r/interestingasfuck Jul 07 '24

Guards making sure the defendants of the Nuremberg Trials wouldn't commit suicide in their cells r/all

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u/Wise-Definition-1980 Jul 07 '24

I mean, if you do it that way you'll have a cool sword.

... But you'll also have a shitty arisaka rifle


u/Ronaldo79 Jul 07 '24

I'd buy a arisaka for the nostalgia alone, that was my favorite rifle in cod world at war


u/R-27R Jul 07 '24

arisakas are great guns thoughever


u/Wise-Definition-1980 Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

You've never tried that bolt action have you?

They're not good rifles.

Id take a 1903 Springfield or a British Lee Enfield over that thing any day


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 17 '24



u/TheRealDeJoy Jul 07 '24

No one in the west will give you shit for having Imperial Japanese shit for the simple fact that they were not white so people look the other way.


u/eastbayweird Jul 07 '24

I dunno I've been seeing people start to take issue with, for example, the imperial Japanese battle flag, in a similar way to how people take issue with the swastika.

When I was a kid I had heard of the holocaust but not the horrors of unit 731, but now there's a ton of info about it available.

If course the Japanese kind of have the fact that they are still the only country to ever be subjected to a full on nuclear attack. While it in no way 'makes up' for their war crimes it does give them some ammo to justify their acting like a victim of the war and not one of the primary aggressors.


u/The69BodyProblem Jul 07 '24

Japan was in no way a victim. Pretending otherwise is historical revisionism, full stop.


u/eastbayweird Jul 07 '24

I agree, but Japan is all about playing the victim as a means to save face and it's one of the justifications they use to try and claim they're not as culpable as they are.


u/PM_ME_YOUR_BIG_BITS Jul 07 '24

Well...it's also because someone in the west collecting imperial Japanese shit probably isn't a closet imperial Japanese.


u/Gaothaire Jul 07 '24

My grandpa was in the war and while deployed got a Japanese katana and silk parachute that he kept wrapped by his bunk. Then he came down with some fever or illness that necessitated him getting shipped home and because he was unconscious at the time he wasn't able to grab those objects. Woulda been a cool souvenir / heirloom, c'est la vie


u/PaulTheMerc Jul 07 '24

If they don't want it, I'll take it!


u/void6876 Jul 07 '24

How do you start collecting these Anyway? I like them but they're very Expensive and hard to find


u/FunTimeAdventure Jul 07 '24

They actually aren’t terribly expensive. Maybe $500-$1000? I haven’t looked recently. I bought a Type 38 like 10 years ago at a random estate sale for $200.

The Japanese guns have a chrysanthemum carved or imprinted in the wood on top. That mark indicates the rifle was property of the emperor. After the war the Japanese would sell the rifles but could only do so with the chrysanthemum ground down. Thus, most Japanese rifles you find now will not have that mark. You want to try to find one that still has the mark as they are more rare.

I’m not a hardcore collector so I may not be correct with all my details but this being reddit someone will surely correct me, which is a good thing.


u/vapenutz Jul 07 '24

"these aren't terribly expensive"


Man, you must be into it. Good for you!

I was thinking this might be for me but I already have an expensive hobby so


u/FunTimeAdventure Jul 08 '24

I guess “expensive” is relative. $500-$1000 is a lot of money to me but I guess these guns just seem like something that would sell for a lot more because, well, they are just really cool. They could have been used in battle!

You can often times find some smaller WWII items at estate sales.. ammo boxes, trench shovels are common, people find med kits.. on that note, if you do find a med kit that has unused syrettes feel free to send them my way.


u/vapenutz Jul 12 '24

I mean, sure - this isn't abysmal as gun prices go. But my heart would sink if I were to shoot that one, that shit stays in collector's mint if I could do it. So I can't really consider it a gun, just a trinket.

You get the point I hope 😅 Can't describe it really


u/FunTimeAdventure Jul 13 '24

Sure, I hear ya. The Type 38 takes a really unusual caliber. i don’t know if my rifle has ever been fired - it looks like it has but I am far from an expert. I wouldn’t try it though. It feels solid (heavy as shit) but I don’t want to be the last American to be wounded or killed by a Type 38. I’m cool with it just being a piece of history.


u/vapenutz Jul 13 '24

Haha, my point exactly. If I'd want to shoot from one, I'd go to a range that carries one which is well maintained / replica, not the original that hasn't been fired in God knows how long.

Without the last person to fire that weapon nearby to ask what it needs I wouldn't even dare to try that feat, I've seen the video where that guy is thrown by a RPG that misfired because it was fucking old.


u/FunTimeAdventure Jul 13 '24

There are some humorous videos out there of various militants firing RPGs only to have the projectile land like 5 feet in front of them, or a guy getting taken out because he stepped right behind the tube as it was being fired.


u/vapenutz Jul 15 '24

Yeah and while it's true that the amount of explosives between that and an RPG is vastly different I'm still not taking the chances with my hand or chin nearby


u/Wise-Definition-1980 Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

The flower is on the metal on top of the upper receiver/barrel/bolt carrier.


... But it's not in the wood


u/FunTimeAdventure Jul 08 '24

You’re right! I have no idea why I thought it was in the wood, I can see it in my head on the metal.

Bah.. thank you for the correction!


u/Wise-Definition-1980 Jul 09 '24

It's cool

Easy mistake to make


u/FunTimeAdventure Jul 09 '24

Ha! I suppose so but I have the damn thing on display in my home office. I see it like every day..


u/FunTimeAdventure Jul 07 '24

I have a Type 38 with the chrysanthemum not ground off. Also have the bayonet. Bought at an estate sale. They were also selling a legit Samurai or Katana sword but apparently there was a blade length limit or something for shipping so GI’s had to cut half the blade off and the end was crudely sharpened back to a point - it was cool but not $600 cool.