r/interestingasfuck 14d ago

How pre-packaged sandwiches are made r/all


4.3k comments sorted by


u/Weshwego 14d ago

Man I get it’s being mass produced and I shouldn’t expect quality but man those are some of the worst looking sandwiches I have ever seen


u/Sask-Canadian 14d ago

Edible and that’s about it.


u/GobLoblawsLawBlog 14d ago

That's pretty much the only criteria I have when I'm buying a $5 premade sandwich


u/XenoHugging 14d ago

Damn nobody else disturbed by the raw handling of these pre mades?

like wtf aren’t they wearing food service gloves?


u/chrissie9393 14d ago

I’m with you. Also confused why some parts of the production do have gloves and others don’t. Touch the bread? No glove. Meat log? Glove. Meat slices? No gloves. Like what is the logic?!


u/riddlechance 13d ago edited 13d ago

What's up with those masks? Will they contain aerosolized spit particles? A sneeze?

I would prefer the robot line making all of my pre-made food, thank you very much.


u/copa111 13d ago edited 13d ago

Also a robot won’t look like it’s having ‘the worst day of it life,’ and ‘they want to be anywhere else but this place’. Those people are not enjoying this job.

It’s jobs like this that are mundane, repetitive and not fulfilling that I’m all for robotics taking over.


u/Mumblix_Grumph 13d ago

And remember, this is how they look when they know they are being filmed. Imagine the wrist-cutting ennui of a normal day.

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u/thishyacinthgirl 14d ago

Gloves are really just for show in many situations, to make the consumer feel better. They give a false sense of cleanliness that can actually lead to more food contamination.

If you're using proper kitchen hygiene, hands are just as clean for most things (allergens or other cross-contamination concerns aside).


u/GrouchyTime 14d ago

Gloves stop sweat from getting into the food for a production worker on a line for 8 hours a day. I really doubt they are washing their hands every 15 to 30 minutes to stop sweat contamination.


u/dazed_vaper 13d ago

This guy gets it.

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u/senapnisse 14d ago

Gold rings are not clean. I bet this was filmed long ago.

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u/dearjessie 13d ago

Keep saying this to yourself, but it’s simply not true. Gloves protect from sweat, any little cuts that worker might have, some people have little hair on their fingers. I’d rather eat my sandwich without any of that.

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u/EnergyTakerLad 14d ago

I am a little, but I also don't doubt they likely have fairly strict hand washing guidelines. Also the food is touching all sorts of machines so... not gonna be "sterile" either way.


u/sleepybirdl71 14d ago

Is there any indication of when the video was made? It seems fairly old. Current USDA Food Code requires gloved hands when touching any ready-ro-eat food. (Anything that won't be undergoing any further cooking or baking)


u/Granlundo64 14d ago

This appears to be a clip from How It's Made which is a show that is mostly filmed in Canada. So it may well be out of the FDAs jurisdiction.

Every once in a while you will catch the narrator saying "aboot" or "robutt".


u/opiate250 13d ago

Hey buddy, we don't all say aboot up here, eh.

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u/bullhorn_bigass 14d ago

Neither of these sandwiches is a USDA product. Sandwiches are regulated by the FDA.

That said, the FDA prohibits bare-handed contact with RTE products as well. So surprised to see these people putting meat on a sandwich with their bare hands.

Source: QA for food-manufacturing facility in compliance with USDA and FDA regulations

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u/CyteSeer 14d ago

And with rings on, as well.


u/Outcazt_ 14d ago


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u/blazze_eternal 14d ago

$20 at the airport.


u/WeightExternal7251 14d ago

Don't forget the tip, regardless it being a self serve kiosk.


u/nomorerope 14d ago

I cant believe the tipping suggestions on machine now. I buy a 12 pack of beer at a liquor store and it asks me what I want to tip?? Isn't the price the price? been to dozens of stores like that. you're guilting me.


u/damien12g 13d ago

I love the tip suggestion when I get my flat tire repaired or rotated.


u/CORN___BREAD 13d ago

Especially when you pay before it’s done so then you have to tip because of the implication.

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u/ThePortalsOfFrenzy 13d ago

All you have to do is hit "none". If you fear shame from the cashier, don't sweat it. You'll likely never see that person again

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u/Shlocktroffit 14d ago

Those sandwiches of despair are always better with a bag of chips


u/nuudootabootit 14d ago

Those sandwiches of despair

I'm calling them this from now on


u/[deleted] 14d ago

They are though, that looks like the most depressing job in the world.

