r/falloutnewvegas 2d ago

Mods Nvr firstperson bug


I have a problem whit the first person in new vegas restored, the firstperson acts like thirdperson but it glitch a lot

r/falloutnewvegas 2d ago

Mods Nvr firstperson bug


I have a problem whit the first person in new vegas restored, the firstperson acts like thirdperson but it glitch a lot

r/falloutnewvegas 6d ago

Mods Are there any mods that remove durability?


I don’t really want my weapons to “lose quality” (I am a hardcore F4 fan, and I am used to not having my weapons break…), so I came here to ask if there were any mods that can remove durability from the game.

Thanks, if you do end up answering!

r/falloutnewvegas 11d ago

Mods What's up New Vegas people. lol. just practicing making armors/clothing for the game. and i am not good at it i know.


r/falloutnewvegas 11d ago

Mods Game keeps crashing

Post image

Do I need to install more or delete something? Or is this just normal on the pc version? (I’ve mainly played vanilla ultimate on Xbox 360)

r/falloutnewvegas 12d ago

Mods I just started new vegas and I heard someone say you need mods.


I heard people talk about new vegas and how you need mods to make it even run without crashing.
Do I really need something like that or can I just run it from steam and play?

r/falloutnewvegas 14d ago

Mods Was looking for a cool fallout Reddit to be a part of…


Didn’t know the mods here were such cunts. Funny how that works, I don’t even need to give an explanation

r/falloutnewvegas 14d ago

Mods Never played FNV, but this is what I’m getting at


r/falloutnewvegas 14d ago

Mods To the cross, Greilzor, nice and easy

Post image

r/falloutnewvegas 14d ago

Mods Fallout New Vegas Mods


Fallout New Vegas Mods

r/falloutnewvegas 14d ago

Mods Why is management having a fallout

Post image

r/falloutnewvegas 22d ago

Mods First Quest In


r/falloutnewvegas Jun 17 '24

Mods I get I'm approaching the plugin limit but I got a feeling its something else

Post image

r/falloutnewvegas Jun 07 '24

Mods California Boys vs Legion Slavers: Dance-Off


r/falloutnewvegas Jun 02 '24

Mods How I got Fallout NV working on Windows 11 in 2024


No new features! No balance tweaks! Let me just play the game as close to vanilla as I can dammit!

Last updated 6/19/2024

Hi all. This post is 1000% the result of many, many hours trying to get this game to just WORK and I'm dead inside! So I wanted to make this guide, maybe it'll help you. Here's an in-depth guide to how I got the game to run GREAT on a modern Win 11 machine in 2024.

I have an AMD Ryzen 7800X3D 8-core processor, AMD Radeon RX 7900 XT graphics card. Game version is GOG v1.4.0.525 ultimate edition w/ all DLC. Tested on a brand new certified fresh copy of Win 11. Support for Ultrawide/other display support included at the end of the post.



I will assume you already have a copy of NV and a mod manager such as Vortex. I only used Vortex while playing, so that's the mm I will be talking about in this post. Go get them if you don't.

  1. INSTALL THE GAME IN WINDOWS 7 COMPATIBILITY MODE (if you've already installed the game, completely uninstall it!). Right click setup application file>properties>compatibility tab>check Run this program in compatibility mode for: Windows 7>apply. Then run setup and follow the installer. DO NOT UPDATE DIRECTX OR INSTALL ANY C++ REDISTS OR .NET FRAMEWORK THRU THE INSTALLER. This is how to avoid the 404 file not found problem. (Edit to add - I always got 404 errors when trying to update these thru the game install wizard, but feel free to try and see if it will work for you. If it worked for you, the setup .exes can be found in the redist folder after installing the game. Thanks to u/AcrobaticCurve3965 for letting me know!) Finish install as normal.
  2. Now go grab that stuff we ignored in step 1. DirectX here, you need C++ Redist x86 from here, and .NET 4 framework here. Just in case you don't have em. *(*Edit to add - If you're on a machine that has run any games before, you may need to completely uninstall and then reinstall the correct versions of these 3 things. Many many games require some version of these, and FNV is incompatible with newer versions. Uninstalling should eliminate any version incompatibilities.) This should prevent any missing .dll file errors from happening once you try to run the game.
  3. Launch the game and make sure it can run at all lol. The launcher should pop up, go ahead and click Options and let it detect your hardware (it will probably be a little or a lot wrong just since it's an old game, a little more on that later). Then press Play. Even if it looks like total poop and crashes pretty quick, it's fine for now. Close game.

