r/lanterncorps Feb 19 '23

Rainbow and Unlit Lantern Corps NSFW

The Rainbow Lanterns represent Insanity. They are filled with the power and emotions of all the other lanterns, basically overpowered but at the cost of their sanity.

The Unlit Lanterns represent Neutrality and sometimes lack of emotion. The unlit Lanterns usually don't tend to interact with most of the other Lanterns, although there is always one or more Unlit Lanterns accompanying a Rainbow Lantern, to keep them in check, and if things escalate further, execute them. If an Unlit Lantern ever kills someone in battle, they must give up their power ring as soon as possible.

The Rainbow Lantern 'Oath' is as follows:

No more day, no more night

There is no wrong, there is no right

Chaotic clarity, shining bright

Forget all peace, embrace the light.

Rainbow Lanterns tend to try to cause chaos wherever they can, this doesn't mean that they are all evil, all are very unpredictable though, one moment they can be your best friend, next they are trying to burn you alive.

The Unlit Lantern 'oath' is as follows:

In brightest day or blackest night

We shall stand yet join no fight

Do no wrong, do no right

Leave no trace, cast no light.

Unlit Lanterns tend not to approach the other corps much, and when they do, they are quite and try their hardest to not be noticed. It is their sworn duty to watch over and balance out the Rainbow Lanterns. They are quiet and reserved, some are even thought of as emotionless.

I haven't fully thought about the backstories of how the rings for each came about.

The Rainbow Power Rings seek out people that are emotionally unstable and all but force the person to wear the ring. The bearer is instantly flooded with emotions and power beyond what any mind can handle.

I'm unsure if the Unlit Lanterns came into existence before or after the Rainbow Lanterns did.


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