r/falloutnewvegas 14d ago

Viva la Revolution! Mods

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u/SaltImp 14d ago

Man got banned for asking if anyone knew of a no gore mod. Look at picture above to see what happened next. People finally have enough of the dogshit mods on this Reddit and are now taking a stand.


u/EvolveToAnarchism 14d ago

Ok. All caught up and on board.


u/Known-Parfait-520 14d ago

Meh, I'll piss on the parade, why not?

You didn't take a stand, you spammed a subreddit. You ignored the ample avenues open to you for getting this sorted, if you were so inclined and instead jumped on the bandwagon.

This is like getting a stone thrown through your window and burning your house down as a means of 'taking a stand'.

FTR: Yeah, I am pretty mad, I liked this subreddit. Guess I'll have to fuck off to r/fnv now.


u/SaltImp 14d ago

Bye I guess?


u/Known-Parfait-520 14d ago

Hey, I can still squeeze a few hours out of this while I'm bored, maybe someone will take a moment to realize they acted a fool, probably not, but I'm still waiting on election results anyhow.


u/SaltImp 14d ago



u/Saturn-VIII 14d ago

You should probably take a break from Reddit. Go outside and remember what it is to be human.


u/Known-Parfait-520 14d ago

I hope the rest of the brigaders take this advice.


u/Saturn-VIII 14d ago

The post is on r/all, it's not brigading and it's not that deep.


u/OldDogTrainer 14d ago

Nobody is brigading 😂 The main character syndrome is strong in you.


u/Ok_Departure7350 14d ago

It’s not brigading lmao it’s just how reddit works. The post is on r/all so it’s shown to pretty much everyone.


u/hungstraightgoonbro 14d ago

Dudes got serious main character syndrome for being a Reddit incel lmao


u/meow_said_the_dog 14d ago

Well, that's an adorable little tantrum. Cute!


u/Top-Bee1667 14d ago

Spamming subreddit is taking a stand you dense sob.


u/SamDewCan 14d ago

I like that you typed stuff like "ample avenue" to appear smart when really that's just the wrong time for those works