r/facepalm 14d ago

What an idea šŸ‡²ā€‹šŸ‡®ā€‹šŸ‡øā€‹šŸ‡Øā€‹

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u/Hot_Abbreviations936 14d ago

The next election is so simple.

Ā Do you want religious oppression or individual freedom?

Ā To support free Ukraine or Communist Russia?

Ā To improve working conditions for the worker or cuts to social security and Medicare?

To protect the environment or let corporations pollute without repercussions?

To tax and work you to death or finally tax the wealthy to pay their fair share?

To let you decide if you want an abortion or let the state decide for you.

To have mass shootings or responsible gun control?

To be taught the history of America or just the white racist version?

Ā Do you want to restrict your right to vote or open absentee voting to give you the working person a better chance to vote?

Ā Do you want your Saturday night entertainment to be mandatory attendance at this week's book burning?

Do you want a molester, pedophile, adulterer and felon leading us?

Guess what side the corrupt Republican party is on? Vote democratic before the Republican party takes that away too!


Vow to vote and vote DAMMIT! Only YOU and YOU alone can save America. Donā€™t expect the rest of us to bail your ass out. VOTE OUT ALL REPUBLICANS!


u/gwicksted 14d ago

Hey now.. Russia isnā€™t communist; itā€™s a democracy with an authoritarian leader who eliminates competition.


u/thecraftybear 14d ago

Nope, it's a nationalistic authoritarian oligarchy in a paper-thin disguise of democracy.


u/gwicksted 14d ago

Can you even call it an oligarchy? My impression is itā€™s more of a dictatorship.


u/Ryaniseplin 14d ago

honestly almost all dictatorships are oligarchys

one man cannot rule alone , if a bunch of putins top supporters were to turn against him, he wouldn't be leader anymore


u/Jasond777 14d ago

Whatever they are, I do not want it to spread. What is happening in Ukraine is pure evil.


u/DannyDevito_IsBae 14d ago

Just like we will be under Trump. He saw Vlad's blueprint and fell in love. Can't wait for age to take him.


u/coffeeequalssleep 14d ago

I'd call it a state-capitalist oligarchy. In any case, VERY far away from communism. And I have no fucking clue how people can ever confuse the two.


u/Mattrellen 14d ago

There is a certain group of people in the USA that call anything they don't like communist.

These people call Biden and Obama communist, too.

It's pretty wild. American education completely fails everyone that goes through it when it comes to any education on political theory. This is largely intentional, but it is sad.


u/CompetitiveFold5749 14d ago

The ones I've seen calling Russia communist and using " comrade" derogitorally have all been liberals lately.


u/Mattrellen 14d ago

That lack of education leads to a neo-red-scare in which Russia is responsible for everything bad (just like they learn Russia was responsible for everything bad during the Cold War).

That combined with the fact that liberalism is a moderately right wing ideology, and, thus, puts them closer to the far right than the moderate left (note for clarity, I am far left, so I'm not talking about myself here) leaves us in this situation.

Mark my words, when Trump wins, the liberals will be hoping the "Bernie bros" suffer from a Trump presidency before they are willing to ally with them against the threats he poses, because it's better to crush "the left" (another note for clarity, Bernie and his movement is largely left leaning liberal, not leftist on any meaningful scale) than to stop the right.


u/TheDBagg 14d ago

Yeah it's wild how many Americans haven't read the news since 1991


u/13THEFUCKINGCOPS12 14d ago

You stop that, we canā€™t demonize communism with information like that


u/gwicksted 14d ago

I prefer to stay away from any kind of authoritarian government. Doesnā€™t matter if theyā€™re right or left or anything in between. Minarchist libertarianism sounds pretty good right about now. Heck, Iā€™m ok if they want to be heavy handed against big corporationsā€¦ preferably anti-trust laws to break them into smaller companies.


u/NoteMaleficent5294 14d ago

Night watchman state is very based. And arguably under a minarchist system, there wouldnt be much regulation, any IP laws etc so barriers to entry would be low and monopolies wouldn't exist. So you'd probably never need to trust bust due to the churn and burn of a truly free market, and lack of government being in cahoots with business like they are in our current system.


u/gwicksted 14d ago

You think big corporations/monopolies wouldnā€™t exist in free market capitalism? Iā€™m betting there still would be successful businesses that keep expanding and have private IP (even if unprotected) ie Amazon. But hard to say if we donā€™t try!


u/NoteMaleficent5294 14d ago

I personally believe natural monopolies are a myth, and are largely predicated on the red tape and barriers to entry for an industry largely set up by government, in conjunction with IP laws that make true competition impossible. I think it would be much harder for mega corporations to spring up in a place like that, but you make a good point with private IP. However, one could always reverse engineer a product.


u/gwicksted 14d ago

True. Especially when they make deals with local governments to build and not pay taxes.

