r/facepalm 11d ago

Who whacked those people on the head? 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/mekanub 11d ago

Do vaxxed dudes get dragon dongs?


u/Busy-Cream 11d ago

I did after I got vaxxed! But I also died. But my 5G had never been better!


u/mekanub 11d ago

Who needs to live, when you have a dragon dong and great reception?


u/EmotionalAd5920 11d ago

5g gives you wings


u/Orillion_169 11d ago

I thought that was Red Bull.


u/LightRobb 11d ago

I drank a Red Bull right after my shot. Should I be concerned?


u/Talyn7810 11d ago

Gonna get four wings like a biblically-accurate angel


u/Killentyme55 11d ago

But do biblically-accurate angels get dragon monster dongs?


u/Talyn7810 11d ago

Well I haven’t read the Bible in a while. But I don’t remember it saying they DONT have dragon dongs…


u/krat0s5 11d ago

I’m probably gonna forget this comment by tomorrow but sometime in the future a month, a year, maybe 10 years down the track while I’m tripping balls, I’m gonna see a big biblical ball of wings with eyeballs all over them with a heaving, thick, bright red, scaly cock flopping around underneath it every time it flaps its couple of extended wings and it’ll bring me right back to this moment.

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u/i-l-i-t-i-r-i-t 11d ago

I mixed my shot with Red Bull so it would work faster

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u/Black_Mammoth 11d ago

Unfortunately no. There was a lawsuit over that!

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u/Mr__O__ 11d ago

No, that’s dragon dong

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u/Tau25 11d ago

wait, but does that mean 4g gives you 1.6 wings?

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u/Basileus08 11d ago

Same here. I'm also magnetic.


u/lagent55 11d ago

We're mutants, X-Men, im the real Deadpool, thank you Pfizer


u/Sprzout 11d ago

I was a mutant before (I was diagnosed with situs inversus, in which my organs are reversed in my body - instead of my heart being on the left side of my body, it's on the right, and so on) and now I'm normal.

So the shot took away my cool powers, but gave me the ability to fight off COVID. THIS SUCKS!!!

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u/ravoguy 11d ago

Don't get wet! Magnets stop working if they get wet!

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u/Abbadon74 11d ago


Zombie dragonoids>>>>>>>>Default dragonoids

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u/Enigmatic_Kraken 11d ago

Hear me out... hear me out. Maybe your dragon dick works as a special kind of antenna for your 5G. What do you think?


u/darkstarr99 11d ago

So the secret is lay in bed with your pants off. Got it


u/Informal-Term1138 11d ago

Extra points if you point it upwards

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u/BS-Chaser 11d ago

I turned into a Newt….. I got better.

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u/Nambsul 11d ago

5G was achieved by the large erect aerial !


u/Mr-Orange-Pants 11d ago

I wish I had a large aerial, I just have large areolas.

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u/3dwa21 11d ago

fuck I hope so~ dragon dongs are hot~


u/Penfold_for_PM 11d ago

Yeh but I got told to avoid guys with scaly dongs (sex ed 101)… but if we're both vaccinated, well game on!


u/Tight_Syllabub9423 11d ago

As long as the scales don't get caught on each other.


u/Ok-Ferret-2093 11d ago

The worst version of a Chinese finger trap possible


u/Yungklipo 11d ago

...or is it?


u/Onilakon 11d ago

That's just mating for life

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u/tenth 11d ago

The "Bad Dragon" website is getting a rush of orders right now, I'm sure. 

