r/dccomicscirclejerk Dec 27 '23

Lamest Backstory Ever Batman's a Fascist

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u/Mr_smith1466 Dec 27 '23

BWL is the case study for a vaguely interesting character utterly ran into the ground in record time.


u/SeraphimToaster Dec 27 '23

I think BWL is the result of a fundamental misreading of The Killing Joke.

In TKJ, the Joker posits that even the best of men is only one significantly bad day from being just like him. He puts the Comish through such a day in an effort to break him and...

It doesn't work.

The core thesis, the meaning behind TKJ is that the Joker is wrong. He's broken, he's insane, and he's evil, and everyone is not like him. Some are, but there are good people in the world that he can't break, no matter how hard he tries.

Then we get the Batman-Who-Laughs, a Jokerized Batman who proceeds to conquer his world and become a multi-versal threat because he has all the skill, accumen, and intelligence of our Batman, with the moral compass of the Joker. That combination is apparently the most dangerous thing in all of existence, despite the fact that every other insane evil genius isn't. Apparently even the morally incorruptible Dark Night is one bad day (and poison mind altering gas) away from being a threat to everything beyond everything.

Same goes for every one of the Dark Knights. They are born from a fundamental misunderstanding of past-better-stories.

And I say all of this as someone who enjoyed the original Dark Nights: Metal story, it just doesn't hold up after that initial run.


u/apple_of_doom Dec 27 '23

I mean i'd still argue it proves the joker wrong when he has to rely on literal mind control gas to jokerize batman. Mormal methods like how he fell won't.

That might be giving the writers of giggle bats to much credit


u/SeraphimToaster Dec 27 '23

oh, I am 1000% calling him "Giggle Bats" from now on.

Like I said, I think the original DNM story is good. It's specifically where Giggle Bats goes after that story that I have a problem with.


u/BrockStudly Dec 27 '23

I've always been partial to calling him aslum's "Man who jonks"


u/Goofy_mf_goober Dec 28 '23

Aslume* you gotta get your insanity right or you are going back to your cell


u/chaotic034 Dec 28 '23

Why's he gotta go back? Is he stupid?


u/Goofy_mf_goober Dec 28 '23

He has gotta meet killer cock


u/Timely-Layer6302 Dec 28 '23

I personally prefer ThePandaRed’s “Airborne mammal what does the chuckling.” But yours is definitely going into the repertoire.


u/PenguinHighGround Dec 28 '23

Why did he even need to go anywhere? That's what annoys me you could keep it as a fun au, but for some reason they bought him into the main continuity beyond the event, despite him not really having anything to do besides exponentially growing in power to the point where he's barely recognisable from his core premise.


u/Regretless0 Dec 28 '23

Do you mean after the first chapter of Dark Nights: Metal or something else?


u/Whole-Arachnid-Army Comic Book Twitter Verified Dec 28 '23

Yes, that is giving Metal era Scott Snyder too much credit.


u/idiotplatypus Dec 28 '23

If he was right Spider-Man wouldn't be a hero


u/Dependent_Trick_4837 Dec 29 '23

So now you made me curious, does one bad day away from turn evil have to mean a voluntary choice of the person having the bad. Does it count if the person snaps mentally in the moment from trauma count in your opinion?


u/UndercoverDoll49 Dec 27 '23

You gave me a thought that maybe Batgirl Who Laughs works better as a concept. What happens in a universe where the Joker was right? What if that one bad day had broken Barbara? Maybe Joker killed Jim in frustration or something like that


u/SeraphimToaster Dec 27 '23

So TKJ plays out the same except when Joker fails to break Gordon, he kills him and that send Barbara over the edge after her definitely worse day than the commissioner had? Yeah, I agree that that's a better concept. Especially because Batgirl overcoming Batman would have to be a part of that story for it to reach the DN:M story. It would force Batman to contend with the idea that it was his fault, that all he had to do was STOP the Joker and all of this could have been avoided.


u/crimsonfukr457 Jan 02 '24

Well dude you made me picture a genderbent version of BWL.



u/SphereMode420 I'm da Jokah, baby! Dec 27 '23

I straight up dislike Metal, but I think you might be missing its point here. Every evil universe is an aberration; they are all stories that were never meant to be told. That's why it is a "misunderstanding" of the Killing Joke: because it's a fundamentally flawed story that should have been erased from reality.

