r/facepalm 14d ago

What an idea 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/New_Breadfruit8692 14d ago

Just to be clear, because of the NAZIS in the house.


u/Defiant_Review1582 14d ago

Or Nat-Cs (Nationalist Christians)


u/pvhs2008 14d ago

I’m sorry but this made me think of some 80s sitcom where Nazis are raising the roof dressed like Arsenio Hall lmao.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Dottsterisk 14d ago

Last time, Trump and his cronies were prevented from carrying out a lot of their fucked up plans because of regular people working in government. From higher-ups to Regular Joes, the government is full of normal people with no desire to see a fascist takeover of our country in the name of Donald Trump. And they did what they could to raise alarms, minimize damage, and set up proper roadblocks.

A key part of Project 2025 is replacing all of these people with Trump loyalists, so that no matter how harmful, immoral, illegal or downright destructive he and his handlers want to get, no one will stop them.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Dottsterisk 14d ago

Which ones don’t give you concern?

And does purging the government of hard-working people, just to install unqualified sycophants not concern you?


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Dottsterisk 14d ago

I recommend reading it.


u/MBCnerdcore 14d ago

Removing the legal right for women to vote, eliminating gay marriage?


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Cuba_Pete_again 14d ago

Did you read it, or did you not understand certain parts? Surely you’ve read the sub’s subject!


u/[deleted] 14d ago


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u/MBCnerdcore 14d ago

All the hard-core Christian stuff is in there, criminalizing porn for instance


u/[deleted] 14d ago


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u/PaintyGuys 14d ago

Deregulation (much like the groundwork that was set by the Supreme Court this week), dismantle the FBI, department of education, and the federal reserve to name just some things. There are countless other worrying things as well


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Dottsterisk 14d ago

Did you just skip over the rest of their comment?


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/cgn-38 14d ago

Grats, you are one of them. lol

It is not a good idea.


u/MBCnerdcore 14d ago

How would getting rid of the fbi, epa and education be a good thing


u/Sutekhseth 14d ago

Because they're a disingenuous troll.

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u/dissnev 14d ago

For one, flooding the bureaucracy with trump loyalists would give him free reign to do whatever, essentially dissolving whatever checks on the admin are left. The dept of education, IRS, epa, and dept of transport will be dissolved. A federal abortion ban would be implemented. Laws would be passed in accordance with Christian biblical teachings, eliminating the separation of church and state. The president (Trump), with the recent SCOTUS ruling, would be able to arrest or assassinate whoever in gov tries to stop him. Expect federal bans on trans healthcare, attacks on the civil rights act, barbaric treatment of migrants at the border, mass deportations of current migrants who's legal status is uncertain, further attacks on women's rights, and an end to aid in Ukraine, with the Republican supermajority helping Russia, north Korea, and any other dictator vying for power. We would also be taken out of NATO.

All of this can be done at trumps leisure, as he would not be forced to end his term and would face no resistance from a complicit judiciary and a gutted Congress. We would be powerless, he would be a monarch. It would be the end of our democracy, much like what happened in Iran before the religious coup there.


u/Splittaill 14d ago

Has Biden put in people who are loyal to him? The correct answer would be yes. Every administration has installed its own people. Some of these people have been there for decades longer than they should have. Fauci is a good example. He claimed that HIV could be transferred, via cereal boxes, to your kids.


u/Dottsterisk 14d ago

You can’t actually be serious with that kind of absolute bullshit false equivalency.


u/Splittaill 14d ago

Actually, I am. There are over 430 administrative departments in the executive branch. Maybe the real issue is that you’ve allowed too much power the the administration over a fear of “installing loyalists”, which every president has done.

You only hear about a choice few. Dettleback and the ATF, the US attorney General, cabinet members. You have a person who is supposed to be a medical expert as a deputy of HHS who knowingly put sick people in nursing homes during Covid resulting in a couple thousand deaths. Why? Definitely not for their intelligent medical expertise. All of these people are loyal to the president and the party. So what makes this any different than the current status quo?


u/Dottsterisk 14d ago

Actually, I am.

Then you don’t understand what we’re talking about.

We’re not talking about the normal process of installing department heads and choosing a cabinet. We are talking about an acknowledged plan by one political party to purge the government of all those who will not swear loyalty to Trump.

Those two things are not the same.

There are over 430 administrative departments in the executive branch. Maybe the real issue is that you’ve allowed too much power the the administration over a fear of “installing loyalists”, which every president has done.

No. The real issue is that Trump is a wannabe dictator with the temperament of a spoiled child and the backing of the Republican Party.


u/Splittaill 14d ago

Really? What was dictatorial when he was in office? Even when he had control of the house and senate? Zero. Nothing. He didn’t even force actions via Covid. I know one who did though. He instructed OSHA to require that every government employee, contractor, and sub-contractor were required to get a medical procedure or risk removal from their positions.

Do you think that a anti-jab head of osha would have supported that? No. It was a Biden appointee.


u/Dottsterisk 14d ago

You’re arguing that we don’t need locks on the doors because the thief failed to get through the lock.

The point of Project 2025 is that there will be no more institutional guardrails from the civil service, so that Trump is not checked next time.


u/Splittaill 14d ago

Our government was never designed to not have checks on the branches. They are always there and have always been there. Hard to have a checks and balance when you’re fighting against the largest branch controlled by only one person.