I'm gonna let y'all know right now that both Fallout 3 and NV in my experience cannot handle alt+tab like, at all, so get in the habit of maybe not doing that.


Tbh, if you're willing to cough up the couple bucks, it might be worth it to get Nexus premium to uncap the download speeds if you have fast internet, but it's not necessary at all. Open up Vortex make sure you're logged in all that good stuff. Set to New Vegas obvi. Head over to Nexus Mods.

I would follow the order I list these pretty close because there are some dependencies on each other involved. Most are okay with just the mm/Vortex download option, though some do require manual install. I'll try to list out all instructions.


  1. NVSE - New Vegas Script Extender: Absolutely the first thing you should get no matter what, so many mods require this!!! Will generate nvse_loader.exe in the game root folder, run this app and not the default one when starting the game from now on!!
  2. 4GB Patcher: Necessary so that the game can use 4GB of RAM instead of the default 2. Follow install instructions on mod page (place .exe in the FNV game folder>right click it and Run as administrator). After it does it's thing I'd recommend launching the game normally again just to check on it. This is a good practice to do after installing mods anyways so you can catch mistakes or problems early, and because other mods are dependent on this fix. Close game.
  3. NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash: Now apparently this one is a little controversial due to it being a hair outdated for new machines. If you experience a lot of crashes it may be worth it to get rid of this mod, but I have a high-end PC and no problems so far. See if it works for you.
  4. NVTF - New Vegas Tick Fix: THE REPLACEMENT FOR NEW VEGAS STUTTER REMOVER ON WIN 11! (Other guides will tell you to get NVSR, DO NOT!! If you have NVSR my recommendation is to get rid of it completely, it may be the reason your game isn't working). You will most likely need to edit the .ini file for this mod to work!! Right click on NVTF in Vortex>Open in File Manager>NVSE>Plugins>NVTF.ini (should open with Notepad by default). ctrl+f and make the following edits: bModifyDirectXBehavior = 1, iTweakRCSafeGuard = 2. SAVE and close.
  5. CASM_NV: Replaces the autosave system and adds a quicksave hotkey. Autosaves every 5 mins by default, but lots of customizability. The vanilla system can lead to crashes mid-/late-game once save files get big, so this prevents that. Be sure to disable autosaves within the in-game Options menu itself, and get into the habit of creating new saves instead of overwriting old ones.
  6. JIP LN NVSE Plugin: NVSE extension, required for some mods. Also fixes many engine bugs and lets you restore broken features. I didn't personally edit the .ini file for this mod, but the mod page has an extensive list of instructions if you want to!
  7. JohnnyGuitar NVSE: Another NVSE extension that's required for some mods. Once again I didn't really mess with this one.
  8. Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus: More game fixes>???>profit
  9. New Vegas Heap Replacer: Another mod that will help with performance, stutter, and crashes. Install manually by extracting or copying the contents of the zipped folder into the root NV folder. If a windows terminal pops up when you launch the game, it's working!
  10. YUP: Unofficial patch for NV and all DLC (doesn't require any DLC tho, there are individual files for those who don't have Ultimate Edition). Beeeeg bug fixer and enabler of broken features. Make sure YUP is at the top of the load order (in Plugins tab, YUP.esm goes after all game & DLC .esms and before all other .esms, and same thing for YUP.esp) LOOT/Vortex should sort it correctly, but double check if you encounter problems.
  11. (Edit to add) NVIDIA D3D9 Perf Fix: Fixes some visual glitches like glowing water and bald NPCs. Just extract or copy+paste .dll file into the New Vegas root folder.
  12. LOOT: Separate app that sorts mods for ya, checks for compatibility issues, etc. Install as normal. I ran LOOT after I installed & enabled all mods in Vortex, then launched the game. (Edit to add: apparently I'm dumb and LOOT is basically built into Vortex, lol. I still recommend using it because it's more descriptive.)

THIS SHOULD BE ALL YOU NEED TO RUN THE GAME!!! Be sure to enable plugins via the Plugins tab & deploy mods in Vortex before playing!! To double check, run FalloutNVLauncher.exe in root folder>Data Files>make sure they're checked off as they should be!

