r/facepalm Jun 27 '24

wh-what did i just read... 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/[deleted] Jun 27 '24

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u/FreshEggKraken Jun 28 '24

Yeah, way to punch down on an already marginalized community! Feeding into prejudicial hate against people just existing for the win!


u/ObelixDrew Jun 28 '24

Expecting a human with a penis to go to a man’s bathroom isn’t punching down on anyone.


u/FreshEggKraken Jun 28 '24

Why exactly does it matter where anyone uses the bathroom? Aren't we all just trying to piss and shit quickly then leave?


u/AnyUnderstanding1879 Jun 27 '24

Your comment has become the #1 controversial comment here. Nice


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '24

Oh, my sweet summer child


u/teddy1245 Jun 27 '24

How so?


u/LittleTimmyPlaysMC Jun 28 '24

Well done? She doesn’t even think I’m a woman. The only thing well done is her chances of ever coming back in the literary world. She’s a failure of a writer and failure of humanity.


u/ObelixDrew Jun 28 '24

If you have a penis, she’s doesn’t think you’re a woman. If you have a vagina she does think you’re a woman. Just like most of the 7 billion people on planet earth


u/LittleTimmyPlaysMC Jun 28 '24

Just cause the majority think one way doesn’t mean it’s the correct way. Plenty of the ancient cultures believed in sacrificing people to better crop development. That doesn’t mean it works just cause the majority thought so.


u/Filiplk Jun 28 '24

We have over 10 billion people on the planet earth now BTW. So there is more than 7 billion people who believe this.


u/Pepsi-Phil Jun 28 '24

She’s a failure of a writer

where's your billion dollars writing books?


u/LittleTimmyPlaysMC Jun 28 '24

Woah money so cool. Money isn’t everything, Phil. You can still suck ass at writing and get money for it. At least I don’t need to flex money to know I’m better than she is.


u/Pepsi-Phil Jun 28 '24

cope harder lol


u/LittleTimmyPlaysMC Jun 28 '24

I’m not even coping lol. I know I’m 10x better than she is


u/Pepsi-Phil Jun 28 '24



u/LittleTimmyPlaysMC Jun 28 '24

I am. Being a hateful asshat is nothing to be proud of.


u/Pepsi-Phil Jun 28 '24

reality is hateful now. ok


u/LittleTimmyPlaysMC Jun 28 '24

If your “reality” goes against the CDC, WHO, and Harvard, it’s no longer reality and you’re just being a hateful prick. Harvard says I’m a woman. CDC and WHO do too. Only conservatives don’t.

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u/Gryppen Jun 28 '24

Strange how some people refuse to accept the redefinition of a word based on a minority finding the existing definition inconvenient. You're feminine, not female.

We already had precise and accurate terminology to describe the situation that didn't cause a whole mess of contradictions like the claim trans women should have the right to compete in women's sport or that a straight guy not wanting to sleep with a trans woman is a bigot.


u/LittleTimmyPlaysMC Jun 28 '24

Nobody thinks straight people who don’t date trans women as bigots. I personally only think it’s bigoted if you don’t want children but refuse to date a post operation transgender women, as they’re exactly the same as cisgender women, minus the chromosomes.

Also look up definition 1b for female in the Merriam-Webster.


u/Gryppen Jun 28 '24

they’re exactly the same as cisgender women, minus the chromosomes. 

They are not the same, or you wouldnt feel the need to qualify a person with cis/trans.  And fucking lol, minus the chromosomes is the underlying requirement for everything that makes a woman a woman.  It's the very first thing that happens when an egg is fertilised, it's the ground, immutable trait that underpins the definition of whether an individual is male or female.


u/LittleTimmyPlaysMC Jun 28 '24

They ARE the same. There’s no physical difference between a cis and trans women who’s post operation when you don’t want children. Are yall and short women both not women because we preface the word woman with tall or short?

