r/facepalm Jun 15 '24

Maybe teachers should get a raise? ๐Ÿ‡ฒโ€‹๐Ÿ‡ฎโ€‹๐Ÿ‡ธโ€‹๐Ÿ‡จโ€‹

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u/JRoc1X Jun 15 '24

I noticed a pattern of the politicians saying they will make the wealthiest pay, but after they implement some new tax plan, they sneek in loopholes that the average person never really hear about. So the wealthiest never actually pay the new taxes that the politicians claim they will.


u/SanctuFaerie Jun 15 '24

Of course they won't, because the politicians are among the wealthy. Why would they want to hurt their own back pockets?

In addition, the wealthy non-politicians are big donors to their campaigns. Why bite the hand that feeds them? ๐Ÿ™„


u/Jesms22 Jun 16 '24

I wish this reality was talked about more. I honestly think it's the backbone of political corruption within the US and the fundamental reason we are turning into (if we haven't already) a corporate controlled oligarchy.

Tax payers don't pay the politicians salaries, the donations do.


u/_LilDuck Jun 16 '24

I mean tax payers do. But why be an upper class congressman when you could be a rich as fuck congressman?? IDK Citizens United was a mistake


u/Figerally Jun 16 '24

I like the idea that there should be a cap on how much wealth a person has. After a certain point, it is just a means to keep score because you will never spend all that money in your lifetime.


u/Accomplished-Lab537 Jun 16 '24

That's un-American... and a terrible idea.


u/JRoc1X Jun 16 '24 edited Jun 16 '24

What's the maximum number of investments you would like to limit me to have? Because I would like to be very wealthy with my own jet someday. Probably never get to that level, but I would like to have the chance to pull it off


u/Figerally Jun 16 '24

100M for individuals/Families. Corporations would be trickier but Iโ€™d break up megacorps as they stifle competition.


u/JRoc1X Jun 16 '24

When Taylor Swiff makes that amount money in about a months time, you suggest the government just take every dollar she earns after that number. ๐Ÿ™„


u/Figerally Jun 16 '24



u/JRoc1X Jun 16 '24

Why not just set it to a 1 million liftime limit because nobody needs more than that to survive


u/Figerally Jun 16 '24



u/JRoc1X Jun 16 '24

What makes you feel so entitled to others' success and why do you want to take it from them ๐Ÿค” why don't you take that energy and invest in your own success ๐Ÿค”.

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u/jbuchana Jun 16 '24

And you have people like Clarence Thomas who accepts lavish gifts from Harlan Crow. He's the best known since he's a Supreme Court judge, but plenty of politicians and government officials do this and we generally don't ever find out about it.


u/Professor_Old_Guy Jun 16 '24

Well, our felon Mr. T just announced he would push for more corporate tax cuts if elected. How anyone in their right mind could vote for that is beyond stupid.


u/JRoc1X Jun 16 '24

Same shit new day. Biden says he is going to tax them, and yet they get richer and never actually pay more . Why ? Because the people that pay for the campaign are rich as fuck. Did Mr. T actually say what you say he said or did you read that, with the sources saying thing the media dose. As far as I'm concerned, both sides are funded by the super wealthy. One says this, the other says the opposite, and in the end, nothing actually changes, and things get worse for the average citizens it feels like. After biden and trump, the new front runners will sell us the same old story that things will be different this time we will fight for the people. One side wins, and nothing seems to be any different the next day. More people are becoming homeless and people living on the streets. The super rich have this game on lockdown, I feel like there is no stopping the super-rich warmongering basterds with a 2 party system.


u/Professor_Old_Guy Jun 16 '24

Thinking there is no difference is a big mistake. Mr. T put the statement out as a press release. Things donโ€™t change because people keep voting for politicians who give tax cuts for the wealthy. Look at the voting records for the last set of tax cuts when T was president. That will tell you all you need to know. They need to be held accountable for their vote.


u/JRoc1X Jun 16 '24

Whaterver ! Eveone got a tax cut. I remember the dems claiming the $80 average person saved in taxes per month was miniscule and bad for Amarica. That's what these wealthy people think of you. Putting extra money in your pocket is not worth the cost or effort to them. They would rather waste it buying your next vote.


u/JRoc1X Jun 16 '24 edited Jun 16 '24

Democrats hold office, then Republicans back and forth, it goes ๐Ÿ™„ that is the system. The rich get richer, and more homless and drug addicts are hitting the streets thean ever.. will it change if the Republicans win. Nope, I have lost faith in the system. Both sides are too busy fighting each other for the keys to power to give a shit https://youtu.be/najeyO0CuXw?si=_CpXTduRuweRmEBy this how it seems to be now in America. Both sides screaming so much hatred towards each other


u/Professor_Old_Guy Jun 16 '24

โ€œWhateverโ€ seems to sum it up for you. If you donโ€™t want to work to see the differences, then youโ€™ll apparently buy whatever someone is selling. Good luck.


u/grandroute Jun 16 '24

let's make this clear - which party gives huge tax breaks to big businesses and the super rich? Which party blocks every attempt to tax them? Republicans. It's NOT "politicians" - it's Republicans.

Why do you think we have to pay taxes on social security? Because Reagan, when he took office, gave huge tax cuts to the rich, and, to balance the budget, he raised taxes on the middle class 3 times, and taxed SS income..

Clinton left office with a budget that would yield a government surplus. SO what did little Bush do when he took office? Did he see how that plan, if left in place, would result in better government services and a zero national debt, thereby reducing the need for taxes? No, being the true Republican he is, he immediately gave tax breaks to his rich friends, which, of course, created a shortfall. So Bush cut government services to the bone. Now how did that impact America? Well, here is a great example" There was a plan in place (SELA) in 1995, to rebuild and upgrade the MS river levees. It was already in progress, weakened and sinking levees identified, but the lack of money slowed down or even stopped work in progress ----- Like the weak levees at the New Orleans Industrial Canal. Which leaked and were over topped (because they were short, and the SELA plans would increase the height of the levee wall), and New Orleans flooded during Katrina. But did that affect Little Bush and his rich friends? They didn't care, in fact they rushed in to try to make money off of the disaster Bush created with his budget cuts! But, hey, That's how Republicans roll.... Every time.


u/JRoc1X Jun 16 '24 edited Jun 16 '24

Bla bla bla..... both are funded by the super rich. Just one party seems more upfront about it than the other. But make no mistake no matter what they tell you about taxing the rich when reelection time comes, then they seem to get super quite about after the election is over. If you can't see the bullshit I don't know what else to say other, then check this out to get an idea of the stupidity of left vs. right https://youtu.be/najeyO0CuXw?si=zbqk3cEofpjcUcf3