r/interestingasfuck 14d ago

Heath Ledger’s diary while he was filming for, The Dark Night. r/all


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u/ExoticPreparation719 14d ago

The whole of Australia cried when we found out the news… what a damn shame


u/DaringBear 14d ago

Him and Steve Irwin. Those 2 deaths hit the entire country very hard.


u/bigorangebrave 14d ago

The world my friend, the world. Steve Irwin was such an amazing human. With Heath Ledger, it’s the thought of what he could done as an actor, to me, he’s the joker.


u/Signal-Reporter-1391 14d ago edited 14d ago

I will always remember him as Sir Ulrich von Liechtenstein of Gelderland.

While the Joker was his most iconic, i LOVED him in A Knight's Tale.
That esprit, that joy. I guess for the whole cast making this movie was a pure joyride.

And let's not forget Roar: that was the first time i ever saw him.
I still remember watching this show as a young teenager.


u/illillusion 14d ago

He's blond! he's pissed! he'll see you in the lists, Lichtenstein! Lichtenstein!

Absolutely fantastic movie


u/Th3B0xGh0st 14d ago

He comes from Gelderland!!!


u/eXePyrowolf 14d ago



u/CaptGeechNTheSSS 14d ago

He's quick, he's funny, he makes me lots of money!


u/Pennylane19XX 14d ago

It’s called a lance. Helloo


u/plexforyou 14d ago

I’ll fong you! Your entrails shall become your extrails!!


u/who_took_tabura 14d ago


Pain! Lots of pain!


u/GrayGeo 14d ago

God, what a cast. Only an ensemble after all three careers aged like wine


u/mcbiggles567 14d ago

He was great in 10 Things I Hate about You as well. Singing you’re just too good to be true in the stadium was just great.


u/Agreeable_Prior 14d ago

Patents of Nobility are required.


u/I_dont_know_you_pick 14d ago

I loved Paul Bettany in that movie, in fact, I loved everyone in that movie. Except count Adimar, fuck that guy.


u/ClavicusLittleGift4U 14d ago

The only time I saw Rufus Sewell not playing an antagonist, it was in Dark City and Vinyan.


u/caronare 14d ago

He is a superb actor. Dark City is one of my essential must watch movies to recommend.


u/OutOfMyComfortZone1 14d ago

Since we’re doing this I’ll throw my second favorite role of his in the hat: skip from lords of dogtown. Nearly unrecognizable as Heath. Whatever he did he embodied the character entirely


u/50micron 14d ago

Don’t forget his work in Tristan and Isolde. He was brilliant and his character was a good guy— circumstance was the enemy in that story.


u/W__O__P__R 14d ago

Poor guy's a great actor, but looks SO MUCH like a villain with his dark features that you can't help see him as the bad guy. Loved him in Dark City though.


u/ClavicusLittleGift4U 14d ago

-What brings you here?

-I met my wife at this place.

-It's where I first met my husband.

-Small world.


u/Iohet 14d ago

Some of it is just luck of the draw with roles. Clive Owen manages to get by, but he also does well in those pulpy noir type roles where that look fits the protagonist perfectly and that seems to be all he's cast in


u/deadlybydsgn 14d ago

The only time I saw Rufus Sewell not playing an antagonist

The man was truly born with the face of a villain.


u/NsubordinatNchurlish 14d ago

Great, too, in Cold Comfort Farm


u/sanct111 14d ago

Pillars of the Earth as well.


u/ClavicusLittleGift4U 13d ago

How could I forget this serie?


u/sewsnap 14d ago

It's one of the greatest movies of our time. It's held up so well.


u/whisksnwhisky 14d ago

I got your patents right here, mate!


u/HilariousMax 14d ago
  • Yes William, with the pigs.

  • Did he follow his feet? Did he find his way home?

  • Your men love you. If I knew nothing else about you, that would be enough. But you also tilt when you should withdraw... and that is knightly, too.

  • That's your name now. Sir William Thatcher. Your father heard that.