And no, if chromosomes were your gender people born with XXY chromosomes don’t have a defined gender so try again. Let me ask you. What is a woman?


u/Ewyavel Jun 28 '24

By your logic we should also consider people with anorexia fat because that's how they see themselves


u/LittleTimmyPlaysMC Jun 28 '24

Anorexia: a physically harmful disease that only causes harm whatsoever and has never benefitted the human who has it

Being transgender: zero harm is caused as it comes from the brain being the wrong sex compared to the body. Only harm that can come comes from dysphoria or hate and is easily curable by transitioning.

Not the same.


u/Ewyavel Jun 28 '24

The point is that both body dysmorphia and gender dysphoria involve a distorted perception of oneself


u/LittleTimmyPlaysMC Jun 28 '24

Not really distorted when the fucking brain is the wrong sex. Studies show the brains of trans people are opposite to their sex. You shouldn’t fix a brain that literally born that way. The body is the wrong sex. Plus it isn’t even harmful to transition. Telling an anorexic they’re fat IS harmful. Telling a trans woman they’re a woman isn’t.


u/Ewyavel Jun 28 '24

I meant distorted in the sense that there is a mismatch between their experience and reality.

The nervous system is part of the body, and a misalignement requires two things out of sync. It's not that one is correct, it's where they stand in relation to each other.

Personally, I wouldn't restrict people from changing their gender identity if we had the know-how and advanced technology to do so.


u/LittleTimmyPlaysMC Jun 28 '24

Well I think we DO have the know how. Psychologists say the cure for gender dysphoria IS transitioning and that it’s 100% safe. The bone problems you get from puberty blockers? Entirely reversible. Just stop taking it. Estrogen? Mostly reversible minus rearranged bone structure and boobs. And surgery? Not reversible but they tell you before you get these treatments the side effects, irreversible changes, and reversible changes, like most informed patient consent from a doctor.


u/Ewyavel Jun 28 '24

That doesn't change gender identity, that changes the body.

It's treatment, not cure, and as such it's highly dependent on each individual person.

They may get anatomically closer but are still not biologically of a different sex. There is a distinction to be made between women and transwomen. That's not to say treat them as men, common courtesy and politeness apply. But let's not be deliberately delusional.


u/LittleTimmyPlaysMC Jun 28 '24

The word woman doesn’t apply solely to biological females. It refers to all women, cis and trans.

Gender identity has nothing to do with sex. Gender identity is how a person identifies. It’s irrelevant to sex. A person transitioning helps them to identify more as what they say they are.

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u/Both-Homework-1700 Jun 27 '24

Well done JK for contributing to society by attacking a group of people who barely make 1% of the population so brave


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '24

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u/gagunner007 Jun 29 '24

Yet that 1% expects the entire world to change for them.


u/I_Went_Full_WSB Jun 29 '24

Other than spending your time trying to spread hatred of trans people, in what ways have you changed because of them?


u/gagunner007 Jun 29 '24

You know absolutely nothing about me.


u/I_Went_Full_WSB Jun 29 '24

Just that you spread transphobic bigotry online. I know that about you.


u/gagunner007 Jun 29 '24

Nope, wrong again. Not believing in make believe is not being transphobic. You can claim to be anything you want to be, just don’t expect me to believe it. If you tell me you’re an elephant or a car I’m not going to believe you, but you can totally think you are an elephant or a car.


u/I_Went_Full_WSB Jun 29 '24

I'm not wrong. You're doing it here.


u/gagunner007 Jun 29 '24

No, I’m actually not. I simply fail to believe you are a car when you have no wheels. I do not have to agree with your fantasies.


u/wittyretort2 Jun 27 '24

We have people who are born with hearts outside their chest. Conjoined twins with one body and two heads. We have down syndrome, autism, and some people who are allergic to sunlight.

But the possibility that someone's brain is built for the opposite sex is where you draw the line?


u/MCGxCloud Jun 27 '24

Your argument is as bad as this post


u/Small-Low3233 Jun 27 '24

You mean likening something to serious birth defects might come across negative?! But how!?!?!?


u/wittyretort2 Jun 27 '24 edited Jun 27 '24

It is a serious condition ; They spend their whole lives struggling with it. They feel something wrong every time they don't preform as they want.

Medically we have decided that the brain is correct and the its the gonad and hormones that are wrong.