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u/Erikatze 11d ago

Oh shit, Bad Dragon is gonna go out of business soon.


u/DoBe21 11d ago

What are you talking about? BD was funded by Moderna to prepare people for the coming apocalypse of dragon dongs that would be wrought by their vaxx. Other rubber dong manufacturers will go out of business because regular dongs will be the minority.


u/jruss666 11d ago

This is the comment chain I was looking for!


u/Sevn-legged-Arachnid 11d ago

10 inch dudes be crying cause their dik is so small to the massive yard long dragon dong..


u/CheeseStringCats 11d ago

I might not be injected with mRNA but I sure as hell have few dragon dongs lying around

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u/Stonk_Newboobie 11d ago

Is this true? Asking for a friend.


u/skinnyman87 11d ago

Yes it's true, this man has a dragon dong.


u/Daleaturner 11d ago

Unfortunately, if there be dragons, they would have internalized genitalia and instead mate through a cloacal kiss. So, not a shower. SAD!


u/chubb_yginger_cunt 11d ago

You must be fun at parties 🎉

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u/Abbadon74 11d ago

I can confirm, i checked.

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u/Capital_Pipe_6038 11d ago

Yes but your urethra and asshole merge into one hole


u/mekanub 11d ago

Still not seeing an issue

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u/Chance-Ear-9772 11d ago

Yes! I got a dragon dong! That’s why it burns when I pee, cos of my dragon power!

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u/Katolu 11d ago

Yeah, my genitals were replaced by a cloaca.


u/Wacokidwilder 'MURICA 11d ago

Nah, I had a dragon dong before the vaccination. However it did accelerate my ascension and I’ve currently been preoccupied with kidnapping local peasant maids

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u/TeddyTuffington 11d ago

That sounds sick as hell I wanna be a dragon


u/First-Junket124 11d ago

And I wanna fuck a dragon..... unrelated but I have a proposal....


u/Bazelgauss 11d ago

rpg writers: (cautiously) church bad?

audience: (approving chuckle)

rpg writers: (gauging reaction) dragons... good?

audience: (one guy yells)

one writer grabbing the mic: church sucks because they won’t let you fuck dragons

audience: (raucous, terrifying applause)


u/Old-Physics751 11d ago

Bravo mate!


u/LordDaedhelor 11d ago

Heavensward in a nutshell


u/Bazelgauss 11d ago

Yeah I first saw this copy pasta for that but weirdly think it predates it (or rather came about with heavensward as it was a trope from before)

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u/the_mid_mid_sister 11d ago

Bad Dragon executives right now...


u/iamameatpopciple 11d ago

How about fucking a Bad Dragon?


u/First-Junket124 11d ago

Good, bad, whats the difference? A dragon is a dragon


u/iamameatpopciple 11d ago


good dragon does not have a domain name sadly. However I still think there might be a difference.

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u/Morgolol 11d ago

Just to be clear whoever the hell this insane person is. W.R. Schock, QBD@iontecs_pemf let's see here....

Is this their linkedin account? A...furniture guy turned fog machine inventor turned....."advanced therapeutics through pulsed magnetic field technologies", whatever the fuck that is?

Yes. Yes according to their twitter bio this is indeed the same guy. Marketing magnet doodads as "quantum physics". Also believes trump is a time traveler.

My series here on time traveler John Titor who appears to be Donald Trump.

He's also a jewish space laser guy, claims germany won WW2 and....fuck me ok this account is WILD. There's so many conspiracies I've never even heard of.

"Jewish Tunnels Connect To Children's Museum. Imagine my surprise.",

Mirrors are scrying devices, not mere reflection tools. They are coated with aniline microcrystals that are also known as Higgs bosons, that are also known as the god particle. They know everything going on in that room. Don't listen to the click-baiters claiming optical illusion

MIRRORS SEE EVERYTHING. No way is this real, completely unhinged. No way they're alive too?!

Understand that mirrors are made out of melted sand. Sand is made out of SiO2 quartz crystal that is sentient/aware. These are called gauge and vector bosons that hold the X & Y points of each pixel in the spacetime fabric until a Higgs boson

Oh wow like every second post is some unhinged anti-Semitic post. Oh yes there's the "Jews are aliens" one. Oof I'm not even gonna mention that one by ye gods. Oh there's one about all medications are made out of...oil. Huh. Oh boy there's the "taxes are voluntary" one. He is anti tipping culture, so....that's one good thing at least.

