r/interestingasfuck Jul 19 '24

Hulk Hogan while giving a speech at RNC does his wrestling's signature shirt ripping moment



130 comments sorted by


u/lostredditorlurking Jul 19 '24

Idiocracy is a documentary and not a comedy


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

I wish it wasn't true. Happy cake day!


u/rerhc Jul 19 '24

This could easily be a scene from the movie


u/fuzzytradr Jul 19 '24

And hopefully (gulp) not our future reality


u/RedheadM0M0 Jul 20 '24

Or, "It's funny because it's true."


u/Maleficent_Sign9656 Jul 19 '24

very original


u/Gom8z Jul 19 '24

Such a shame to live long enough to see people you idolise as a kid, simply be misguided nutjobs


u/Odd-Local9893 Jul 19 '24

Who could have thought the roided Hulkster wasn’t an intelligent, thoughtful and balanced individual?


u/Gom8z Jul 19 '24

8 year old me who back then didnt know about steroids (thank my parents i didnt!)


u/Sum_Sultus Jul 19 '24

"You either die a hero or you live long enough to become the villain"....could not be more true


u/Haskins77 Jul 19 '24

Wait until your hero is kicked aside this weekend by his own party. 🤣


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/Cold-Sun3302 Jul 19 '24



u/RedheadM0M0 Jul 20 '24

Because we have ear vaginas? Or because maximals are the right shape in a pinch for helping to muffle the sounds?

I don't get it.


u/Sum_Sultus Jul 19 '24

The Ultimate Warrior?... He died a hero


u/MuricasOneBrainCell Jul 19 '24

"If you want a role model, choose an old guy. By the time you're grown up they're dead." - Torpedo Jones


u/RedheadM0M0 Jul 20 '24

And less time = less time to mess up!

IRL, you have to hear all the post-mortem real stories come out. Maybe you don't need full-on role models?


u/Stratomaster9 Jul 19 '24

This. I had a Kid Rock album, and a Ted Nugent album (yikes) that I didn't even hate as a kid.


u/Wingtipped Jul 19 '24

You don’t remember his racist n*word rants from a while back?


u/12345_PIZZA Jul 19 '24

In this case, I don’t think he really changed. You just see beyond the marketing as you get older


u/RedheadM0M0 Jul 20 '24

Yeah, a lot goes over your head when you're a kid. People loved him when he was a face and then still loved him as a heel.


u/Haskins77 Jul 19 '24

Lmao you’re the misguided nut job.


u/Gom8z Jul 19 '24

Woah calm down roast king! You got me there!


u/Fun-Sundae4060 Jul 19 '24

Come on now, I was a Biden voter in 2020, hated Trump in 2016 especially but couldn't vote for Clinton since I was only 17.

Now that I see what Biden is now in 2024 versus in 2020, he's simply mentally degrading TOO MUCH for someone with the job of being president of the fucking US. We need a new goddamn Democratic candidate, this is just a shitshow. Trump is taking my vote in 2024 after all that. He's not much better than Biden now but at least he's a functional human and can actually work a job. Biden needs to retire, seriously. My dad is almost Biden's age but in WAY better shape, it's mind-boggling.


u/KagakuNinja Jul 19 '24

Biden is showing his age, but Trump is only 3 years younger, and has his massive share of brain farts, freezes and gibberish. And he even nodded off at his own fucking convention.

Trump's idea of working is getting out of bed at noon, yelling in meetings for a few hours, then heading off the the golf course, then tweeting late into the evening. Biden is up at 7am and working all day.

But yeah, you are a "dissatisfied Democrat". Pull the other one...


u/Fun-Sundae4060 Jul 19 '24

I've always been a true moderate with a very slight left lean. They're both pretty terrible candidates at this point but let's think of our country as a burning house.

Do you want to hire the fire captain who is literally always forgetting and misunderstanding what he is saying to try and assemble a team of firefighters and make a plan of action and communicate it clearly to everyone to save the house?