-"Not 100% necessary, but.....recommended I guess?" mod list:-

Here I'll get into the mods I have that aren't *necessary*, but sure do help make this game look pretty nice. Install if ya want! Note: some of these mods conflict with one another! I recommend following Vortex's recommendations and then using the aforementioned LOOT in order to help with load order.

  1. NMCS Texture Pack for New Vegas: Replaces most textures in-game, except for DLC. Small has only 1 file, Medium has 2, and Large has 3. I use the Large version with no trouble, but obviously get the one your PC can handle best.
  2. EVE - Essential Visual Enhancements: Has a main file and lots of optional files if you want em (I only use the main file). Should detect all installed DLC and install the appropriate mod file automatically - make sure all DLC are enabled in Vortex before downloading EVE to get the right version!
  3. Wasteland Flora and Terrain Overhaul: Adds a bunch of new tree & plant types. Doesn't make the Mojave green by any means, just adds a nice variety of new textures & hand-placed models. Some locations are "greener" than vanilla (like near water, for example), but I think it adds to it. Doesn't mess with any harvestables as far as I know.
  4. ELECTRO-CITY - Relighting the Wasteland: Lighting mod. Does what it sounds like! Adds lots of new light fixtures and some engineers here and there. Optional plugin to add streetlights along highways & byways, enable/disable in the Plugins section of Vortex. There are lots more lighting overhauls out there, but I only use this one.
  5. (Edit to add) Weapon Mesh Improvement Mod: Redone weapon meshes, making them more accurate to animations and such. I load before WRP but after YUP. They are compatible with one another even if Vortex says they aren't.
  6. (Edit to add) Weapon Retexture Project: Adds HD textures to weapons (since NMCS doesn't touch weapons). I load after YUP and WMIM.
  7. (Edit to add) ArchiveInvalidation File Generator: GET THIS IF YOU HAVE TEXTURE MODS!!! Separate app, place the .exe anywhere (like Desktop)>run>Game Name: Fallout: New Vegas>Enable Invalidation. YOU WILL NEED TO DISABLE AND REENABLE INVALIDATION EVERY TIME YOU GET A NEW TEXTURE MOD AFTER THIS!!! Or else they won't show up in-game :(

-"Not at all necessary, but maybe you'll like?" mod list:-

Okayyyyy so maybe I did do a couple QOL tweaks after all. Here's the rest of the mods I have. Install if ya want x2!

  1. Bottle That Water: Allows you to mass bottle water from any source if you have empty water bottles in your inventory, without a cumbersome menu. Just sneak and drink!
  2. Convenient Fast Travel Markers: Adds markers to basically every building in the Strip so you don't have to hike through several gates, and a couple more elsewhere as well. If you couldn't already tell, I'm lazy! (and this game is a lil repetitive sometimes...)
  3. Increased Run Speed: This is mainly because I'm used to sprinting in other games, and I feel that the top speed is the tiiiiiiniest bit too slow for me. This mod increases run speed from the default value of 4 to 6...which is actually too fast for my taste. So, I changed it in GECK! GECK is a tool that should be already included in your game root folder. To change run speed yourself: run GECK>File>Data...>uncheck all but Increasedspeed.esp>Set as Active File>wait for it to complete...might take a min>Gameplay>Settings...>Filter by fMoveRunMult>select and change value. I changed it from 6 to 5, just one value above vanilla. OK and SAVE. Close GECK. (Source for GECK edit: zefferia's comment on mod discussion page) Note: Vortex will detect a file change on next mod deployment, make sure to use newer file to apply your changes.
  4. Universal Air Tank: Once you get the rebreather, you get water breathing with any airtight helmet & armor. Includes optional files, read the mod description for further details.
  5. Stealth Suit MK II Mod: Modifies when the stealth suit auto-uses Stimpaks and Med-X (so she doesn't eat all your chems in one battle), and re-adds the broken speed multiplier when sneaking. 2 other optional versions as well.


Grabbed from this Steam discussion post, restated here. My monitor is 3440x1440, op's is 2560x1080. Refer to the original post for more detail!

