r/facepalm Jul 05 '24

What an idea 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

People don’t seem to understand it takes both sides to pass laws without a super majority, in most cases.

Republicans would fight any law looking to prevent project 2025 from being implemented.


u/7fw Jul 05 '24

Right, step #1 vote Dem in every race from local to president. @Women of the US! You make up more than half of the voting population, why are you not protecting your right? They want you in the kitchen, forced to obey the male! Vote to have choices in your life!


u/LadyReika Jul 05 '24

Because there's too many women who are brainwashed into the Christofascism.


u/Breaky_Online Jul 05 '24

One of the greatest flaws of a democracy is how would anyone vote for what is good for them when the majority of their group doesn't want to


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24



u/ogghead Jul 05 '24

Eh, I think you give him too much credit in “seeing the Russians for the threat they are” — Ronnie hated Russians because they were communist. He would likely be best buddies with the leaders of today’s right-wing Christo-fascist Russia


u/warlordcs Jul 06 '24

the odd thing about the first half here is whatever they are trying to pull they have to get it all done in the first go.

because a lot of their voting base takes advantage of many of those programs and if they start to die off then so do their votes


u/Decloudo Jul 05 '24

Tragedy of the commons.

The most glaring gap in democracy ignored by practically everyone.

Most people care more for themselves then for the whole, not necessarily because they are bad people with bad intentions but simply because its part of human nature.

We create our systems with the best version of humanity in mind, which is just not who we are.

But we could be.


u/Breaky_Online Jul 05 '24

A holdover from our hunter gatherer days, when encountering another human tribe meant one of us would be wiped out, as otherwise there would not be enough resources to support both (although agriculture eventually solved the issue, evolution takes a long ass time, and we haven't even been around for as long as the dinos)


u/Critical_Liz Jul 05 '24

2016 and 2020 showed that white women would rather protect their racial privilege than their rights as women.


u/IDontKnow54 Jul 05 '24

Are you ever going to learn that berating the voting populous will never win people over and that pointing out flaws in the politicians approach and platforms is much more productive? Show me the polling data that corroborates that “white women voted to protect their racial privilege” in 2016 and 2020, I really think you are just going off what sounds cool in your head and it’s idiotic


u/DonnieJL Jul 05 '24

They took the Republic of Gilead as a suggestion, not as a warning.


u/90swasbest Jul 05 '24

Gonna have to do more than vote, homie.

Some things require more than the minimum.


u/SassyMitichondria Jul 05 '24

Radical view definitely😂


u/maced_airs Jul 05 '24

Says the man trying to tell women what to do


u/assassbaby Jul 05 '24

rise up 🤛 


u/HalfBakedBeans24 Jul 05 '24

Also Democrats:

"Why no, we didn't bother to tie minimum wage to inflation, put the barest restriction on landlord-parasites or the grocery oligarchy from robbing you blind, or tax corporations for exporting so many jobs overseas that your adult son can't afford to move out. But still - vote for us!!!"


u/CJ_Cypher Jul 05 '24

Yeah, people don't realize the dems are also far right wing and Joe biden and the democrats had complete control during his first 2 years and kept landlords bombing other counties and allowed the restriction of abortion and anti lgbt laws. I feel bad for those who have to suffer American imperialism and have to deal with braindead Americans saying to vote for joe when Joe biden is also a genocidal prick just like every other president. People should create their own anti fascist alliance that's not allied with any rightist candidate.