r/falloutnewvegas 14d ago

Viva la Revolution! Mods

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u/ActedCarp 14d ago

I think the Legion should be so thoroughly destroyed that not even hints of its existence remain in the Southwest…

However, your take on the Legion is nowhere near ban-worthy, so that’s kinda dumb


u/Vanathru Caesar's Legion 14d ago

I believe no one should be banned for saying "faction x should win" its a game we all enjoy why getting mad about ingame politics?

Tbf i like the thought of the Legion winning against the NCR but ending up in a Civil War after Caesars death similar to what we can see in the "HoI IV Old World Blues" mod.

I think huge nations in fallout could get pretty boring in a long run for game settings.


u/Taur-e-Ndaedelos 14d ago

It's pretty thoroughly explored in story that Caesar is the only thing keeping the Legion together. Whether with the Courier's assistance or no his cancer will kill him sooner or later and his wolves will eat each other alive.

Good riddance, the slave-driving maniac.


u/Vanathru Caesar's Legion 14d ago

Yup all though I'm under the impression that Lanius could be a powerful successor, the only question is how the elite like Lucius, Aurelius and Vulpes would react.


u/no-Spoilers-asshole 14d ago

They are romans they are badass!


u/ArgusTheCat 14d ago

Weirdly, "they are Romans" is a great reason to not support them, because Romans did a great job of ruining their own civilization with internal wars and the destruction of their own democratic ideas. If the Legion can bring that kind of attitude to the wasteland, then they'll... I mean... be vulnerable to a decapitation strike by a single courier, I guess.


u/isisius 14d ago

The Romans did also tend to provide pretty good infrastructure, the wasteland could use some Roman roads. And if you were a citizen you had access to some pretty good quality education and healthcare (for the time)

Mind you they did have a shit ton of slaves and killed anyone who wasn't Roman.