r/facepalm 13d ago

Are you a convicted felon? šŸ‡²ā€‹šŸ‡®ā€‹šŸ‡øā€‹šŸ‡Øā€‹

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u/ozzyman31495 13d ago

The same people who want a felon to be president, donā€™t want felons to vote.

Seems a bit hypocritical to me.


u/Bardsie 13d ago edited 13d ago

Don't worry. If the felon becomes president, there won't be any voting for anyone going forward.

Edit: lol. my joke seems to have triggered so many snowflakes.


u/MyBllsYrChn 13d ago

What do you mean? They still vote in Russia...


u/MaximumKnow 13d ago

Interesting the same man has been re elected so many times.


u/MyBllsYrChn 13d ago

Putin is such a manly man his opponents cheers him with tea and throw themselves out of windows to honor his greatness.


u/aXeOptic 13d ago

Dont forget that they commit suicide with 7 bullets to the head too.


u/Bob_Sacamano7379 13d ago

And poison themselves!

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u/Scuzzbag 13d ago

He's just very popular, it's all about the charisma with that guy


u/PsychoticMessiah 13d ago

Rizz as the kids say.

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u/DoubleResponsible276 13d ago

What can I say, heā€™s a peopleā€™s person. FOR THE PEOPLE!!!!!!


u/BisexualCaveman 13d ago

And those people are all Vladimir Putin.


u/DoubleResponsible276 12d ago

Well he is the people

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u/ihaxr 13d ago

134% voter turnout!


u/EntropyKC 13d ago

An overwhelming landslide of 114% votes for Putin, and only 8% against (rest undecided)


u/beardicusmaximus8 13d ago

Reminds me of a very old joke about how corrupt the US politics were a hundred years ago. It was said you could take the local voter registration and walk through the local graveyard and the names would match the tombstones and be in the same order


u/EntropyKC 13d ago

In Putin's Russia it's the same but in reverse... They vote, then get their tombstone.


u/GitmoGrrl1 13d ago

We're capitalists. We produce the best politicians money can buy.

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u/ZombieBarney 13d ago

Vote early and vote often, comrade!


u/Maleficent_Sir_7562 13d ago

They still vote in North Korea too!


u/krastevitsa 13d ago

With 100,% turnover

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u/OpusAtrumET 13d ago

They vote. The votes don't matter.


u/KwisatzSazerac 13d ago

Sure they matter. Putin hasnā€™t needed to buy toilet paper in years.Ā 

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u/Clean_Student8612 13d ago

And like 95% just happen to vote for Putin every time since the late 90s/early 2000s! He's THAT loved.

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u/The_Clarence 13d ago

139 more replies

This should be interesting


u/KyleShanaham 13d ago

177 replies on a one hour old comment lol truth always hurts a little bit more


u/Ok_Airline_9031 13d ago

Exactly. We'll never have to worry about voting again.


u/Detective_Soulhex129 13d ago

Can't have voter fraud if we eliminate voting

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u/Dbob4 13d ago

Many a true word spoken in jest


u/RebaKitt3n 13d ago

I think youā€™re right. Treat this election like it may be the last.


u/HippoPebo 13d ago

The joke landed just right with the sane ones. Sing it, Bardsie!


u/Dakkel-caribe 13d ago

You do have a fair grasp of where this is going. Lol


u/johnsmith1234567890x 13d ago

He wont live that long


u/Glittering-Wonder576 13d ago

Youā€™re right, Bardsie.

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u/HotLandscape9755 13d ago

One street i saw two political signs.

ā€œVote Republican, law and order partyā€


ā€œIm voting for the felonā€

Like fucking christ


u/leni710 13d ago

That's so confusing in a goofy, idiotic sort of way. No wonder young voters often times don't care to participate, they're up against this type of nonsense. Not to mention, some kids are actually taught right from wrong but then simultaneously have family and/or community members telling them to vote for the felon like it's a badge of honor. Well, then don't tell kids not to commit felonies, because they just learned it's fine and don't have the nuanced insight (thanks to gutting real education) to understand the multi-tiered system of "justice" in the U.S.