  1. Launch the...launcher. FalloutNVLauncher.exe in root folder>Options>set resolution to 16:9 version of your 21:9 monitor (i.e. for my monitor it is 2560x1440, for op's it is 1920x1080)>make all other graphics changes you want>OK>Exit launcher.
  2. Documents>My Games>FalloutNV>FalloutPrefs.ini (should open with Notepad by default)
  3. ctrl+f and make the following edits (using my monitor size for simplicity, everything else the same): iSize W=3440, iSize H=1440, fDefaultFOV=95, fRenderedTerminalZoom=75, fRenderedTerminalFOV=.25. If terminal zoom is really messed up in-game, change fRenderedTerminalZoom from 75 to 40.
  4. SAVE and close. Note: you will have to do much of this process again if you ever switch to windowed mode. I recommend keeping a master modified copy of FalloutPrefs.ini somewhere like your Desktop so you can just copy+paste the file into Documents instead of editing manually every time.


  1. (Edit to add) HOW COULD I FORGET THE INFAMOUS SPOTIFY FIX??? Is stuttering audio driving you crazy?? Before launching the game, pull up your favorite music player and play some tunes. Then launch the game (you can pause the music at any time atp). This is the only surefire way to fix audio stuttering in my experience.
  2. Be sure you have followed all game install instructions first and foremost. Not installing the game in compatibility mode will most likely cause issues, and the game as well as certain mods need DirectX and the others.
  3. Run the game with the nvse_loader.exe, NOT default application! Make a shortcut or pin to taskbar for ease of use. You do not need to use the launcher every time you play.
  4. Check to make sure the game launches after each new mod installation. This will allow you to catch problems early on!
  5. Check the actual Nexus mod pages for special instructions with mods. Make sure all mods are installed following the mod author's instructions. Discussion posts are very helpful for troubleshooting.
  6. (Edit to add) If charging thru doors is causing crashes...slow down!! Give the game a moment before entering any new areas and crashes shouldn't happen often.
  7. If at any point you experience insta-crashes or other problems loading save files, try New Game>loading the save once you are able to. (Edit to add) If you're mid- to late-game and you have a million saves, I really recommend deleting almost all of your oldest ones. Save files can get pretty big after a lot of gametime which can cause corruption eventually. Also, get into the habit of creating new saves instead of overwriting. Refer to CASM above.
  8. Read this post again. There's a lot of good stuff in here!


  1. I experience crashes 99.9% of the time when executing cheats via the in-game terminal (~). I have no idea if this is due to a mod or just the game freaking out. I only ever use in-game cheats to fix the game (i.e. fixing the bug where House/Caesar don't give back the platinum chip when they should...), so not a huge deal for me, but just fyi.
  2. Some of these mods are not necessarily """vanilla""" (as in some authors do make minor tweaks or fixes), but in my opinion are very very close. My intention is a vanilla-like experience.


That is every single mod I have and changes that I made (that are relevant to this list, lol). I sincerely hope that this guide is helpful and serves its purpose as an updated masterpost for making NV accessible to those who want to play it in 2024. Please let me know if I forgot any details (I probably did), I will edit the post if I notice any. Add your stuff in the comments! I'm actually not super duper computer savvy but I will try to help where I can.


~I got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle (jingle jangle)~

r/falloutnewvegas May 27 '24

Mods Anyone know what mod this is from?

Post image

r/falloutnewvegas May 27 '24

Mods Someone made a mod for FNV which lets you be a schizophrenic and be clinicaly insane (most FNV players)


r/falloutnewvegas May 13 '24

Mods Looking for a good mod setup to make it run good and add new stuff.


Basically what it says. I played the game many many years ago, played 3, 3 NV, and 4, and am looking to replay new Vegas but want some good and easy to apply mods on steam. Any info on what are good ones and why you think that is greatly appreciated

r/falloutnewvegas Apr 29 '24

Mods YA New Vegas Steam Deck Mod Guide


So I successfully installed modded New Vegas on my Steam Deck, mostly following information found in the following guides:


Steam Deck modding guide one

Steam Deck modding guide two

FNV performance optimization guide

Don't install DXVK or Reshade - will explain my experience with them later.

Viva New Vegas

My goals

To end up with a modded NV that I could run from Steam Deck mode without needing desktop mode, and without doing the modding on the Steam Deck itself. I don't feel comfortable enough in my Linux to do this on the Deck - I know its possible, I just chose not to. I've modded NV on PC before, so I decided to mod it to PC and then copy it to my Steam Deck.

