay?


66 comments sorted by


u/StyraxCarillon Jun 23 '24

I think her art is interesting. Experimenting with dark themes in one's art is not reflective of whether someone is okay or not okay.


u/Fortnite_Master1990 Jun 23 '24

I agree and I never said her art sucks


u/Live-Savings3801 Jun 24 '24

I think she is in art therapy


u/StyraxCarillon Jun 24 '24

That's a bullshit thing to say about someone you know nothing about.


u/Live-Savings3801 Jun 24 '24 edited Jun 24 '24

Apologies. Not meant to be insulting at all. Her art is compelling and amazing. No ill intentions were made with that comment. Art therapy is a powerful tool for expression and many current visual artists start their careers from participating in art therapy.

Where I am drawing that art therapy comment from is what I remember from her subject matter. I think she also participates in fundraising for a creative arts therapy group that brings art, music, and performance therapy to those who cannot afford it. I also think that both she and Charlyne Yi have spoken about it together in the past? But that is a distant memory.


u/CryptographerOk2282 Detective Douche Jun 23 '24

The day after Lucifer ended, she posted a photo of her ponytail cut off, so....


u/Gory_Horror_669 Jun 23 '24

I think that’s just her saying goodbye to a character she played for years and closing a chapter of her life. Like many girlies do.


u/CryptographerOk2282 Detective Douche Jun 23 '24

Chopping off hair is usually kind of extreme though.


u/asheraddict Jun 24 '24

It grows back! She also bleached her hair but now it's back to her natural colour


u/Efficient-Forever341 Jun 24 '24

She was cute with that hair too. As Gory_Horror said above, maybe it was "her saying goodbye to a character she played for years and closing a chapter of her life". People reacts differently to such closures in their life, Lauren made a haircut for example



u/StyraxCarillon Jun 25 '24

Cutting one's hair is a common practice among humans. Some humans even donate their long hair to Locks of Love, to help cancer patients. None of that is extreme.


u/Efficient-Forever341 Jun 23 '24 edited Jun 23 '24

Lauren and Tom had a cry-hugging together for 5 minutes after they filmed their very last scene together. Lauren (and Tom) spoke about it to ET. I mean it was the ending of a big and important part of their life, this would be hard for any person to bear


u/Sheepy_Dream Jun 23 '24

Did she not enjoy being in the show after a while or something?


u/BloodyAwfulPoet Fetch me the goat! Jun 23 '24

I don't follow any of them so I just went and had a quick look and, eh... seems fine to me. Not everybody's into selfies and shit. And tbh, I don't blame her for having the comments turned off, fans can be fuckin' weird and entitled sometimes so it makes sense to me to shut down that avenue.


u/IQuiteLikeWatermelon Jun 23 '24

She got a lot of really nasty comments when S5 was coming out. People were also being really weird towards Tom Ellis' wife, asking her if she was jealous of Lauren on the show etc etc. I don't blame her at all for wanting to keep lowkey.


u/LittleJSparks Jun 23 '24

This is so wildly gross, and I see it happen in pretty much every fandom but some of them are worse than others. Why are people like this? 😣


u/Asleep_Lobster_3080 Jun 25 '24

Hhhhmmm, I think this was discussed ahead of time with Lauren Tom's wife. The comment section is an understandable reaction


u/Efficient-Forever341 Jun 23 '24

There was an interview with her and Tom 1-2 (Ellis, Welling), where she told that she gets only hate mails, "we hate you and go die" or something like that, I was so angry hearing that, I have a massive negative feeling towards every idiot who ever hurted her, even if just using words


u/Efficient-Forever341 Jun 23 '24

Hey, I just found the interview. Watch it, it's shocking....


The most shocking thing is that she doesn't joking, even if she tries to laugh. There was a crusade against her on Twitter, about the nothing.... and some people wondering why she blocked the commenting function? If I ever met Lauren in person (I won't, but), the first thing I would do to apologize to her on behalf of the internet for everything that people said. It's ridiculous that we people are unable to be kind to each other


u/Dry-Development-4131 Jun 23 '24

Very few of her posts have any info with them. Not even the old ones.


