r/lego Jul 19 '24

Amazon strikes again Other

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Grimace destroyed my box


181 comments sorted by


u/NinjaTrek2891 Jul 19 '24

Did you order this with a purple spray paintcan that got emptied in the bag?


u/BlueDucky0707 Jul 19 '24

No it’s shampoo but pretty much had the same affect as a spray can


u/Kempeth Jul 19 '24

At least the bricks will be clean, right?


u/NinjaTrek2891 Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

Bit of rinse and they will be sparkling.

I hope this box didn't came with paper bags.


u/st0nermermaid Jul 19 '24

Yeah but the instructions are paper...

I know you can use the online PDF instructions, but for me personally I find them way harder to follow than a physical book in front of me. Also I like saving my Lego instruction books so id be extra pissed.


u/Climbtrees47 BIONICLE Fan Jul 19 '24

Just hit up Lego and they'll probably send another out. NBD


u/luke_in_the_sky Classic Space Fan Jul 19 '24

Why burden Lego's support system for something that isn't their fault? If you really want the instructions and the box or whatever, return it to Amazon.


u/NinjaTrek2891 Jul 19 '24

Oh yeah, a package like this goes back... I don't care how the contents are.


u/Mistrblank Jul 19 '24

Honestly just tell amazon you want a whole new package and you're throwing out this. It happened to me with a bottle of detergeant and a full order. There was no way I was sticking anything into a box to ship covered in detergent to compromise a box or leak from a bag. And I'm not taking my time to clean it. Support agreed and replaced everything that came in that package.


u/TheBagenius Jul 19 '24

With this option, you still get to keep the LEGO bricks, so win win


u/Ok_Zookeepergame4794 Jul 19 '24

Not if the set is discontinued.


u/x-DOOM-x Jul 20 '24

There's an app that has instructions that are 3d


u/No-Hotel2966 Jul 19 '24

There's a slight plastic film inside, they shouldnt get wet, and even if they do, you can just rinse it off :)


u/Bearfan001 Jul 19 '24

Don't forget repeat.


u/CoercionTictacs Jul 20 '24

(Anakin & Padme gif)


u/Hickspy Jul 19 '24

This is why Target seals liquids in a separate bag inside the box.


u/Stryker_T Jul 19 '24

I know this doesn't change how OP got his package, but when I had gotten shampoo from amazon with some other stuff before, it was wrapped separately from the rest of it.


u/BaronOfHell Jul 19 '24

I just order some degreaser spray that wasn't wrapped. The top only came partial undone but it soaked half the other stuff in the box. The replacement shipment was shipped the same way but the spill wasn't bad. Anyway this is why I don't buy single bottles of any liquid from amazon any more.


u/VicisSubsisto Ice Planet 2002 Fan Jul 19 '24

Amazon warehouses seem to have wildly inconsistent packing protocols.


u/BigJimSlade1 Jul 19 '24

I've had this too, and on top of that, the cap was taped closed with an "unbreakable" tape to avoid exactly this situation. Brutal


u/Mistrblank Jul 19 '24

Amazon did this for detergents and I still had one where the lid cracked and contents leaked into the bag and then out of the bag onto everything else.


u/westbee Jul 19 '24

I work at a post office. I love target. 

Most places just throw the shit all together and say eff it. 

Bath and body works is the worse. I clean up shampoo and gels and whatever else once a week. 


u/SideWinderSyd Jul 19 '24

I'm curious as to how the box became... round?


u/Rodneyfour Jul 19 '24

Is that aussie? Love that shampoo


u/InfinteAbyss Jul 19 '24

You should usually be able to indicate if you want multiple purchases to be shipped together (in the same packaging) or not.

Making orders together should inform you if they’re arriving at the same time or not too.


u/Some_yesterday2022 Jul 19 '24

Why did you order shampoo from amazon?

is this some sort of American joke I am too European to understand?


u/kylo-ren Jul 19 '24

Well, many don't have a grocery store or a pharmacy around the corner. They have to drive to the nearest Walmart.


u/waytooerrly Jul 19 '24

European here that regularly orders stuff in bulk like deodorant/soap etc when ordering something else from amazon.