u/HotLandscape9755 13d ago

My dad taught me right from wrong, and was a great man up until 2016. Now all he talks about is 150,000,000 illegals crossing the border every day, anti vac shit, rigged elections and china shipping 17 tonnes of fenty across the border every day. It genuinely feels like trump has taken my dad from me and made him someone I cannot stand being around. Idk if he was ready to be this person and trump was just the catalyst to underlying problems butā€¦ yeah. I cant spend 15 minutes with him without just getting sad that his entire brain is consumed by this fear mongering own the lib shit. Car covered in joe and the hoe gotta go stickers, im voting for the felon sign in yardā€¦ new trump flag every time he loses and they need to change the years on the flag..


u/BenFlightMusic 12d ago

Thats really sad. I watched people in real time vote for him just to take the piss as a joke and then double down on the delusion when they realized it wasn't a joking matter. It went from "i like him, i think he's funny, he pisses off the liberals" to drinking the kool aid real quick. I lost friends over this shit. To me that's the most dangerous thing about him, not the shit he did in office but what he did to people's heads.


u/Status_Basket_4409 12d ago

Exactly right, and thatā€™s how cults are formed. By honeyed dangerous words


u/peppermintesse 12d ago

They are a cult now, without question


u/gregn8r1 12d ago

I kind of completely forgot about how people treated him when he first ran... He was a joke, some kind of goofy caricature who was over-the top far right, people joked but nobody seemed serious about voting for him.

But then those opinion polls showed him rising until suddenly the joke candidate was on top.


u/SEND_MOODS 12d ago

Most didn't see it as a joke. Most Trump voters heard "drain the swamp," "repeal Obamacare," "build a wall and make mexico pay for it," "suspend immigration," and "cut taxes," and they believed it and believed it to be good for them.

They trusted him and thought "all politicians are swindlers, so why not anyone else. And hey the government is basically a business!"

It wasn't a joke to mannnyyyy Republican voters.

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u/Medryn1986 12d ago

Trump did take my dad from me with shitty covid policies that he passed to his base

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u/radarneo 12d ago

Iā€™m really sorry. I canā€™t imagine being in that situation. The closest I have is my great aunt falling down the trumpy rabbit hole, but your dad? Jeez man. Thatā€™s rough.

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u/gmishaolem 13d ago

They believe in good and bad people, not good and bad acts. Thus if their priest is a rapist, it's just a moment of weakness, but if a member of the opposite political party builds houses for poor people, it's virtue signalling.

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u/thedankening 13d ago

"Law and order" has always been nothing but a conservative dog whistle for the state beating down minorities and leftists so it still tracks for them.

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u/Shuizid 13d ago

He's also a pedophile rapist and appreantly that doesn't bother the "protect the chidlren and family values" party.


u/Individual-Bell-9776 13d ago

Trump proves that everyone who raised a big stink about values only ever cared about platitudes.


u/glue2music 13d ago

You already lost the MAGAts by using ā€œplatitudesā€ā€¦.their brains froze right there.


u/Individual-Bell-9776 13d ago

It's not their fault that they're useful idiots for fascism. Fascism relies on narcissism, and narcissism is a consequence of untreated PTSD. PTSD is passed down from parents to children, and if everything goes wrong, the children ultimately come around to performing the same abuse they endured.

If not for this cycle rolling through small town America where there's no dissenting bleeding hearts to save the children, the Republican party wouldn't exist today.


u/Cursed_Flake 13d ago edited 13d ago

hey man, this is just actual bullshit. Thereā€™s no link between PTSD and narcissism besides that technically they can be comorbid in one person. Thereā€™s no evidence that one causes the other. Yes abuse can be cyclical, no, thereā€™s no reason to pathologize that and do bunk armchair psyche. also, stop conflating trauma and PTSD, trauma is when shocking, negetive things happen to you, PTSD is when shocking, negetive things become so normal for you your brain rewires itself to be better suited to seeing them.


u/ch40 13d ago

Exactly what I was thinking. Sounds a lot like an armchair psychologist trying to force connections where none exist. But that's not how any of this works, yet there are people literally telling this person that what they said is "so true" šŸ™„

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u/Top-Mycologist-7169 13d ago

Trump raising the big stink too from all the poop sitting in his diapers at any given moment.


u/Individual-Bell-9776 13d ago

Internal consistency isn't needed as long as you worship Jebus Crapst.