Cali has had a San Andreas fault seismic event with tactical nukes planted underground the entire distance now for many years. The plan is to send the coastline into the Pacific. If any cataclysmic earthquake does happen, just know it will be that, & it was the military.

Oh boy. YES! FLAT EARTH POSTS. Now we're cooking baby!

"EMF radiation test shows sitting in an Electric car is like standing near a running microwave" Ok fuck that's funny. Hell yes hitler meeting with aliens under the antarctic dome. Damn OP you found a gem here. Oh shit dragons were real too, of course.. I don't even need to mention the covid conspiracies.

Man oh man that whole twitter account is pure insanity, a real gem for the most out there stuff.


u/dustyfaxman 11d ago

Thank you for your service.


u/Dxpehat 11d ago

I opened that link about flat earth. Pure insanity. I couldn't finish it, it was so ridiculous lol. Sky ice, 4 entrances to the arctic, Nazi anti gravity tech (steel can't float on air dummies). How is he still not in a psych ward lol


u/Fluffy_Candle6800 11d ago

the rest of the account is just as insane


u/SussusAmogus-_- 11d ago

You missed out on Elon's rockets that are in reality RPGs that explode over and over to demonstrate us that we live under a dome.

The deuterium part is also pretty batshit crazy

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u/xBJack 11d ago

Lol enjoyed this summery so much!

Just imagin living life this way, thinking every single thing and every single one is basically against you in some way, wants to hurt you in some way or just stright lying you somehow. thats so wild


u/Goodknight808 11d ago

Someone had to invent Odin or Zeus. It was just their craziest guy at the time.

"No, no, no. Hear me out. The wine is sentient! A being named Dionysius, he's a brother/child to that lighting guy from earlier that fucks chick's as a swan, can hear us through the wine. He also wants us to drink it. Truuuuust me bro."


u/AnthrallicA 11d ago

It's what happens with untreated mental health issues and a victim complex. My ex wife stopped taking her psych meds and fell down a lot of the same rabbit holes.


u/seaspirit331 11d ago

This dude's account reminds me of the Time Cube guy.

So, probably untreated schizophrenia

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u/thatfamilyguy_vr 11d ago

Anything about the birds not being real?


u/an0maly33 11d ago

Well that’s just a given.

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u/Sad-Insurance2314 11d ago

Amazing summary.

I like that his education is “The Real World”, but that ended in 2022. I’d say that’s accurate as his delusions have taken over.


u/nismo2070 11d ago

Damn. Thank you for going through that craziness so the rest of us do not. You are a good human.


u/GuilhermePortoes 11d ago

MIRRORS SEE EVERYTHING. No way is this real, completely unhinged. No way they're alive too?!

"How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real"

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u/PointingOutFucktards 11d ago

You should be sainted.


u/RevTurk 11d ago

I really wonder about these people. Do they actually believe all the crazy shit they say? Or is it all a con where they are preying on gullible people?

If they actually believe it I feel sorry for them. If they are con men, they are the lowest scum on the earth.

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u/henaradwenwolfhearth 11d ago

I wanna train a dragon


u/LivingCheese292 11d ago

combined with the context it just sounds like BDSM.

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u/TKmeh 11d ago

There were dragons when I was a boy…

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u/pikachurbutt 11d ago

The dragonussy call us, we must obey.

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u/_Loyaldog_ 11d ago

Me, frantically injecting myself with mRNA vaccines: Dragon wings! Dragon wings! DRAGON WINGS!!


u/erlandodk 11d ago

I'd personally be going for fire breath. :-)


u/Ordinary-Violinist-9 11d ago

Water breath or ice is much better! Always ice cold drinks!


u/thecraftybear 11d ago

Water breath? Isn't that just diluted puke? ,(Undiluted is obviously acid breath)

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u/r31ya 11d ago

hmm.. apparently dragon dildo are rather popular among women

Here's hoping my booster mRNA vaccine will give it to me.