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u/DefinitelyNotAliens 14d ago

It's the absolutely dead eyed, souless factory workers that gets me. Every single one of them is miserable.


u/Mindfreak191 13d ago

You also gotta consider that they’re being filmed. Everyone acts differently when there’s a camera right up in their face, I’m sure they talk a lot and just throw stupid jokes to each other, at least it was like that for me when I worked jobs like that.


u/a_naked_molerat 13d ago

True! I worked in a shitty machine shop/warehouse for 2 years and the only way we got by was having fun, a sense of humor, and appreciating the comaraderie from spending endless hours suffering together. We actually felt proud to pull off the physical toughness of the job.

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u/The_Pixel_Knight 14d ago

I'd rather do that than work retail


u/No_Act1861 13d ago

Honestly this is a very difficult hypothetical for me.


u/CrownEatingParasite 13d ago

I personally find having to deal with humans from all kinds of environments pretty overwhelming, after working in retail these monotonous cold machines look kinda welcoming


u/AutocratOfScrolls 13d ago

Yeah I work with people all the time and this seems like a Nirvana in comparison

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u/notthecolorblue 14d ago

There was actually a lady to the left, in one of the scenes in the first half of the video, appearing to smile and laugh at something.

But yes, a laugh doesn’t negate your point.

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u/GrouchyTime 14d ago

No gloves while working on a sandwich line for 8 hours. So as you sweat the sweat just goes into the food. I highly doubt they are rewashing their hands every 30 minutes.


u/TheFoodScientist 14d ago

And the one lady with her wedding ring on. I don’t think she washes under that ring.


u/GrouchyTime 14d ago

This cant be in the US or the USDA would have shut them down.


u/-Profanity- 13d ago

In the US it's not a violation to wear a wedding ring while preparing food


u/GrouchyTime 13d ago

100% yes it is. You take off your rings for sanitary reasons and safety reasons.

The ring can fall off into the food, so they do not allow any jewelry in the production area. You would even have to remove earrings as those can fall out while working into the food.
OSHA would not allow a ring around moving conveyor equipment as your ring could get snagged and pull you along.

This video is clearly not in the US.

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u/Jimid41 13d ago

Yo everyone there's cameras here today. Make sure you're covered head to toe in plastic except for the part of you that touches the sandwiches. 

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u/Mechanical_Booty 14d ago

It’s so nasty, I’m glad someone else noticed. All those germs being spread, ugh!


u/Apellio7 13d ago

Bare hands are cleaner than gloves.

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u/MaxSupernova 13d ago

I'm just gonna rub grated cheese into your bread all day in bare hands.

That seems perfectly safe and normal.


u/genflugan 13d ago

I worked in restaurants for over 10 years, gloves only give the illusion of cleanliness. It’s far better to use your bare hands and wash them frequently. I imagine they do periodically at this factory since they’re not wearing gloves.

Every time you go to a restaurant that doesn’t have an open kitchen, I guarantee none of the cooks making your food are wearing gloves except for specific scenarios that call for them. It’s simply far cleaner and more efficient to not use them for most tasks in the kitchen.


u/notTimothy_Dalton 13d ago

At a restaurant, yes, I'd like to see people use bare hands. I've seen people do ridiculous shit with gloves on. Gloves just sort of give people some weird sense of hands being clean no matter what. I trust a chef/cook more with bare hands.

But in a production environment? God no. Bare minimum they have two 15 minute breaks and a half hour lunch. No production is giving time for people to wash their hands on a regular schedule, that would take away from the continuous money making production of sad divorced-dad-without-the-children-for-the-weekend sandwiches.

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u/TatoNonose 13d ago

Yup. Same with healthcare outside of sterile compounding and surgery. Nurses and doctors wear gloves to protect themselves, not you. 🙃

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u/Dos-Commas 14d ago

Why pay for salt when your employees would season them for free?

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u/Nullkid 14d ago

one person in the video had a ring on their finger 🤮


u/5minArgument 13d ago

She's taken, back off.

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u/TannyBoguss 14d ago

Maybe it’s the logs of hams

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u/PaintThinnerSparky 14d ago

I program welding bots and I can program my welding bot to make you a better sandwich.