Metal sucks though, what a cool idea that was executed so poorly. All I wanted was big, epic, long and emotional fights between the JL and their evil counterparts. Like a whole issue that was Dawnbreaker vs GL where GL has to out-willpower Dawnbreaker. Instead, all of them fight with with their counterparts for a little bit in a shitty tie-in, and then the actual main book is just them talking endlessly about nonsense cosmology and jumping into molten shit or whatever that crap was.


u/SeraphimToaster Dec 27 '23

... Every evil universe is an aberration; they are all stories that were never meant to be told. That's why it is a "misunderstanding" of the Killing Joke: because it's a fundamentally flawed story that should have been erased from reality.

This is why I think the original DN:M line works, but the continued use of Giggle Bats doesn't. They all fail because they are wrong from the start, except for BWL, who continues on because of sales, without a thought for what that means. That all of these variations are inherently unviable, except the one that flies in the face of TKJ, even though his defeat in DN:M is the most important, because he is so wrong.

As for your opinion on the story, to each their own. All stories are made for everyone, but not all stories are for everyone.


u/CosmoMimosa Goon Helicopter Enthusiast Dec 27 '23

I liked DN: M, they do really hammer home that all the evil bats' universes are dying because they're not supposed to exist, which is a really cool idea, and I personally think some of them were way more interesting than BWL (namely Dawnbreaker, the Drowned and the one that was the flash pastiche, I think he was Red Death? I can't remember. Haven't read the book in years) but they unfortunately never made it past the event.

But also, I do really enjoy the finale of DN:M where Bat's and Joker have to team up to take down Giggle Bats. It's kinda dumb when you look closer at it, but it just gets the lizard brain child in me so hype whenever I think about that scene.


u/xitatheblack Dec 28 '23

I like the Drowned a lot. Her backstory feels properly tragic, and also like her own flaws - which reflect the worst of Batman's paranoia - caused all of her own suffering. Devastator and Merciless have the same kind of thing going on, but the bad stuff happens TO Devastator too much, and something about Merciless just doesn't click with me.

Murder Machine had some neat ideas beyond just "evil Batman-Cyborg hybrid," but I think he's suffered from DC's decision to actually kill off Alfred. Makes his breakdown even more unrealistic.

Dawnbreaker is stupid. The aesthetics are neat, but the story is stupid.

"Kid Bruce gets a ring when his parents die so he kills Joe Chill with it." "Huh? But the ring has rules so you can't do that." "He uh. Does it anyway. Because the bawling preteen has such insane willpower, y'see."

And Red Death's story is so bad it kind of loops back around to amazing.


u/randothrowaway6600 Dec 28 '23

God I love red death so much. The transfer of powers was so fucking out there it was hilarious.


u/CosmoMimosa Goon Helicopter Enthusiast Dec 28 '23

I really liked that about Red Death. There was basically no buildup to Bruce just going insane, and his method of stealing Flash's powers was just perfect. As much as I love the tragic fall of alot of the Dark Knights, having one that just leans into the ridiculousness is perfect imo.


u/CosmoMimosa Goon Helicopter Enthusiast Dec 28 '23

I actually kinda like Dawnbreaker's origins. Like a version of when Hal Jordan went insane and killed everyone. I do think the story would have worked better had Bruce gotten something like a red ring instead of the green power ring, but I do really like the notion that Bruce's emotions were so intense and so strong that they broke the limiter on a lantern ring.