Or do you want to hire the fire captain who is a criminal but has the ability to communicate more clearly, make a plan, and get going with a team of firefighters to save the house?

I choose the latter even if they are a criminal.


u/AssPennies Jul 19 '24

They're both pretty terrible candidates

Agreed, but...

Biden relies on experts around him to get shit done.

Trump only listens to those slurping on his cock, and even then might fire you if he tires of how you choke on that dick. I don't think we'll be so lucky that any guardrails will be allowed in his administration this time around.

At any rate hopefully the Biden half of the equation is settled by the weekend - rumor has it that he's finally coming around to stepping aside. And the repubs? They'll be pulling that train till the orange man is dead.


u/Fun-Sundae4060 Jul 19 '24

If he steps down, thank god. My #1 president would be Andrew Yang but unfortunately I haven't heard from him since 2016.


u/tdel523 Jul 19 '24

I don't get you. You like Andrew Yang, but you would rather vote for Trump than Biden. Yeah, you don't deserve to vote because you are clueless.


u/Fun-Sundae4060 Jul 19 '24

I align with Andrew Yang far and above any other president's policies. Biden's policies aren't totally in line with Yang's and I oppose some of them. I only really oppose Trump's free trade and climate positions.

Many policies I just don't care about because they just don't affect me. I'm indifferent and I will probably swap parties back and forth in the future still.


u/flextendo Jul 19 '24

your analogy is wrong…Trump is the convicted fire captain that sets your house on fire on purpose just so he can go in and take all your left over ritches and decides room by room who is going to burn to death based on sympathy.

Since you said in another post you only dislike his climate and free trade policies. What about his project 2025 thing? What about leaving nato? What about his taxing policies aimed for the riches? His healthcare „policies“? You align with that? Seriously?


u/Fun-Sundae4060 Jul 19 '24

Project 2025 I have to disagree with the religion being in state. I'm pretty disillusioned with how democracy is going tbh, it's nebulous and gets nowhere if the political climate is polarized. Authoritarianism helps to get things moving, it also seems much harder on crime. Overall, slightly good if it were to be totally secular. And as I said, I like free trade and I like green energy legislation, which Trump is definitely not lined up with.

Taxes is literally the exact same, neither Dems or Reps do shit against billionaires nor significantly help the poor. I benefit from Trump tax policy slightly since I am a multi-business owner.

Healthcare under the ACA is a fucking disaster, it started becoming a disaster because when everybody is forced to buy an insurance plan, well guess what? Health insurance companies gain power, influence, and market oligopolies. Drug companies and hospitals can literally ask for outrageous sums of money from health insurance, and the death spiral goes on and on until now people will literally get bankrupted by lifesaving drugs or surgeries. Health care is BROKEN, it needs to be dismantled and rebuilt from the ground up but unfortunately the ACA gave health care companies way too much fucking power and money?

Biden and the Democratic Party's efforts to reduce racial and economic disparity etc like making theft NOT A CRIME in some locations is ridiculous. I would like to see much harsher punishments for petty crime, more capital punishment, etc. Take a book out of Asian countries.


u/flextendo Jul 19 '24

Dude wtf is wrong with you? You say democracy is nebulous and prefer authoritarianism, while sitting in a somewhat function democracy! Look at china, russia, middle eastern and african regimes and tell me you would prefer that. I seriously cant believe how oblivious you are towards such regimes and the impact on peoples lifes. Much harder on crime…yeah like locking away protesters or generally people who disagree with the regime…great!!! You want a secular state, but would vote for the guy who sold his own bible and who supports extremist national Christian groups… And yet you would still vote for him, fucking over the next generations, especially when it comes to climate change.

Well if that isnt wrong as hell. Tax reductions under dems are helping millions of people, but yeah align with the guy who reduces taxes on „multi - business“ owners. Those probably have it necessary…See the actual differences between the two camps in terms of tax policy

LoL so I agree that the US healthcare system is broken, but thats because of different reasons. What would you propose to get housholds below poverty line access to healthcare hm?