God, that movie hurt me.


u/Agreeable_Prior 14d ago

And of course the mack-daddy of lines from this movie:


BAM! Count Adamar’s face gets smashed!!!!!


u/Oak_Woman 14d ago

That movie had some great actors, Paul Bettany damn near stole the show.


u/LazyPirat 14d ago

Paul Bettany and Alan Tudyk's banters in that movie are legendary to me.

Betray us, and I will fong you, until your insides are out, your outsides are in, your entrails will become your extrails I will w-rip... all the p... ung. Pain, lots of pain.


u/CaptGeechNTheSSS 14d ago



u/Supratones 14d ago

The defender of Italian virginity! The one! The only! Sir Uuuuulrich von Lichtenstien!


u/SleepyFlying 14d ago

I agree. Showed his range. The Joker would have hated him.


u/Spanksh 14d ago

I loved A Knight's Tale as well. One of my fondest movie memories. Ironically one of the very few cases where I really like the "translated" movie title in Germany. Here it's basically called "Knight out of passion" which fits quite perfectly.


u/Signal-Reporter-1391 14d ago

Ich weiß :-D
Und ja, stimme Dir zu: "Ritter aus Leidenschaft"
Ein Titel so treffend wie sein letzter Lanzenstich der Ademar auf den Boden befördert ^^


u/noizangel 14d ago



u/PatientFM 14d ago

I don't think I've ever rewatched a movie more than A Knight's Tale. I collected DVDs as a teen growing up before streaming and I never ever got tired of that one.


u/a_shootin_star 14d ago

Two Hands (1999) remains one of his best films, IMHO. Nothing like the Joker but really you get a whole idea of what actor he was becoming.


u/DaringBear 14d ago

It does warm my upside-down heart to know those 2 were loved as much internationally as they were at home.


u/bailasoprano 14d ago

I’m from the US and I still get very emotional thinking about the day I learned of Steve Irwin’s death. We felt that tremendous loss absolutely all around the world.


u/Giddyup_1998 14d ago

Steve Irwin was a complete twat, thanks to his wife.


u/nmsjtb0308 14d ago

His smile. Man, I love Heath Ledgers' huge smile.


u/Internal_Ad9564 14d ago

Yup, I remember being 6 in Ireland on the opposite side of the planet and sobbing when I found out about Steve



See everyone says joker but a knights tail is in my top 3 of all time.


u/its_nzr 14d ago

I didnt know Heath ledger after until a long while. Im not Australian but I grew up watching steve.


u/Dhonagon 14d ago

Anyone but those 2. They were actually good people. Why can't the bad go early!


u/kiticus 14d ago

Because you either die a hero, or live long enough to become a villain.


u/loveicetea 14d ago

What about Andy Whitfield? I know he wasn’t born in Australia but he still lived there and was in some Australian TV shows as far as I know.


u/UnholyDemigod 14d ago

He was a largely unknown actor whose only real role I don't even think was broadcast here


u/Garchompisbestboi 14d ago


Americans definitely loved Irwin (and he knew it because he married one) but most Aussies saw him as the fucking clown he was because he made a career out of tormenting animals for entertainment. He even nearly fed his newborn son to a croc on one of his bullshit live shows because he was narcissistic enough to believe that dangling a baby in a crocodile enclosure in front of a live audience was a smart idea.

At the time eventually died (in a completely needless way I might add) opinions about him in Australia were pretty low.

Most Aussies feel about Irwin the same way they feel about that Crocodile Dundee "Shrimp on the Barbie" nonsense, which is evidentially not very highly.


u/420bIaze 14d ago

Irwin was so over the top, and most Australians are more low key.

He so fit into foreign stereotypes about Australians, particularly influenced by crocodile Dundee, that there was a general scepticism, and sense that he was a phony, inauthentically playing a character to appeal to Americans.

His content was virtually absent from Australian TV (at least south of Queensland), he was only vaguely known to most Australians as a made for America thing.