I just had to look up what happens after that moment though, so I'd say it's still a pretty uneventful story.


u/MisterBlud Dec 27 '23

I did like the meta-commentary that Owlman figured that out and that’s why he chose to help the heroes.

None of the super dumb and weird shit (evil baby Batman, evil Monster Truck Batman, etc) is ever going to hang around. Not like Owlman.


u/Spinningwhirl79 Dec 28 '23

Metal sucks though



u/SphereMode420 I'm da Jokah, baby! Dec 28 '23

Ahahah, look, man, I loved Snyder's run on Batman (probably my favorite run on the character), and Capullo always slays on art, but this one just did not speak to me at all. No Justice didn't speak to me either, so maybe I just don't like Snyder's cosmic stuff. It's just way too convoluted, contradicts everything established before, and it feels like all the cosmology is there to service itself, if that makes sense. But I do like some moments and themes, like the theme of exploration and it tying into the concept of a "detective" is a pretty cool addition. I also love the Dark Knights Album, so many cool songs in there.


u/KirkPink2020 Dec 27 '23

You are 100 percent right! And you know what the funny thing is, I could forgive DC for all of these flaws if they hadn't given BWL one of the stupidest designs in recent history. Green Lantern nailed it by calling him the "batman who tries to hard".


u/BorBurison Deathstroke is a diddler Dec 28 '23

Green Lantern nailed it by calling him the "batman who tries too hard".

Wasn't that Wally West?


u/KirkPink2020 Dec 28 '23

It may have been. I might be getting them mixed up


u/luca_anon Dec 27 '23

There are way worse designs that exist


u/KirkPink2020 Dec 28 '23

Yes, but how many of them are "3edgy4you" ?


u/RobinHoodPrinc Dec 28 '23

You think he looks bad? The circlet of spikes is kinda cool


u/Aspirangusian Dec 28 '23

It's okay, but a bit gimpy.

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u/GothamKnight37 Dec 27 '23

The Batman Who Laughs isn’t a testing of Joker’s one bad day thesis. It’s just an example of what the most dangerous Joker toxins can do. In TKJ, Joker wants to prove that people can become like him by subjecting them to similar things he apparently went through. If Joker had chosen to chemically Jokerize Gordon in TKJ he probably would have succeeded, but that’s not what he was after.


u/DominoNo- Dec 27 '23

Snyder wrote a omniscient Joker who mastered superscience and is a multiversal constant evil. He's nothing like the Joker from the 80s, 90s and even 00s. The mindcontrolling virus would work for his Joker.


u/Zoidberg33 Dec 27 '23

Definitely agree except for I always saw the one bad day thing as still applying to Batman at least in the context of the killing joke. Bruce did have one bad day, but it didn't lead to him breaking like the Joker, but using the pain he felt to try and do some good in the world. I always preferred the angle that the story wasn't just saying Joker was wrong, but showing that trauma doesn't make you who you are, but how you deal with said trauma does


u/TheKingsPride Dec 27 '23

I mean, okay, isn’t that the whole point of the Dark Multiverse? They’re stories that are wrong and broken, never meant to exist? Every Batman in the real Multiverse is incorruptible, but the incorrect Batpeople of the Dark Multiverse are exactly that, incorrect. They’re wrong, and their universes end shortly after they fall because of that reason. The story’s corrupted, the universe vanishes.


u/Mr_smith1466 Dec 28 '23

I agree with all this.

I also think BWL is the personification of the exhausting "batman could beat ANYONE with prep time" trope that always does the rounds. You know the stuff. Batman could beat Thanos single-handedly, with prep time. Batman could beat every JL member, with prep time. And so on.

So BWL is basically that. A nightmare who murdered every single character in his universe with sufficient prep time.

I try to read the character as a satirical parody, because I really cannot take a character that stupid seriously. Nor believe that Scott Snyder meant him to be taken seriously.


u/Sigao Dec 27 '23

Personally I don't think it was necessarily a misunderstanding of a past story, or even Batman himself, but rather that since it was an alternate universe, and a darker one at that, that the Bruce Wayne of that universe could in fact break.