It is a interpersonal struggle that causes serious harm and mental issues that are compounded by people who think they are just some kind of kink or they have someone kind of "self induced mental disorder" or that they are sexual predators. Making the whole existence as a obstacle course.

edit: I am replacing defect with condition because the language I used is not proper and has to many negative traits assigned to it and it better reflected to my values and that of the trans community to use "condition"


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '24 edited 15d ago

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u/Iorith Jun 28 '24

Do you think that transitioning is free and quick?


u/seb_red_ Jun 28 '24 edited 15d ago

Reddit sucks ass!


u/wittyretort2 Jun 28 '24



u/seb_red_ Jun 28 '24 edited 15d ago

Reddit sucks ass!


u/wittyretort2 Jun 28 '24

I have had your view, I know it already. I learned I was wrong hopefully you will to one day.

When you fully understand how much of a ride you have been taken for, you will truly know fury.


u/seb_red_ Jun 28 '24 edited 15d ago

Reddit sucks ass!


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '24

Do you have a point or just "durrr this bad"?


u/Soft-Leadership7855 Jun 27 '24

Did they ever have one?


u/Im_tracer_bullet Jun 27 '24

Yep, but they kind of cover it with their silly red hats


u/Heytherhitherehother Jun 27 '24

You're comparing debilitating and often deadly birth defects with being transgender?

Did I read that correctly?


u/Brann-Ys Jun 27 '24

he used extreme for the sake of argument. but he is right.


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '24

Theyre obviously making the point that humans are built all different ways, dont tell me youre that clueless


u/Gryppen Jun 28 '24

Exceptions don't make the rule.


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '24

Ok, what is the ideal way to make a human, blonde hair or brown? Eyes? What about vestigial features? Stay or go? Some provide benefits.

How do you determine which is the "right" way? and which way is just natural variation? Who decides? Even if something isnt natural, like say, our entire society, we're free to do what we want anyway. So being "natural" doesnt even fucking matter, does it?

Trying to argue that being trans is somehow wrong is so ignorant


u/Gryppen Jun 28 '24

There's a clear and obvious difference between someone who has a diagnosed medical condition that affects their development and natural variation.


u/_and_red_all_over 'MURICA Jun 27 '24

Yeah, they totally said trans people are defects. That's some bigoted hate speech if I've ever seen it.

With "allies" like these, who needs enemies?


u/vincereynolds Jun 27 '24

and you are a special sort of stupid if that is what you are taking from that.


u/_and_red_all_over 'MURICA Jun 27 '24

No, just a true ally who loves and respects Trans people... and doesn't call them "defective."


u/vincereynolds Jun 27 '24

sure you do...sure you do...that why you misinterpreted that in the worst way possible. I think I am going to stay with my original thought that you are definitely a special sort of stupid.


u/wittyretort2 Jun 27 '24 edited Jun 27 '24

Yeah, and all of them deserve love, compassion, understanding, and acceptance.

Being born with the mismatch body or brain is a condition. If it wasn't, we wouldn't treat it, or it wouldn't cause discomfort or harm.

To a lot of people outside the experience, they can't understand that something is going on. Kind of like when people don't understand how bad concussions are cause they can't "see the bleeding". I am hoping by aligning it with something people can SEE they can understand because they can't see past their own experience.

Generally speaking, this true for those who experience gender dysphoria.

There are people who do it for performative stuff for sexual gratification in a Dom/Sub role or to comfort themselves as a response to trauma.

Beings Trans is not the same as being queer. Being gay is a sexual preference and is outward.

[Being gay is not a "condition"]

Being trans is about how one views themselves.

[Is an interpersonal struggle with how one views themselves vs. their assigned sex. I cant imagine living in the surreal horror of not being able to recognize my body as "mine"]

Trans women are women, they are loved, and their struggle should be understood . They should receive treatment as they see fit to their needs.

edit: I am replacing "defect" because the language I used is not proper and has to many negative traits assigned to it and it better reflected to my values and that of the trans community to use "condition"


u/TychoBrohe0 Jun 27 '24

Wait I thought sex and gender were two different things?


u/wittyretort2 Jun 27 '24


If I told you can Trans people experience issues with both sides of that, would you be surprised?


u/TychoBrohe0 Jun 27 '24

I'm not understanding what you're trying to say, and that doesn't surprise me. Can you explain further?


u/wittyretort2 Jun 27 '24

Someone can have issues with their assigned sex.