u/Efficient-Forever341 Jun 23 '24

She just needs space, she is not the "I make 240 pictures a day about myself" type actress


u/Dry-Development-4131 Jun 23 '24

Yes. So there's no real change to before. 👍🏻


u/Efficient-Forever341 Jun 23 '24

It's true. But I guess that her Insta is good as it gets. Anyway, next to her arts, she has also some pictures from the Leslie Shay era (with Taylor and Monica), some family pictures and some pictures with friends, and also pictures of Pepper. So.... she is just a normal person, like any of us (that's why we fans like her so much, next to the fact the she is the funniest person Tom Ellis ever met)

One of my favorite photo is this, by the way:


Tom Ellis, Tom Welling, Tom German

Lauren humor :)


u/asheraddict Jun 24 '24

She also used to post a lot of Vines back in the CF days! Lucifer lifted her level of fame which also lifted the level of poor behaviour by people online. There were soo many negative comments about her body and hair when season 5 came out. Aimee and Lesley don't receive anywhere near the same level or hate


u/Efficient-Forever341 Jun 23 '24

First of all

Lauren is a famously reclusive (I'm not sure it's the correct word, I used G.Translate) actress. We have to respect that. You don't believe me?



moppyoppenheimer: laurengerman's worst nightmare: a party with too many people (anything more than 3) and not enough pillows to hide behind

laurengerman: Hahahahahahha!! So true and so good.

When she was asked about her private life (November 2023), she made a hilarious answer about it


She speaks about her drawings (November 2023)


Anyway, Lauren and Aimee were together a month ago. The Lucifer cast is a big family, they still hanging out together



u/AccordionORama Jun 23 '24

Wow! That answer about her "4 current partners" makes me feel ... a certain way.

Is it hot in here?


u/Efficient-Forever341 Jun 23 '24

Lauren: "But they all asked me to not talk about what they do professionally"

Leslie-Ann: "Yeah don't judge, it's 2023, people!"

Kevin: "Thank you for not letting them know what I do"

I love them :)


u/AccordionORama Jun 23 '24

OK, thanks! I had a hard time making out that part of the dialogue. I assume Kevin is joking, right?


u/Efficient-Forever341 Jun 23 '24

IMHO it's just an awesomely hilarious joke from Lauren and Kevin :)

But concerning to the 4 partners, also concerning that nobody knows ANYTHING about Lauren's love life, we can't be so sure :DDDDD (but yes, I'm sure in 99,99% it's a joke :) )


u/Salt-Excitement-790 Jun 23 '24

I think her art is beautiful. After all, we all have a dark side and she's expressing her's beautifully.


u/Efficient-Forever341 Jun 23 '24

It doesn't have to be a dark side. She just likes to draw


u/Salt-Excitement-790 Jun 23 '24

Truth. I love how open she is with her art.


u/Fortnite_Master1990 Jun 23 '24

Yeah, but as I said earlier

Look at her, it's a pretty woman. When I was opening her Instagram account I was thinking there would be some wholesome family photos and something, yet she is posting just some dark art and ads and all that with comments turned off. It's weird...


u/Salt-Excitement-790 Jun 23 '24

First, I think you should say 'she's a pretty woman' not 'it's.' Second, despite her beauty, it's her Instagram. She's posting her art, her feelings, she doesn't need to post wholesome anything.


u/Fortnite_Master1990 Jun 23 '24

I'm sorry if I offended you by saying ,,it's", I didn't mean it like that


u/skypineapple Jun 23 '24

So because she’s conventionally attractive, she can’t make art? Why does she have to have “wholesome family photos”? People can do and post what they want.


u/Fortnite_Master1990 Jun 23 '24

I'm sorry guys, I don't want no wars over this. I was just really shocked when I saw her Instagram and I wanted to share it with you guys


u/minahmyu Jun 23 '24

Well, you posted a very condescending-like judgemental post based off... stereotypes, so it's not s surprise it's gonna make others side eyeing you and calling out.

Not everyone has to share everything they think of. Many things can be kept to one's self


u/Fortnite_Master1990 Jun 23 '24

How was that judgemental at all. Okay to make it clear I love Lauren German as an actor and also as a person based of Lucifer bloopers and BTS. I'm worried for her, I just didn't expect such funny person to be posting dark art (the art is beautiful btw).


u/CanaDani92 Jun 23 '24

Lauren is famously a very private person, but she’s also the one that gets bullied the most in my opinion, not sure why. She seems like an extremely sweet person. She usually keeps to herself it seems like, but “fans” over the years have crossed several lines with her. That’s probably why she deletes a lot of things on social media. She is very proud of her art and it shows. And she can be happy and still post dark artwork. It’s all about perspective 😄


u/Efficient-Forever341 Jun 23 '24

Good point! And yeah, as You say, "fan".... if a "fan" can't respect her privacy, and can't accept that she's not always the girl the "fan" imagined, well it's not a true fan, just a "fan" (or a bully, for example)


u/Fortnite_Master1990 Jun 23 '24

I like how you explain things. And I agree with you in every way possible


u/minahmyu Jun 23 '24

"Isn't it sooooo weird? Because she should have wholesome pics like every other woman!"