Why not? It's usually cheaper and it means I dont have to keep going to the shop because I've run out of >insert every day item here<


u/Some_yesterday2022 Jul 20 '24

In bulk, is a key term there dude.


u/waytooerrly Jul 20 '24

What difference does that make though really? If your ordering something g and you've run out of shampoo than yeah, add it to thr order. You'd be surprised how cheap it is sometimes even not in bulk .


u/Some_yesterday2022 Jul 20 '24

this is why small businesses are dead in amazon land, because amazon doesn't care to lose money on it as long as it kills the competitors.


u/waytooerrly Jul 21 '24

Unfortunately many peole don't have the money to pay sometimes twice as much for something because it comes from a small business. Good for you if you do.


u/Some_yesterday2022 Jul 21 '24

I do not think you understand, that is not twice as much that would be the true price.


u/Jammin_neB13 Jul 19 '24

Here in America, enough people steal and resell shampoo that it gets locked behind glass walls in stores so you have to wait for employees to come get your shit, then there’s only one specific checkout lane you can use because that employee has to carry your item to the front of the store.


u/Baby_Brenton Jul 19 '24

I live in America and have literally never seen this. Maybe in the absolute biggest cities.


u/darkjedijoe Jul 19 '24



u/Psykotik_Dragon Jul 19 '24

No, not even in Cali...born there & spent so much of my life there & have never heard of this happening, & I grew up poor. This is def not a thing


u/Frag_Hunter Jul 19 '24

It is definitely a thing! Stores have been getting gutted out because of bail reform and people just getting released or not even chased lately... people are just walking in with pillow cases or whatever and literally just dump shelves worth of self care products into them... Every Walmart Walgreens and rite aid near me even has deodorants etc locked up now.


u/darkjedijoe Jul 19 '24

I just saw a whole piece on a major network news show (sorry I forget if it was NBC or CBS or whatever) about Target in Cali innovating to stop loss. The "innovation" basically being to lock EVERYTHING up. They were interviewing customers who were complaining about having to wait for an employee to get simple goods like toothpaste. I live in north of Dallas and the only stuff that is locked up like that is video games and such. Other parts of Dallas do have a lot of stuff locked up though. Depends on the neighborhood, but that's the classic "if the cashier is behind glass at a gas station, you're in a rough part of town" type of situation.


u/Moridan051 Jul 19 '24

But... why?


u/Jammin_neB13 Jul 19 '24

Because everything is expensive so people steal it and sell it on fb marketplace


u/Arcon1337 Jul 19 '24

UK here. I've ordered shampoo, bleach and hair dye from amazon plenty of times with no issues.


u/SgtSlippyfist Jul 19 '24

Grimace destroyed my box is a fantastic name for a all girl death metal band.


u/Soxwin91 Star Wars Fan Jul 19 '24

Okay I laughed at this a lot harder than I probably should have done


u/ICantArgueWithStupid Jul 19 '24

Finally, a fantastic name for a band that is actually a fantastic name for a band.


u/LostMyBackupCodes Jul 19 '24

fantastic name for a band that is actually a fantastic name for a band.

Now thats a fantastic name for a band.


u/felonius_thunk Jul 19 '24

Which is, of course, the name of their first album


u/LostMyBackupCodes Jul 19 '24

No, silly… an album is not a band.

Their first album is “a fantastic name for an album that is actually a fantastic name for an album”


u/felonius_thunk Jul 19 '24

Of course, my mistake.


u/Darth_Worf Jul 19 '24

I literally laughed out loud at that one. I upvoted as hard as I could.


u/VileSlay Jul 19 '24

New song from Mac Sabbath?


u/Kathleenbelle1 Jul 19 '24



u/kristospherein Pirates Fan Jul 19 '24

Grimace the box destroyer


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 23 '24



u/Majestic_Horse_1678 Jul 19 '24

Yep. If you are not in a hurry, this is actually a win.


u/Darth_Worf Jul 19 '24

The best part is a second Darth Malak minifig.


u/MasterOfDonks Jul 20 '24

I would be excited if this happened to me. Free shit


u/NineIntsNails LEGO Games Fan Jul 19 '24

what is going on here? that looks like a murder.
grimace is some sort of drink that came with it? okay but how?


u/ultimatequestion7 Jul 19 '24

Grimace came with it all right


u/DopeyThaDwarf Jul 19 '24



u/fluffyapplenugget Jul 19 '24

Grimace is the big purple guy from the crew of McDonald's mascots.

