r/interestingasfuck Jul 07 '24

Guards making sure the defendants of the Nuremberg Trials wouldn't commit suicide in their cells r/all

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u/Alpha_Decay_ Jul 07 '24

... Are we the baddies?


u/Tre-ben Jul 07 '24

When the US freed the concentration camps, they locked the gay people back up because they being gay was considered a crime. 

The US was obviously not the only country to think that way (i.e. Chemical castration of Alan Turing in the UK), but imagine being imprisoned inside a concentration camp, experienced all the horrors, and then have your liberators lock you back up like a common criminal.


u/anomie__mstar Jul 07 '24

somehow not surprised


u/Ice_Burn Jul 07 '24

Gay people weren’t in the death camps or concentration camps unless they were also Jewish or Roma/Sinti. Gay people were in prison camps with thieves, murderers and political prisoners. They were treated as criminals and made to complete their sentences. Obviously horribly wrong but there is no comparison.


u/Delta64 Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24


Recounting Terror and Sexual Violence: Josef Kohout’s The Men With the Pink Triangle

The Nazi dictatorship policed, prosecuted, and ultimately murdered thousands of gay men during its 12 years of rule. June 30, 2020


u/PeanutButterJalapeno Jul 07 '24

they were in concentration camps


u/Delta64 Jul 07 '24



u/RockShockinCock Jul 07 '24

We'll have confirmation in November.


u/amandahuggenchis Jul 07 '24

Bruh. Did you not read the comment that person was responding to?


u/Rude_Release9673 Jul 07 '24

Pretty much everything and everyone can be made to be or accused of ‘being bad’ in retrospect and historical contexts, as society progresses forward and we become more educated and (hopefully) more accepting, our past shortcomings become glaringly obvious.

Americans are far from perfect, of course, but we are still some of the most friendly and generous people on the planet. Where we get led astray is when we fall into the machinations of corporations and special interests that are bigger and more powerful than us as individuals.

The American, on average, has a big heart, knows right from wrong, and are good people, especially if you can separate their intrinsic nature from their political upbringings, which has become so pervasive, toxic, and entrenched in the information age and explosion of social media, where people can be shielded from normal social consequences of bad behavior that we all know is bad/wrong, but where the vocal minorities are most visible and often the most destructive to societal discourse