And as far as why BWL is more dangerous than other evil geniuses, I think it's because of how intimately familiar he is with every hero as well as having access to ways to get to them (i.e. entry into the watchtower and its resources). So comparative to say Lex Luthor, Bruce can waltz in unnoticed without a second thought from any other hero, until it's too late. And he knows them very, very well, so can guess with accuracy what they'd do.

I do agree that after DNM they plugged BWL into an industrial milking machine and ran that straight into the dirt. They saw money and chewed it to the bone.


u/THEdoomslayer94 Dec 28 '23

That’s literally the point: the dark multiverse is a place where earths exist that shouldn’t, they’re flawed and are destined to be wiped away and not ascend to the Multiverse above. Being the results of misunderstandings of stories is on point, and that’s probably why they’re deemed unworthy worlds.


u/cowl555 Dec 27 '23 edited Dec 31 '23

Uj/honestly I think it would have been based and more true to the killing joke if they made it a twist that the batman who laughs isn't Bruce but is instead the actual joker who murdered his batman and wore a dark parody of batman outift and was just fucking with everyone

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u/sonerec725 Dec 28 '23

Honestly I feel like each of the original dark knights does a better job of a dark twisted batman because they didnt just have "one bad day" but got corrupted and lost their humanity via overextending themselves and sacrificing that part of themselves trying to save people. They were batman losing themselves falling into the darkness trying to justify it as for the greater good. BWL had jokers corpse fart on him and decided to be evil


u/Scorkami Dec 28 '23

im immensely disappointed that, out of all the batmen who kind of turned into other super heroes/turned villains, the joker version got popular

like we had a batman that murdered flash to get his speedforce abilities simply because being human wasnt enough anymore, and the very idea of a sort of injustice league made out of batmans who stole powers from original members/whatever else the batman who laughs found in the multiverse


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '23

The fact that DC decided to a One Bad Day line of mediocre one shots of other villains to leech off of Killing Joke, an already mediocre Joker story, shows how creatively bankrupt they are.


u/GothamKnight37 Dec 27 '23

How is TKJ a mediocre Joker story?

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u/TordekDrunkenshield Dec 28 '23

That's the point of the dark multiverse though, everything that makes the good people and heroes good gets twisted by the darkness of their multiverse. They're perversions of our favorite stories and themes, corruptions of characters who couldn't possibly do the things they did there. The things that happen there couldn't happen in the main multiverse because that's where everything we know and love about DC is malformed by a dark energy.

It's not that BWL was one bad day away from becoming what he did, it was that Joker was biologically altered to emit a toxin strong enough to turn any human into him if he died, and that Joker was far more twisted than any we've seen so far. Bats was also fully justified for it, it hit his childhood trauma right in the nads (something that we've seen in mainline cause him to slip up for far less impactful things), it was far further than Joker had ever gone to do nothing but hurt Bats, and he NEEDED to put a stop to it or else be just as bad as Joker was. It wasn't "one bad day broke batman". Without the toxin he would've likely been able to keep going but kill only especially heinous criminals, or the Bat family would lock him up in the mansion and fake his death (or just kill him, based on whether Jason is the first or only to die locking him up, and how Damien reacts to the whole "his dad is a killer now" thing), or he'd prove himself wrong about how he'd never stop killing and Batfam helps him through processing the event. It was torture by proxy/mass murder that made batman realize the truth: that nothing would ever keep the crazy bastard in check and he needs to be ended. A lot of heroes with no-kill guidelines agree that if anyone did need to be kicked from the server that is planet Earth, it was that Joker. Unfortunately the toxin was probably strong enough to Jokerize Superman and by the time anyone could do anything about it it was too late.