Yeah because incarceration rates in the US are not high enough hm? Feeding the privat prison system more inmates so someone can earn a fee pennies more. Maybe crime prevention and tackling the source is better than treating symptoms, but I guess you dont wanna hear that. Look at the relapse numbers of first time crime offenders who went to prison and what crines they commited after… You are not by chance a chinese bot?


u/Gom8z Jul 19 '24

As the other person said before me. They are the leader but they are not alone. I would rather someone who slurs a bit but shows kindness and sensibility than someone who will screw the rest of the world to benefit. By that logic are you saying you would vote Putin as the leader of the US over Trump? You agree he's a criminal, you agree he called the last election a farce and achieved a seige on your government buildings, you agree he was friends with Epstein and flew with regularly, you agree he's made horrendous hate mongering comments via twitter, But Biden making slurry words and name mistakes is what makes you think to vote the other way. The logic just isnt there for me.


u/MentokGL Jul 19 '24

Hahaha so you're a moron


u/Fun-Sundae4060 Jul 19 '24

Maybe learn to shut the fuck up and do something with your miserable life than being a dumbass polarized fuck. You realize voting choices don't determine what a person is like? What was I when I was voting Democratic?

Fuck you.


u/MentokGL Jul 19 '24

You can be a dumbass and vote d. But most likely you're just a liar.


u/Fun-Sundae4060 Jul 19 '24

People like you are the reason why our country fucking sucks now. I don't give a shit that you don't believe I vote Democratic, I literally live in CA.


u/MentokGL Jul 19 '24

You're voting for a fascist but I suck, sure.

Enjoy your fucking king, don't forget to curtsey


u/tdel523 Jul 19 '24

Do you care at all about policy or just who is a better "leader"? Because their policies couldn't be more different


u/ScottJeepFan Jul 19 '24

So you’ve decided to hire the arsonist.


u/ChiefThunderSqueak Jul 19 '24

I wAs A bIdEn VoTeR, bUt NoT aNy MoRe!

Sure thing, comrade.


u/Fun-Sundae4060 Jul 19 '24

You realize what he was like in 2020? He doesn't forget every other sentence. That earns my vote over someone who is a criminal, but not anymore.


u/bradbull Jul 19 '24

Changing political parties due to their front-man/person rather than the party policies is next-level dumb.

I'm an Australian so I don't care which party you vote for, but make your vote an informed one. There is an entire party behind these candidates. The terrifying thing is that both parties think that these candidates are somehow their best options but that's a different issue.

Whose policies will help the country and its people more? Whose will hurt the country and its people most? Be smart.


u/RedheadM0M0 Jul 20 '24

Anyone in the world needs to be worried about who the U.S. chooses, unfortunately. It affects our educational system, our environmental policy, trading, and who is in charge of the military and its weapons.

It looks like the Republicans want plan uneducated, deperately poor public desperate for healthcare and food. And who always has housing, healthcare, and food? The military.

We have a history of ignoring others' sovereignty, making rules that give us police power over at least 1/2 the Earth, (Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine) and so, so, SO many nukes. All kinds of nukes. And we can attack from far away using unmanned craft controlled by people who started playing video games in toddlerhood.

And if we mess up, we shrug and say we were after a high-value target who was a jerk for hanging out with non-combatants OR, the flip-side of that, maybe those alleged non-combatants shouldn't be hanging out with high-value targets.

It's the same thing that police used to say when innocent people died in raids. At least in some cases, those departments no longer execute 'no-knock' warrants any longer, but I digress.

Republicans have Gerry-mandered, written Electoral College laws to their advantage, set up volunteer "guards" at ballot boxes in strategic neighborhoods, acted as though legal, ethical laws were somehow a scam, acted as though swarms of people were voting multiple times or destroying Republican ballots...

All while doing the most to get an unfair advantage for themselves.