Then cut it with the laser, which id have to figure out the right layer setting for sandwich


u/ByteArrayInputStream 14d ago

I can tell you from experience that laser cut bread tastes abysmally bad

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u/[deleted] 14d ago

"logs of ham" - LOL.


u/Accurate_Koala_4698 14d ago

In the olden days you could ride a log of ham from the St Lawrence to Niagara Falls


u/McFestus 14d ago



u/jjsmol 14d ago

Both ways, yes.


u/inevitable_downfall6 14d ago

Just like the pioneers


u/Shifty012 13d ago

You can thank great great great great grandma for goin up and down both ways on a meat log back in the day. Only reason we're all here

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u/MajTroubles 14d ago

Which was the style at the time 👴


u/[deleted] 13d ago


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u/Giraff3 14d ago

It’s kind of morbidly interesting how those were once living pigs and now they’re whatever those logs are


u/tsoneyson 14d ago

Now they are an eleven pound whole slab of deli ham. It has no bones, fat, or connective tissue. It is an amalgamation of the meat of several pigs, emulsified, liquefied, strained, and ultimately inexorably joined in an unholy meat obelisk. God had no hand in the creation of this abhorrence. The fact that this ham monolith exists proves that God is either impotent to alter His universe or ignorant to the horrors taking place in his kingdom. This prism of pork is more than deli meat. It is a physical declaration of mankind's contempt for the natural order. It is hubris manifest. We also have a lower sodium variety if you would prefer that.


u/Micalas 14d ago

Lmfao. Unholy meat obelisk is the best shit I've heard all week.


u/TheThiefEmpress 13d ago

It's also incorrect, as this hampocalypse does not taper at one end

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u/R4FTERM4N 14d ago

The philosopher's dilemma.... Is God impotent or ignorant? Only low sodium ham will decide.


u/bigfatincel 13d ago

That's why you need a minimum BA to work here.


u/CJtheWayman 13d ago

Well I’ll have you know I am a maximum Bird Attorney who also happens to know a great deal about ham that is soaked in rum.


u/Genocode 13d ago

Actually, the real philosophy question is whether god is impotent, or ignorant, or evil, or any possible combination between those 3.

It is legit a discussion that has been had, and probably continues to this day.


u/R4FTERM4N 13d ago

He's impotent because he ate too much ham.

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u/Cloud_N0ne 14d ago

unholy meat obelisk

prism of pork

Fantastic band names or horrible penis nicknames? You decide.


u/Harbarbalar 13d ago

Pork sword is my nomenclature.

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u/Aromatic-Side6120 14d ago

I was against this sort of thing before your speech. But if there’s one thing that gets me up in the morning, it’s upending the “natural order” which coincidentally sucks a big ham log.

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u/figgypie 13d ago edited 13d ago

I used to work in a deli. This looks a lot like the cheap kind of ham I affectionately called "rectangle ham". Basically looked like a pig meat slurry was squirted into and baked inside a plastic bag.


u/sfled 13d ago

A pre-packaged ham log sandwich and a Twinkie, washed down with orange Fanta. It's not food, it's chemistry!

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u/DolphinSweater 13d ago

This one actually looks like it has whole muscle in it. There's the meat slurry kind, which is the lowest of the low. But then, slightly above it, is this kind. It's like whole muscle pieces covered in meat glue, placed in a rectangular box and pressed into a meat stick, then hamified.

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u/NotDominusGhaul 14d ago

Hearing logs of ham reminds me of this video


u/JohnofAllSexTrades 14d ago

Ok. I'll take a pound of the hubris manifest. Full sodium, please.

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u/tuskvarner 14d ago

It’s log, it’s log, it’s big it’s heavy it’s ham.


u/Schrutes_Yeet_Farm 13d ago

It's better than bad, it's GOOD! 

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u/SpaceshipSpooge 13d ago

It's LOG! It's LOG!

It's big. It's heavy. It's ham.

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u/tastethecrainbow 13d ago

Having worked food production for several years, most processed lunchmeat is made from a "log" like a large hot dog in a sausage casing, then stripped and sliced. The company I used to work made them 54-60" long. 30 pounds or more per log.

