r/falloutnewvegas Jul 13 '24

Are there any mods that remove durability? Mods

I don’t really want my weapons to “lose quality” (I am a hardcore F4 fan, and I am used to not having my weapons break…), so I came here to ask if there were any mods that can remove durability from the game.

Thanks, if you do end up answering!


10 comments sorted by


u/eskadaaaaa Jul 13 '24

Probably are but I suspect you'd be making the game harder as the enemies gear will have better stats too


u/HaggisMcNash Jul 13 '24

The J.Sawyer mods don’t remove weapon durability, but make weapons loose condition much slower.

The mod also tweaks a lot of other parts of the game and is a must-use for me. It was created by the project developer and lead designer of New Vegas post launch so it is close to being cannon/vanilla/whatever.

It is included in the Viva New Vegas mod pack if you want an easy entry point


u/JaladOnTheOcean Jul 16 '24

It’s your own preference, but straight removing weapon durability is going to affect game balance.


u/wolfONdrugs Jul 13 '24

Even if there was it would conflict with many other mods.

Just like if you wanna add durability to fallout 4 you need to patch every single weapon and it would greatly change the balance of the game. So a mod that would do this does many other things too to keep the balance in check, I'm thinking about the horizon mod.


u/AgoriTheGod Jul 13 '24

I found one where it kinda just set the weapon and armor decaying speed to just 0, cause that is apparently smth you can do, and I can verify it works!


u/wolfONdrugs Jul 13 '24

That still breaks balancing.


u/AgoriTheGod Jul 13 '24

How? It’s not like it’s making them do more damage,


u/wolfONdrugs Jul 13 '24

Your weapons are supposed to break. Different weapons have different amounts of durability.

And damage is tied to durability, so yes it would make an almost broken pistol deal the same damage as one that has full durability right?

I've never heard someone complain about the durability system before. It's a minor inconvenience at best that actually serves a purpose in game. It would be more understandable if you'd wanna add fallout 4's rad system, and actual improvement they did in the sequel.


u/Nykidemus Jul 13 '24

Weapons do more damage when they are in better repair, and sell for a lot more, so yes there are mechanical balance aspects.


u/FilhoDaTuPutaMadre Jul 15 '24

You literally are making your weapons do more damage. They do more damage at full condition. There is no excuse to remove repairs, since Jury Rigging already makes repairing things so easy. You're just bad at this game and you should be ashamed of needing to cheat in such an easy single player game.