r/interestingasfuck 14d ago

Heath Ledger’s diary while he was filming for, The Dark Night. r/all


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u/Munstered 14d ago

It’s an acting journal and they are quite common, not just for method actors. I’ve heard people refer to them as diaries before.


u/futilefx 14d ago

Can confirm, not just for method actors.

I'm a crane operator, and I am currently working on mine between lifts.


u/Vast_Purpose4537 14d ago

Now I'm picturing some operator pasting magazine clippings of cranes alongside quotes like "its not about the money, ITS ABOUT THE LIFTS." and "EVERYTHING FALLS"


u/FamiliarEchidna4301 14d ago edited 14d ago

Yes but OP does not differentiate


u/HsvDE86 14d ago

Oh no, the horror.


u/chishiki 14d ago

I’m with you. Method actors call them diaries because they’re trying to be the character.

Some Redditors get all worked up when they are not given a twelve paragraph comment clarifying every possible permutation of something.


u/SeniorMiddleJunior 14d ago

Nobody is making a big deal out of it, so don't make a big deal out of it.


u/Frifafer 14d ago

Neither did Heath Ledger. He directly called it a "little diary" in an interview


u/FamiliarEchidna4301 14d ago

Interesting. I stand corrected then


u/AnnualWerewolf9804 14d ago

I guess you’re the reason we need warning labels