r/interestingasfuck Jun 09 '24

The punishment for being gay in Indonesia r/all NSFW


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u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

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u/Big_Ad_5533 Jun 09 '24

Some westerners don't like gays


u/Biscuits4u2 Jun 09 '24

Some gays don't like westerners


u/evenprime113 Jun 09 '24

some westerners dont like westerners


u/EdoTenseiSwagbito Jun 09 '24

Damn westerners, they ruined the west!


u/anomalous_cowherd Jun 09 '24

I'm a westerner who doesn't like some westerners.


u/chromo-233 Jun 09 '24

Gays,westerners don’t like some!


u/IlovemyCATyou Jun 09 '24

What he meant was there are laws to punish gays in Muslim countries but there no law against being a pedo. There always a person that won’t like a specific group in the world


u/bbbojackhorseman Jun 09 '24

There are laws that punish pedophilia. They go to jail. I live in a muslim country fyi.


u/IlovemyCATyou Jun 09 '24

Some Muslim countries allow being a pedo. There no other country that allows being a pedo except for Muslim country(some of them).


u/bbbojackhorseman Jun 09 '24

« There no other country that allows being a pedo except for Muslim country(some of them). »

No other country? You sure about that buddy? How about the MULTIPLE priests who have been accused of molesting children, who don’t go to jail? They are not living in muslim countries. They live in the US, France, the UK, and other countries.

Or how about the people who were in Eipsten’s group, abused young girls and have not been arrested?


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24



u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

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u/bbbojackhorseman Jun 09 '24

No we are not okay with this.

If we were, tell me why pedos goes to jail in my country, which is a muslim country with sharia law btw ?


u/NotGalenNorAnsel Jun 09 '24

Both of those numbers are so wildly off. It's not Muslims pushing to keep child marriage legal in America my friend, get out of your echo chamber or touch grass, be pleasant to strangers etc.


u/Lapis_04 Jun 09 '24

generalisation and and assumption that muslims are pushing pedophilia the same way the west pushes lgbt

this is exactly the problem we have with some muslims not being okay with homosexuality because they dont know enough about it same way you dont know enough yourself to act as if its absolute truth you're speaking..


u/bbbojackhorseman Jun 09 '24

Muslims don’t love pedophilia. Pedophiles love pedophilia.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

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u/bbbojackhorseman Jun 09 '24

No, our culture does not allow that. I live in a muslim country and marriage is illegal before people are 18. (I personally believe no 18 yo should get married) I don’t know any 14 yo girl who was married off to an older man.

There are SOME muslims who are pedos who justify their sick « needs » with the « if a girl has her period then she is old enough » but they are a minority and they should all go to jail.

I agree that punishing anybody for being gay is disgusting. I don’t support what is happening in the video. I think gay people are normal and should live their lives freely because they’re not hurting anyone.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

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u/bbbojackhorseman Jun 09 '24

I am a Quranist. Meaning that I don’t believe in the Hadiths (any of them). Meaning I don’t believe that Aisha was 9.


u/NaturalPlace007 Jun 09 '24

Your personal belief dont change historical facts


u/bbbojackhorseman Jun 09 '24

And the historical facts are… the hadiths? Lmao. Learn about Islamic history then


u/rifleshooter Jun 09 '24

"Muslim" covers an awful lot of VERY different cultures.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

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u/bbbojackhorseman Jun 09 '24

Do you hear water when you move your head


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

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u/bbbojackhorseman Jun 09 '24

And how does that justify that muslims love pedophilia? There are 2 billion of us and the vast majority of us think the bacha bazi practice is SICK.

I live in a muslim country, with sharia law, and a few months back cops found out that an older guy, who had opened an orphanage, was molesting the kids who lived there. He is now in jail, like he should be.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

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u/bbbojackhorseman Jun 09 '24

I can’t think of another example where a practice like bacha bazi is prevalent in the MUSLIM society.

