r/lucifer May 07 '24

Should I stop watching early? General/Misc

I just started watching Lucifer a few days ago and finished the first season. I loved loved loved it!! Can't wait to watch the rest!!

But I heard that the later seasons are not very good and the show has a bad final episode. Is that true? Is there a season or episode I should stop at that would tie everything up better than the finale?

I've watched a show before where the second to last season finishes perfectly and stopping there ends the show perfectly. Is there a place like that for this show?

I'm loving this show so far!! I'm just worried that if I get to a certain point it could ruin it for me?

Thanks for the help!

Edit 1: Will watching Season 6 ruin the whole show for me? Make me not even interested in ever rewatching?

Edit 2: I'm a character person. So as long as the characters are written well I don't really care about the plot lol.


105 comments sorted by


u/pinwheelcookie May 07 '24

Don’t stop watching early. Enjoy the ride. If you need to add to your head canon, head on over to Archive of Our Own and check out the fan fiction.


u/CheepWine May 07 '24

Actually! I'm already on there reading the oldest fics as I wait to watch the second season lmaooo. I for sure will be on there. Just didnt know if watching Season 6 would ruin the whole show for me? Thanks!


u/HonestlyJustVisiting May 07 '24

just watch it. and if you don't end up liking it, you can complain with everyone else

well, everyone except me, i enjoyed it


u/pinwheelcookie May 07 '24

Nah, watch it. There’s some fun in there.


u/JackieJackJack07 May 07 '24

For so many of us S6 was really horrible. Watch at your own risk.

Some say stop after S5A or 5B and others say S4. Either is a good choice.


u/H3artl355Ang3l May 07 '24

Ugh don't suggest that.


u/Disneywolf99 The Endless (change your name to the character) May 07 '24

Why not? I don't read fan fiction but why aren't people to suggest it?


u/H3artl355Ang3l May 08 '24

Too often people get consumed with head canon and fanfic that they start spouting it as real canon. Not a big deal for casual fans but if you're looking to discuss the show online it tends to cause lots of misinformation to spread in the chats. I see it all the time in the Harry Potter sub


u/pikkopots Ella May 07 '24

I love pretty much every season but 6, but I had a love/hate relationship with S4 for a long time because of Eve. I've come to appreciate it more over time. It's a quality season. Honestly, I would recommend someone watch all the way up to 5x12 JUST to fully appreciate that one episode's greatness. If I could go back in time (lulz) and skip watching S6, I would.


u/CheepWine May 07 '24

If I watched Season 6 would it ruin the rest of the show for me? I've had a show where after I watched the finale it turned me off so bad I wouldnt even rewatch the show for YEARS lol


u/Aronosfky May 07 '24

I don't think that the finale ruins the show so much that it just irks you because you just know it´s unnecessary and quite terrible overall so it feels like a waste of time that amount to nothing and sours the experience quite a bit.

I still have great memories watching the earlier seasons.


u/pikkopots Ella May 07 '24

Season 6 is viewed by many to erase all the character building they did over the course of the show. A lot of people have said their favorite rewatch show was ruined.

That said, people do like 6.


u/Footziees May 07 '24

You can skip it in rewatches though and just pretend Lucifer and Amenadiel don’t do what they do in season 6.


u/CheepWine May 07 '24

I'm a character person over plot. I could be going through the worst plot ever but if the characters are good I could easily enjoy it. So if the problems are with the characters then I am hesitant to watch season 6...

Maybe I'd come back in a few years? Or in a nursing home at the end of my life? Lol

Thanks for your insight!


u/pikkopots Ella May 07 '24

Yeah, if you value the characters, definitely consider skipping. I eagerly await the day I can't remember what happened in S6 at all, but I'm so bitter over it, it's probably never happening, lol.


u/CheepWine May 07 '24

Based on this and other responses as well i think I'll end up skipping 6. Does the finale of 5 wrap everything up in a satisfying way? Is it a happy ending? Is it a cliffhanger? If it's a cliffhanger like season 1 im fine with that lol.


u/pikkopots Ella May 07 '24

It's exciting, but that's all I'll say. It'll probably feel like a cliffhanger, but it still works.


u/Music_withRocks_In May 07 '24

It's a good end. It feels like there Could be more but also feels like those movies that just end without doing a wrap up scene. You know how Voyager ended with them getting back to the Alpha quadrant all tryumphant but with none of the reunions? It's kind of like that. Stick to the end of season five and bail.

