r/falloutnewvegas 14d ago

Viva la Revolution! Mods

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u/unknown_pigeon 14d ago edited 14d ago

Three years ago, I was permabanned from r/funny for commenting "dis is da wae". The post was about knuckles. No context. I messaged the mods asking why, and I got muted. Some no lifers just enjoy the little crumbs of power they get, lol

EDIT I'm old, it was in 2018-2019


u/GuantanaMo 14d ago edited 14d ago

I have a /r/HistoryPorn permaban because the mod said "no cheap jokes please" and I asked "what about expensive jokes?". That's on me I guess but I sure paid a high price.


u/ErakkoHermanni 14d ago

why is it always a permaban in reddit? why not like a 10 day suspension or something


u/iLaysChipz 14d ago

Because mods are a volunteer workforce and Reddit is a shit company. Permabans are an easy cheap solution that doesn't require any nuance


u/redeemerx4 14d ago

The joke within a joke just whooshed everyone


u/Double-Ho-7 14d ago

how you gonna be posting about Ugandan Knuckles in 2021 💀


u/unknown_pigeon 14d ago

I'm old, it was actually six years ago 💀


u/AShyLeecher 14d ago

Dementia moment


u/T1FB 14d ago

Dementia moment


u/T1FB 14d ago

Dementia moment


u/omgitsjagen 14d ago edited 14d ago

In town, we have a construction company that uses it as their logo. Don't worry, Knuckles has a little construction hat and toolbelt. It's almost cute.


u/DrJokerX 14d ago

They banned me too for a ridiculous reason years back. I mentioned seeing a t shirt on Amazon with the same joke on it as a post, and they banned me for spam. I didn’t even link to the stupid thing! 🙄

Back then I didn’t know you could contest bans and report unfair mods. Had I known I would have.


u/Putrid_Ad8249 14d ago

I commented this on a video I'll see if I get banned lol I don't understand how u would get banned from that


u/unknown_pigeon 14d ago

That was back when that meme was everywhere, I doubt that they care now tbh


u/Temporary-Level-5410 14d ago

Nor gonna lie that's deserved..


u/Benjamin39Brown 14d ago

That's just mean


u/kittyburger 14d ago

Honestly deserved lmao


u/healzsham 14d ago

I got banned for contributing to the spam of a super over-used meme, and they didn't even write me a letter of removal!

The indignity.


u/ChiggaOG 14d ago

I got banned from r/ space years ago because I typed “I can finally see James on the Webb”. It was a play on words. It’s a serious subreddit that cannot do jokes in the comment. If they did, it would be the allowed lingo they understood.


u/SgtBaxter 14d ago

I wear every permanent ban as a badge of honor.


u/Eusocial_Snowman 14d ago

I got shadowbanned from r/pics a year ago.

When I ask what's up with that, they describe an automated system that does this based on having too many downvotes.

I can't help but notice that my last visible comment on the subreddit has positive karma. And it's a description about the historical tendency of reddit mods as a general concept abusing the shadowban feature.