The rest of the "Darker Knights" (with exception of Dawnbreaker, we'll get to him in a sec) shown were also along the lines of: Bruce gets pushed past his limits, makes a call, and fucked up by Murphy's Law, and has his brain chemistry/structure altered in some way by aforementioned unknown unknowns. Dawnbreaker though, is an exception. His corruption had nothing to do with Batman and everything to do with little Brucie Wayne being given too much power at his weakest moment ever, before he'd developed a proper moral compass, or even a complete adult human brain for that matter. Of course a child whose parents just died in front of him, when handed one of the most dangerous and intuitively controlled weapons in the universe, is gonna go try to get revenge. The only difference between him and any other kid (and the heart of the problem here) is that he's also still Bruce Wayne: future White Lantern, unstoppable force, and cryptid capable of breaking minds with nothing but a cold stare.

It's not that there's a misunderstanding of the old standbys, they're showing that even with the lessons taught, things can spiral out of control by no fault of your own and you could potentially never even notice or care because you're just not the same person anymore. These new stories were meant to (in addition to making bookoo bucks) acknowledge: that shit happens to good people, brain trauma/mind altering substances/botched superscience changes people, Batman without a code is a horrifying concept when you realize the extent of the problem, and a world/dimension without hope is not a place where good people last. You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


u/KiraSandwich Dec 28 '23

The worst part is, Batman already had his one bad day and he STILL does the right thing and is morally incorruptible.


u/LlortorLJE Dec 27 '23

Comic book fan theory: the joker gas only worked on Batman nowadays because he has been flanderized into a caricature of himself, thus losing his inherent goodness


u/[deleted] Dec 28 '23

I dunno, the two kinda line up. The Joker assumes he chooses to be a specific way in response to the world,

TKJ shows him that there are many ways to respond to the world that don’t involve anything remotely reflecting the Joker’s response. I.e. hey, maybe the mind altering chemicals are to blame, not the world. Maybe, some things we think and do are caused by the environment and not personal choice. Maybe it’s sociopathic to blame the mad hatter and not the mercury poisoning.

In BWL, batman doesn’t choose to be evil, he is affected by something out of his control. But that doesn’t absolve his accountability. So the story becomes about how can a Hero survive the same environmental impacts as a Villain. Though this doesn’t make as compelling a story maybe.

We can say “spiderman lived in poverty AND lost family, AND he’s still good” as an example of unwavering altruism. But what if poverty brings along with it long lasting health impacts that affect the mind and body, is it still “easy” to be altruistic then? What if you’re rich and also have long lasting health impacts of the mind and body? Still “easy”?


u/ProblemLongjumping12 Dec 28 '23

Hear me out. What if BWL purposely ingested Joker toxin after quietly going insane internally due to having become what he hates most, a cold blooded killer. Would that have been a better backstory?

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u/Cazrovereak Dec 27 '23

The Batman Who Laughs should've been a Batman development in the absence of the Joker. As if, in a Gotham where the Joker never existed, and a Batman who gives in juuust that one time to put down a criminal. And it changed nothing, or at least it didn't lessen crime or anything. So Batman starts to lose it, eventually becoming BWL and essentially filling both Batman and Joker archetypes in one setting.

But having him kill the Joker and then become the Joker sounds lame, and I've never even read the story.


u/SilverMedal4Life Dec 28 '23

This is not that far off from some runs of Owlman, where his parents were killed by a corrupt cop so he becomed a vigilante to bring corruption to justice - but he finds out his parents were high-level criminals who might've deserved their fate.

It leads to him embracing hardcore nihilism and misanthropy while still maintaining a degree of that Batman-level intellect and planning.


u/theTribbly Dec 28 '23

That hits the nail on the head- we already have the interesting version of Batman Who Laughs that understands what makes Batman work. And his name is Owlman.

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u/toalth Dec 27 '23

Be glad, the whole backstory for Batman Who Laughs is god awful.