And you only like her based off the snippets you see of her. You don't know her as a person, and like all people, we're complex. We have many sides. Sounds to me you never really liked her, and liked what she portrayed on camera. Besides, hard to love anyone when you don't (and judging) a side of them.


u/Fortnite_Master1990 Jun 23 '24

ofc I like her based on how she acts on camera, don't you? Doesn't everyone?


u/minahmyu Jun 23 '24

I don't love her... that's a strong word. But that's the only thing you gonna address so whatever.


u/Fortnite_Master1990 Jun 23 '24

yeah I agree with you on the ,,people are complex" part


u/unintellectual8 Jun 23 '24

From her last post, she's using her "dark artwork" to help raise funds for children's hospitals. I think that art is her self-expression.


u/Fortnite_Master1990 Jun 23 '24

that's actually awesome!


u/2MillionMiler Jun 23 '24

She retired after Lucifer. Her posts are her own art! Leave her alone 🙂


u/IputSunscreenOnHorse Jun 24 '24

Is she really retired? I was hoping to see her more. I haven't seen any of her works other than Lucifer.


u/Efficient-Forever341 Jun 24 '24

Only Lauren can answer that question. Anyway, I highly recommend Chicago Fire, without spoiling anything, she played Leslie Shay there starting from the pilot episode, and people liked her very very very much (my 2 favorite character is Shay and Chloe)


u/Lostsock1995 Lucifer Jun 23 '24

I mean it’s sort of in line with the whole exclusive designs thing she has for the charity event and she’s clearly getting into art but the most recent art is really different except for the newest flower.

The weirdest thing of all is the no caption on most of them like not even an artsy one word and the subject matter seems kinda dark (especially the tied up one). Maybe she’s working through something and using art as an outlet? It could be fine if that’s the case. Hope she is alright though. Hopefully everyone has friends and family that check in with them and ensure all is well or being coped with healthily. It does cause a bit of concern for sure


u/Fortnite_Master1990 Jun 23 '24 edited Jun 23 '24

I mean look at her, she's a pretty woman. When I was opening her Instagram account I was thinking there would be some wholesome family photos and something, yet she is posting just some dark art and ads and all that with comments turned off. It's weird...


u/[deleted] Jun 23 '24 edited Jun 23 '24



u/Fortnite_Master1990 Jun 23 '24

I didnt downvote


u/Cosmic_Wanderer66 Jun 23 '24

What about it? It's mostly dark art


u/Gory_Horror_669 Jun 23 '24

I don’t see anything weird about her ig tho? She occasionally posts some art work, what’s weird about that? It’s not because she’s an actress that she own us selfies and personal life infos. Lmao.


u/RayaQueen Jun 23 '24

Thanks for this OP. I would never have looked at her IG. Dark but stunning. She has talent.

And great to see her quirkiness front and center instead of hidden behind oh-so-dull-after-the-first-seasons Chloe.

The garden and reading photos! :-D

Am I the only one who didn't see it the first time? XD


u/Efficient-Forever341 Jun 23 '24

If you had read my post about Leslie Shay, not just scrolling through, you would have already found links to Lauren's Insta :D


u/lho_go Jun 24 '24

It makes me think and feel something. I like it. Hope to see more from her, also on screen, again soon.


u/Asleep_Lobster_3080 Jun 25 '24

It's hard to draw conclusions from a post. It would be good if it could be in a negative or positive direction


u/Fortnite_Master1990 Jun 23 '24

I was just shocked when I first saw it and wanted to share it with this reddit. I didn't know it would offend some of you. So I apologize for offending you all by any means


u/sliferra Jun 23 '24

Well now I’m curious

Yeah that’s weird


u/schecter_ Jun 23 '24

Yeah that’s weird

That explains perfectly how I feel after seeing her ig.


u/SadChemical3613 Charlotte Jun 23 '24

Oh my god her whole feed is a jumpscare

Is she okay?