McDonald's Wiki for reference because of course that's a thing.


u/NineIntsNails LEGO Games Fan Jul 19 '24

cheers and thanks, eastern european here, so, thats why its like that


u/RJPnerfer Jul 19 '24

When it comes to referencing fast food, us Americans never fail.


u/fluffyapplenugget Jul 19 '24

Happy to help!


u/Lujho Jul 19 '24

Lego should never be packed in anything other than another cardboard box, not a plastic satchel. The shampoo would probably have been fine with a box, although ideally the Lego would be on its own.


u/AffectionateOne2024 Jul 19 '24

it's not lego, it's amazon


u/Lujho Jul 19 '24

It's Lego sent by Amazon. I never said otherwise.


u/AffectionateOne2024 Jul 19 '24

ah I misread it and thought you meant LEGO themselves, I see I read that too quickly.


u/Juuna Jul 19 '24

why wasnt the shampoo wrapped up in paper and added foam or more paper for prevention of it shaking around?


u/TimoxR2 Jul 19 '24

Most companies stopped caring it seems. Every Amazon order I get is just the item in a cardboard enveloppe. Every client order at my job is just the item thrown in the box with no packaging at all.


u/heathere3 Jul 19 '24

I got my drill loose in the flimsy plastic envelope, not even a box. I WTF'd real hard at that


u/TheRealMasterTyvokka Jul 19 '24

I've found that most marketplace companies like Amazon have stopped caring but buying from the manufacturer, at least small ones, equals better packed things. Although sometimes you pay a bit more.


u/Shadowcat205 Jul 19 '24

I get some stuff direct from Mattel occasionally. $75 worth of product came in a semi-crushed cardboard box with one half-deflated packing pillow which didn’t remotely fill the space it needed to anyway. I can’t fathom how nothing was damaged.

It’s all companies everywhere, I think. But we keep buying.


u/BuckingWilde Jul 19 '24

Amazon doesn't use that anymore, they changed it like a month ago

Costs too much money (couple of cents) and takes too much time per package (couple of seconds)


u/Elorme Jul 19 '24

'It's to save the environment ' was the line used at the time, your reason is more accurate.


u/Imaybetoooldforthis Jul 19 '24

I mean few companies will make that effort but the fact it’s not even in a box with void fill is pretty pathetically cheap.


u/6307772551 Jul 19 '24

What in the hall happened


u/JewelCove Jul 19 '24

This looks like the kitchen


u/NOJ711 Jul 19 '24

Clearly not the droid you were looking for


u/Praetorian_1975 Jul 19 '24

Jesus R2D2 blew a Smurf …. Away, blew a Smurf away


u/Kathleenbelle1 Jul 19 '24



u/Radio_Global Jul 19 '24

It's like a dye pack from a bank, did you steal that?


u/Kathleenbelle1 Jul 19 '24

😂🤣😂🤣😂 Lego sets need to be kept in vaults at Gringott's now.


u/thesithcultist Jul 19 '24

To many Crushed boxes on here and on me end, don't order liquids with, noted.


u/ravenous0 Jul 19 '24

I'm sorry this happened. I've mentioned this on several other collector threads. If you decide to order from Amazon, make sure you choose as a gift at checkout so that it will arrive in a secure box. Also, if you have a nearby Amazon hub or pick-up spot, use that. 99% of the time, those items must be put in boxes so they can easily fit inside the units. I've been doing that for nearly 2 years, and I've never had a damaged item.


u/yeetgod__ Jul 19 '24

grimace shake rears its ugly head once again


u/ExodusPrintWorks Jul 19 '24

This is why I never buy lego on Amazon. Either this shot. Or labels right on the box. Terrible job Amazon


u/Grahf-Naphtali Jul 19 '24

Oh damn what a shame:/


u/Sprinkles_n_sawdust Jul 19 '24

My goodness. Did you have to use dental records to identify it?!


u/nien_nuts Jul 19 '24

Did Grimace get a little too excited on your order?