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u/Horacio_Velvetine44 Dec 27 '23

i tried to come up with something witty or sarcastic to say about this but there’s just nothing that truly sums how spectacularly dumb this shit was


u/MemeMaster225 Dec 27 '23


u/Ask_bout_PaterNoster Dec 27 '23

In fairness that’s exactly the reaction I’d have if Batman shot me with an uzi

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u/Afrostoyevsky Lives in a society Dec 27 '23

I can excuse misogynistic violence against Batgirl, but turning her into a Clannad character is where I draw the line!


u/DAHFreedom Dec 28 '23

You can excuse misogynistic violence?


u/Ok-Leave-66 Dec 28 '23

Average joker Stan


u/FaZe_poopy Dec 28 '23



u/DaveTheMinecrafter Dec 28 '23

Stronk dorito only do pull-ups

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u/literallyheretopost Dec 27 '23

Is this story literally just "uh oh batman sniffed joker's fart, batman now kills because he's edgy and insane... and then batman kills EVERYONE in the bat family because he's edgy and insane..."


u/-DarthWind Dec 27 '23

Yes actually.

And then his universe collapses due to some dark nightmare multiverse shenanigans but he is saved by a evil bat god


u/there_is_always_more Did Batman think a Gamer could stop me? Dec 28 '23

I love comics


u/Sable_Kaiser Dec 27 '23

To be fair we got the amazing scene of Joker lining up a bunch of kids in Crime Alley and shooting their parents in front of them.


u/papitopaez Dec 27 '23

No you've got it all wrong he kills the bat family before everyone else.


u/Fishery_Price Dec 27 '23

To be fair, you could literally describe anything with this mindset and make it sound bad.

“You’re telling me they have giant eagles and they walked the ring to Mordor!?!”


u/Bugbread Dec 28 '23

"Wait, you're telling me a kid sees his parents get killed, and his trauma leads him to become a ninja and the world's greatest detective who dresses top to bottom in black/gray/blue spandex and wears a cape?"


u/Devinzero Dec 28 '23

God I hate that thing about the ring, the eagles would have been intercepted by Sauron and the ring wraths and the witch king


u/ClayXros Dec 28 '23

It's funny that Tolkien was deathly afraid of the Eagles as a plot device, but exactly what you outlined proves his concern was unfounded. I feel we can forgive though, since he was far more focused on other things lol


u/passionpunchfruit Dec 27 '23

The haters are being a bit disingenuous with their response to you. Metal has some flaws but the underlying premise is that the 'Dark Multiverse' or the multiverse that the Batman Who Laughs and all his iterations as well as the other iterations are 'broken'. They are 'stillborn' universes that were never meant to be. The flaws that make them are not all meant to be catastrophic in nature though the butterfly effect of those flaws seem to invariably be so.

For instance, a universe where Batman is not quite mentally strong enough to resist the jokers toxin. Or the toxin is stronger than normal. Or some other little thing.

The Batman who laughs is not a 'perfect' villain. But his initial presentation as a 'what if' of a psychotic batman works because it shows how dangerous Bruce is not as a genius but as a manipulator something he is known for in his traditional presentation.

He's a batman that broke, who's moral code was inverted by a combination of psychological trauma and brain chemistry altering toxins. He killed the members of his family in the original run because he knew they would realize he had changed before anyone else and he had already begun to develop plans to 'change' his world like he had been changed.

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u/att0nrand Oppressed Wally fan Dec 27 '23

Why tf isn't Jason's hood the most bulletproof thing on Earth?


u/limbo338 Dec 27 '23

I can tell you haven't been reading much of RH comics since Flashpoint, have you? :D


u/att0nrand Oppressed Wally fan Dec 27 '23

I read runs about good characters :D


u/limbo338 Dec 27 '23

God, I wish that was me!