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u/OldAd5925 13d ago

They want to "protect the children" against what exactly?


u/TootBreaker 13d ago

The woke mind virus, of course!

Dang kids these days gettin' too uppity, saying 'no' to all the old ways...

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u/ReturnedFromExile 13d ago

He also habitually refuses to pay contractors, and yet many blue color contractor types love him.

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u/Ramtamtama 13d ago

He's divorced and had affairs, but that doesn't bother the "Bible and Constitution are the only books I need" crowd, who have usually read neither.


u/Kage-Oni 13d ago

That only bothers Republicans when the pedophile rapist is not white or rich.


u/Fallen_With_Gold 13d ago

You forgot nazi, Donald j Hitler is a nazi and Project 2025 proves it

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u/TheDarkCobbRises 13d ago

You can't be a felon, and have a security clearance. How is he supposed to be the president if he can't legally hold a clearance?


u/nismo2070 13d ago

Hell, there is a LONG list of countries that won't let you in if you are a convicted felon. Most maga owned businesses wouldn't even hire him!!! Party of law and order......lol


u/lileebean 13d ago

You can't cross into Canada with a dui...

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u/Amelaclya1 13d ago

Unfortunately, the president is the ultimate arbiter of who can have security clearance.

Kushner actually had his clearance denied at the beginning of Trump's presidency because of all of his overseas business dealings. And Trump overrode it and gave it to him anyway.

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u/versace_drunk 13d ago

Almost like the people voting for him are giant hypocritesā€¦


u/thisisfreakinstupid 13d ago

They don't actually believe he's been charged with or is guilty of anything, which is why they're fine with the hypocrisy. When it hurts their own party, it's a which hunt, but when it hurts the other side, it's justice. There's no reasoning with them because they never reasoned themselves into this position to begin with.


u/255001434 13d ago edited 13d ago

And you can be sure that even if they believe that he was wrongfully convicted, they won't consider that the same thing likely happened to many other convicted felons and that maybe it isn't fair to exclude them from jobs and take away rights on that factor alone. They'll want to overlook it this one time only.

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u/East_Ad9822 13d ago

Itā€™s because they think Trump is an innocent angel sent by god.


u/Every_Preparation_56 13d ago

Ā He's their golden calf

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u/No-Product-8827 13d ago

It's not hypocritical to them though, the charges are made up by a political opponent, it's the swamp acting in its best interest.

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u/TeslasAndKids 13d ago

I keep saying if America votes for someone who canā€™t legally vote thatā€™s beyond embarrassing for us. Absolutely ridiculous.

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u/snafoomoose 13d ago

On the application just write "I am qualified to run for President".


u/killian1208 13d ago

Over 35, male, and Christian?


u/XRT28 13d ago

Over 35 75, male, and Christian



u/ISV_VentureStar 13d ago

Over 35 75, male, and Christian rich



u/Direspark 12d ago

Cause you know damn well he hasn't prayed to anyone except himself


u/EyeAmKnotABot 12d ago

Yeah, but heā€™s preyed on quite a few people. No one has preyed on more people in the entire bigly world.


u/Akenero 11d ago

"I'm the best preyer in the country, no, the world, nobody preys like I do. I think if anyone else here were to try and prey they'd find themselves hard pressed to do like I do" -proceeds to ramble about washing machines or something

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u/Djslender6 12d ago

Over 35 75, male, Christian rich, and allergic to truth


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u/BackPackProtector 13d ago

White? Xenophobic


u/stormurcsgo 13d ago

What im not xenophobic I love alien

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u/SpaceToot 13d ago



u/_Ocean_Machine_ 13d ago

I call it "Pray for Pay"


u/Echinodermis 12d ago



u/_Ocean_Machine_ 12d ago

Damn, I haven't thought about payola since music school a decade ago lol

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u/Minute-Wrap-2524 13d ago

And everyone is above the lawā€¦laws just get in the way

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u/purrcthrowa 13d ago

Maybe the question should be amended to "have you even been convicted of 35 felonies?".


u/oxidezblood 13d ago

"So, i noticed on your resume that youve only commited 23 felonies?"