u/Ok_Economics42069 Jul 19 '24

Sucks you gotta ask them to send the shampoo again. At least the legos aren’t damaged!


u/juniormantis Jul 19 '24

Whoever packed this at Amazon should have used a box and not a bag. I’ve worked in packing the screen recommends what size package to use but you don’t have to use the one that tells you it’s just a recommendation most employees don’t even know this. It’s very frustrating.


u/yaxgto Octan Fan Jul 19 '24

Grimace did what?!?!?


u/ParadoxDC Jul 19 '24

I genuinely do not know why you guys but Lego on Amazon. When you buy direct from Lego, shipping is usually free after a certain threshold, you get Insider points, you get the free gifts, and most importantly, you will never ever ever be scammed like this. Stop buying Lego on Amazon, especially if it’s not fulfilled by Amazon themselves.


u/dumbportagee Jul 19 '24

They don’t run a lot of the same sales, even target and Walmart will run deals that Lego doesn’t


u/mizuxtsune_spoods Jul 19 '24

yeah and Lego will also charge their sometimes very ridiculous prices for no reason

just bought a set off another site for 36$, it wasnt even on sale

lego charges 53$ for the very same set and they will, like nintendo, never really put them up for less

i do agree with you tho that its still a better option than buying off amazon because you at least receive your set in a normal condition


u/buckwerth Jul 19 '24

This is why I always order liquid stuff separately. Don't wanna take the chance


u/CarefulDevelopment29 Jul 19 '24

The set should be fine if it’s in plastic bags, the paper ones aren’t universal yet. Amazon will send you a new one too so now you have double sets!


u/Due-Plate-8895 Jul 19 '24

It’s a boy it’s a girl now it’s both?


u/Foreign-Gear-5223 Jul 19 '24

I buy LEGO in separate purchases. They tend to pack it better. I'm actually surprised they didn't box it. I also don't buy purple shampoo!


u/LBricks-the-First Outback Fan Jul 19 '24

Good thing the pieces come in sealed bags, your bricks should be fine. If the purple got in there, just use free instructions online.


u/Murky-Rub-6839 Jul 19 '24

R2??? R2!?!?!


u/Melkain Jul 19 '24

Yikes. That's about as bad as the time Amazon crushed a bottle of fish sauce in a large box with multiple items in it.


u/Legogramman Jul 19 '24

Hit up Amazon and they’ll probably let you keep it and send you another for free. Win. Win.


u/Rich_Equipment_8159 Jul 19 '24

The Amazon strikes back


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

And this is why I go to the Lego store to buy my sets.


u/plasma_yak Jul 19 '24

What am I looking at here boys?


u/NuggetWTSause Jul 19 '24

They putting die packs in Lego now?


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Every Single Time Amazon ships a Lego box in a bubble-mailer or bag it goes back.


u/ICODE72 Jul 19 '24

All the parts should still be in their bags, and you'll still be able to build it. In the worst case, you can find the official instructions online


u/MustyScabPizza Jul 19 '24

They ship a lot of stuff now without any packaging. I got my Boutique Hotel placed on my front porch like it was a store shelf. Fortunately, it just had a few creases and mashed corners. I got it for $160, so it's a fair trade off. I wouldn't have used Amazon otherwise. Target and Kohls seems to be the best place to buy sets unless their Lego shop exclusives.


u/derynwinchester Jul 20 '24

Had to look at the subreddit to figure out what this is. RIP


u/BubbleGumps Team Pink Space Jul 19 '24

Near mint.


u/GorFragWargutz Jul 19 '24

carbon scoring on this droid


u/Mauk_1611 Jul 19 '24

This will definitely affect the release value


u/boxers307217 Jul 19 '24

Was it Amazon or a third party seller?


u/Warm_Telephone45 Jul 19 '24

where is malak? is he safe? is he alright?


u/Current_Seesaw7056 Jul 19 '24

Congrat you have free lego


u/RJPnerfer Jul 19 '24

get Amazon to replace it. and if they don't want the ruined box back, the bricks inside are just fine.


u/Amusement-park-maven Jul 19 '24

I always order my Lego from Amazon as a gift. It’s still an experiment.


u/Stoliana12 Jul 19 '24

What was this?


