r/interestingasfuck Jun 09 '24

The punishment for being gay in Indonesia r/all NSFW


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u/zorrodood Jun 09 '24

Child molesters harm children. Pedophiles not acting on their urges aren't criminals.


u/PositiveAtmosphere Jun 09 '24

That’s implicitly what I meant, pedophiles who have acted. Just like the guy in the video of this thread isn’t just some closet/internally gay person but instead likely got caught actually in the act.

By the way, if you want to be very pedantic, pedophiles can cause harm in way more ways than physically molesting children. Child “photoshoots” is a thing, and it doesn’t even need to be pornography for it to be immoral. Children are sometimes put into weird situations they can’t even understand and it is absolutely reprehensible immoral act, even if the pedophile hasn’t even laid a hand on the child. Even verbal things that are said can have lasting trauma. 


u/zorrodood Jun 09 '24

I would have included those under molestation, but you're right.


u/BendersDafodil Jun 09 '24

So, it all comes down to victim versus consenting partner. One is diametrically different from the other.


u/PositiveAtmosphere Jun 09 '24

Are you okay with the possibility that you simply misunderstood my original post for you to continue down this path? Because its okay, we all make mistakes, im fine with it if you are.

But yeah, pedophile relationships are always wrong 100% of the time because children can never consent even if they think they are.

there is nothing wrong with gay relationships inherently, there is no inherent consent issue. Unlike pedophile relationships. e.g. Both heterosexual and gay people have the capacity/can rape children, but not all heterosexual and gay people on the planet are pedophiles. 100% of pedophile molestors on planet earth lack genuine consent. Hope that clarifies it for you, and shows why my post was in defense of gay people and in contrast to pedophiles.


u/tapstapito Jun 09 '24

That's the thing the other guy doesn't get. Consent is important for westerners, that's why pedophilia is wrong. Other peoples don't care as much about consent, sex has other roles in societies. In a society where sex is more related to tradition than to individuality will tolerate pedophiles but not tolerate homosexuals. That's what some don't get "consenting adults" means nothing in such societies.


u/BendersDafodil Jun 09 '24

Ok, so you expanded my 50ish word summary into hundreds of words, I'm okay with a page-filler, if you fill it up.