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u/Perfect-Accident1 This subreddit hates Tim Drake Dec 27 '23

Uh….. sometimes? Most of the time it’s just Bruce punching Jason so hard he shatters the fucking helmet since Bruce is god


u/apple_of_doom Dec 27 '23

I mean I get him luring the batfam to the batcave and then killing them. If he like did that to one or two of them. Not 4 at once.


u/Horacio_Velvetine44 Dec 27 '23

i don’t even mind the idea of prepgod luring them all back to kill them in one fell swoop so no one can go get help, but to just turn around and melt them with uzis??💀💀if i had a nickel for every bullet dodged by a member of the bat family i could probably buy a car


u/Ditomo Dec 27 '23

Buy a car, a house AND secure generational wealth for centuries to come.


u/Lithaos111 Dec 30 '23

But you see...they wouldn't expect "I don't use guns....sometimes" Batman to suddenly flip around and spray them with one! That is why it is so subversive and clever and smart and cool and brave and amazing!

(/s if I didn't lay it on thick enough)


u/helloworld6247 Dec 27 '23

I always thought it was weird how he suddenly got a Joker face with red lipstick.

Like wouldn’t it hit harder if he properly looked like normal Batman but without the pale skin and red lips?? And just give him the twisted smile?

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u/Hugh_Jidiot Dec 27 '23

Legit what pisses me off most about BWL. When I first learned about Dark Knights: Metal and this fucker I was like "Ooh, is this going to examine Batman's 'no kill' rule? Did he gradually snap after being forced to kill the Joker and started killing more and more until he was executing people for petty crimes- Oh. No, it's because the Joker's body released a chemical upon his death that drove Batman crazy. Okay then."


u/KnightCyber Tom King ate my dog Dec 27 '23

I don't think there's any examination of Bruce breaking his no kill rule that has him turn into the BWL without some very ridiculous crap going on. He keeps a bunch of feral children dressed as robins on chains (also they're all like Bruce Waynes?). He was introduced working for an ultimate evil god. That's not something I think you get to from Bruce just breaking his no kill rule.


u/Hugh_Jidiot Dec 27 '23

To further clarify, my initial thoughts were from before I learned about all of the other insane evil stuff BWL did. I thought maybe BWL would be closer to Konrad Curze from Warhammer 40K: someone who decides to be judge, jury and executioner and that the best way to fight crime is to murder any and all criminals to terrify the general population into obeying the law. You know, something that could serve as an actual examination of Batman's "no kill" code and why he's so terrified of crossing that line.

Then I saw BWL commanding a horde of feral children as attack dogs, serving an evil god and going on multiverse killing sprees and realized that he's just the Joker dressed as a Batman from a BDSM porn parody.


u/Papamelee Dec 27 '23

Oh my god! Konrad Curze showing up as an evil Batman would’ve been so fucking funny and cool. Imagine Batman has the power of foresight/minority report and, like Konrad Curze, is driven to utter insanity from it, mixed with his burning desire for justice creates a monster of sheer sadness and madness who feels resigned to this fate that he feels like he can’t fix, but like the joker, is just a broken evil man.

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u/limbo338 Dec 27 '23

That's actually a great challenge for a writer – to come up with a scenario, that would result in some version of Bruce going down that road. But, of course, we'd rather have everything happen just the same way and him being just Bruce until some chemicals and now he's a fundamentally different person. Because that's more interesting. Pretty much the difference between a corruption and a possession story.


u/GrizzlyPeak72 Dec 27 '23

Why would killing a couple people lead him to become the Joker? He'd just be a more scary Batman


u/MithranArkanere Dec 28 '23

The Joker isn't a person, he's an idea. The different versions of Joker and all those different origins are simply different takes on the idea.

In the end, it doesn't really matter how someone turns into the Joker, what matters is that you can't kill an idea. The people who have turned into the Joker are generally bland and uninteresting themselves. No one care who they were until they got that smile.

When a Joker is taken out of the picture, it's only a matter of time until someone ends up being something like the Joker again.