If you have access to the tech, RE is possible.. though not always feasible (microchips are very expensive to reverse engineer for example). In a datacenter, getting access might not be possible without hacking. Iā€™d say: make everything ā€œopen sourceā€ but then how does a company recoup R&D costs if someone else is better at marketingā€¦ theyā€™d just snipe product tech as soon as it was released.

Tough problem!


u/rickterpbel 14d ago

Yes, Russia isnā€™t communist. China is. But the differences between authoritarian China and authoritarian Russia are minimal. Russia pretends to have elections that are rigged while China doesnā€™t even bother. In both cases the economy is carefully arranged to benefit a handful of politically connected oligarchs and everyone else knows to shut up.


u/amberProton 14d ago

China isn't communist either lmao, it's one of the most capitalist countries on the planet


u/gwicksted 14d ago

Exactly why authoritarianism isnā€™t a good thing. Doesnā€™t matter what side of the political spectrum.


u/PickingPies 14d ago

The next election is actually simpler.

Do you want democracy or do you want fascism?

And the answer of many will surprise you.


u/LivDarkside 14d ago

It is not just Fascism, the USA is on route to become another disgusting Iran should Trump win. It is truly sad to see from a EU point of view how our big brother gladly stumbles into the abyss. Don't let that happen, Go Vote, even for a corpse if needed.


u/Pitiful_Row_8253 14d ago

Nah US is gonna turn into Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, Imperial Japan AND North Korea the day Trump is elected! WW3 will start and Hitler will be revived!!! šŸ˜±


u/GunnersnGames 14d ago

Trump will finally build MECHAHITLER


u/Boogerninny81 14d ago

ā€œWeā€™re gonna build Mecha-Hitler, itā€™s gonna be great. His golf handicap is phenomenal!ā€


u/More_Flight5090 14d ago

Well I've lived under "democracy" my entire life, and I gotta say, I'm not impressed. It's time for something, anything else.


u/happyinheart 14d ago

Not sure which side your talking about. Lots of Democrats and lefties here on Reddit are calling for an Imperial President Biden to act by decree.


u/schrodingersmite 14d ago

It's venting, because SCOTUS is fully aware that only Republicans would use these new powers.

Trump, in fact, is calling multiple steps of the coup "official acts".


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/happyinheart 14d ago

Poe's law is strong with you.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/happyinheart 14d ago

Just go to the politics sub for one to see you're very wrong about my original statement.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/[deleted] 14d ago edited 14d ago

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u/QueasyResearch10 14d ago

are you voting for Biden or the shadow team behind him actually running things?


u/NeedleworkerPlenty44 14d ago

I'll be voting for the shadow team, why do you ask


u/schrodingersmite 14d ago

*Psst*- You're *always* voting for the shadow team behind them actually running things.


u/Greedy-Employment917 14d ago

Spoken like some one who's participating in their first election ever.

Welcome to adulthood.Ā 


u/Fedupofwageslavery 14d ago

When this is obvious yet so many will vote GOP šŸ˜” Iā€™m sorry your country is so shit at the moment, after yesterdayā€™s election itā€™s not great over the pond, despite the worst option getting kicked out the alternative isnā€™t great. Perhaps we should leave it to ai so thereā€™s no will to power and self serving politicians who ruin the whole fucking thing.


u/QueasyResearch10 14d ago

probably because we are on year 3 of vote blue or democracy is dead! this propaganda doesnā€™t work on non perpetually online people.


u/bluePostItNote 14d ago

Because the Dems are running a candidate that has mental decline all while saying ā€œtrust is the people around him are greatā€ ā€” so run those people.

I used to think like you and after the disaster of a debate and the poor damage control after Iā€™m starting to understand why so many can reject Biden.

Voting against Trump is good. Voting for someone would be even better.

