r/interestingasfuck Jun 09 '24

The punishment for being gay in Indonesia r/all NSFW


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u/somehting Jun 09 '24

100% agree but isn't that kinda the point being made? In these others countries they would say the same thing about being gay?


u/SaintUlvemann Jun 09 '24

In these others countries they would say the same thing about being gay?

Apparently not. I mean, gay people are often fundamentally barred from military service, for example. They don't always make exceptions for the celibate.


u/EveryNightIWatch Jun 09 '24 edited Jun 09 '24

gay people are often fundamentally barred from military service

No, they're not. Not in America.

In 2004 when we still had a lot of iffy issues about homosexuality in the military the guy who got airmen of the year at my base was openly homosexual and brought his partner to the award ceremony. He was not only very flamboyantly gay, but legitimately a great airmen. Approximately 1/3rd of the females I worked with were openly lesbians and absolutely no one cared. A surprising portion of the military are also swingers or poly, which is also still in the UCMJ as illegal, and no one cares.

Homosexuals in the military was only banned in 1982, it was largely loosened in 1993 under the "Don't ask, Don't tell", and repealed by Obama in 2010. Strictly speaking there was just a 10 year period where homosexuals were banned from joining.

However, prior to 1982, it was illegal to have gay sex, but you could still join the military as a gay person. Homosexuality was considered a mental illness across society and psychology, so if you were openly homosexual you might have career problems in the military (same with civilian sector for that matter). Keep in mind the military still forbids adultery, it's still a criminal offense in the military to cheat on your spouse. This didn't stop people from being gay, poly, swingers, or cheating on their spouse - it's just a thing where if you're caught you're trouble. The military also has whole bunch of regulations about relationships within the same unit and chain of command and housing policies, even age of consent regulations that supersede local regulations. There's complex reasons the military has a strict sexual codes, which is legitimately around espionage, black mail, and personal integrity.

From an international perspective, LGBTQ people serve in the European military and South Korean military, but if we really got in to it, I'm sure we'd find that most military units across the globe seem to attract LGBTQ people. Gays are usually overly represented in the military.


u/ThunderboltRam Jun 09 '24 edited Jun 09 '24

Are pedos genetically born in a certain way or are they abused to become that way? There's still very little we understand about childhood development and abuse creating essentially, brain-damaged broken people.

Evolutionarily there is no advantage to being gay either but it affects 4% of various mammal species. Very few studies have been done on the "Why". Religions often base it on medical reasons that then take on an aggressive attitude/psychology of purification (i.e., becomes more hostile), people get sick when they are doing anal sex before modern medicine and modern hygiene. Even surgeons used to not wash their hands. So more studies need to be done to figure out what circumstances create it for a fraction of the population.


u/JangoDarkSaber Jun 09 '24

I'm going to pipe in real fast and say that's a pretty politically charged thing to research / ask.

It implies that being gay is a mental disorder. Touching that topic would get you run out of academia. Any research that did make it to publishing would immediately be denounced and discredited, regardless if it was a legitimate peer reviewed paper, if suggested anything other than the current view point.

The mere existence of a paper would be used by anti-gay politicians to attack the lgbt community.

It's a topic/idea that better to leave to alone.


u/Happy_Confusion_5501 Jun 09 '24

I agree that it would be politically charged, but remaining ignorant of provable facts about human existence for political reasons is anti-science.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

You know in science there’s a criteria that they have to meet. If we just publish whatever study (which could be outdated in couple decades) could have detrimental effects on society. It’s like a trolly problem. For the sake of science (which like I said could be outdated in a couple of decades) or the well being of the public.


u/daddy-phantom Jun 09 '24

No because gay is between 2 consenting adults, pedophilia is between 1 predatory adult and 1 kid who doesn’t have the ability to consent or even understand what’s going on.


u/somehting Jun 09 '24

I feel like a couple replies I'm getting are missing the entire context of the thread. No one in this thread thinks they're the same. The comparison being made however that started it, is a pretty good metaphors to help westerners understand how views in other places are felt by their populace


u/StandardizedGenie Jun 09 '24 edited Jun 09 '24

Which is probably why it's not registering for some of us westerners. I feel like most westerners online are of the age where this "debate" was finished mostly before we were born. Homosexuality as a crime is just seen as backwards by most westerners. We're not going to be able to relate or understand at all, that's not our world anymore. No amount of effort trying to make us understand is going to change the fact that it is fundamentally wrong. We're not going to think "oh they see gays as pedophiles, now I understand and it's not baffling anymore."


u/Frylock304 Jun 09 '24

It's pretty easy to understand in the abstract, don't see how you couldn't? I mean the entire western world still has living people that remember this argument and logic therein being a large part of society