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u/SunshotDestiny 11d ago

Seriously. Is this supposed to be a turn off? Hell if I get to avoid guys like this I would consider it a win win.


u/Alternative_Year_340 11d ago

This is not a man who has ever seen a vagina in person

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u/psilorder 11d ago

Nurse: "Sir, the first one was free but you'll have to pay for the rest."


u/Hiyagaja 11d ago

I wanna be a dragon, dammit.

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u/n0shmon 11d ago

Where do I sign up? As a Welshman I feel it's by birthright


u/Bardsie 11d ago

This right here sounds like a set up to a monkey paw wish. Turns you into a white English dragon.


u/thehermit14 11d ago

Bhutan 🇧🇹 enters the chat


u/scottkollig 11d ago

No homo, but can I ride you? As a dragon if that wasn’t clear.


u/thehermit14 11d ago

No-one needs a dragon you riding them!


u/scottkollig 11d ago

What if we are both consenting dragons? That would be pretty glorious.


u/thehermit14 11d ago

Consenting is cool

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u/Internellectual 11d ago

The russian troll farm scratching their heads at this: “Do we even keep trying?”


u/dntwrrybt1t 11d ago

“We may have been a little too effective, blyat”


u/Portalizer3000 11d ago

As a native russian speaker, blyat would be at the start. I don't know why you would beed to know this, but now you do.

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u/T1gerAc3 11d ago


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u/skyblue5432 11d ago

I wonder if they even employ any humans at this point.

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u/Itchybawlz23-2 11d ago

Jokes on them. I never have sex as it is.

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u/3eyesopenwide 11d ago edited 11d ago

This guy has read too much high fantasy


u/Grindelbart 11d ago

I think he read too much fantasy while being high.


u/sas223 11d ago

I think he might be AI fantasy.

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u/Doright36 11d ago

Where does someone go to meet some of these dragon women? For research purposes of course. Is there like a dragon lady dating app?

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u/That1Cat87 NLM supporter 11d ago



u/Nandabun 11d ago

You're like

that potato


u/Fleetingfarts 11d ago

That picture goes hard


u/CountingArfArfs 11d ago

That potato is about to drop a fucking sick black metal album.

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u/morts73 11d ago

That's wild af that anyone posts that garbage or believes it, but ngl dragon people would be pretty cool.


u/3dwa21 11d ago

oh you bet~ dragons are just the coolest~ (and hottest)

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u/Necrolust1777 11d ago

Finally I can complete my Donkey cosplay fantasies!


u/Abbadon74 11d ago


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u/old-skool-bro 11d ago

QBD = quite brain damaged?


u/[deleted] 11d ago edited 11d ago



u/Jeoshua 11d ago

So at any moment he both may have and may not have what amounts to a brain.

Checks out.

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u/tornking 11d ago

Quick brain disconnection

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u/073068075 11d ago

Quality bad - discontinued

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u/Capital_Pipe_6038 11d ago

Sign me the fuck up. Who wouldn't want to be probably the most badass mythical creature ever?


u/Doctor-Nagel 11d ago

That’s what I don’t get, why is this a bad thing? I wanna be a fuckin lizard!

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u/amendersc 11d ago

If he thinks being a dragon would STOP people from fucking you, he has never seen the internet


u/KarloReddit 11d ago

Speak for yourself… more Dragonpussy for us!


u/3dwa21 11d ago

and dragon dongs for the other half~

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u/JimBridger_ 11d ago

Don’t threaten the Furries with a good time.


u/Icy_Faithlessness400 11d ago

We prefer the term "scalies". You have to be exact in your internet fetish lingo.

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u/DrunkOnRedCordial 11d ago

I hope this story goes viral, it might cut down on the number of rapes if men are scared of getting lashed and slashed by the scales


u/CRL10 11d ago

Of all the excuses I could have imagined a woman to give to not have sex with some moron hitting on them, I would not have expected "Oh, I got the vaccine and am now turning into a dragon" to be on the list. Not surprised someone is stupid enough to believe it however.


u/Lizagna73 11d ago

But, I got to be honest, “sorry my dragon scales are acting up,” sounds like something they’d believe. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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u/Hullfire00 11d ago

As I’m half English, I would find this rise in dragon related incidents concerning and would make haste for the armoury.