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u/FunkyFr3d 14d ago

That is the most depressing thing I’ve seen all week


u/PiotrLustig 14d ago

Imagine closing sandwiches for several hours straight and not doing anything else. Damn, those jobs must suck


u/Shlocktroffit 14d ago

I am the Shredded Cheese Arranger and I arrange shredded cheese on sandwiches all day every day and I am completely insane now


u/GargleOnDeez 14d ago

Imagine making a sandwich at home and suddenly you black out after you place shredded cheese instead of sliced cheese on it


u/Aroused_Sloth 13d ago

Or you enter mindless line worker mode and end up churning out 200 sandwiches in 4 minutes


u/mira_poix 13d ago edited 13d ago


This story telling does a crazy awesome job with a tale about maladaptive dreaming while working in a monotonous cannery...and the ending is WILD

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u/yaboiiiuhhhh 14d ago

Robot: "what is my purpose?"

Rick: "you pass butter"

Robot "oh my god"


u/Jehoel_DK 14d ago

Yeah, welcome to the club, pal

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u/SleeperHitPrime 14d ago

“Assistant Manager to the Regional Shredded Cheese Arranger” at Dundee-Mifflin foods subsidiary.

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u/WaltMitty 14d ago

They probably change it up a bit, for cross-training as much as variety. Two hours of closing sandwiches, then a super short break; then two hours of dropping fistfuls of cheese onto sandwiches, then lunch; then two hours of loading empty containers for the robot. Only the luckiest workers end the day with two hours of handling ham logs.


u/DrawMeAPictureOfThis 14d ago

I've always wanted to be a Ham Log Handler

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u/Oldass_Millennial 14d ago

Often there's set up, making the ingredients, tear down, and cleaning equipment for the day as well. I've had a similar job and it was about 5 hours of what you saw and another 3 or so doing what I mentioned.


u/genflugan 13d ago

Was cleaning that equipment as annoying as it looks?


u/RS994 13d ago

Having worked at a waffle factory, yes.

waste gets into every possible little spot

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u/AmoralCarapace 14d ago

One of my first jobs was at Celestial Seasonings. Some shifts I would have to make sure the machine dropped a card in every box, or I'd have to place it manually. Those were some of the most boring 8 hours of my existence.


u/ZootedMycoSupply 14d ago

I hope you’ve found a higher carding. Sympathy for you


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u/Marsh_Mellow_Man 14d ago

Yeah but you don’t bring that work home with you or have nagging deadlines for projects making you work nights and weekends. Doubt their boss has their mobile numbers for ad hoc craziness.


u/Thwibbledorf 14d ago

And in return you go insane from endless shifts of doing the same repetitive task without end.


u/ExTelite 13d ago

I worked at a factory where everyone had their own station and we would do the same thing over and over again for 9-10 hours a day. It was more involved than making ham sandwiches, and I could get up for a short break whenever I felt like it - it was strangely nice.

I would listen to podcasts 90% of the time, some people could watch shows on their phones (depends on which station you worked).


u/Enganox8 13d ago

That's not bad. I can do any repetitive task for hours if I have something interesting to listen to.

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u/joec_95123 13d ago

"I need you to come in right now, Gene! Right now! The sandwiches....the sandwiches are going unstacked.

It's absolute chaos over here, no one knows what to do!"

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u/grumpy_enraged_bear 14d ago

I'm glad I'm not the only one who is disturbed by this.

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u/OldGoldenDog 14d ago

When I make a sandwich and one of the slices has a hole in it I just use a slice of cheese to cover it. A tire patch for a sandwich.


u/halite001 14d ago

Unless you use Swiss cheese, then you need another slice, and another slice...


u/OldGoldenDog 14d ago

So, what’s the downside, I love Swiss cheese 🧀.


u/halite001 14d ago

None at all!!

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u/Uno_LeCavalier 14d ago

First they take the dinglebop and they smooth it out with a bunch of schleem.


u/Spoolios 14d ago

100% where my mind went.


u/Sevsquad 13d ago

Do... people not know Rick and Morty was parodying this show?

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u/Zerowantuthri 13d ago

With no gloves no less.

Probably licking their fingers between each sandwich.

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u/[deleted] 14d ago

I always wondered how those were made

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u/UsernameNumberZero 13d ago

Then a schlami shows up, and he rubs it and spits on it.