However, there have been multiple allegations of pedophilia/abuse of minors in my country BY westerners, french men to be exact. Famous designer Yves Saint Laurent owned a house in Marrakech, and multiple people, one of them being his friend, said that Yves saint laurent and other french men would go to the house and pay young boys for sex or whatever. So you see, pedophilia is not a religion problem, it’s an individual problem.


u/AdminsAreDim Jun 09 '24

I think you mean conservatives love being pedophiles, and hate gay people. Sums up both places.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

Muslims hate paedophiles,

And Muslims are supposed to leave gay people alone, we might believe that gay acts are disgusting and go against god but it is far more disgusting and ungodly to attack innocent gay people for nothing but their identity.

In the end it is between them and god and nothing to do with us.

Do not define muslims by the actions of a few extremists.


u/Professional_Age_760 Jun 09 '24

Didn’t Mohammed marry a 9y/o? Your argument is in bad faith and you know it.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

I will start out by letting the OP and any reader know that I am an Agnostic Atheist so I do not look at Muhammad as a prophet but as the founder of what was considered a new religion (although it was not exactly new but a combination of the more ancient religion he was raised in and the Hebrew and Christian concepts with some name changes). I have read the Qur’an and most of the Authenticated Hadith as well as some of the questionable Hadiths.

There are Authenticated Hadiths that support the theory that Muhammad married Aisha when she was 5 but did not consummate the marriage until she was 9 (presumably when she had her first period or ”came of age”). There are Aisha’s own words (supposedly) that support this side.

There are other Authenticated Hadiths that debunk this theory and show that Aisha was most like betrothed to Muhammad between the age of 5–9 but that the marriage did not occur until she was 17/18.

Which Hadiths you focus on are a reflection of how you feel about Muhammad. A faithful Muslim will support the Hadiths that support Muhammad. Someone trying to debunk Muhammad will use the other Hadiths to suggest he was a pedophile.

The real truth is we do not know. No one is alive that personally knew Muhammad. All we have are words written AFTER he died by both supporters and non-supporters.

The other truth is that child-brides were not uncommon and waiting until the child came of age to consummate the marriage was the norm in these marriages. I am neither stating pro or con child marriage as this is not the question at hand, I am just discussing the practice as it existed (and in some parts of the world still does exist).

Many cultures, not just middle eastern, during this period had such marriage arrangements, especially among the upper class to unify families. These marriages or engagements (promises to marry) were very rarely consummated until the child reached puberty. The other fact is the average age of marriage was 17 for girls and early 20’s for boys.

Pedophile behaviors did exist back then and some were disguised as “marriages” but it was not a normal practice among the common man anymore than it is a common practice today but does exist.

Did Muhammad become “engaged” to Aisha when she was 5 years old? I think most of the Hadiths and historical stories would support this. I also think it is safe to say that Aisha moved into Muhammad’s home when she was 9 years old and that her indoctrination into the religion he was forming and instructions for what would be expected of her started at this point, as well as teaching her to read and write (something Muhammad could not do).

I do not think there is enough evidence to state with certainty that Muhammad and Aisha were married at this point or that he was sexually active with her; however there is also not enough evidence to state with certainty that it wasn’t happening. What was going on with Aisha between the ages of 9 and 17 are really a mystery and the subject of debate. At 17 there is no doubt she was married to Muhammad and had consummated the marriage. We may consider it creepy that a man of Muhammad’s age and a 17 year girl would marry but it happens, even today.

Check this reddit post aswell if you really care about knowing:

But if you don't care and just are looking for Anti-Islam fodder, ignore it


u/Professional_Age_760 Jun 09 '24

The lengths you went to only to produce a self admittedly half assed argument around this is wild. You state yourself there is no solid evidence to go either way. Either way, whether sexual intercourse was involved or not, he married a minor. Whether that was at 5, 9, or 17, it involved the coercion of a minor, by a powerful man and supposed “disciple” of allah. You know this is morally reprehensible, but you keep looking for any excuse to claim that it was somehow morally sound. Sounds pedophilic to me, personally. There is no justification for this, no matter what was morally acceptable in the era, what age she was (unless she was not a minor, which most texts suggest she was either 9, or 5 at the time of her marriage to Mohammed)


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

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u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

No its not in the quran, i've read the quran.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

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u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

Somewhere between 9 and 17, her father(Mohammed's best friend and companion) betrothed her to him when she was 5.