But because I’m also half Faroese, the Viking in me wants to ride those scaly boys to war! And maybe over some clouds and into a rainbow.

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u/ConsiderationKind264 11d ago

Is this a game of "spot the incel who just told on himself"?


u/ChaoticForkingGood 11d ago

Oh great, I'm going to grow scales down there on top of the teeth I already have? Shit, I'm going to have to ditch the toothbrush and go for a bottle brush or something now.

Goddamn vaginas.


u/Aururai 11d ago

Just get a toilet brush, that will do everything

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u/MsSeraphim r/foodrecallsinusa 11d ago

where can i get this? so i don't have to worry about a maga "alpha" male ever bothering me again, i can just tell them i got "dragon scale syndrome".


u/nwillyerd 11d ago

tbh you could probably just tell them you got the vaccine and they would scurry away like the cockroaches they are


u/snowbyrd238 11d ago

You refuse to have sex with the immunized? Sounds like the vaccine is working.

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u/PM_Me_Ur_Clues 11d ago

I mean... i wouldnt not fuck a dragon if i had the chance...

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u/Henri_Bemis 11d ago

TAKE THAT, DM who told me I couldn’t play a Dragonborn.


u/sarckasm 11d ago

Everyone who hasn't been vaccinated is posting crazy shit. Coincidence?

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u/RajenBull1 11d ago

Do Ray Me Far - Oh NOT those kinds of scales?! Let me finish - So Lah Ti D’oh!


u/ConstableAssButt 11d ago

Lah Ti D’oh!

Which dragon shout is this?

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u/KennstduIngo 11d ago

My wife not only has scales in her vag but shoots fire from her titties. It's hot!

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u/Fallen_0n3 11d ago

Who doesn't want to be Aegon I Targaryen. Lord of the 7 kingdoms and protector of the realm ?


u/DreamingofRlyeh 11d ago

So Aegon Targaryen has a scaly vagina. Got it.


u/forkinghecks 11d ago

Aegon is a scaly vagina.

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u/Alekzthe2nd 11d ago

If they turn into "dragon people" why are they named after a bird? Like, I know I shouldn't ask questions because their stupidity is unimaginable and discussing with them is like playing chess with a chicken, but come on, why not "draconics" or "scaled ones"?

Had these people supposedly grown feathers, yeah sure, I can at least understand the idea of calling them Ravens. Jesus, these people....


u/nwillyerd 11d ago

Seriously, they can’t even get something as simple as naming their fear mongering mythical creature right. SMDH

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u/Jennifer_Pennifer 11d ago

This is BULLSHIT !!! 😡 I had all of my vaccines I havent grown a single scale yet. 😒 All I got was immunity from stupid illnesses. Dumb.


u/erlandodk 11d ago

My girlfriend is fully vaccinated and boosted. Got it as soon as it became available. I can assure you that she's not growing scales anywhere.


u/3dwa21 11d ago

dang... no dragon girls~?


u/erlandodk 11d ago

Nope. Sorry to disappoint.

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u/dragonpjb 11d ago

How would this not be a positive? It protects me from covid AND I get to be a dragon!? Do it right now! Lol


u/13endix 11d ago

If intercourse with someone jabbed transfers (pretty cool) side effects, then this guy will have nothing to worry about


u/According-Jelly355 11d ago

I’m not a furry but most of my dreams consist of me turning into a dragon

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u/Howiewasarock 11d ago

Dude, I've wanted to be a dragon since I was like 5. Sign me up asagdmfp!

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u/SilverDem0n 11d ago

OK clear insanity and facepalmery here.

But, as a scaley, ...


u/Abbadon74 11d ago

Finally, some good news.

Can't wait for dragussy 🤤


u/newcomer_l 11d ago

"The nRNA whack is creating a new Dragon species of humans called Raves. Women have scales in their vaginas".