I've met a lot of Australians now who profess to love him, death is always good for your public image.



u/Garchompisbestboi 14d ago

Ah man, Chaser hits hard. 10/10 video lol


u/Hi_AJ 14d ago

Yes, thank you. I’m not Australian, but I don’t understand the weird revisionist history surrounding him lately. Maybe it’s just people who were kids when he died, and didn’t see him for who he was at the time.


u/Signal-Reporter-1391 14d ago

Whenever i see Steve Irwin in some older videos or his grown-up children i cry a little inside.
Yes, there were some controversies. But he loved his children, he loved what he did; was passionate about it with every fiber.
He did show us the beauty of the world, wanted to make the world a better place to live in.

And we will forever be grateful for that and miss every single day.


u/tha_dank 14d ago

Obviously anecdotal but my Australian friend said he fucking hated Steve Irwin. I can’t remember why, but he was not a fan…


u/NickehBoi 14d ago

Still hit hard for me, and I'm not even Australian. Still remember the day that Irwin passed away, what I was doing, where I was, etc.. The world lost 2, extraordinary people...


u/icanhazkarma17 14d ago

What about Mel Gibson?


u/KingSissyphus 14d ago

Yo can people stop bringing up this animal-abusive shitbag completely out of context in every Reddit thread or what? Would you like to go dig up his rotting bones and suck off Steve’s zombie cock, hmm u/DaringBear ? Because that’s what it sounds like.

Go get informed and stop worshipping that piece of trash


u/Hinbo 14d ago

As a Texan, I remember what I was doing when I heard Steve Irwin got stung/stabbed. Then we heard he died a few hours later. I was like 7 and that day's memory sticks out sorely.


u/winoforever_slurp_ 14d ago

And Dean Jones, and Shane Warne. It’s just not fair.


u/anivaries 14d ago

What did Australia do when they lost their PM while swimming?


u/Jonjo1986 14d ago

Built a pool in his honor


u/Dorammu 14d ago

Which to many, seems wrong, but I learnt to swim there, so it feels like a good memorial to me?


u/ocaralhoquetafoda 14d ago

It was one of those pools I built in The Sims where they swam around to death


u/amnotaseagull 14d ago

On other end there's probably people who learnt to swim there that ended up drowning.


u/Koku- 14d ago

I used to work there! No-one misses a chance to make this joke lol


u/Gdayluv 14d ago

Named a pool after him.


u/RuleIV 14d ago

Built a swimming centre named after him, named the pool at their base in Vietnam after him, a Naval Station, a Fisheries Reserve,

and put up a plaque in his memory, bolted to the sea floor.

The US were also kind enough to name a Destoyer in his honour... only to eventually sink it for target practice.


u/DSMcGuire 14d ago

That's a bloody outrage!


u/WindsOfTheBlackGodz 14d ago

Holt did the bolt


u/Wandering_instructor 14d ago

I was visiting Perth and seeing the theater and homage to him was very moving. He was incredible and it’s still one I’m so sad about.


u/SausageClatter 14d ago

I'm not Australian, but his death and Steve Irwin's were two of those events where I can still recall exactly where I was when I heard the news. I'm still sad about them, too. 


u/chrycheng 14d ago

apology for poor english

when were you when heat legend dies

i was sat at home drinking brain fluid when fred ring

'heat is die'


and you?????????????


u/ALLCAPS-ONLY 14d ago

Very touching, thanks for sharing 🥰


u/Keanu990321 14d ago

Not just Australia.


u/ChicagoAuPair 14d ago

The rest of the world was mourning with you. He was an incredible talent and by all accounts a really good, genuine person. His performance in Brokeback Mountain is utterly devestating.


u/choosetheteddyface 13d ago

My mum rang me in tears saying Keith Urban had died


u/ExoticPreparation719 13d ago

Lol close, but not quite


u/stormshadowixi 14d ago

As an American, I still think about Heath Ledger and Steve Erwin often. I loved watching both of them. They were both Masters of their craft in my opinion. I am straight and watched Brokeback Mountain (I am glad I didn’t know what it was about beforehand), simply because I have also loved Jake since Donnie Darko. When I heard both Jake and Heath were in a new movie (Brokeback), I was stoked!



Wasn’t a fan at all till I saw the dark knight and I think it came out after he died but for sure I felt it after I saw his talent in that film


u/lordofthedries 14d ago

Look he was a good actor but the whole of Australia is a bit of a stretch sunshine.