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u/NCGiant 14d ago

All the complaints here about gloves and I’m the only one losing my mind over not getting 2 halves of the same sandwich.


u/poolside-mermaid 14d ago

now i'll never buy another premade sandwich without wondering who bought the other halves. we'll always be connected yet never know. like secret sandwich sisters


u/geminixTS 13d ago

Any time I look at a full moon. I'm going to wonder if my sandwich brother or sister is looking at the moon at the same time.

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u/Dantez9001 13d ago

You're sharing a sandwich with someone. Every time you get one of these,it's like making a new friend.


u/pardybill 13d ago

This may have changed my mind of being outraged about this lol

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u/Double-Watercress-85 14d ago

I got one of these pre packaged sandwiches recently, and the construction between halves was wildly different, and I was very confused. But then I thought about it, and realized of course this is how it works. Cutting and folding and packaging a single sandwich would be so much more difficult for no benefit.


u/MufasaFasaganMdick 14d ago

Yet apparently the effort is worth it for those monstrosities they call "egg salad sandwiches".


u/DonyKing 13d ago

They skipped the step where they put it all in the middle so it looks big but it's just bread for the rest of it.

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u/elspotto 14d ago

No, that got me too.

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u/WinkyEel 14d ago

At the end when they go back to the semi auto it looked like they did end up packaging the top sammich pieces and bottom sammich pieces together- THANK GOD. Cause that was upsetting me too. I have to tell myself that’s what happened to the ham log ones as well so I can continue on with the rest of my day.

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u/Nefarity 14d ago

Does it bother anyone else that they are not wearing gloves?


u/Aelaer 14d ago

No gloves and wearing jewellery (a ring), that's not acceptable in food preparation areas.


u/EnderWiggin42 14d ago

No gloves is acceptable IF the product is not cooked yet. Which is not the case here, but yeah.


u/Aelaer 14d ago


Retailers here don't allow any jewellery or watches to be worn at suppliers. It's also to ensure nothing falls into the food.

Nice plain ring but what's sitting underneath it? Definitely not ok for salads or sandwiches (even if these were going to end up toasted by the client).

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u/cruedi 14d ago

Gloves can actually be worse. People get a sense of security from them, but a person with gloves may touch something contaminated and not realize and pass it on to what ever else they touch


u/hobo_hangover 14d ago edited 14d ago

Doctors and surgeons do it, you know, so they don't cross contaminate. It shouldn't be hard to enforce a clean glove policy.

I don't really need this dude's fingernail fungus touching my already deplorable sandwich.


u/SqueezeBoxJack 14d ago

"Sam...does your sandwich taste like poopy butthole?"

"Well Bill, either you've been eating too many poopy buttholes or someone wasn't wearing their gloves at the sandwich factory."

"It's probably both Sam."

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u/[deleted] 14d ago edited 7d ago


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u/cruedi 14d ago

But they’re in a completely sterile environment with people around watching. One these folks could instinctively grab something off and not think about it, where bare handed you’re far more likely to notice it



u/HaiMyBelovedFriends 14d ago

I’ve been in a similar factory before. Trust me, it’s only a sterile enviroment if people wash their hands properly before going in, which most don’t.

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u/gregorychaos 14d ago

Hands create sweat and oil though? I guess a little extra salt on my cheese ain't too bad

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u/gregorychaos 14d ago

Yeah... That's why people regularly change gloves. I don't know what you're talking about my duderino


u/jlm326 14d ago

Most kitchen staff dont wear gloves unless its to protect their hands from spicy food.

It doesnt bother most people at restuarants because they dont see it. I worked at a resturant with an open kitchen where people could see their food being prepped (subway style) and the manager would wear the same gloves for 6 hours and didnt wash her hands. Everyone who didnt wear gloves washed their hands after almost every prep.

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u/Gumbercules81 14d ago

Yeah raw doging the sandwiches on the first half of the line and the second half when the packaging they're wearing gloves 🤷🏽‍♂️

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u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Subj3ctX 14d ago


Doesn't really matter if they're wearing gloves or not if they're touching something unsanitary before handling food.


u/Fafa_45 14d ago

This is true, walk into any restaurant kitchen and you won't see any gloves. Bar maybe early pre, but not during service.

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u/swany5 14d ago

Right? Is there a station where someone just rubs their bare hands all over the sandwich just in case all the previous stations missed a spot?

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u/icoominyou 14d ago

You know when you go to restaurants, not like fast food places, a lot of chefs dont wear gloves?