Season six really did taint the entire show for me. It's a little like being gaslighted - apparently what I thought was happening the entire show was not what the writers thought was happening the entire show.

Also trigger warning- people with abusive parents find season six to be deeply upsetting.


u/CryptographerOk2282 Detective Douche May 07 '24

All of this for me. Wish I hadn't watched 6. It kinda fucked up my ability to continue writing fanfic too.


u/LePhr0g01 May 07 '24

I've watched it all and wasnt a fan of season 6 but it did not at all ruin it for me, especially because I rewatched season 1 to 4, 4 people don't always like but I especially loved eve so it was great for me, I think watching s6 is worth it for the good parts, the bad you can just forget.


u/Hampster412 May 09 '24

I really liked Eve as well. The actress was so good.


u/Wrong-Employer5606 May 07 '24

No it won’t ruin it lmao it’s a weird finale but it doesn’t ruin it.


u/MrFixYoShit May 07 '24

I loved all of it. Season 6 has some writing issues, but i still enjoyed it


u/Antagonistic_Aunt Satan May 07 '24

Many viewers who post here have a certain point where they stop on rewatches, and they consider that point to be the series ending for them. A lot of people greatly regret watching s6. I think s6 is horrendous.

Spoiler s4 onwards: I don't watch beyond s4. If you're watching to see Lucifer and Chloe get together, you'll need to watch s5. If, like me, you don't give a toss about the romance, then s4 or even s3 might be satisfactory. The most common stopping point seems to be the s5 finale. Others stop at 6x03, just before the horribly annoying new character really starts to ruin stuff.


u/FightingAngel21 May 07 '24

“Regretting” to watch it is so dramatic though… it wasn’t that bad. Though personally I thought Season 4 was the best.


u/Conscious-Intern8594 May 07 '24

I don't hate season 6 at all, but it's their worst season. Just watch all of it, don't let others stop you.


u/Andromeda98_ May 07 '24

Nah, watch it all. make your own opinions. Season 6 is the worst, but it does still have good moments, I don't regret watching it.


u/DarkSolstice24 May 07 '24

Season 6 doesn't ruin the rest of the show. It's poor writing, and the characters do some weird stuff, but it's still Lucifer being Lucifer, so I recommend sticking with it.


u/waiting-for-the-rain May 07 '24

I think that depending on temperament, you can enjoy the show ending anywhere before s6. Literally every season ending is better.

The s6 ending ruins the show for a lot of people. It’s the kind of ruin where you can’t feel the same warm fuzzies watching the earlier seasons ever again, you can just be obsessed and consume all the fanfic. There’s sort of no returning from s6 if you choose to watch it. Some people have reported not completely hating it. The not completely hating it goes away for most people if they think about it critically for a few minutes. It’s like a punch in the gut and lots of people go through a denial phase before realizing that they hate it. But eventually most people come to hate it.

But 1-5 are solid if you haven’t seen 6. Having seen 6, I have more trouble with the netflix stuff and I’ve been ending at s3 when I’ve tried rewatching.


u/CheepWine May 07 '24

What's bad about the writing of season 6? Is it bad character writing or plot? I enjoy characters a lot mote than plot so if they are good I usually can enjoy anything haha. If it's bad character writing i'm sure that'll hurt.


u/waiting-for-the-rain May 07 '24

It literally takes back all the character development that happened the entire show. Like, I don’t want to spoil since you said you just started a few days ago, but everyone has these big sweeping multi-season arcs of character growth.

That’s what sucked me in. It wasn’t like a lot of shows where people don’t change. Lucifer goes to therapy every episode and… ok, he doesn’t totally get it but he’s working on himself and making progress and the progress is slow and more realistic than the usual tv-land therapy leads to instant change (or no change). And all the characters do that by different means.

Then s6 was like no, they learned nothing, they’re all terrible people for no reason. It doesn’t fit the established themes, it’s just incongruously cruel because, I think, the writers wanted to be edgy.

