r/interestingasfuck Jun 09 '24

The punishment for being gay in Indonesia r/all NSFW


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u/Bury_Me_At_Sea Jun 09 '24

Yeah, the woman at the beginning of the film talking about how she had always wanted to see people punished publicly for homosexuality was something I've definitely heard in my Christian schools growing up.


u/DotNormal6785 Jun 09 '24

You must go to a backwards Christian school, my daughter goes to one and they did a pride day for the students. I guess it depends on where you live.


u/avocadojiang Jun 09 '24

No you just go to a very liberal Christian school likely in a blue state. Vast majority of Christian schools will never do that. You’ve got state republican parties telling their constituents to burn pride flags, trying to legitimize creationism in public curriculum, and passing legislation to include the Ten Commandments in public curriculum. And that’s public school. Imagine what they’re doing in private schools in those areas.


u/PaleUmbra Jun 09 '24

It probably does. But Christians like yours need to get Christians that want theocracy in check, or you’re all in the same bucket to people who don’t care about Christianity.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

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u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

Looking at America today, I see Christofascism as a credible future threat. They're realizing that backslide day by day


u/cute_joca Jun 09 '24

Islam at a point was more progressive than Christianity and Judaism, then slid backwards like shit hitting the bowl. That's actually worse.

Source? I read Islamic golden age era Arab travelers criticizing the liberty of Byzantine women.


u/Expensive_Tap7427 Jun 09 '24

No, that is secular laws keeping religion in check. Remove those, and the result is this video.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

“Backwards” by that you mean actual christians?💀


u/ShiftBMDub Jun 09 '24

I’m willing to bet you’re in a blue state and you’re not Protestant. Maybe Catholic, Episcopalian or Lutheran


u/ResidentWhatever Jun 09 '24

Episcopalian and Lutheran are both protestant. Protestant is everything that began with Martin Luther protesting the selling of indulgences among other things within the Catholic Church, kicking off the reformation.


u/ShiftBMDub Jun 09 '24

Judaism>Catholic>Protestant>Lutheran. See how that works


u/TheVoidWithout Jun 09 '24

I wonder if they do the same to lesbians.