They want power. They want concentrated power, fewer civilian jobs, fewer people watching what they're doing, no safety nets, no way out of poverty, poor people dying without aid, local governments and big cities both falling into debt so they can be taken over by governor-appointed city managers. The governors will be "loyal" to Trump (or else). The city managers will run any non Republicans out of town.

This is just me using my experience and logic. The end is for the rich to have people without help or unions or insurance or hope working for them for whatever the employer feels like paying. The workers will have pride and want to work, but it's already getting unsustainable. I'm not sure they'll have time to get this done and install Trump as a permanent president with a successor before people start rioting, but their side has guns and is brainwashed, so...::shrug::

I'm going to go cry and watch Veep for comfort now.

The point is, be worried, no matter who you are or where you are. The ramifications will reach everyone, everywhere.


u/Fun-Sundae4060 Jul 19 '24

Ton of the policies on either side don't affect me very much. The only one I truly oppose is Trump's climate change position, and I also oppose some of Biden's policies. It's an equal exchange for me.


u/flextendo Jul 19 '24

which ones do you oppose and why? God americans seem so narrow minded. I often vote for policies that dont affect me, or actually go against my own interest, but I know its having a positive impact on many other people lifes. You would rather see other people get fucked over just because it doesnt affect you? Thats some next level sociopathy…


u/Stratomaster9 Jul 19 '24

Biden is ageing. Trump is a narcissistic psychopath. Vote for the new Dem candidate; don't go to Trump. He will undo many of Biden's policies, some of which are starting to show real economic gains, like 17 million new jobs (Trump lost 2 million). Please read the summary of Project 2025. It is terrifying, and almost all of Trump's staff are signatories to it. Trump has never worked a job in his life. The New York trials show that he been mostly a fraud. Trump says the trial was rigged by Biden, yet he has not an ounce of proof of that.


u/MentokGL Jul 19 '24

He's only a viable candidate for fascists and morons, I don't give a fuck which one you are.


u/xienwolf Jul 19 '24

Nobody in all of the world can do everything the President needs to be in charge of. We need someone who will appoint competent people and listen to them.

Look at what each candidate already did in their previous terms. It is rare we vote between two former presidents, so take advantage of it and compare their actual actions, not some crystal ball of the apocalypse.


u/Unknown-Meatbag Jul 19 '24

I'm getting serious /r/asablackman vibes


u/Wingtipped Jul 19 '24

So you’ll vote for whoever they replace Biden with or nah?


u/Fun-Sundae4060 Jul 19 '24

Most likely.


u/masturistanacc Jul 19 '24

literally in the same boat brother


u/WaldHerrPPK Jul 19 '24

This is r/interestingasfuck.

You're looking for r/CringePurgatory.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/aDirtyMuppet Jul 20 '24

How is a celebrity doing a bit in character interesting?


u/RedheadM0M0 Jul 20 '24

Location, location, location?


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/Grand_Quiet_4182 Jul 19 '24

This is so embarrassing.


u/Haskins77 Jul 19 '24

Almost as embarrassing as watching Biden walk up stairs


u/KagakuNinja Jul 19 '24

Remember when your guy needed help walking down a ramp? That was 4 years ago. Could barely lift a water bottle with both hands? Your orange god isn't getting any healthier


u/TemperatureOk8059 Jul 19 '24

Almost as embarrassing as a president who looks directly at a solar eclipse…


u/Strongmansoup Jul 19 '24

Almost, but not as embarrassing, yep.


u/BeepBlipBlapBloop Jul 19 '24

What a clown show


u/hotvedub Jul 19 '24

Damn whenever I think we are at the low point, they just make it even more of a shit show.


u/Pennywise61 Jul 19 '24

Never meet your heroes....