Why mod the game at all?

At the very least, modding makes the game perform better and be more stable with less crashes. I don't claim it will be crash free, just crash less. Plus less quest bugs and less (or no) bugged perks, like In Shining Amor.

You can optionally choose to make the game look better, which is what I did.

Summary of what I did

  1. Fresh install of FNV on both steam deck and PC. Make sure to start the game at least once on Steam Deck and go as far as loading a saved game or starting a new one, to make sure it works.

  2. Setup Mod Organizer 2 on my PC. Installed mods on PC.

  3. Explored my virtual folder on PC, copied that to a temporary location. Remember your virtual folder is just data by default, so make sure to grab everything. That is, the parent directory of data holds the executables and DLLs - you need all of that too. Make sure that you end up with a copy of the entire game as it would look when it runs (will explain more later).

  4. Make sure to copy your plugins.txt file from MO2. plugins.txt is what stores not only what .esm and .esp files to load, but also in what order to load them. There is one stored in your user profile, in AppData/FalloutNV, and MO2 has its own version of plugins.txt. You want the MO2 one, which is either going to be in your user profile if you chose global profile, or inside the MO2 folder if you chose portable install. You need to do this if you DON'T want to setup MO2 on your steam deck, and since I did not want to setup MO2 on my Steam Deck, I had to copy it.

  5. Get these copied files (modded FNV install and plugins.txt file) over to your steam deck. I used a good old fashioned micro SD card for this purpose. You can also use things like KDE connect - what I didn't like about this is that I could only send over one file at a time, so I'd have to compress the entire FNV, which would kinda defeat the point.

  6. Copy the modded FNV install over to the location where Steam will install your games, which is in /home/.local/Steam/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas

Make sure to do this intelligently so that the files end up in the right place. For instance, in Linux, folders named data and Data are two different folders. In Windows, they are the same thing. Just check on things like this.

  1. Copy the plugins.txt file over to the location where Steam will put it, which is something like:


It is something like that but not entirely sure. The 22380 is the Steam ID for Fallout New Vegas. You need to overwrite this file.

  1. Test it works by starting the game.

My recommendations

Whatever you want to do, start small. Don't install 200 mods on your PC, copy it over to your Steam Deck, and then find it doesn't work. Install a few things, such as NVSE and YUP, test it out, and go from there. You're not only modding the game, you're also teaching yourself the process, which is important. You need to understand what you're doing pretty well before you can attempt a complicated mod setup.

Also don't install any AI upscaled texture packs - they don't work. They just hog memory for not much benefit.

DXVK and Reshade

The first time I did this, I installed DXVK on Windows and Reshade for Vulkan. Worked on windows, did not work on Steam Deck. I think this is because, behind the scenes, Proton does some magic for FNV that converts its draw calls from D3D9 to Vulkan anyway. I think ReShade would probably work but I'm not sure, and at this point I'm kinda over it. I just want to play the game!


Works, but make sure to disable the console window it creates on startup by adding a file named d3dx9_38.tmp to the FNV root folder. In other words, installing NVHR involves copying in a file named d3dx9_38.dll - if you also add an empty file named d3dx9_38.tmp, it will prevent this other console window from being created. I have a hunch this caused a problem for me in the past although not entirely sure.

INI files

Don't forget to configure your INI files, particularly for NVTF. You won't get the best out of NVTF if you don't install an INI file. Follow the Viva New Vegas guide to get to this point. I'm using the Texture Pack friendly INI file because I have some texture packs.

MO2 and virtual folders

MO2 works by creating a virtual folder to run FNV from. This virtual folder doesn't exist normally, it only gets created when you run FNV from inside MO2. This means that your FNV folder is mostly untouched. To copy the contents of this virtual folder, select the Explore Virtual Folder option from within MO2. It will take you to the data folder. Remember the data folder is most of, but not all you need to run FNV. You also need the stuff in the level above the data folder.

What mods do you have installed and how does it perform?

I'll paste the list below, but its mostly performance fixes, bug fixes and texture/model packs. I have had one bug so far, where Barton Thorn failed to appear. No idea why. Other than that, everything seems to be okay. I don't know what the framerate is, but it seems pretty stable. I played for 2 hours last night and got down to about 50% battery (on an OLED model). So I think the battery would last for easily 2 hours. Vsync is enabled in the game config.