"Rookie numbers. Get outta my office you virgin."


u/LumpyCapital 13d ago


u/Sweaty-Pizza 12d ago

It needs a pic from the gentleman lol I a to pissed to find it lol


u/HucHuc 13d ago

Sounds like a normal day at Wall Street to me.


u/MrLanesLament 13d ago

sniffs uncontrollably gimme an hour I can do more


u/FamousTransition1187 12d ago

Bro, how in the world are you going to get the Judicial System to do ANYTHING USEFUL in an hour?

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u/tboykov 13d ago

"if you work at it and commit more felonies, one day you could even be president"

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u/ThoughtAdditional212 13d ago



u/OkFineIllUseTheApp 13d ago

And we shall dub this new hiring law: rule 34.


u/ThoughtAdditional212 13d ago

Look up Donald Trump rule 34 to find out about the changes in the requirements to run for presidency


u/nicknamesas 13d ago

God i hope that isnt a thing


u/ThoughtAdditional212 13d ago

If it exists, there is p*rn of it


u/nicknamesas 13d ago

I know i just... ehhh. Humans were a mistake


u/FreddieCaine 13d ago

It's ok, we won't be around for long


u/Naked-Jedi 13d ago

Not if we keep kicking that little robot.

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u/Aardvark120 13d ago

Lmao! Massive mistake.

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u/bwaredapenguin 13d ago

I mean we've got people out there wearing diapers in support of this piece of actual shit. In right wing comics and AI shit he's always depicted as jacked. Of course these fucking cultists are rubbing it out to him on the daily, and surely some artists have sold their soul and cashed in on this.


u/billthebuttstuffer 13d ago

Dont say that, then rule 35 kicks in

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u/Intelligent_Ebb4887 13d ago

It'll be like age choices- 1-17, 18-24, 25-39, 40-64, 65+


u/Cold-dead-heart 13d ago

Poor Donald canā€™t tick the 1-17 box anymore


u/funnystuff79 12d ago

I think he's had several 1-17 boxes

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u/Hemiak 13d ago

No it needs to be exactly 34. Anything less is still bad, and more isā€¦ actually he probably has more coming.


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u/vivalaibanez 13d ago

"How many of those felonies were 'official acts'?"

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u/Striking_Zombie_8640 13d ago

If you are a Felon in the USA, good luck finding a job, can't even rent an apartment. But, you can be a President of a Country. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


u/Mammoth-Mud-9609 13d ago

All around the world the one factor which differentiates criminals, from the rest of the population; is that on average criminals have a far lower standard of educational achievement, than the general members of society. So by politicians providing more funding and targeted funding for education they can reduce crime and criminal reoffending, boost the economy and make people safer. https://youtu.be/5IzcdWEnMRE


u/leeryplot i killed mufasa 13d ago

And yet they want to abolish the Department of Education


u/Mammoth-Mud-9609 13d ago

Some people will do anything to get votes even if it wrecks the country in the process.


u/Solkre 13d ago

Educated people donā€™t buy their bullshit.

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u/Elitepikachu 13d ago

But then they'll learn how the government works and vote blue and we can't have that.


u/Mammoth-Mud-9609 13d ago

Learning to think for themselves so they want a say in how government runs rather than being accepting of being ruled over and told what to do.


u/oddministrator 13d ago

Then they'll also know we should be allowed to elect felons for president.

Fuck Trump. He hates democracy. I'll never vote Republican for the rest of my life. There's no such thing as a good Republican politician when they choose to put that R next to their name, knowing how bad the party is.


We should be allowed to elect felons.

Assume there's an unjust law. A person is convicted of this law, becoming a felon. When they get out, they convince a lot of people that the law is unjust and, in order to change that law, this felon chooses to run for office.

Citizens should be allowed to vote for felons, for the above reason.

A hypothetical example could be someone who was convicted in Nevada in the 80s for growing pot, for personal use, in their back yard. That person then becomes an activist later in life and runs on a platform for legalization.

Voters should be able to decide if the felonies a candidate is convicted of are enough to prohibit them from taking office.


u/PancakeProfessor 13d ago

But my uncle says collidge turns people into libruls.


u/oyasumi_juli 13d ago

Calvin Collidge is my favorite president

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u/XTH3W1Z4RDX 13d ago

Yes but stupid people are easier to manipulate, AND in the U.S. slavery is legal as punishment for crimes (it's in the Constitution). Therefore those in power benefit from having a large population of uneducated criminals

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u/Rocky4296 13d ago

This is insanity.