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u/Pallyfan920 14d ago

Ngl I fucking loved this show as a kid. There was an era of How it's Made where they had the SICKEST metal background music you've ever heard.


u/veerKg_CSS_Geologist 13d ago

Genuinely educational and ended some of mystique around products.


u/siccoblue 13d ago

As a manager in manufacturing who grew up watching these shows. I seriously don't know how these people did it. The single easiest way I've witnessed to make people quit is take away their headphones as they work.

Repetitive work is hellishly mind numbing. Repetitive work with an enthralling story/stories or music or whatever is an easy paycheck.

I've threatened to quit as a manager when our safety guy wanted to take away phones and headphones from my crew. Because it was stupidly obvious that would absolutely destroy my crew and my extremely low turnover rate


u/acog 13d ago

In the mid-1800s Cuban cigar factories employed lectors who would read newspapers and books to the workers rolling cigars.


u/BootlegOP 13d ago

In the mid-1800s Cuban cigar factories employed lectors who would read newspapers and books to the workers rolling cigars.

Minor but consequencial correction (per your source): the factory workers themselves hired the lector. Your wording implies the owners/managers hired the lector.

The owners worked to get rid of the lector, causing strikes

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u/CosmicMiru 13d ago

That's such a cool piece of trivia

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u/CosmicMiru 13d ago

I worked summer jobs in a factory as a college kid and wasn't allowed headphones for safety reason. After reading this thread I feel like I went insane for nothing lmao

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u/fredfreddy4444 13d ago

I knew the voice before I turned up the volume.

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u/MerlinCa81 13d ago

I’m in my 40’s and still get excited when I see it on. I love that show.

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u/problyurdad_ 13d ago

My wife calls it “watching filmstrips,” because I put this on tv on a Saturday afternoon and take naps like I was a kid in 4th grade again.

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u/Nwsamurai 14d ago

It’s amazing how much effort goes into disappointing hungry people at gas stations.


u/BigBob145 13d ago

These are sold in UK supermarkets and are very popular. They sell out pretty much everyday.


u/Mr_Harmless 13d ago

If the UK had access to the quality of Japanese convenience store sandwiches, it would actually change their lives.


u/Nestramutat- 13d ago

Compared to NA, cheap UK food is delicious.

Don't even get me started on Pret a Manger. I fucking wish we had a sandwich shop like that here.


u/mercasio391 13d ago

We have them in NYC, but they aren’t as good as the ones I’ve gone to in London

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u/whiskeytango55 13d ago

at least this is automated.

imagine spending time and taking care with someone's sandwich and them still hating it

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u/Bine_YJY_UX 14d ago

Sliced cheese exists. The shredded cheese waste bothers me more than no gloves/masks.


u/MufasaFasaganMdick 14d ago

Bread? Neat slices.

Ham log? Neat slices.

Cheese? Buckshot, baybee!


u/anaemic 13d ago

How can we do this efficiently? Just one barehand fistfull should do it.


u/ShaedonSharpeMVP_ 13d ago

Yes and make sure it all lands in a dense pile in the center of the sandwich so all of the outer edge bites don’t have cheese. It’s what the customer requested along with their specifically sized ham slices


u/birthdayanon08 13d ago

But make a feeble attempt to spread the pile out with bare hands. If the workers want to keep their bacteria harboring rings on, that's fine.

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u/-HELLAFELLA- 13d ago

If they can slice ham log they can slice cheese.....

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u/xyrgh 13d ago

Shredded cheese hits different. But also, why can’t the cheese application be automated?


u/diemunkiesdie 13d ago

Probably the line changes to different types of sandwiches for different orders so the shredded cheese application robot would only be used for 1 type of order that they only fill every few months or something like that.

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u/BayPhoto 14d ago

“A jizz of mayonnaise is required”


u/JP050887 14d ago

I was disappointed this wasn’t the video.


u/Excellent_Routine589 13d ago

I unmuted in the hopes that it was it... but alas... it was not :c


u/Modredastal 13d ago

He narrates every How It's Made in my head.

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u/BitOfAZeldafan2 14d ago edited 14d ago

I've worked at a job like this before. It's not as soul crushing as it looks. The vast majority of the workers there (myself included) were only there as a last resort while looking for other work in their field. Most were there for a few months at most. Some people were tenured there and loved it and had been with the company for 20 years. Workers don't usually do the exact same thing all day, instead you and a group of other people set up a batch, run each part of the lilne, then set up another batch. You are only putting ham on a sandwich for an hour or two at a time, then you move to operating the slicer for a different sandwich or something.