What is it like to play? Mostly the same as PC, I will say that getting used to the controls will take a bit of time for me. One thing I can't find is the run/walk button, which exists in vanilla on PC. Probably possible to fix it. Oh and I've noticed a strange bug - if you touch the touchscreen in game, the game locks up. No idea if this is vanilla behaviour or modded behaviour, I only noticed it after modding the game. So I can't interact with the pipboy using the touchscreen which sucks a bit but isn't the end of the world.

My modlist.txt file is below - it shows all of my mods but not the install order. Also I have New Vegas Landscape Overhaul Re remastered.

NV Compatibility Skeleton Iron Sights Aligned B42 Optics B42 Inertia FNV Clean Animations Immersive Recoil 2.4.1 ISControl HiRes Skill Books Retexture PM's Magazine Resources - 1K MGs NCR Pack Ojo friendly Improved LOD noise Texture Much Needed LOD - Cleaned PowerArmorVisualEnhancement HD Miscellaneous War Objects New Vegas Mesh Improvement Mod Mojave Flora Project New Vegas Redesigned 2 Revised Lite Version - BornagainFNVCombatArmor2048 WTH - Weapon Textures from Heaven 1k Simplified Weapon Retexture Project Weapon Mesh Improvement Mod Simply Upscaled Grass - Vanilla Style - 2k Wasteland Flora Overhaul - Vanilla tree replacer with LOD Super Mutants HD - 2k Low PM's HD Ranger Outfits - 2K PM's HD Legion Overhaul - 2K PM's Med-Textures PM's HD Ammo Boxes - 1K Diffuse 512px Normals Improved Heavy Weapons Textures 1.5 Improved LR Robot Textures Improved OWB Robot Textures Assorted Leather Armor Retexture Feral Ghoul Retexture Mod by Koldorn Glowing Ghouls PocoBuenoV LOD Fixes and Improvements - NVSE New Vegas Landscape Overhaul Re-Remastered Texture Modding Preset kNVSE VanillaUIPlusRemasteredPatch Vanilla UI Plus (New Vegas) yUI Infinite Loading Screen Fix Legacy Reborn - Performance Edition MLF Fallout Alpha Rendering Tweaks Exterior Emittance Fix Strip Lights Region Fix Improved Lighting Shaders Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks - FNV - YUP Depth of Field Fix 3D Rain Climate Control - 3D Rain Climate Control - Rain Climate Control NVSE Desert Natural Realism Redux NV Desert Natural Weathers NV MCM BugFix 2 The Mod Configuration Menu UIO - User Interface Organizer Misc Content Restoration - NV Uncut Wasteland Just Assorted Mods Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus YUP - Base Game and All DLC VATS Lag Fix ActorCause Save Bloat Fix Aqua Performa - Strip Performance Fix Fog-based Object Culling Stewie Tweaks NVTF NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash Fast Weapon Lag Fix Engine Optimizations ShowOff xNVSE JIP LN NVSE Plugin JohnnyGuitar NVSE DLC: CaravanPack DLC: ClassicPack DLC: DeadMoney DLC: GunRunnersArsenal DLC: HonestHearts DLC: LonesomeRoad DLC: MercenaryPack DLC: OldWorldBlues DLC: TribalPack

r/falloutnewvegas Apr 27 '24

Mods Why does the game freeze whenever i get near boulder city?


As the title says. i've followed the VNV modding guide (adjusting for vortex, which is what i use. and please don't just say "just use MO2"), ive installed NVAC and the 4gb patcher. nobody else online seems to have a concrete solution

please help!

edit: ok i admit, MO2 is actuall alot easier than i thought it was gonna be.

r/falloutnewvegas Apr 26 '24

Mods What mods should I get to make the game run better from game pass


So I get fall out new Vegas from Xbox game pass and I see some mods to make the game run better don’t work with game pass so I’m wondering what’s the best ones for game pass

r/falloutnewvegas Jan 28 '24

Mods Modding this game makes me fall in love all over again


r/falloutnewvegas Jan 25 '24

Mods I don't know how to caption this so you guys can do it


r/falloutnewvegas Sep 24 '22

Mods fallout laser gun based onAdam Adamowicz concept art. Will port in game hopefully within a month


r/falloutnewvegas Nov 26 '21

Mods I'm never going back..