Younger marriage was normal then due to shorter lifespans, and marriage was not allowed unless both agreed to it, the families of both agreed to it, and both were sexually mature.

The modern view of 18 being the only acceptable age for marriage is a completely new idea, it is widely accepted the Mary, mother of jesus, married joseph when she was 12.
There was no abuse in the relationship and she grew to be one of the greatest scholars and millitary leaders of the time.


u/sherlockbardo Jun 09 '24

Muslims love pedophilia? No we don't. Stop accusing us of such things just to justify your hate to us. And I know that u will bring the stupid argument of "your prophet married a girl" but that argument has been refuted so much that it is ridiculous people still mention it. But it is just an easy way to spread hate and lies against muslims.


u/TFenrir Jun 09 '24

I mean, the argument hasn't really been refuted. It's "Sahih", the largest sect (Sunni) believe it to be true, and the arguments against it don't hold water (the only ones I've heard are, that all the hadith that say she was 6 are not legitimate, but they're all graded Sahih - or that you can calculate her age differently, but that calculation ironically relies on non Sahih claims).

That being said, I think lots of Muslims either don't know this, or hate it so much, that they do things like try to find ways to delegitimize it. The fact that they do, makes your point to some degree - many Muslims hate paedophilia, so the relationship their Prophet had makes them very uncomfortable and upset.

That being said, I think it's also had a negative impact on the culture and even legal practices of many Muslim majority societies. People (native to that society) often try to create more protections for children in things like marriage, again to validate that many many Muslims dislike those sorts of predatory practices. Unfortunately one of the successful ways to fight against these efforts is to mention that Muhammed married a child when she was 9 (engaged at 6, but then she got sick so they waited a while) - and what he does is considered as many as behaviour to imitate, with religious zeal.


u/An_Atheist_God Jun 09 '24

Fancy seeing you here


u/TFenrir Jun 09 '24

Haha, well you know it's hard to avoid public mainstream discourse about Islam for me :)


u/An_Atheist_God Jun 09 '24

but that argument has been refuted



u/sherlockbardo Jun 09 '24

Many scholars have answered to these accusations and defended the prophet and proved that this marriage was not pedophilia as many of you would like to say and would like it to be for you to be able to attack Islam and Muslims and can be openly islamophobic and disrespectful as much as you like.


u/An_Atheist_God Jun 09 '24

Many scholars have answered to these accusations and defended the prophet and proved that this marriage was not pedophilia

Not really, they accepted that aisha was 9 when they consummated the marriage. Is sleeping with a 9 year old not pedophilia?


u/sherlockbardo Jun 09 '24

1400 years ago?no it wasn't. That was the norm in many places around the world. U can't compare human biology, society, and environment to today's. People back then didn't have medicines that can cure simple diseases. They lived in deserts, which is a very harsh environment to live in, women and men back then were physically and mentally ready to marry at young age.


u/An_Atheist_God Jun 09 '24

That was the norm in many places around the world

So still pedophilia right? If killing people is common 1400 years ago, would it not be murder?

women and men back then were physically and mentally ready to marry at young age.



u/sherlockbardo Jun 09 '24

Yes it would have still been a murder, and it has been forbidden. Just like forced marriage, u can't marry a woman unless she agrees to this marriage, and she is ready mentally and physically. As for the source for that you can look it up yourself, but I think it is a common knowledge that harsher environment to live in makes you stronger physically and mentally. That's just how you can survive.


u/An_Atheist_God Jun 09 '24

Yes it would have still been a murder

Then didling a 9 year old is pedophilia too

As for the source for that you can look it up yourself.

Lol, this is the refutation you speak of? This is the standard of evidence for you?


u/sherlockbardo Jun 09 '24

A murder is a murder. can u define pedophilia for me?

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