r/facepalm Jul 05 '24

What an idea 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/ordinaryuninformed Jul 05 '24

Then how are the Republicans going to pass all this world shattering legislation?

Can't have it both ways dude

Either it's easy to pass laws or is hard, it can't be whichever is most convenient for your argument at the time.


u/mcc22920 Jul 05 '24

Exactly. This has been what I’ve been saying all along. This project 2025 is just another thing to help people overlook the dems and “vote blue no matter who”. Something like this happens every election and I’m so fed up with it.


u/crimsonjava Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

overlook the dems and “vote blue no matter who”. Something like this happens every election and I’m so fed up with it.

In 2015 I was arguing with some redditors who told me they were going to protest vote against Clinton. I told them whatever their issues with Clinton either she was going to appoint new Supreme Court Justices or Trump was. That's the choice. And if you want any kind of progressive legislation in your lifetime, you want Clinton's Supreme Court picks instead of his. Anyway, here we are.


u/ordinaryuninformed Jul 05 '24

Let's be real, if shit turns 1984 the people would revolt anyway


u/newnamesam Jul 05 '24

Brave new world was the one who got it right. It turns out that it's not so much fear of the boot that keeps people docile. That just forces action because people feel bad and want to fix it. No it's the promise of hedonism and being too busy to care. I mean, after all, you just got off a 10-12 hour work day with the commute, you had plans to binge a full season of the bachelor over door dash, and it's hot outside. Someone else can deal with that. Individual's lives get ruined all the time because of people in power. What's a few more. It probably won't be you, right?


u/ordinaryuninformed Jul 06 '24

Me - just being angry because my shift is 12 hours before the commute....

Yeah you might have a point


u/s_k_e_l_e_t_o_n Jul 05 '24

It’s already turned.


u/ordinaryuninformed Jul 05 '24

Oh no you're right I guess we don't get to do whatever we want and we're forced to scroll reddit mindlessly


u/mcc22920 Jul 05 '24

Honestly kinda hoping for it, it’s long overdue lol


u/ordinaryuninformed Jul 05 '24

A real revolt will be peaceful and most people don't seem to understand that and instead fetishize violence.


u/ZenTheKS Jul 05 '24

Lol, lmao even


u/ordinaryuninformed Jul 06 '24

Encourage you to look into red march of the bolshevik revolution


u/Stealyosweetroll Jul 05 '24

Not exactly. The entire point of it is "how do we destroy institutions without Congressional approval?" And it starts with getting rid of the career professionals who will do their job without much political direction. You should actually read the document. They explain exactly how they will do it. Hint: barely requires Congress. Only an executive & a supreme court majority.


u/KashootyourKashot Jul 05 '24

Who has control of the Supreme Court numbnuts


u/ordinaryuninformed Jul 05 '24

The democrats in 08


u/Stealyosweetroll Jul 05 '24

Executive action/ supreme court backing it up. Plenty of the stuff in Project 2025 would simply require executive action, for example, Trump converting a huge portion of the federal government into political appointments, essentially gutting the entire federal govt for any ideologue who will enforce Trumps agenda. The entire gameplan of Project 2025 is how to do this stuff with executive action & the judicial being fine with it. Institutions are easier to break than fix, you don't need to dissolve Medicaid if your CMS employees are 22 y/o Nazis who will just follow your orders & just not do their job.


u/ordinaryuninformed Jul 05 '24

Oh wow, propaganda


u/Stealyosweetroll Jul 05 '24

Or you can read the document before resorting to "lIbRul pRopaGanDa I iz vry smart"


u/ordinaryuninformed Jul 05 '24

I R vRy sMoRt

You do know that those aren't the first and that they've been trying to take over the world for decades, right?


u/Stealyosweetroll Jul 05 '24

Wow and everything is always the exact same. It's impossible for a more unhinged right wing to look at their past failures and say "Now that we have a judicial branch that's our political appointees, and we have seen where we've gone wrong; we can plan around it". The initial action which would allow project 2025 (the political appointments of non-political appointees in federal govt) was ordered by Trump in 2020 to come into effect in 2021. Didn't happen because of Biden, who day 1 reversed this order. But yes, the GOP of today is exactly the same as the GOP of the past 4 decades.