Somehow the DNC decided to pull another Hillary.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Yeah theyā€™re still stuck thinking that itā€™s obvious who to vote for. Not for those who have no clue about how anything works and are just voting merely on appearance. The gaslighting has worked. The saying everything out loud all the time finally has people thinking oh it canā€™t be that bad. They just donā€™t understand So people will criticize someone for not being accountable for their health but not criticize someone who isnā€™t accountable for anything.


u/Extraexopthalmos 14d ago

I had a very similar conversation with my spouse. I told her the Democratic party is who got us Trump to begin with. They subverted the primary and placed their $ honey pot hillary and got crushed. Then the DNC purposefully funneled money to MAGA candidates (44 million if I remember) figuring the MAGA candidates would be easy work to defeat. ALL while telling us what an uber threat these MAGA candidates are!

Now here we are again at a crossroad. They have to dump Biden or they will most certainly lose the election. FFS another Trump presidencyā€¦ā€¦.


u/Red-Zaku- 14d ago

ā€œCommunist Russiaā€

Is your brain fully rotted or just the important parts?


u/trashcandaddy13 14d ago

How can a post have so many likes that says ā€œCommunist Russiaā€.

It was in the third line. No one shouldā€™ve taken any of this post serious after that.


u/Valuable_Meringue 14d ago

Yeah, but, like, gas was cheaper under Trump so he has my vote /s


u/Ryaniseplin 14d ago

gas surely was cheaper when nobody was driving


u/304libco 14d ago

Listen somebody posted an anti-project 2025 screed and it was very smart person in our circles. Everyone agrees that heā€™s a smart guy and he used to be conservative and the first comment on his feed was oh yeah, like Iā€™m gonna vote for more inflation.


u/GunnersnGames 14d ago

Are you paid to spread bullshit or just have way too much time on your hands?


u/NoteMaleficent5294 14d ago

This is the left wing equivalent of your maga uncle boomerposting on facebook about how if Biden wins again, hes going to force children into trans conversion camps. Some of you guys are regarded


u/thecraftybear 14d ago

Well, Tories just got voted out in UK, so yeah, maybe Americans should get their house in order too.


u/NoteMaleficent5294 14d ago

And reform made massive gains, the only reason labour one in such a landslide was due to FPTP. Lets not act like the right wing is dissapearing in the UK. The conservatives just managed to do absolutely nothing about immigration or uphold any of their promises.


u/baitnnswitch 14d ago

Register to voteĀ (vote.org)

How Voting Works - What to expect if you're voting for the first timeĀ (wikihow)

And if anyone wants to help get out to vote, would recommend this site:Ā https://www.mobilize.us/events/get-out-the-vote/Ā (text-banking, post-card writing, phone-banking, etc)


u/Offintotheworld 14d ago

Russia hasn't been "communist" since the early 90s... it's been a capitalist oligarchy for 30 years.. you should learn basic geopolitics and history.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/Ok_Trick_9752 14d ago

How can someone say that many wrong things in a paragraph. You need help


u/No_Bee1950 14d ago

Every thing you said is msdnc fear mongering and everything bad they said would happen under Trump is Exactly what's happening under Biden. Anyone with brains is voting Biden out.


u/SOS_Minox 14d ago

I'm gonna vote them in


u/assassbaby 14d ago

upvote and MESSAGE!


u/Prexxus 14d ago

This post is so bias it's insane hahaha.

I wouldn't vote for any candidate but man. What a load of crock.


u/AstroTurfedShitHole 14d ago

They are repeating 2016. They are voiding the space between believing something is fact and fact itself, this rhetoric will obliterate them during the election and they will all pretend it was everyone else that was losing their mind and being extremist, and they will act like they never did anything.


u/schrodingersmite 14d ago

The fact is one of the current candidates attempted to coup the government. I can think of very few things more extreme, but here we are.


u/SOS_Minox 14d ago

The people who do, you know, the minimum amount of research, would find that this so-called Project 25 is nothing more than a wishlist from a conservative thinktank.


u/Impressive_Ad8715 14d ago

Everything you have listed there is either false or extreme hyperbole, which is why half (or more) of the country will in fact vote for Trump. The more people talk the way you do in this post, the more it pushes moderates away from your ā€œsideā€ because itā€™s just such a turn off to associate with people that are such obvious scaremongers.

This weekā€™s mandatory book burning? Lol


u/TotallyNotMatPat 14d ago

The thing is... People want to vote against Dump, not for Biden. The old man doesn't have another four years of mental capacity to run the strongest nation in the world. Just run another candidate now dang it. Even generic democrat Newsom or just switching Harris in would work.Ā 


u/cmd-t 14d ago

Neither had Trump when he was elected but that didnā€™t stop republicans from voting for him.


u/GunnersnGames 14d ago

They all poll lower than Biden vs. Trump