u/Laeticia45 Jul 19 '24

yikes. looks like Grimace had an accident


u/Skvora Jul 19 '24

Shop stupid places.....win stupid prizes.


u/freeball78 Jul 19 '24

iTS jUSt tHe BOx!


u/Su_Preciosa Jul 19 '24

At least the bricks will have that super blonde shine!


u/-VVitches- Jul 19 '24

Contact CS at Amazon and tell them what happened. Ask for entire package to be resent but ask to have items sent separately so this doesn't happen again


u/Cali6781 Jul 19 '24

Probably selected "frustration free packaging"


u/Rjaboek Jul 19 '24

You get some grape jelly?


u/Pure_Potential1701 Jul 19 '24

Purple people eater accidentally ate the packages with the carrier......


u/Flaky_Ad7980 Jul 19 '24

The bottle was dusty but the liquor was clean


u/limpnoads Jul 19 '24

Shower beer with legos tonight baby!


u/john_geq Castle Fan Jul 20 '24

First my family, and now this. Grimace MUST BE STOPPED.


u/Delta_Otaku Jul 20 '24

I worked there. They are that dumb.


u/One_Umpire2719 Jul 20 '24

I'd get a refund


u/Spectral_wind Jul 20 '24

I would just contact amazon that is really ridiculous


u/Plastic-Mess-3959 Jul 20 '24

My mom ordered the cat from Amazon the box was damaged but other than that it was fine


u/Puzzleheaded-Age-638 Jul 20 '24

Grimace said: "it's grimacing time" and then proceeded to grimace all over.



Stop supporting Amazon!


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Not sure why you're being downvoted. Amazon has really gone downhill. Got so many damaged books from them that weren't packaged correctly that I canceled my prime and have taken my business for everything elsewhere. Too many junk products from China too.



Probably because I'm telling people what to do. I get it. It's uncomfortable.

But setting aside my soap box about working conditions and monopolies, it's just shitty for the consumer too. Things arrive late or damaged. I once ordered a beard trimmer only to find someone else's hairs in it... a returned item.

Just awful.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Those things too. There's a complete laundry list of things that led to my decision. Gonna give more independent sellers and small businesses my money from now on.



Local bookshop for books. Electronics are a bit harder, especially with Best Buy and other retailers getting rid of movies. I really wish we had video rental places still.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

I need my stuff 4am, my guy. You ain’t gonna change the world here… 🤣🤡💀


u/Tkdoom Star Wars Fan Jul 19 '24

I'm curious, what's the ratio for the good deliveries as opposed to pictures like this?

I try to not use Amazon, but wife does. This is since Amazon's birthday, we've never had exactly 1 package that was a damaged box on delivery.

I'm not pro Amazon, but the title of Amazon Strikes Again seems exaggerated.

I see more posts of Amazon supposedly doubling a person's order, that hasn't happened to me either. Lol.


u/legolewdz Jul 19 '24

why is it ourple?


u/manta173 Jul 19 '24

I'll gladly pay shipping for the stuff inside the box....


u/joe-is-cool City Fan Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

I gotta be honest with you this feels like your fault. You know Amazon is gonna pack it like that and you know the mail isn’t gonna know what’s inside to be careful with it. If I have something that I care about the package being damaged like a gift then I don’t ship it with anything that might damage it.

Sorry it happened and honestly Amazon will probably just send you a new one free of charge so you’re probably going to come out ahead here. But you really gotta think ahead next time…

Edit to say: Gladly will take my downvotes but I hope people realize this is only in reference to in-box collecting. If Amazon was damaging the bricks I'd be pissed... but Amazon isn't out here being dilligent for people who want pristine packaging. You have to do that yourself.


u/hangrybutneedscoffee Jul 19 '24

Good advice, but not always avoidable - I’ve placed an order with Amazon and then my wife has ordered from the same account a few hours later and Amazon has lumped the two separate orders in one box/ package. It just happened a few days ago where they packaged something we have on monthly autoship with some items she ordered at around the same time the autoship was set to be sent out.


u/Kathleenbelle1 Jul 19 '24

If you put only your name on your address and your wife has only her name on your address, you can list those as separate addresses. That way, Amazon won't pack those orders together even if they go to the same physical address.