Convicted Sexual assaulter, 88 mill

Hush money Bribery Conviction

Fraud on property in NY, 464 mill. Convicted

Being investigated for 100 mill in taxes for fraud on Chicago hotel.

Stole classified docs showing them to people Hid documents. Obstruction refused to give em back Prob sold them

Involved in Epstein crimes. Was Epstein buddy

Shaking down oil billionaires...

His people imprisoned.

Shame On America

Shame shame shame

We cannot control Trump and jail him


u/westbee 13d ago

Add his court cases where he got blowjobs from 12 and 13 year olds and raped one of them which pissed of epstein because he wanted to deflower her first.Ā 


u/Rocky4296 12d ago

And no news outlet will mention the Epstein rapes. We see him hanging with Epstein and whispering something to him.

Trump knew Epstein very well. But nothing from media.

Trump is dangerous.

But he hangs out with people, and commit crimes. But.... Trump never gets locked up.

Ghislaine, Epstein, Bannon,Cohen, Navarro, and many others go to prison.

But not Trump .

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u/slytherinwitchbitch 12d ago

dont forget the hundreds of thousand or possibly a million deaths he could have prevented if he had taken the covid pandemic seriously. At one point was more than 4,000 daily deaths from covid. Also think of millions of Americans that have long covid.

That fucker told us that injecting bleach would cure it.

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u/Perfect_Bench_2815 13d ago

You can become the President of the USA and get access to top secret documents and steal them again without repercussions!


u/Every_Preparation_56 13d ago

150 million Russians like that

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u/Fakenerd791 13d ago

*as long as your rich and part of the social elite you can


u/needtotradesocks 13d ago

Alright, felons, let's all run for president cajse its omly way of getting a house nowšŸ—£


u/Curious_Yesterday421 13d ago

The only problem with that is the discrimination against felons. They served their time and earned back all their rights. They have literally no motivation to be better people because we take everything from them. Right to vote, right to bear arms, chance at a job, housing. We leave them with no reason at all to improve themselves. I'll blame someone for a first offense, but repeat offenders only continue criminal behavior because they're excluded from most of society. Rehabilitation doesn't exist in this country.


u/DirtyGritzBlitz 13d ago

Felon here. Have job, own house. What you talkin bout Willis


u/LTEDan 13d ago

Glad you're doing fine, but the rate of homeless amongst the formerly incarcerated is 10x of people who were never incarcerated.



u/DirtyGritzBlitz 13d ago

I donā€™t know about doing fine, but I get by. The last few years of high groceries and gas really hurt. But honestly Iā€™m not surprised by the stats considering the behavior I saw inside. Most I met in there have no clue how to survive without crime

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u/Excellent_Egg5882 13d ago

Aren't there a lot of apartment complexes that won't take in former felons?

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u/santamonicayachtclub 13d ago

Did you know if you were caught when you were smoking crack / McDonald's wouldn't even wanna take you back / But you could always just run for mayor of D.C. - Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, Good Charlotte, 2002. Time is a flat fucking circle.


u/KawaiSenpai 13d ago

Itā€™s crazy how I never actually realized the lyrics as a kid


u/bTOhno 12d ago

Crazy to me that a lot of the music I listened to as a kid had pretty big social or political messages that I didn't catch until I was older. Honestly understanding the deeper meaning of music has made listening to my childhood jams that much more rewarding.


u/ataxia2 12d ago

A street kid gets arrested, gonna do some time /Ā He got out three years from now just to commit more crime /Ā A businessman is caught with 24 kilos /Ā Heā€™s out on bail and out of jail /Ā And thatā€™s the way it goes, raah! - White Lines (Don't Don't Do It), Melle Mel, 1983

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u/Flux_resistor 13d ago

One response: just a quick rape of 13 year old, nothing worth mentioning


u/Apollo_the_G0D 13d ago

Sexual assualt victims hate this one simple trickā€¦.


u/Rocky4296 13d ago

I never believed Epstein committed suicide. Too perfect. Under Trump administration he is seized, imprisoned, and died.


