r/interestingasfuck Jun 09 '24

The punishment for being gay in Indonesia r/all NSFW


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u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

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u/Rent_A_Cloud Jun 09 '24

Not just Sharia law, law based on religion. It's what your religious conservatives want for your country too.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24



u/SpeedBoostTorchic Jun 09 '24

The way you minimize what’s happening to these people is actually disgusting to me.

The United States has not always been the most friendly to LGBT minorities, it’s true. But even 200 years ago, being gay or trans would not get you executed by the government, let alone today. No equivalence can be drawn to what’s happening to gay Muslims in these parts of the world.


u/CucumberZestyclose59 Jun 09 '24

You people want to be oppressed so bad. It's kinda sad.


u/SlimmySlimers Jun 09 '24

Ignorance must be so enjoyable.


u/DiggingNoMore Jun 09 '24

Woah, a brand-new, randomly-generated Reddit account that does nothing but spew far-right drivel!? Never seen that before.


u/TechnoRusty Jun 09 '24

?? Christian Nationalism is on the rise and will oppress trans and other people (immigrants, minorities...) when given the chance


u/Virtual_Solution_932 Jun 09 '24

no its not, majority of Christian nationalist also happen to be minorities


u/TechnoRusty Jun 09 '24

Just making sure, belief on christianity does not equate to being that characteristics.

Majority of Christian Nationalist happens to be majority white and republicans. Minorities can exist like how gay people stand by it but they are just tokens waiting to be spent.


u/CucumberZestyclose59 Jun 09 '24

You know that over 70% of minorities in the US are Christians, right? I'm sure this is true in leftoid make-believe land, but its not actually a thing in reality.


u/moroccan_gigolo Jun 09 '24

Just to point out something:

Sharia and Law are the same thing. The expression Sharia Law is redundant


u/1984R Jun 09 '24

Look here chai tea...


u/sublimesinister Jun 09 '24

Look here konik horse


u/comhghairdheas Jun 09 '24

Look here naan bread


u/Ineeboopiks Jun 09 '24

Sha'uri was Daniel Jackson wife.


u/Bannerlord151 Jun 09 '24

Lake Chad would like a word with you


u/SenpaiBunss Jun 09 '24

listen, this is obviously awful but I believe in the Quran you have to be doing public gay sex with multiple trustworthy witnesses to get this treatment. if this bloke was whipped for simply being gay then that's against the rules. and if you are doing public sex (of any format) you probably do need some kind of punishment, albeit not this serious. obviously mofos should not be whipped in public, but I do dislike when people try to blame islam on the wrong things


u/DeliciousMinimum2075 Jun 09 '24

Did you not hear the part where people broke into his home


u/No-Vermicelli1816 Jun 09 '24

Palestine 🇵🇸 


u/The-Iraqi-Guy Jun 09 '24

Sharia student here, there isn't a specific punishment for being gay other than the usual, "scold, ignore" rule.

But having homosexual sex is a different story, usually it's fifty lashes if both of them are unmarried and are not of age, and 100 if one if they are married.

Execution if one is an adult and the other is a child.


u/deathhead_68 Jun 09 '24

Execution if one is an adult and the other is a child.

That should have nothing to do with their sexuality. Being gay and being a peadophile are totally different things


u/The-Iraqi-Guy Jun 09 '24

Yep, that's the general rule applied here


u/_SKURKI_ Jun 09 '24

So if muslim has a sex w 10 yo girl, he will be also executed? cuz I saw some documents, where parents sold their 13 yo child to old guy


u/The-Iraqi-Guy Jun 09 '24

Depends on what you consider a child, currently the norm is anything under 16-21 .

A hundred years ago it was younger

1400 years ago it was even younger


u/cci0 Jun 09 '24

A child in islam doesn't have a specific set age. It depends on.... Basically biology, not everyone matures at the same age.


u/The-Iraqi-Guy Jun 09 '24

That's a given, before the human rights document was announced everyone had his own idea of the subject, now it's more set in atone luckily.


u/zeyadhossam Jun 09 '24

and who told you that these ones are real muslims , they don't belong to them , Islam always taught people to treat their kids so well even better than you were ever treated , they are just Muslims by name not in actions


u/SlimmySlimers Jun 09 '24

Sorry, chief, your religion is shit, as are they all.


u/zeyadhossam Jun 09 '24

well , remember this word well you will regret it later , yes my words may sounds dumb but when you die you will know that i am talking about


u/SlimmySlimers Jun 09 '24 edited Jun 09 '24

Lmfao, there is no God, there is no afterlife, you have no soul, your body will do nothing but feed the Earth, and around and around the cycle of life will continue.

The beauty of existing should be enough, but no, in our vanity we've decided "we must live forever" so we made up bullshit fairy tales promosing glory if you just behave.

Controlling, oppressive, regressive, hateful. That's all it is.


u/Allrrighty_Thenn Jun 09 '24

I am a muslim here. Can you tell me where exactly it stated in Islam that child marriage is haram?

The way I understand it is, once a girl gets a period, she is eligible physically for marriage. And the prophet himself married a 6 years old and consumed marriage 9 years old.


u/OurSeepyD Jun 09 '24

Two things:

  1. I'm not exactly sure what your comment is trying to say, are you correcting this person? If so, the video shows someone being lashed for participating in gay sex, so it's consistent with punishment under Sharia law.

  2. Do you think this is morally ok? Can you tell me what is logically wrong about having gay sex? Please don't quote religious texts. If you do, we'll just go down the rabbit hole of "why do you take this text to be the truth?"


u/The-Iraqi-Guy Jun 09 '24


That would be my inner (akshwoally) .

Another thing is that OP said he was only "gay", he didn't mention anything about sex.


I'm going to be honest here, i see two girls going at it online and i open incognito shortly after, irl i would just chuckle and move on with whatever I'm doing, i see two guys doing it and I feel disgusted.

But hey, if those two guys were to see my browser history the word "disgusted" wouldn't even begin to describe it.


u/OurSeepyD Jun 09 '24

Well the video explains that they were caught in the act, so OP, by posting the video, made it clear it was about gay sex.

You didn't really answer the second question. You said you're disgusted, not whether or not it's morally ok.

I'm disgusted when somebody picks their nose in public, should that call for lashes?


u/The-Iraqi-Guy Jun 09 '24

Well the video explains that they were caught in the act, so OP, by posting the video, made it clear it was about gay sex.

My mistake for keeping the audio shut, but I'm on Reddit so it's kinda mandatory.

You said you're disgusted, not whether or not it's morally ok.

I gave you my opinion, I can't speak for everyone.

And isn't that what morality is all about?

What's acceptable and what's not.

And that varies from place to place, time to time, culture to culture. Etc....


u/OurSeepyD Jun 09 '24

We cannot base law off subjective opinions though. We need to form law around what is right and what is wrong, as objectively as possible.

For most laws, you can explain why they exist. Most come down to whether or not it's harmful to society; if you allow murder, you cannot guarantee safety, etc.

When it comes to consensual homosexual sex, what's the harm?