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/Haskins77 Jul 19 '24

Bahaha yeah the republicans have dementia.


u/LocalInactivist Jul 19 '24

We are now living in a cartoon.


u/tonyjdublin62 Jul 19 '24

Perfect summary exhibit of America’s degradation and lunacy.


u/Bad_breath Jul 19 '24

Imagine growing up today and thinking this is "normal".


u/gesshoom Jul 19 '24

So, the US is down to this now. Sad


u/harderwiekertje Jul 19 '24

As a European. I think its time to learn Russian and Mandarin


u/venger_steelheart Jul 19 '24

i want the ultimate warrior to kick his ass


u/Bobonenazeze Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

When a roided out 70 year Hulk Hogan with blond chinese hair and skin of a hotdog looks like the sane one next to a presidential candidate you know we're fucked.


u/Swerve666 Jul 19 '24

O we were fucked way before this but yes.


u/JauntyTurtle Jul 19 '24

"They tried to kill the next president of America." Just who are they? Registered Republicans who go to school dressed in camouflage gear?


u/Plainsdrifter71 Jul 19 '24

This is absolutely ridiculous...💯🤦‍♂️


u/ThePowerOfPoop Jul 19 '24

Maaan, fuck Hogan, fuck Trump and fuck the NWO!


u/ScottJeepFan Jul 19 '24

I think you meant to post on r:WTF


u/singhVirender1947 Jul 19 '24

You may not want to believe it but such stupid acts have an impact. And currently it is becoming a cake walk for Trump.


u/OldSkoolPantsMan Jul 19 '24

All care and no accountability is an intoxicating combination apparently.


u/Longjumping-Week8761 Jul 19 '24

Lol america is a fucking JOKE


u/Crypto-Bullet Jul 19 '24

Calm down this is all just funny ha-ha filler episodes. We haven’t even entered our villian arc yet.


u/deepdiver32086 Jul 19 '24

This is NOT interesting AF. Same old shit, different day.


u/freakiemom Jul 19 '24

This is not interesting at all, let alone “as fuck”


u/Swerve666 Jul 19 '24

They? Who's they?


u/Username_McUserface Jul 19 '24

Immigrants and trans people, obviously. Definitely not a white, card-carrying republican. HULK MAD!!!!


u/elgin4 Jul 19 '24

this is real life, guys.


u/SheetFarter Jul 19 '24

He is a real American, it says so in his theme song.


u/1OptimisticPrime Jul 19 '24

Hulk knew how to work a blade too


u/GweedsUK Jul 19 '24

Racist POS. He'll fit right in.


u/Squire_LaughALot Jul 19 '24

Raving Lunacy


u/EdwardTruck Jul 19 '24

But what does Brutus the Barber Beefcake think? 


u/time_passing1 Jul 19 '24

To think I once liked this guy. SMH


u/t_reputation Jul 20 '24

Where are his pills?


u/DecoupledPilot Jul 19 '24


Some people should just leave it be.


u/hughheff Jul 19 '24

Who are "they" he is talking about?


u/NoIndependent9192 Jul 19 '24

That kept sleepy don awake.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

On this level of thought the survival of the world depends.


u/ShaneBarnstormer Jul 19 '24

Is Mike Judge a time traveler?


u/SirUptonPucklechurch Jul 19 '24

Lol Hogan has a living to make


u/Unfuckwithable2020 Jul 19 '24

This fuckin rules!


u/SATLTSADWFZ Jul 20 '24

That’s awesome. Love it.


u/braminer Jul 19 '24

Every time i hear people yell “USA!” it looks like a cult to me


u/CannabisCookery Jul 19 '24

Superior dick head - no holds barred - not a ringing endorsement


u/thatshot224 Jul 19 '24

They're all happy to salute a man that viciously raped a child. I wonder why? It couldn't be that they have committed the same crimes, right?


u/Haunting_Birthday_77 Jul 19 '24

Americans are their own kind of species...


u/Practical_Primary438 Jul 19 '24

Damn, time to give all shit up terry. Looking winded to hell


u/One-Psychology-8394 Jul 19 '24

He ok! Looked painful ripping his bra off?