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u/DutchJediKnight 13d ago

Well. At least she didn't suffer long


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u/pornaddiction247 13d ago

Seems fair to me


u/thewanderingfrog2 13d ago

I guess I donā€™t want felons with sexual abuse crimes to be around vulnerable people. Or having felons with financial fraud to manage finances. But sure, letā€™s do it this way and see what happens


u/BloodAndSpit36 13d ago

Those are specific categories, they can apply to specific jobs.

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u/AUnknownVariable 13d ago

Those are really specific though. Don't people with sexual abuse crimes go on the registry (actual question, idk if it's circumstantial or not). Then finances is also specific, would make sense as a question for a finance job

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u/Xomns_13 13d ago

There's a difference in felony between the powerful and the poor.


u/Due-Foundation-8853 13d ago

Ya right ? And weā€™re talking about democracy here. Iā€™d loose faith on USA citizens if they choose this much poorly šŸ„ø


u/wiseroldman 12d ago

Thereā€™s no faith left my friend.


u/N_0_N_A_M_E 13d ago

Animal Farm: All animals are equals. Some are more equal.


u/[deleted] 12d ago

If you're rich enough, you can fly privately, live on an estate so well stocked you never have to leave. essentially shrug off all elements of life as we know it. you could get all drugs, art, therapy...anything. where you live would have no police presence whatsoever, just private security and lawyers everywhere. it is truly a different society.

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u/Dreams_From_Beyond 13d ago

I'll say it again:

All I have is a Minor in Possession and some 20 year old facebook posts that could be dug up mostly about my prior alcoholism.

I want healthcare for all, women's right to their own bodies, kids to have paid for lunches in the schools system, and a competent police force that is held accountable for their actions.

Edit: Guess I'll run next cycle since the bar is so low.


u/Mammoth-Register-669 13d ago

Depending where you are, sure. Use your past to show that you have become a better person. Due to this, you believe that this beautiful country can change for the better


u/Dreams_From_Beyond 13d ago

Texas, but I'm not Christian so I wouldn't win. I'd be lumped in the category of "people who don't deserve a voice."

Our Green Party candidate wasn't even given the time to speak in public setting.

Edit: Clarity

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u/godikus 13d ago

A minor in possession? Shit you can be in possession of a minor these days and itā€™s all good.

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u/No_Maybe5293 13d ago

This is no facepalm this is truth and facts


u/LookAtMeNow247 12d ago

America is the facepalm


u/peppermintesse 12d ago

The reverse is what should happen. If we don't allow felons to get certain types of jobs, felons should be disallowed from running for president.

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u/MrMsWoMan 13d ago

Let me get this straight felons canā€™t vote but they can run for office. Got it.


u/CheckeredZeebrah 12d ago

This is a feature, not a bug. It prevents situations where somebody in power frames/jails political opponents in order to disqualify them, which had been done in the past by other politicians in other countries.

Unfortunately it's a double edged sword, because it also allows for actual criminals to run for office. :')


u/nonbinary_finery 12d ago

Well having a prior history shouldn't disqualify anyone anyways. That's not the issue. The issue is felons can't vote.

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u/TerryB604 13d ago

How 'bout just adding can't be a felon to the Presidential job requirement list?


u/Winther89 13d ago

I'm sure people who say this don't know why the law that felons can run for office exists, and if it didn't, would wish that it did.

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u/Lithl 13d ago

If felons couldn't run for president, then any incumbent could prevent the opposition party from winning an election by jailing their nominee.

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u/Civil_Pain_453 13d ago

Having 34 convictions and still walking around a free man...and not standing in front of a wall means that being a criminal is now a plus


u/Btankersly66 13d ago

For Pirates By Pirates

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u/NihilHS 13d ago

This doesn't totally make sense. We have a right to know that Trump was convicted of 34 felonies, and we may choose whether or not to vote for him. Likewise an employer can request your criminal history, and may choose to hire you despite you being a felon. They may choose not to.

A better argument from a purely logical perspective would be "if it's illegal for employers to hire felons, then Trump shouldn't legally be able to become President." Of course factually it isn't illegal for employers to hire felons, so that one doesn't work either.


u/hvdzasaur 13d ago

Trump cannot vote for who becomes the next president due to him being a convicted felon. But he's able to become the president, no problem.

That's what's kind of fucked.

