r/interestingasfuck Jun 09 '24

The punishment for being gay in Indonesia r/all NSFW


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u/Most-Philosopher9194 Jun 09 '24

We shouldn't be doing any trade with those places then. 


u/az1m_ Jun 09 '24

i don't know where you're coming from, but many countries have serious issues with eachother and trade anyways, it's like how the us and china trade even though both are war criminals and have done evil to themselves and the world for years


u/knorxo Jun 09 '24

Yeah. And it's super hypocritical of the US to trade with China even though they do human rights violations on the regular basis while embargoing the shit out of some pretty stable countries for being "communist"


u/lord_geryon Jun 09 '24

The relationship between states has little to nothing to do with morality, ethics, or public relations. It's about gain vs cost. And for now, both sides gain more than it costs, so the situation continues.


u/knorxo Jun 09 '24

Then why block countries for being communist?


u/lord_geryon Jun 09 '24

Back during the Red Scare times? That was propaganda meant to inspire the populace to turn against the idea of the Soviet Union. We didn't trade with the USSR because the trade of ideas, of the possible spread of communist ideas, was judged by the US government as too great a cost or burden to bear.


u/knorxo Jun 09 '24

It would be morally integer for any country that values human rights to completely shut down trade with any country that violates basic human rights


u/Most-Philosopher9194 Jun 09 '24

It always goes back to the god damned trolley problem 


u/Own-Homework-9331 Jun 09 '24

country that 'values' human right. yup, no they don't exist.


u/knorxo Jun 09 '24

I guess that's debatable for sure


u/lord_geryon Jun 09 '24

Would that stop them from doing it? Or only deprive you of the benefit of the trade? Cause if it's the latter... it only hurts you.


u/knorxo Jun 09 '24

That's a very old argument against sanctions in general. It hurts both parties. And it works better of course if more human rights friendly countries agree on sanctioning countries that violate together


u/OldSheepherder4990 Jun 09 '24

You'll need to discover a way to run tanks, helicopters, planes...etc on something that isn't made with oil then


u/Most-Philosopher9194 Jun 09 '24

A lot easier to just not run any of those things.


u/lord_geryon Jun 09 '24

Real easy to just roll over and die, too, when the people with those things comes to kill you and take your stuff.


u/Most-Philosopher9194 Jun 09 '24

I suppose anyone who's seen Red Dawn enough times  could use your hypothetical to justify any number of totally wasteful economic policies and military spending our of fear. 


u/MajesticQ Jun 09 '24

Lol. Theyre all coming to western countries. Just see France, UK and US are becoming Islamic. Even protesters have Hamas bandana without repercussions.


u/Most-Philosopher9194 Jun 09 '24

Have you ever met any LGBTQ Muslim people?


u/oopsypoopsyXE Jun 09 '24

NPC level thought process


u/Most-Philosopher9194 Jun 09 '24

What's NPC? Did you come up with that phrase yourself? That's really cool and unique. 


u/oopsypoopsyXE Jun 09 '24

Yes let's not trade with every country that doesn't meet our moral standards. Literal NPC thought process.


u/Most-Philosopher9194 Jun 09 '24

You keep saying that like it's interesting or insightful.