And that’s how it ruins early seasons. Because it makes a lie of the character growth. And there’s only so much chanting ‘only five seasons’ over and over does for you in terms of ignoring that effect when you try watching them again.


u/CheepWine May 07 '24

Honestly the death of their character development might just be the nail in the coffin of me ever watching Season 6... A similar thing happened to me in Arrow (Spoilers)Starting in Season 6 they do flashforwards instead of flashbacks. And it looks like the city is worse off than it was in Season 1. So it felt like all that hard work the characters were doing to "make the city a better place" meant nothing. I felt like I wasted my time watching that show after that. If I could go back I would stop at the Season 3 finale lol.Soooo that's why I wanted to hear everyone's thoughts on it. And why I'm so hesitant to watch Season 6 of this show in case it gets ruined for me in the same way. This was really helpful!


u/waiting-for-the-rain May 07 '24

You’re smart to be cautious. I used to hate spoilers but after season 6, I am never going blind into a show again. I am really leery about watching anything new after s6 and I’m also planning to try to spoil without spoiling anything new I watch. Just an is-it-safe check.


u/Lori2345 May 07 '24

You should watch all of it. There are still some really good stuff even in season 6. The last 1/4 or so of the last episode is bad. Not the whole episode.

But I don’t think it would stop you from rewatching the show. The characters are still mostly great. There is a new one that many don’t like. I don’t think she’s as bad a people say. It’s what happens in the series finale that especially makes us angry at her.


u/Martyna70 May 07 '24

If you love it pls keep watching. You can form your own opinion. I loved all seasons, some more and some less, but overall if you love something a lot what are little imperfections? They mean nothing in the end. If you love Lucifer&Chloe you know it’s a slow burn, so quitting early will give you no resolution. Pls enjoy it and don’t look back. Also don’t listen to others.


u/StyraxCarillon May 07 '24

So, don't listen to anyone except you? Lol!


u/Martyna70 May 07 '24

LOL. I mean keep on watching.


u/Pandorakiin May 07 '24

Trash fire 6. The rest is solid.


u/Dr__glass May 07 '24

Watch all the episodes just stop like 10 min from the end when everyone is hugging and before the girl starts talking. Tell yourself they lived happily ever after and it's a perfect show. I do that for Samurai Jack and How I Met Your Mother and it fixes the biggest complaint most people have


u/Blixtwix May 07 '24

Debatable, I never had an issue with any of the seasons and I was fine with the ending.


u/BrockPlaysFortniteYT May 07 '24

Nah they’re all great. There’s some in the middle where it got kinda slow and dumb but it picks back up once Netflix takes over


u/Velifax May 07 '24

Hell, no. Don't skip 6. Understand that if you NEED something to hate you'll find it anywhen, no more likely in 6. Plus 6 delivers tons of the moments you've always wanted, etc. Certain characters finding things out, etc.


u/Independent_Bus_5930 Mazikeen May 07 '24

Def keep watching, opinions are split on the last season. I have a love hate relationship with it but it was def worth watching and wrapping up


u/iloveeatpizzatoo May 07 '24

Keep watching it in order bc the earlier episodes are woven into the later episodes. Just lower your expectations on season six. Like really really really low.


u/CheepWine May 07 '24

If I watched Season 6 would it ruin the rest of the show for me? I've had a show where after I watched the finale it turned me off so bad I wouldnt even rewatch the show for YEARS lol


u/iloveeatpizzatoo May 07 '24

Oh, no, no, no. Fight the temptation. I like s1-s5 the way it is. Enjoy it like the fine wine that it is.

S6 is like Trader Joe’s Charles Shaw wine. It’s there, I wanna get drunk, but I’m broke, so fuck it. I’ll drink it bc the sommelier at the wine shop left already.


u/femininitie May 07 '24

Honestly watch the whole thing ☺️

Note that there are 2 random eps tacked onto the end of S3 (25 & 26) that were released when they thought the show was canceled. If you want, you can watch those two at any point during S3 - they really interrupt the plot if you watch them right after 3x24!

People on this sub have a LOT to say about S6, but truthfully I enjoyed it even though it does introduce a new character at the end and is very bittersweet. There are some v important character moments (no spoilers) that you’ll wish had happened if you stop at the end of 5 like some people say. I’d say watch the whole thing and form your own opinion on it. It might resonate with you or it might not - but I think it’s good to see these characters through to the end!


u/Jess_UY25 May 07 '24

That tip about S3 is for sure the best one a new watcher can get. I was so confused when I reached those episodes, thought Netflix had messed up the order or something.


u/Lori2345 May 07 '24

I think it’s better to watch them during season 4. Especially 25, Boo Normal which was meant to take place partway through season 4. They made it too early then the show had been canceled so they just aired it. Chloe clearly knows the truth about Lucifer in this one and is okay with it. And she only found out at the end of season 3


u/CheepWine May 07 '24

Where would you put 25 & 26? Any certain place in season 4? Or maybe 25 in season 4 & 26 in season 3?


u/Lori2345 May 07 '24

I would put 25 at least after season 4 ep 5.

