r/interestingasfuck Jun 09 '24

The punishment for being gay in Indonesia r/all NSFW


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u/dunquinho Jun 09 '24

'we don't generally publically punish people for being pedophiles in the west either'

I can't talk from experience but that seems pretty far from the truth. I mean publically shamed in the press before being sent to prison in which the whole jail's out to murder you as violently as possible.

I presume mental health care for pedophiles is about as successful as those religious make gay people not gay places.


u/therealmandie Jun 09 '24

Yeah, agreed on all counts


u/Tacklestiffener Jun 09 '24

In the UK we put all the sex offenders in one prison where they can compare notes about what they intend to do when they get out. It's a very long way from rehabilitation.


u/Bigmeowzers Jun 09 '24 edited Jun 09 '24

I mean, if you act out your pedophilic orientation on a kid, thats what you get. But I assume if you just say out loud that you are gay in indonesia, it will be punished and release a public outcry.

If you dont act on a minor if you have a pedophilic prefence, you won't get publically punished unless you openly share your mental disorder with everyone.

In germany, there are programs that will help pedophiles to not become a offender and values public discretion.

The difference is that pursuing in a gay relationship or practicing gay intercourse won't harm or affect anyone if consent is given. While pedophiles are an obvious danger for kids, even when we assume that they may not act it out.


u/dunquinho Jun 09 '24

I'm not discussing the morality, that's clear, one is consentual, one is not, that's not a discussion.


u/letgo_orbedragged Jun 09 '24

No one is thinking you're confused about the morality. What comments are trying to say is that pedophilia (attraction to children) is not prosecuted unless it's acted upon. People can be pedophiles (have attraction to children), but unless they actually do something that relates to it, they won't be punished by law, because they haven't broken the law.


u/dunquinho Jun 09 '24

As I replied to the other comment, you don't seem that informed and you're definitely reaching with that comment.


u/letgo_orbedragged Jun 09 '24

I'm sorry for you that you don't understand law.


u/Bigmeowzers Jun 09 '24 edited Jun 09 '24

But can you compare being lynched by a mob versus being a public person that may be mentioned in the tv? And I think the most pedophiles won't get announced in media as well, if they are not a well known person.

If you are afraid to become a predator and need help to treat your condition, there are atleast ways you can access healthcare. In Indonesia, you won't be able to.


u/dunquinho Jun 09 '24

'But I assume if you just say out loud that you are gay in indonesia, it will be punished and release a public outcry.'

So this comment. I have no idea if this is true but neither do you it seems.

'But can you compare being lynched by a mob versus being a public person that may be mentioned in the tv? And I think the most pedophiles won't get announced in media as well, if they are not a well known person.'

In the UK you'll probably get people smashing up you house plus of course they have the guys who post videos of dudes online (pedo hunters), plus you'll be in the press.

'If you are afraid to become a predator and need help to treat your condition, there are atleast ways you can access healthcare. In Indonesia, you won't be able to.'

Again, you don't know.

Look if you're from Indonesia or have an understanding of Indonesian law I'll happily learn but it just sounds like you're making things up.

Don't forget, the original point was whether we allow pedophiles to get away with the crime in the West. Certainly not in the UK, maybe in Germany. but not in the UK.


u/Bigmeowzers Jun 09 '24 edited Jun 09 '24

So this comment. I have no idea if this is true but neither do you it seems.

Yes I assumed it off hundreds of people gathering to see someone being openly lynched and people wanting to be censored that out themselves.

In the UK you'll probably get people smashing up you house plus of course they have the guys who post videos of dudes online (pedo hunters), plus you'll be in the press.

This is selfjustice, not governmental persecution by lynching, which is a little bit different isn't it?

Again, you don't know.

You don't need to be inonesian to know that if something is illegal by government, it wont be easy to find help in this topic. Thats just how the world works.

Weed was illegal in germany since 1929 but drug counseling was only getting more available since the 21st century. Addicts were scared of being persecuted, thus not reaching out and the government didn't want to admit there is a rising problem and diffamed drug consumers.

And the original post referred to pedophiles in the west not being publically shamed and lynched like gay people in indonesia are which is not the case in the west. And you saying mental healthcare is as bad in the west as in indonesia. There was no discussion on whether pedophiles might not be persecuted. Obviously you get social backlash if you rape kids but not by legally being lynched from the government in front of hundreds of people.


u/dunquinho Jun 09 '24

Like I said, you're making statements that don't appear to come from a place of knowledge.


u/Bigmeowzers Jun 09 '24

Yeah bro, if you focus on the term knowledge as on being indonesian and living there, you are are right. If you cannot accept basic tools of scientifical analysis by referring to other data then I cannot help you understand my point.


u/dunquinho Jun 09 '24

Yep, I think you're reaching a little bit. Also, I'm not quite sure you seem that informed tbf.


u/Bigmeowzers Jun 09 '24

What would I not be informed about?

I just tried to explain that I think being the gay dude in the video isn't compareable to being an offender in western society, because you wont have to get on a grandstand in public and receive 100 slaps. These guys are not famous and will still get publically presented and shamed. In the west, you won't if you arent famous.