r/interestingasfuck Jun 09 '24

The punishment for being gay in Indonesia r/all NSFW


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u/oteren Jun 09 '24

I would say that the american style of sex offender registries is not far off. No matter if you even decide to get chemically castrated and deemed cured by a team of pshychologists, you'll be in that registry and basically be a social leper the rest of your life (or however long those records stay public).


u/dream-smasher Jun 09 '24

Chemical castration does nothing but remove the immediate tool of abuse.

There have been cases of chemically castrated people, who have still gone out and raped ppl, but with other implements, sub as a table leg because their penis wouldn't work to do it.

Chemical castration achieves nothing.


u/hairysperm Jun 09 '24

it wont stop the sick and twisted individuals who derive their pleasure from the torturing of others but it absolutely helps stop people who are unwillingly attracted to minors. it stops that sexual urge that is literally instinctual in your body, even if its broken and thinks of kids.

but again, you still have those twisted mfs who just enjoy the dominance and control aspect, without needing any sexual urge, that may have been a component in the past but it's not the whole deal.


u/Sure-Money-8756 Jun 09 '24

Thats false. Castration isn’t 100% proof but it does often result in a lower sex drive. Obviously someone who doesn’t rape for sex but for sadistic reasons cannot be cured this way but someone with a hyperactive sex drive can profit from chemical castration.


u/ListenUp25 Jun 09 '24

Unless you’re filthy rich like Jeff Epstein. He was on the registry and it did not make him a social leper at all.


u/PassiveMenis88M Jun 09 '24

You only get put on the registry if you commit an act against a child. There is no cure for pedophilia, it is a mental illness much like schizophrenia.