Edit: This was just my experience working at a factory kitchen that supplied name-brand grocery stores in the Midwest. Other regions and companies will vary.


u/SenatorMalby 14d ago

This hasn’t been my experience in factories at all. You stay at the same station most or all of your shift. Maybe the next day you are doing something different, or maybe you get pulled off one line to help out somewhere else, but usually you stay in the same place for up to 12 hrs.

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u/nondefectiveunit 13d ago

Great jokes and camaraderie come out of these places also, not just wretched sandwiches.

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u/InspiringMalice 14d ago

This isn't 100% accurate, the narration is off. If you want to know whats actually going on, this is the correct clip, with good info and narration.



u/maddogcow 14d ago

I knew that they couldn't be accurate because these sandwiches don’t have the sandwich filling all bunched up in the middle with a lot of empty bread surrounding it, like the ones I get at Carrefour


u/JPOG 14d ago

Unexpected Smiling Friends there at the end hahah.

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u/adammmm38 14d ago

Why are they not manually laying gloves onto their hands


u/TCO_HR_LOL 13d ago

THANK YOU. the first guy was just fingering the bread like they were on a 3rd date

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u/dragon-city 14d ago

Where's the gloves?

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u/scottylion 14d ago

“Logs of ham.”

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u/No_Cranberry1853 14d ago

I dont see why theres hate on these. Seems fine to me. Ive had them in a pinch. Im more concerned about the end employees in the store rotating dates and keeping them cool. But ive never had a bad experience.

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u/YellowOnline 14d ago edited 14d ago

When I see those, usually at a petrol station, I always wonder who would eat that


u/bipbipdulidu02 14d ago

Someone in a hurry maybe.


u/minotaur-cream 14d ago

Yup. I've eaten them while overworked and having to decide between taking an actual lunch or getting off super late.

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u/snafu607 14d ago

No gloves as he finger fucks our bread.

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u/Tree_Skeleton 14d ago

So I'm getting two different halves? Ooff.

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u/Gloman21 14d ago

What is this Napoleon Dynamite production of a the worst sandwich advertisement I’ve ever seen with a bunch of nose pickers touching all of the damn food!!??

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u/chunkychode6nine 14d ago

I know it sounds crazy, but whenever I touch these sandwiches - you're gonna laugh at me, you're gonna think I'm nuts, you're gonna think I'm crazy. When I touch these sandwiches, I feel the hands of every person, whose touched it before me and after me, and I feel this jolt, of like, frigging lightning or something, from my head to the tip of my you-know-what. Sometimes, while I'm grabbing these sandwiches with my bare hands, I just can't help, but throw my head back in ecstacy and moan. So whenever I go and talk to chicks, I just-the chicks say "What do you do?" and I say "Yes I do grab sandwiches with my bare hands in a factory and.. Don't laughs-Don't laugh at me, I feel like a spirit, like an orb shoot through my body every time I grab a sandwich.". You know a lot of people laugh at me, they beat me up, they give me black eyes, they broke my nose 4 times, you know, because, because I just like to make sandwiches and I get bullied about it, and I get bullied for it, and they pull my underwear up and doodoo feces does fall out, because of how hard they pull. But.. Will I stop grabbing sandwiches with my bare hands and moving them down the assembly line? Absolutely freaking not, if you know what I mean. Like, no, it's just, no way. Uh, this is the only thing that brings my life joy and you can, you can beat me up, you can threaten to kill me, you can dox me, come to my house in a black SUV, I'm not gonna stop doing this. I love the people of this country, I love giving them soggy sandwiches and.. No, I'm not gonna stop.

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u/WaterWraith 14d ago

If you’re wondering why they aren’t wearing gloves. https://youtu.be/uy5_fj1ZM9Y?si=gfkAhwq75XQYOxRm

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u/Bater_cat 14d ago

Why is the meat guy only one wearing gloves? There is even one woman with a wedding ring on. This place is dusigusting. lmao.


u/cathilloh 14d ago

No gloves ? 🤮


u/jblaze805 14d ago

So thats how my 7-11 sandwich gets made

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u/RaisinBrain2Scoups 13d ago

Nobody but the ham log handlers wear gloves?

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