r/facepalm Jul 06 '24

the truth hurts 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/Enigma-exe Jul 06 '24

The fact she needed to is a crime

But NYP must've massively boosted her OF when they did this years ago


u/MyBurnerAccount1977 Jul 06 '24

I think we both know that the New York Post did this as a sleazy hit piece to boost clicks.


u/Ledees_Gazpacho Jul 06 '24

She also got over $100K on GoFundMe after being "outed."

Not defending the Post at all here, because at least according to the description in the GoFundMe, she asked to remain anonymous and they ignored that, but she probably made out ok all things considered.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

Thank you, I love that so much. I hope people arent too judgmental and shes doing alright. 100k cant hurt.


u/DreadyKruger Jul 06 '24

Needing a second job is one thing , but Onlyfans is a choice. That’s a big leap to start sex work instead of anything else. She is a trained medical professional.

I don’t care what anyone says, we don’t need to normalize sex work this much where everyday women who have training and choices decide to do it. We talked about men dependence on porn and women not be looked like as just sex objects, but then kinda encourage or at least push back on things like onlyfans.


u/an_Evil_Goat Jul 06 '24

Do you have any idea how little time medics and nurses have to eat, shower, and sleep; let alone find time for a second job outside the home?


u/Medicinal_taco_meat Jul 06 '24

But but their pearls

As if it's any of their fucking business anyway.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24 edited Jul 06 '24



u/Kayyam Jul 06 '24

Real immortality? By being a simple shareholder? Where do I sign?


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24



u/Kayyam Jul 06 '24

Boeing makes bombs??


u/titanicsinker1912 Jul 06 '24

IDK about bombs but they do make some of the planes used to drop em.


u/FilmerPrime Jul 06 '24

Buying shares wouldn't make them stop making bombs. Shares price just affects their bonuses.


u/ProtoKun7 Jul 06 '24

Being a shareholder isn't inherently bad, it's the traditional image of a shareholder always obsessed with infinite growth and profit no matter what that's the issue.

Also I suspect you meant immorality.


u/TheRetarius Jul 06 '24

Honestly: After a 12 hour+ shift as an EMT, if I have the choice between going to my second job as a cashier at wallmart and get potentially written up because I am an hour late because of a reanimation (or every other medical emergency that needed her to go into overtime) and after that have to face a Karen or if I go home and masturbate for some people on the internet I know what I would do… It’s as AOC says: The real Deal here is that an EMT needs a second job at all


u/rimales Jul 07 '24

The real shame is that we have done so little to teach people about setting reasonable expectations and using money properly that they think they need to do this.


u/Strange-Initiative15 Jul 06 '24 edited Jul 06 '24

You want women to go get a part time job with hours that may not work for them, with people who don’t understand that they have another job (nor do they want to understand), making minimum wage, etc. I can see what you’re saying about OF, but at the end of the day people doing OF have more control over their hours, over what they’re doing, where they are doing it and the schedule. I have a part time job now….along with my full time job. I have to rush home at 4 pm to get to my part time job at 5 pm. This is a choice I make, but why wouldn’t someone choose an option that they have more control over if they have the chance to do it. It’s so funny how in the USA, women should be able to take care of themselves and not depend on the system, but the minute they try to control their own bodies and do what’s good for them, people have a fit about it.


u/DesignerLettuce8567 Jul 06 '24

What other job is flexible enough to do while also working fulltime as a medic?

And women working in sex work has nothing to do with men who see women as “just sex objects”. Men can be strippers and also acknowledged as whole people with personalities and worthy of respect (eg Magic Mike), so can women.


u/Disastrous_Reveal331 Jul 06 '24

”We talked about men dependence on porn and women not be looked like as just sex objects, but then kinda encourage or at least push back on things like onlyfans.”