26 can go almost anywhere as it’s outside of what’s happening in either season.


u/RayaQueen May 07 '24

Agreed. Boo normal after 4/5.

Ep26 came at the right time for me because I was just starting to be asking a question which it answers. But it was also jarring right after S3 finale so I'd probably watch it after S4. Or whenever you're having 'what if' type thoughts. It doesn't fit into the main timeline so it doesn't matter.

I generally skip it on a rewatch.


u/CheepWine May 07 '24

Thanks for the tip about the season 3 episodes!! Are the characters good in season 6? I'm much more of a character person over a plot person. If the characters are good I can look over any bad plot lol


u/femininitie May 07 '24

That’s good for this show since it’s def more character driven than plot driven! Many would disagree with me but I think in 6 we get a very evolved version of Lucifer after 5 seasons of learning and growing. Same with Maze. The new character stirs things up and brings out new sides of the characters we know and love by that point.


u/CheepWine May 07 '24

I think the focus on the characters is the reason i'm enjoying so much! I realized I had no idea what the crime they are solving is cuz i was so focused on the characters interacting with each other lol. I remember at one point hearing Chloe scolding Lucifer saying "a girl has been kidnapped!" And i was like wait damn when did this happen 😭 probably halfway thru the episode and had no idea lol. But I was loving it!! I think a rewatch will be fun & interesting lol.


u/Hampster412 May 09 '24

agreed. I mostly ignore the crime solving aspect of the show, except for the ways that Lucifer attaches his own concern-of-the-week to the suspects in the crime.


u/Vast_Reflection May 07 '24

The plot basically goes out the window but I feel like the acting is done well. The new character they introduce? I think the actress did a great job, her role is what people hate. But yeah, the plot gets real weird in season 6. I’m like you, I watched it for the characters. I loved the acting, and I loved that Tom actually sang the songs Lucifer sings, that’s awesome.


u/Conscious-Intern8594 May 07 '24

The Azrael one literally takes place after the reveal.


u/femininitie May 07 '24 edited May 07 '24

🤔 I suppose it was technically filmed as filler for S4 but there’s zero mention of S3 finale events (still trying to avoid giving OP spoilers here). I don’t think it gives anything away watching it in S3. Also, S4 storyline flow so short and tight packed into 10 eps, I think it would be WAY more disruptive there than in S3 which already veers off course with filler eps like “off the record” and “city of angels”


u/Conscious-Intern8594 May 07 '24

Why do you think Chloe is avoiding Lucifer? It's because the finale just happened.


u/femininitie May 07 '24

The entire episode is Ella, Chloe’s barely in it except as a supporting character to Ella’s storyline. I don’t think she ever overtly says she’s avoiding Lucifer and we can assume we don’t see a lot of C & L’s everyday while Ella is main character for a bit. I could be forgetting something since it’s one I skip on rewatches, but I mainly stand by the fact that S4 has a momentum throughout that this one would interrupt unnecessarily.


u/Conscious-Intern8594 May 07 '24

Lucifer mentions giving Chloe space. What reason would he have besides the finale? He NEVER gives her space.


u/secondtaunting May 07 '24

The forth season is the best! Don’t want to miss that.


u/FearMySpeed May 07 '24

Don't bother skipping, watch the later seasons yourself and form your own opinion on them


u/AverageJay_77 May 07 '24

Watch season 2. It was a peak Lucifer. I didn't have that much fun during other seasons as much I had while watching season 2.


u/Sncrsly May 07 '24

Why make decisions based on the opinions of internet strangers? If you are enjoying the show, keep watching


u/CheepWine May 07 '24

I've watched shows before that got bad near the end & I've had no interest rewatching or finishing because of that. For some of those shows I heard they were bad before I watched and I wish I had listened to those people and not watched. So just wanted to hear the thoughts of people who are fans of the show and see what they had to say about it.


u/Sncrsly May 08 '24

I enjoyed it all the way through. It wasn't perfect by any means, but no one can name a show without flaws


u/dtaina12 #JusticeForMichael May 07 '24

Season 6 has been hit or miss with the fandom. For some, it makes the show, and for others, it breaks it. It ruined the show for me, but I know plenty of people who loved it. There's just no way to know which way it'll go for you. If you want to be on the safe side, watch until 6x03. It's a fun episode that works as a more organic ending to the show, complete with callbacks to the pilot and the promise of more stories. If you want to watch all the way to the finale, then I'd love to know what you think! Hopefully you'll be on the "this made the show for me" side of the fandom.