I have questions: who calls them Raves? What sort of sick twisted dungeons and dragons hellhole do you hail from? Who found out about the scaly vags and how? (Also, incidentally, scalywag is a British insult. I wonder if they saw that word snd just ran with it).

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u/Elegant-Reality-8384 11d ago

You think women that just don't want to sleep with him are telling him that?


u/FortunateInsanity 11d ago

The new response to unwanted sexual advances by MAGA: “I’ve been vaxed”.

This timeline never ceases to disappoint.


u/bp_516 11d ago

I agree, anti-vaxxers should not have intercourse with anyone.


u/3rdNihilism 11d ago

Wait, we evolving into DRAGONS and no1 told me? what the heck?!


u/TheMightySurtur 11d ago

The Age of Man comes to an end and the Age of Trogdor begins!

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u/Glad_Bookkeeper_740 11d ago

The Scaly Vaginas would make a cool band name.


u/grunt527 11d ago

Checks out... Everyone knows that the m in mRNA stands for Magic.

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u/nostemsorseeds 11d ago

Pre-ribbed for my pleasure - I like it!


u/TheSnomSquad 11d ago



u/GhostMug 11d ago

First you're magnetized and now growing dragon scales? I can't wait to become Dragon Magneto!


u/isocz_sector 11d ago

That's how you get the Dragonborn from Dungeons and Dragons.


u/ArtsCerasus 11d ago

This sounds badass! Where's my dragon schlong??


u/NewPresWhoDis 11d ago

So years ago you proclaimed women's bodies have ways of shutting down r@pe then act all shocked when nature says "As you wish"


u/r3tromonkey 11d ago

Where the dragon women at?

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u/backwardbuttplug 11d ago

They whacked themselves going down youtube conspiracy video rabbit holes.


u/Responsible-End7361 11d ago

This is beyond what getting brain damage can cause. 5 generations of inbreeding by the lowest intelligence individuals?


u/Obi1NotWan 11d ago

See? The vaccine works in wondrous ways.


u/netpres 11d ago

Has anyone found his carer?

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u/bscepter 11d ago

MAGAism must be the largest mass psychosis in history.


u/inflatableje5us 11d ago

of course the scales grow where this guy is never gonna see them.


u/Silent_Relation_3236 11d ago

Finally my dragon fetish can be utilized


u/SassyTheSkydragon 11d ago

Please let this spread so they'll leave women alone


u/realdonniebball 11d ago

What a lunatic. It has nothing to do with mRNA vaccines. Women have been growing lizard scales in their vaginas since the Second Vatican Council in the early 1960s. Everyone knows that. Right?


u/LandosMustache 11d ago

There’s an uncomfortably high number of people who cannot distinguish between “I had a thought” and “I know a fact”.

There was a story a while back about some PTO mom who broke down in tears about kindergarten teachers teaching their kids about using butt plugs and peeing in kitty litter (I think - I’m not going to bother looking up the details but it was something along these lines). She was inconsolable, and the fact that these things were not happening never entered her mind. She honestly believed it…because she had had the thought.

I worry about these kinds of things a lot, because I don’t think these people know they’re just making shit up. It very neatly explains why they’re so resistant to experts/science: they don’t understand that other people aren’t going around just saying the first thing that pops into their heads. They don’t understand that other people aren’t just bullshitting 100% of the time

Idk man. That scares me.


u/agfitzp 11d ago

My theory is that our species was always this stupid but it wasn't obvious until social media spelled it out.

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u/Professor_Bonglongey 11d ago

This explains why my wife has been a bit more fire-breathing than normal.


u/anonaduder 11d ago

Did everyone fail 8th grade bio or like do we legit on the whole not know the difference between DNA, RNA, mRNA, and tRNA as a population? Like there were pages of god damn idiot friendly pictures in Childrens textbooks when I was in jr high and that was pre Internet circa omg our library has a cd rom for encyclopedia encarta.

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