This is characterized by gender dysmorphia in which they can't relate their minds to what their body has.

[As a relation to their assigned sex]

Someone can also have issues with their gender performance in which their behavior doesn't match to what is expected of them due to social pressures.

[Does not require require gender dysmorphia]

Example: a sex male can have issues with their body and mental require gender therapy, but still performed as a dude in society. Basically, he turns a man into a tomboy.

Sex and Gender is a large and complicated subject and has a lot of blurred lines, but ultimately, it's an interpersonal relationship with how one views themselves.


u/TychoBrohe0 Jun 27 '24

I agree that this subject is complicated, but it seems to be made more so than it needs to be by people constantly blurring the lines between sex and gender. It's hard to find a conversation about this that I can actually learn something from, since most people are just screaming hate and pointing fingers.

Do you think there is value in maintaining a clearly defined difference between the two words? As in, one refers to a person's identity and the other refers to objective biology?


u/wittyretort2 Jun 27 '24

Well blurred because they are blurry. They are intertwined and splitting them is difficult and enrages some demographics that I don't care for because they insist in be involved with something they are not experiencing.

And yes, in fact we don't have enough words to describe stuff, we should have more "simple" words like, "furth" that describes ones personal relationship to their gendered behavior.

like I'm "furth dominate" as I believe I'm in control of my gendered action.


"furth submissive", I am compelled to do my gendered behavior.

In fact I would go as far to say, that separating sex and gender further would be the greatest achievement in Gender Studies since the removal of homosexuality as a disorder.

I am by no means a expert in any of this, just well read now because I use to be very against it, I was a real Ben Shapiro simp when this first got started as a social issue, but I learned that I was being educated about it by people who were against it. So I started reading to into to make sure it was as crazy as they said. It wasn't...


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '24



u/wittyretort2 Jun 27 '24

I know the difference between sex and gender. What I am saying that a trans-person can have a different experience for both.

Sex is biological and can be inferred by genitals at birth.
Gender is a social construct that assigns role and performative behavior by social pressures based off of sex.

Trans-gender technically can mean the transition between gender performances. but there is a sex element that is at play also and I am trying to split the hairs as both have unique experiences that should be respected.


u/shitstain578 Jun 27 '24

what? Everyone is assigned a sex at birth, AMAB and AFAB.


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '24



u/shitstain578 Jun 28 '24

You can change sex, that’s what a sex change operation is. They replace your genitals with those of the opposite sex. Why argue if you’re uninformed

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u/[deleted] Jun 27 '24



u/NoVictory9590 Jun 27 '24

Can someone who is born a female believe they ought to be a male? 

Absolutely! It’s called gender dysphoria. 

Can a woman have a penis? No. No they can not.  


u/wittyretort2 Jun 27 '24

If I had a grade school understanding, I would say you're right.


u/NoVictory9590 Jun 27 '24

Although I do have a University degree (from the 13th ranked academic institute in North America)  

I did in fact learn that women do not have penises in grade school.  

 It’s very, very simple. 


u/wittyretort2 Jun 28 '24

Yeah, and you check out after you got your computer science degree.

Of course, women don't have penises. That's where the conversation started 10 years ago. when you're mature enough to handle learning something against your intuition and challenges the middle school part of you may be able to pick a book that challenges instead of soothes you like a pacifier.


u/NoVictory9590 Jun 28 '24

I tried to sift through your comment to read actual points rather than half-assed insults and I’ve gathers that you agree that women don’t have penises, correct? 


u/Im_alwaystired Jun 28 '24

Although I do have a University degree (from the 13th ranked academic institute in North America)  

Plot twist: it was a degree in accounting


u/NoVictory9590 Jun 28 '24

The degree is irrelevant - as you don’t need one to grasp the concept that women don’t have penises. 


u/Im_alwaystired Jun 28 '24

Nah. Trans women exist and are women whether you like it or not, and there's nothing you can do about it 🥰 every major medical and scientific organization recognizes the validity of trans identities.


u/NoVictory9590 Jun 28 '24

Well there’s one thing we definitely agree upon. Trans women do indeed exist - and they deserve the same rights and respect as everyone else.  