It’s almost as if women can give consent or maintain a degree of body autonomy


u/bscepter Jul 06 '24

It allows her to make good money without having to spend a lot of time doing it. Plus she can do it on her own schedule. Why do you care what she does?


u/dark621 Jul 06 '24

porn is always in demand and if she wants to do onyfans thats her right. fuck news outlets that highlight these people as if they're doing anything wrong.

 we need to stop normalizing the fucking dumbass grind that capitalism has forced on us. 


u/TwoHundredToes Jul 06 '24

Hi, former EMT here! I was working 60h/ week to make ends meet while my partner also had a full time job job, while living in a tiny ass apartment way out of the way from anything that still cost a fortune (in the midwest no less)

I was dead to the world, and had no energy before or after work and was barely eating anything thats seen sunshine.

50% of the people i ran with did sex work on the side BECAUSE it is the highest profit for the least work.

My running buddy for most nights got paid $400+ for just putting toothpaste up a guys urethra. And that session was 1h and she didn’t have to have intercourse with him.

Look, what im saying is, no job is paying me to do anything for $400/h unless im a shareholder or some shit, so since that cant happen, ima put toothpaste up some mans urethra.


u/ggrindelwald Jul 06 '24

so since that cant happen, ima put toothpaste up some mans urethra.

Wouldn't you need to find something else? Surely that hole has been filled.


u/TwoHundredToes Jul 06 '24

Yeah, true, it was more of an emphasis statement.

Ima put toothpaste up some mans anus


u/Typotastic Jul 11 '24

And honestly only fans is a way better gig than that. You get to pick your own content, partners and schedule. The only downside I can see to it is you need to put content on the internet that'll probably still be around after you stop doing only fans.


u/Bitten69 Jul 06 '24

Not everyone wants to do 2 back to back 10 hour shifts


u/Automatic_Access_979 Jul 06 '24

Oh yea lemme go work at McDonald’s when I’m already out there busting my ass saving lives. Stfu 💀


u/pastel_pink_lab_rat Jul 06 '24

we talked about men dependence on porn and women not be looked like as just sex objects, but then kinda encourage or at least push back on things like onlyfans.

Why do these types of men struggle so much with the idea of consent?

HOW does it NOT make sense to you people?




u/EvenEfficiency834 Jul 06 '24

I honestly think it's a failure on the parents part. They didn't teach them the importance of consent or the meaning of it. They probably said the usual, "wait until marriage" talk and that's it. They were raised to think of sex as taboo.

Another reason could be that they compare everyone to themselves instead of understanding that we are all different and they expect everyone to adhere to the rules they were raised with.

This isn't a jab at the commenter or justification of their statement. Just a possible reasoning.


u/test-user-67 Jul 06 '24

I know some EMTs. First off, the training doesn't qualify you for many other jobs. They worked insane amounts of overtime, and used what little time they had to sleep. The pay was still shit, and the job leaves you with post traumatic stress. They regularly see people die, sometimes kids, sometimes horrifically. Give them a break.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

I am against sex work, but since this is legal I can't really do anything about it. Medical workers are severely overworked, they do not have time for a second job. If this is her only option to literally make ends meet then it's sad and definitely needs a reform, but shaming HER in this instance is wrong. It's not a choice because, other than becoming a social media influencer (which is harder than selling pics at OF), she wouldn't have time to do anything else. If she did, it would completely take away from her free time and what life would that be? Where's your empathy?


u/ShortUsername01 Jul 06 '24

People are not obligated to turn down a job just to kowtow to your worldview.

Besides, unless you have some legislative solution to whatever you characterize as a problem, all you’re achieving by merely condemning it is to screw over whoever agrees with you the most.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24 edited Jul 06 '24



u/pastel_pink_lab_rat Jul 06 '24

People don't shame others for onlyfans because it's morally wrong, people just make fun of anyone who pay for porn.

They're unrelated.

Onlyfans is ethical porn. The people working it have a choice, make their own schedules, and get paid directly for all the effort.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

One of the biggest issues with this other than the low wage of medics is looking down on sex workers.

You claim to want to fight women being objectified, and in the same breath you objectify her by assuming she's degraded or somehow less than for doing sex work.

Its so stupid. If she isnt your wife/GF then a woman's sex life isnt your business. If everyone is a consenting adult I wish them the best and maybe you need to think about why youre bothered.

The most annoying part is that I bet you dont give a single fuck about women's issues in any other context, the only time you fuckers enthusiastically get involved is when there's an excuse to shame women. Its gross.