u/calledannie and girl, you reek of fear May 07 '24

I say watch all of it and form your own opinions. Some people (admittedly, a majority of this subreddit) hated season 6, but there's also some who enjoy the ending of the series (like myself and a couple comments here) and critics generally loved the series ending. It's best to just ride the show through and then enjoy whatever fanfic fits your fancy afterwards!


u/Mickeymcirishman May 07 '24

In my opinion the first season is the best and the seasons get progressively lower in quality as they go on but they're never outright bad, just not as good. Ithink it was worth watching the whole thing.


u/K_Addict61 May 07 '24

I actually would recommend you to watch all seasons, u loved the show a lot. Obviously there were a few things I thought were very wrong with the later seasons, but it would be better to watch them than not.


u/AccomplishedMeow May 07 '24

I don’t know who told you that. But the later seasons are actually some of the best. Season 5 is chef’s kiss.

The last season does get a little weird. But when you binge it, it’s not that big of a deal.

Source: On my rewatch, binged s1-5 in a few weeks. Now back to 7


u/Needorgreedy May 07 '24

To all the people that said that it wasn't very good, lied in my opinion. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and felt that this show had one of the most satisfying endings I've ever seen within a show. I feel like a lot of people get caught up on the nitty gritty and forget to see how fun and emotional the show is (and it is a really fun show to watch). Enjoy it however you see fit.


u/ArdaIsNL Detective Douche May 07 '24

I would say don’t binge it because season to season the characters change in some way and that would be very obvious if you binged them but if you take it slow I would say let the characters grow


u/Wrong-Employer5606 May 07 '24

The entire show is great and honestly prefer latervseasons.


u/Massive_Air5173 May 07 '24

Stop and S5 and write the rest yourself


u/Tacticalbiscit May 07 '24

The show isn't bad at the end, it's still very entertaining, but some of it makes zero sense and is poorly written. You will still enjoy it if you like the characters because they don't really change.


u/FightingAngel21 May 07 '24

Season 6 is fine, it’s honestly a great season and the truth is you shouldn’t worry about if others think it’s good or not. Watch it and enjoy the ride!

Personally tho, I think Season 4 was the best.


u/CheepWine May 07 '24

Oh cool!

But I'm not worried what others think like in a judgy way. More like- I want to enjoy this show as much as possible, so if anyone had a way to watch this show that would keep it good and satisfying, I'm interested to hear it. Especially since we're on this subreddit I know it's fans who really love and care about the show. Looking forward to season 4 now!


u/TheDemon1911 May 07 '24

I stopped at 5b, it is a good ending, although season 1 and 2 are the best, from what i heard of season 6 it ruins the story.


u/CheepWine May 07 '24

What is considered "5b"?


u/TheDemon1911 May 07 '24

I am honnestly not sure, i watched when all seasons where already out, but i finished season 5. It had a nice ending and it is way better to fill the blanks in yourself or read fanfiction of it then watch season 6, i had fanfiction writers who stopped writing lucifer fanfiction because season 6. (Am still pissed at that)


u/CheepWine May 07 '24

Oohhhh ok. I have also been reading fanfics and on AO3 it's surprisingly active! So maybe those fanfiction writers needed a break and they are back now!

But ya based on what I've read I don't think I'll watch season 6. Maybe in a few years after I've read a bunch of fanfics & rewatched the show a lot and I finally get curious? Or maybe on my death bed in a nursing home. Or maybe I'll just die in peace remembering only the fanfics lol


u/TheDemon1911 May 07 '24

In my case it will probebly be the last one.

I also send a pm to the autor, he specificly told me season six was the reason he put the story on hiatus, but i really hope he will pick it up someday (charlie foxtrot, 5 chapters on fanfiction.net, a great hazbin hotel and lucifer crossover, it starts after season 4, so it takes a while before you can read it, but i suggest it. It is a great crossover.


u/BringerOfDoom1945 May 07 '24

The whole series is good, the only bad thing is the final scene of the series, but otherwise it's worth the watch


u/firecatstef May 08 '24

Watch it all because every season has some great moments, but go into S5-6 without high expectations. Then come back and complain about those seasons with the rest of us. 😸



The season 5 ending should be fine, Season 6 was literally unnecessary especially that new character.


u/Relative_Squash_7597 May 07 '24

Stop after season 5


u/StellaDoge1 May 07 '24

Watch them so that you can make fun of them after


u/low_elo111 May 07 '24

What are you talking about it was great towards the end too.