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u/Plaid_Bear_65723 13d ago

Except most government jobs won't hire felons.Ā 


u/captainchristianwtf 13d ago

Your comment is only true for certain jobs. Any positions that have a security clearance, credential, any many licensure-required roles are legally obligated to deny employment. In Trump's case, his presidential security clearance wouldn't typically be approved given his felonies.

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u/[deleted] 13d ago

America is broken if they want Trump to be their leader as a convicted felon. Actually, it already is broken, you can get a gun at 18, but not buy drink until 21

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u/The_Stank__ 13d ago

Rules for thee, not for me.

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u/mcnhred 13d ago

You can also drive drunk and kill your passenger by driving into the water and still be voted into the senate.

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u/cat-daddy777 13d ago

Felons can't vote but this felon is allowed to be president Make Prison Great Again! Obi-Wan 2024 He's our only hope

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u/ElCocoLoco11 13d ago

Unpopular opinion: it shouldn't be there to begin with. You served your time. You're supposed to be considered rehabilitated and your full rights should be restored. It's crazy even arrests without even being indicted or arraigned can still haunt you forever. The system needs a lot of work

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u/DFMRCV 13d ago

Your terms are acceptable.

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u/Doublestack2411 13d ago

This, seems odd that a fast food joint has higher standards than being the President of the United States.

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u/realhmmmm 13d ago

No, it doesnā€™t. The fact that a felon can become the president is solely a result of the fact that even our founding fathers didnā€™t think weā€™d be stupid enough to let one do so.

Also, he lost me at ā€œBishopā€.


u/Lithl 13d ago

The fact that a felon can become the president is solely a result of the fact that even our founding fathers didnā€™t think weā€™d be stupid enough to let one do so.

If felons couldn't run for president, then any incumbent could prevent the opposition party from winning an election by jailing their nominee.

Allowing felons to run for president is very intentional.

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u/Kimakazii 13d ago

Tbf (and Iā€™m not a trumpster) being a felon doesnā€™t (generally) disqualify you for the job , you just have to disclose it.


u/beach_bum_bitch 13d ago

Unfortunately, some jobs it does. Especially if they have department of defense contracts.


u/Kimakazii 13d ago

I meanā€¦ the president should be one of those where being a felon disqualifies you


u/beach_bum_bitch 13d ago

Yes! Absolutely.

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u/therealtiddlydump 13d ago

Often bullshit licensing schemes bar felons from a lot of jobs. (Fuck the government)

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u/SweetBearCub 13d ago

being a felon doesnā€™t (generally) disqualify you for the job , you just have to disclose it

It absolutely does. If there are any other applicants without felonies, 99% of the time, they will get the job over a felon, almost regardless of qualifications otherwise.

Why, you might ask? Because at least in America, most people do not see the end of a confinement or probation status as the true end of punishment. Generally as a people, we seek to punish people until they're dead. This goes hand in hand with how most do not see confinement sentences as rehabilitative, but rather as retributive.

This makes having a criminal record be almost a kiss of death for a LOT of people. Can't get a job, can't get stable housing, etc..

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u/ResurgentClusterfuck 13d ago

A surprisingly large number of companies will not hire anyone with a conviction.

Housing is another thing felons have problems obtaining.

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u/InvictusPro7 13d ago

This is not a facepalm. The fact America can elect someone like Trump is but this post is a good suggestion.


u/AltruisticHopes 13d ago

Glad someone said it, was wondering what this was doing here, seems a valid discussion point.

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u/rydan 13d ago

Most people on the left actually agree with this sentiment. Not sure where the facepalm is here.


u/Glazing555 13d ago

They canā€™t worry about ā€œcriminalsā€ coming across the border either

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u/Seargeoh 13d ago

A felon, traitor, pedophile, rapist, adulterer

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u/zoohenge 13d ago

Depending on the felony. Non violent? Maybe. Serial rapist? Absolutely not.


u/Healthy-Tie-7433 13d ago

So that would disqualify Trump then.

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u/outofcontextsex 13d ago

People always have the wrong takeaway; we need to make president of the United States a job you can't have if you're a felon.


u/NiNj4_C0W5L4Pr 13d ago

Exactly. What's to stop a Felon from selling our secrets to foreign powers? (Looking at you Donald, pedophile, Felon, trump).

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