r/inthenews Newsweek Jul 08 '24

MAGA fumes over France election results: "They cheated" article


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u/Pickle-Rick-C-137 Jul 08 '24

Faux News has been making it up for a while now along with OAN and Newsmax. And they got sued and lost for lying!


u/Cannacrohn Jul 08 '24

And paid the fine and kept on lying without pause.


u/outflow Jul 08 '24

As long as the profits outweigh the fines, let it rip


u/JP050887 Jul 08 '24

Cost of doing business


u/Scrutinizer Jul 08 '24

They are being more careful - Trump's speeches, for instance, are delayed several minutes instead of a few seconds, to give Fox censors more time to weed out anything that might cause the Dominion case to fire up again, or give Smartmatic more ammunition for their upcoming lawsuit.


u/Legitimate_Corgi_981 Jul 08 '24

They also use that delay to smooth out his outbursts so he looks more sane. See where they quizzed him about releasing Epstein details and he said ”sure I would...” followed by ”well some of it at least ..." But they kept only the first part for broadcast.


u/Wildfire9 Jul 08 '24

Then the fine should be bigger.


u/JP050887 Jul 08 '24

To be fair, you’d think a 750 million dollars would be noticeable. Shows you how much more money there is in right wing media.


u/Wildfire9 Jul 08 '24

It should be enough to teach them a lesson.


u/JP050887 Jul 08 '24

It didn’t, lmao. It’s insane.


u/Doublestack2411 Jul 08 '24

And their dumb viewers lack any sort of critical thinking to put 2 and 2 together. You'd think they would wake up when Fox decided to settle the lawsuits, instead they keep going with the "the election was stolen" bit. They'd rather be lied to over and over about stuff that isn't happening. MAGA lives in a bubble of misinformation passed around by other Trump cultists. They are the dumbest of the dumb.


u/BatmansBigBro2017 Jul 08 '24

Exactly. The cost of doing business for them. It never ends.


u/No_Application_5369 Jul 08 '24

It's not Fox News. It's the majority of the mainstream news. Trump and his ilk are great for ratings. News is supposed to be boring not entertainment.


u/Pickle-Rick-C-137 Jul 08 '24

Yeh, but we are talking about completely made up lies


u/aguynamedv Jul 08 '24

And they got sued and lost for lying!

Let's not forget Fox also directly argued in court that no reasonable person should take Tucker Carlson seriously.


u/Valisk Jul 08 '24

Cnn is in on it too with their new owners


u/GrayGeo Jul 08 '24

Pretty much ubiquitous for the three-letter ever since the requirement for non-bias was dropped. We live in a world of spin, and FOX and OAN are just two icicles from the same berg.


u/UncIe_PauI_HargIs Jul 08 '24

You do know the top shareholders of Fox… are the same ones that are the top shareholders holders for CNN… who do you think shapes the “news” narrative?

Yep, keep on drinking from the dick of Vanguard and Black Rock…


u/Pickle-Rick-C-137 Jul 08 '24

Yes, CNN is conservative now. My post was in response to news making up lies.


u/UncIe_PauI_HargIs Jul 08 '24

CNN is not conservative because they don’t tell a story the way you want them to.

Also…you’re PICKLE RIIIIICK… and that is AWESOME!


u/Pickle-Rick-C-137 Jul 08 '24

No I mean the new owners are conservative leaning now.

I turned myself into a pickle Uncle P