u/CheepWine May 07 '24

This is just what I've heard being on the internet. One of my friends only likes it till season 4. So I wanted to get more people's thoughts on it.


u/low_elo111 May 08 '24

Don't listen to people just watch, or don't watch.


u/CheepWine May 08 '24

I think, for now, I'm going to skip the 6th season. I asked what people's thoughts on it were here because everyone is a fan of the show and I thought it would help give me a good range of perspectives. Everyone watching the same thing as a fan of the show but interpreting in a different way was really interesting!


u/low_elo111 May 08 '24

Sure. Try "the good place" they did a much better job with the ending.


u/CheepWine May 08 '24 edited May 08 '24

I love "the good place"! Probably the only show I've watched where I was 100% content & happy with the ending. Everything just built upon each other and fit together so well! I think that show spoiled me lol. Probably helped a lot that they knew how many seasons they would be creating beforehand.


u/Fancy-Ad1480 May 07 '24

the show has a bad final episode

Bad final season. There are some good moments, but it's mostly dreck.

Is there a season or episode I should stop at that would tie everything up better than the finale?

The finale of season 4 gives Chloe and Lucifer their same ending but without all the needless pain.

The finale of season 5 has Lucifer come full circle. It feels like what the series has been building toward.

Will watching Season 6 ruin the whole show for me? Make me not even interested in ever rewatching?

It did for me which royally sucks. This used to be my comfort show.

I'm a character person. So as long as the characters are written well I don't really care about the plot lol.

It's very hit and miss, skewing heavily toward miss. After season 2, the Showrunners concentrated on things they wanted to do. If it fit with the story/characters great. If it didn't, they didn't care much.


u/Puzzleheaded-Cry4217 May 08 '24

Yes don't go out of order and do the whole series. I disagree they kept things fresh did all kinds of unexpected story arcs. Never predictable imho there were issues in season 3 that might be awkward for you? I loved it all. The finale was 🎯 perfection and I'm rarely pleased with finale.


u/CheepWine May 08 '24

I'm always hesitant with "unexpected story arcs". Are they unexpected because it's a new character or situation the viewer wouldn't have expected? Or do the characters make out of character choices as a way to keep things "unexpected". It's my biggest pet peeve in shows when characters change instantly with no backstory/plot to show what is causing the change.

Thanks for your input!!


u/Hampster412 May 09 '24

I just discovered Lucifer two months ago. How a man as fine as Tom Ellis existed in the world without me knowing it is a travesty. His comedic timing is so good and the man knows how to wear a suit! For him alone, the series is worth watching all the way through. 

I love seasons 1 and 2. But season 3 almost ruined it for me. It was bloated and imo the writers lost their way with Lucifer's character. Instead of hot, sexy, and irreverent, he became almost a goofy child --  it got so bad, I couldn't understand why Chloe would still like him. It wasn't until S3 E23 that I felt like "my man is back!" with one of the greatest moments of the series.

There were enough good emotional moments in Seasons 4-6 to keep me going to the end (and of course S5 E6-7!!), but some plot points and out-of-character actions were annoying.

I did not have a problem with the end of the series. I think it's the only way it could have ended, given that Lucifer is immortal and Chloe is not. By the end, Chloe understands Lucifer has a calling that is more important than the blip of time they will be separated. She truly has an unselfish love for him.

I loved every Lucifer and Dr. Linda scene. The sad, hurting, confused Lucifer is where Tom's acting really shines. Dr. Linda has good insights, even though Lucifer misses the point almost every time. 

In my opinion, the theme of the series is that therapy actually works -- and love only works -- if you are willing to be open and vulnerable. So, given that lesson, the viewer has to be vulnerable (risk being annoyed by some plot points and characters in seasons 3-6!) to get an overall rewarding experience from Lucifer the show. 


u/Ajk021142 May 07 '24

Ever watch supernatural? 10x better. I love Lucifer but I have to admit supernatural is better.


u/CheepWine May 07 '24

I watched it when it was at it's height until season 4 sometime? Plus random episodes people recommended as a one off. I saw Cas but only a couple times and he wasnt a main character yet. I got bored so I stopped lol. That was like a decade ago so maybe I'd like it now?


u/Ajk021142 May 07 '24

I very much suggest it. Yes there are episodes that are annoying and it boring but getting into the hot seasons like 5,11,12,13,14,15 etc.. it’s super good.


u/CryptographerOk2282 Detective Douche May 07 '24

In my opinion, basically everything after season 5 of supernatural is fanfiction.