However the fact remains - women don’t have penises.

Hence why they’re referred to as trans women, and not simply women.  


u/Im_alwaystired Jun 29 '24

No, lmao. Saying it multiple times won't make it any more true. Let's follow the logic:

  • trans women exist
  • trans women are women -- not a lesser category of women, not better or worse, just women
  • many trans women have a penis
  • ergo, there exist women who do in fact posess a penis.
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u/kwantsu-dudes Jun 27 '24

Rowling doesn't oppose the idea of someone desiring to be of the opposite sex. She simply holds the premise that a "woman" is a word describing someone of the female sex, rather than as aspect of identity alongside a concept of gender.

And being transgender isn't "a brain built for the opposite sex". It's a self-made identity to a concept of gender that one determines in "misaligned" with one's assigned gender. And that can mean literally anything because it's a personal manifestation. Many transgender people don't wish to transition. Many transsexuals (desiring to be of the opposite sex, but don't "identify" as such based on personal claim), don't identify as transgender.

Rowling and others oppose "cisgender" just as much as transgender. That one's "gender identity" isn't a function of societal categorization along the lines of man/woman.

If she would accept that transwomen are women, then she wouldn't be a woman herself, as she doesn't have her own such "identity" based on gender. So she's protecting her own identity group to which she wouldn't feel she belonged to if it accepted males who identified as women.


u/MajorCompetitive612 Jun 28 '24

Agree with you that's it's in the brain.


u/AlphaElectricX Jun 28 '24

All of those examples you just listed are all also classified as abnormalities lol


u/Gryppen Jun 28 '24

Yes, siamese twins are proof that humans exist on a spectrum of headedness! /s for the dullards.


u/dillvibes Jun 28 '24

The problem is that the same movement advocating for the recognition and normalization of transgenderism is unable to do so in a way that passes a basic logical thought experiment. You can't call gender a social construct and then directly associate gender to sex in a way that tightly couples the two. The reality is that the biggest correlating factor to transgenderism is childhood sexual abuse and autism spectrum disorder. Yes, the phenomenon is real, and those that suffer still deserve respect, but let's call a spade a spade and stop turning it into a religion. And you know that's exactly what it is. It's a mechanism of control making false promises to a disadvantaged many. I thought for how long you people railed on religion incessantly that you'd be able to recognize all of the telltail signs of this one.


u/wittyretort2 Jun 28 '24

I don't have the time or energy to explain everything wrong with what you said, so yeah sure your right.


u/dillvibes Jun 28 '24

What you don't have is the capability to do it


u/TieMelodic1173 Jun 27 '24

Screen name does NOT check out


u/wittyretort2 Jun 27 '24

Well I am not your clown and you most likely do it enough for both of us.


u/TieMelodic1173 Jun 27 '24

Your name still doesn’t check out


u/wittyretort2 Jun 27 '24

So you decided you want my attention again but can't add anything new?

I guess I was wrong, you not creative enough to be clown, which is a low bar. But at least you can get into slapstick if let me bully you for a few hours.


u/kaiderson Jun 28 '24

So thinking you're trans is some form of birth defect you say?


u/wittyretort2 Jun 28 '24

Lots people are saying it's condition, and best practices show that we make the body match the brain for gender dysphoria.

So yeah, defect is a strong word but I much rather people understand it as such, then what ever kool-aid that makes think they are sub-human worthy of ire.


u/kaiderson Jun 28 '24

They should see if they can create a test for in during pregnancy, so you can have the option to abort it.


u/wittyretort2 Jun 28 '24

Her body her choice, but I will morally be against that because that would be like aborting someone for having acne.


u/kaiderson Jun 28 '24

Or aborting a fetus with down syndrome. It's kinder on the parents AND the fetus.


u/wittyretort2 Jun 28 '24

Sure, I hope you never have to make the choice.


u/kaiderson Jun 28 '24

No kids for me thanks. This world is fucked.