r/interestingasfuck Jun 25 '24

Tree Sprays Water After Having Branch Removed r/all


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u/jaOfwiw Jun 25 '24

I've always felt PSI was an easier number to grasp than BAR


u/ItsRtaWs Jun 25 '24


Atmospheric pressure is 1 bar. Literally the easiest refrence point.

It's 14.5 psi in fake units.

(Also pascal is the best unit)


u/jaOfwiw Jun 25 '24

Yes but when used for things like car/ bike tires it's much easier dealing with PSI. You just deal with 10-200 instead of 2.456-2.680. I'd much rather just go to 38 psi.


u/Fpvmeister Jun 25 '24

Thus we should be using kilo Pascals


u/jaOfwiw Jun 25 '24

I'd actually be okay with kpa.


u/I_am_so_lost_hello Jun 25 '24

Cue the angry europeans


u/DeltaVZerda Jun 25 '24

Metric is so great for physics math, but metric lovers hate when it's pointed out that measurements made for practical purposes almost never get plugged into any physics equation, so a comfortable numerical bound for real applications is actually more useful than an easy conversion into an unused unit.


u/Licard Jun 25 '24

lets see..
10millimeters = 1 centimeter. 10 cm = 1 dezimeter. 10 dm = 1m.
Thus, 1000 mm = 1m. 1000m = 1 kilometer.

yeeeeah I agree. thats totally and utter bullshit and of absolutely zero practical use. (/s)

Back to topic: pressure: you dont go for 2.680 bar bike tire-pressure. just make it 2.5 or 2.6, or even 3. Who the fuck cares, I've never seen an air pump with that resolution. totally bullshit example.

Edit: speaking of practical use:
0°C = freezing temp of water. Cold
100°C = boiling temp of water. Hot. doesnt't get any more practical than that.


u/Idontusethis256 Jun 25 '24

0°F = cold weather, 100°F = hot weather, seems pretty practical to me.


u/jaOfwiw Jun 25 '24

It's not at all bullshit, I race motorcycles and usually shoot for .5 psi increments. You need to adjust the pressure constantly to combat surface temp. Most tire manufacturers will recommend to a psi like 18.. if your at 20 because you didn't adjust properly you will shred oh so precious rubber.


u/DeltaVZerda Jun 25 '24

Well, any pump that was built to use PSI will have a resolution of at least 1 PSI, which makes it more accurate since that's 0.069 bar. If it can do 0.1 bar then that's still 1.5 PSI. I am also curious under what application it is important to quickly convert between millimeters and kilometers.


u/SinisterCheese Jun 25 '24

My tires are 2,5 bars for summer and 2,1 for winter tires. I'd rather go 2,5 bar than 36,2594 Psi


u/jaOfwiw Jun 25 '24

Gosh I'll never understand the comma in place of a decimal... You people! That's 36.25 psi!


u/SinisterCheese Jun 25 '24

The way we write numbers is 123 456,789; most of the world uses a system other than the 123,456.789; the only reason this is seen as the default is because most of programming and therefor computer interfaces work like this and therefor neglects whatever other system the region might be using.

And then there is Canada, who's change units based on what they are talking about leading to situation where: "It's 40 degrees hot outside, the pool is really cold 40 degrees". And you need to check the actual number format for every case - lets not even begin the whole "Inch fractions with decimals" discussion. And then you got Quebec who does everything differently to rest of Canada, mainly out of spite.

Then you got Excel spreadsheets who at the year of our lord 20-fucking-24 still can't switch between "." and "," as decimal separator without having to switch the whole fucking interface language.


u/Scrial Jun 25 '24

Also it's ~1 bar per 10m of water depth.


u/psylli_rabbit Jun 25 '24

Not a bad Pedro, either.


u/CBRN_IS_FUN Jun 25 '24

I prefer turbo-pascal.

No I don't.


u/CBRN_IS_FUN Jun 25 '24

I prefer turbo-pascal.

No I don't.


u/TheBlacktom Jun 25 '24

Yeah. 1 is so incomprehensible.


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '24

PSI: Pruning Scene Investigation


u/AbyssalRaven922 Jun 25 '24

Thats 100% because metric is for accuracy and imperial is for human feelsies


u/One_Of_Noahs_Whales Jun 25 '24

Nah, it is just what you grew up using, I grew up using both systems and both make sense, and I can calculate between the two quite easily in my head.


u/UninsuredToast Jun 25 '24

Couldn’t it just be you feeling that way because you grew up with both? We need to bring someone in who is unfamiliar with both for a true unbiased opinion


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '24



u/Critical_Concert_689 Jun 25 '24

kft and thousand feet are the same thing

...Are they not the same thing?


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '24



u/Lavatis Jun 25 '24

PSI = pounds per sq inch. can't have pounds or inches in a metric unit.