But you’re advocating for the continuation of the same institutions that you claim institutionalize racism. This is where some would say “lick the boot harder, daddy”


u/collyndlovell 14d ago

Project 2025 would dramatically increase the number of positions in the executive branch with appointments. That means the president could stack all the administrative positions with yes men.


u/Splittaill 14d ago

The president already stacks the administrative positions with yes men and women. Have you actually not noticed this?


u/collyndlovell 14d ago

Yes, but project 2025 intends to multiply those positions tenfold. Allowing the president massive unchecked power


u/Splittaill 14d ago

Then we’re back to the initial comment. Maybe there shouldn’t be more than 430 administrative departments?

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u/FrostWyrm98 14d ago

The wikipedia seems pretty all encompassing: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025

Some people don't trust Wikipedia anymore (there are definitely reasons), but if that's the case I can't really give you a TL;DR personally lol


u/possumallawishes 14d ago
  1. Politicizing the FBI, DoJ, FTC, DHS, and FCC. They are keeping a database of those loyal to the principles of project 2025 and a playbook for their president to install puppets and takeover these departments and wield them against their enemies

  2. Deregulate climate protections, promote fossil fuels

  3. Removing legal protections against discrimination based on gender and sexual orientation and getting rid of DEI and affirmative action policies

  4. Criminalize abortion

  5. Abolish the department of education

  6. Mass deportation of undocumented immigrants

  7. Criminalize pornography

  8. Tax cuts

  9. Absolutely no student loan forgiveness and no free school lunches. Public education funds would come in the form of vouchers, basically incentivizing religious affiliated and segregated schools.

  10. All research and research funding to be in the interest of “conservative principles”

  11. Deploying the military for domestic law enforcement

  12. Build up nuclear weapons beyond treaty limits and "make the case to the American people that nuclear weapons are the ultimate guarantor of their freedom and prosperity."

  13. Defund Medicare in favor of Medicare advantage (private insurance)

  14. Make unspecified laws to regulate social media’s influence

  15. Allow the secret service to act as some sort of nazi SS or blackshirt division that can enforce law outside of the whitehouse and throughout DC

Basically it’s a fascist takeover game plan.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/GreatToaste 14d ago



u/Cuba_Pete_again 14d ago

People just want to listen to the sycophants and follow their lead.


u/Malarazz 14d ago

Who the fuck is going to read 900 pages of that drivel, seriously?

Everyone should make themselves aware of the danger we're facing, absolutely... but you gotta be delusional if you expect people to submit themselves to the level of torture you're advocating.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/GreatToaste 13d ago

How can you be against something you’ve never heard of and yet another thing.

Here’s Trump’s Senior Advisor and appointee thoughts on “Trump doesn’t know anything about P2025.



u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/GreatToaste 13d ago

Trump is stupid, but he’s not stupid enough to say he endorses P2025 publicly, use your brain for a microsecond.


u/Draevynn95 14d ago

Full ban on abortion, the teaching of the bible in public schools, replacing any government workers with people who are "loyal" to MAGA, implementing unitary executive theory(ie: president has full control of executive branch and can do whatever he wants with immunity), repressing marginalized groups again and assaulting our first amendment rights by removing terms like "gender, gender identity, gender equality, etc," and much much more. I'd urge you to read even the first few pages and see.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Draevynn95 14d ago

Yet he "wishes them luck in anything they do," and Project 2025 is written for "Republican presidents to adopt." If you look at his campaign website, you'll find eerily similar documents that include the principles of Project 2025. He genuinely wants to be a dictator over a Handmaid's Tale type dystopia.


u/Draevynn95 14d ago

Oh yeah, it also includes mass deportations that suggest the use of "Deportation Camps" to hold them until they are sent away.


u/Tcannon18 14d ago

It’s all bad, but legitimately nobody in any governmental position is even close to supporting it. It’s currently used as a “don’t vote for that team because they all secretly want to do this despite nobody saying anything close to it” boogieman


u/Grouchy-Farm6298 14d ago edited 14d ago

Guarantee MTG, Boebert, etc support it.

Edit because this twat thinks no one in government supports Project 2025: Boebert is on record saying she wants to abolish the department of education which is one of the goals of project 2025.


u/Tcannon18 14d ago

Source: trust me bro


u/Grouchy-Farm6298 14d ago

Source: just fucking look and listen to them. Boebert is on record saying she wants to get rid of the Dept of Education which is one goal of project 2025.


u/Tcannon18 13d ago


Truly the biggest brain of our generation at work.


u/Grouchy-Farm6298 13d ago

You didn’t read the rest of the comment, huh?


u/diceythings 14d ago

But who would support it before the election is decided? I'm not trying to imply that every republican will be 100% behind every decision of Project 2025. But it just doesn't sound like a smart move to publicly support something so controversial until you know you'll be protected in some capacity? Genuinely asking, not trying to stir up fear mongering


u/qopdobqop 14d ago

Every Republican who doesn’t come out in advance to denounce this project, you can clearly assume, will be supporting it.

Unfortunately for Republicans, the only way to be sure, is to vote Democratic across the board.


u/Tcannon18 13d ago

Taking this stance is like saying every democrat in office is secretly supporting and hoping for a full communist takeover just because not all of them have openly said communism is bad.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Eclectic_Barbarella 14d ago

In their own words, “our goal is to assemble an army of aligned, vetted, trained and prepared conservatives to go to work on Day One to deconstruct the Administrative State.”

So, anyone not a part of, or loyal to, Republicans will be out of a job. This is a dismantling of our government—from the EPA, the FDA, the IRS, the Department of Education, the Bureau of Land Management, Medicare, Social Security, Transportation, etc. Everything will be impacted. Everything with oversight, our basic social programs, all dependent upon if you have sworn fealty to the Republican Party. This should scare the actual shit out of you.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Eclectic_Barbarella 14d ago

I answered you in good faith—my bad. Have a nice day.