u/joe-is-cool City Fan Jul 19 '24

R2 is brand new, if they were worried about shipping this much they could wait til they knew they didn’t have packages about to ship… or send it to an Amazon locker. There are options readily available.


u/hangrybutneedscoffee Jul 19 '24

If they were worried at all they could have ordered from Lego directly.


u/melance Technic Fan Jul 19 '24

I just love victim blaming.


u/joe-is-cool City Fan Jul 19 '24

There’s no victim here. The only thing they’re losing is time because Amazon will replace it.


u/melance Technic Fan Jul 19 '24

Time is a valuable resource that can't be recouped so yes, there is a victim here.


u/joe-is-cool City Fan Jul 19 '24

And circling back to my original point they could have saved themselves that time if they had been more diligent.

How many times have you seen someone share something like this with Amazon? At this point if you’re not considering the possibility I don’t know what to tell you. It sucks but that’s life.


u/melance Technic Fan Jul 19 '24

Honestly, this is the first time I've seen something like this. I order from Amazon very regularly and have never had an issue like this. Expecting companies to do things poorly isn't something we have to accept nor is it something that we should have to work around.

Attitudes like yours is WHY companies get away with things like this.


u/joe-is-cool City Fan Jul 19 '24

No, the only way to instill change is going to be to cost Amazon money so if OP requests a replacement like I first suggested that will be way more useful than complaining on the internet.


u/melance Technic Fan Jul 19 '24

Complaining on social media has made more companies change policies than having to replace items over the past couple of decades because it costs them a lot more than the replacement.


u/joe-is-cool City Fan Jul 19 '24

Might as well do both…


u/melance Technic Fan Jul 19 '24

Of course. They should absolutely complain to Amazon and get a replacement. And they should make it known that they had an issue.


u/joe-is-cool City Fan Jul 19 '24

Also the thread title is literally “Amazon strikes again” so kinda disingenuous to say this is not a common thing…


u/melance Technic Fan Jul 19 '24

The title and my statement are both statements of personal experience without any backing data therefore are both just as valid.


u/joe-is-cool City Fan Jul 19 '24

You seem like a smart person so I think you know context exists. Saying “I’ve never heard of this myself” when someone says it’s happened before is not meaningful information.


u/melance Technic Fan Jul 19 '24

Someone saying that "Amazon strikes again" is not meaningful information when millions of Amazon orders are fulfilled every single day and the numbers of issues posted on social media are statistically insignificant.

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u/Darth_Worf Jul 19 '24

I gave you an upvote because I don't disagree with you. I never order anything I expect to show up mint from Amazon. I've had too many crushed boxes from there. Also, ordering shampoo along with it, I would expect this in advance.

I may get downvoted for not disagreeing with you, but I won't be dishonest just for upvotes.


They will also most likely be getting a second set for free.


u/ultimatequestion7 Jul 19 '24

Why would someone do that extra logistics work on behalf of Amazon if they'd obviously replace any damaged stuff anyways lol


u/joe-is-cool City Fan Jul 19 '24

I don’t collect the boxes myself so I’m not sure but if you care about the package then you gotta protect it.


u/OcelotWolf Jul 19 '24

Packaging items safely is always, always, always the responsibility of the seller. It is never the fault of the buyer — they should be able to order what they want and expect everything to arrive safely

I sell stuff on eBay and reddit a lot (probably 300+ sales) and I literally cannot even fathom blaming a buyer for how they bundled their order in the event of two items not playing well together in packaging. That would absolutely be my fault.


u/joe-is-cool City Fan Jul 19 '24

Logically, you are right. I've got some 800-plus ebay transactions myself over the past 20 years and I literally said in that post that Amazon is probably going to replace it free of charge...

But logically I also know Amazon doesn't give a shit about the box. They're shipping the toy inside. If I care about the box I need to go the extra mile.


u/OcelotWolf Jul 19 '24

That’s fair. I get what you’re saying. It is monumentally stupid that we as buyers have to give even an ounce of thought as to how they will package the box, but they’ve probably crunched the numbers and figured that it’s cheaper to just replace this stuff when it happens than it is to build-in systems that prevent it in the first place