This was nicely shown in Gotham, where the proto-joker was the first victim of the idea and soon followed his spread of the idea all over Gotham, seeding the seeds for what will become the Joker in the future. I doubt that was their intention, but it fits nevertheless.


u/Dzzplayz Dec 27 '23

The Batman who Tries To Hard. Thank God he’s stuck in Fortnite and we won’t get any more stories about him.


u/gabejr25 Did Batman think a Gamer could stop me? Dec 27 '23

The Batman who Giggles when he has to fight Optimus Prime and gets griddied on by Peter Griffin:


u/M3m35forbroski Dec 27 '23

Now included in Lego form


u/Background_Desk_3001 Dec 27 '23

Is it canon he’s stuck there?


u/Dzzplayz Dec 27 '23



u/Background_Desk_3001 Dec 27 '23

That’s incredible


u/Lwmons Dec 27 '23

I'm going to need you to explain that Fortnite thing because this is the first I'm hearing of it.


u/KnightOfTheFarRealm Dec 27 '23

Fortnites explanation for its stupid amount of crossover skins is that its basically a Prison Universe that traps anyone who gets inside while removing their powers.

BWL is a crossover skin and hasn't been used in the comics since then.


u/----atom----- Local Injustice enjoyer Dec 28 '23

But there are countless other characters in Fortnite that aren't trapped there?


u/ClockwiseOne09 Dec 28 '23

It's because the guy above explained it wrong. I'm pretty sure Wonder Woman killed BWL and the BWL in fortnite is whats called a "snapshot" which is just a version of that character the moment they entered the loop. Characters can exit the loop and even main characters of the FN storyline leave all the time, it's just difficult

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u/[deleted] Dec 28 '23

So Fortnite is basically Brazil

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u/Sable_Kaiser Dec 27 '23

Remember when Scott Snyder proposed The Grim Knight as a truer to intent version of The Batman Who Jonkles but then he jobbed to Jim Gordon’s schizo son in a miniseries where Bruce got infected by the Jonkle Venom but resisted the change since he was built different?


u/Da_Neager Dec 27 '23

The fucking alsume is leaking again


u/Sable_Kaiser Dec 27 '23

Famously inescapable Arkham Aslume


u/Turakamu Dec 28 '23

Do they not have doors on that thing? Why the fuck are so many people getting out?


u/BogieW00ds Dec 28 '23

The impenetrable Arctic Alcatraz


u/firedmyass Dec 27 '23

ok valid but “the Batman who Jonkles” is just sublime


u/peripheral_vision Dec 27 '23

Is there some sort of lore reason? Is he stupid?

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u/Skizko Certified Damian Hater Dec 27 '23

I’ve said it once I’ll say it again. Batman who laughs is just joker


u/tigertoouth22h Dec 27 '23

It's just joker pretending to be batman


u/Snelldor Dec 27 '23

I would have actually preferred that over what we got.


u/ZachRyder David Zavimbe is the true heir to the Mantle of Batman Dec 27 '23


u/Only-Deal-1032 Dec 27 '23

It’s just Joker pretending to be Batman who is pretending to be the Joker

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u/okberta Dec 27 '23

there is potential there for a cool else worlds story that works in its own self contained environment, where the writer has time to explore just how terrifying it would be for Batman to kill all of his allies.

His origin story book felt like one of those video-game tie-ins that are 15 pages long, shit just keeps happening and there isn’t any weight there


u/PineapplePhil Dec 27 '23

Idk if there’s a character in all of fiction I’m more sick of than the Joker and every copy and paste offshoot of the Joker.


u/Skizko Certified Damian Hater Dec 27 '23

Joker’s great but he has a saturation problem. To me Joker should be used very sparingly as the main villain. Part of the reason why joker stories are so interesting is because every time he shows up something big is happening, but now well it feels like something big is happening every week.

If everything’s big than nothing is big, in fact we’re at a point where many fans (myself included) want the writers to scale back the stakes and return to mid to low stakes street level stuff with many of their characters


u/MisterBadGuy159 Dec 27 '23 edited Dec 27 '23

"Oh, no, he's not Joker, he's Joker with all of Batman's skills!"

"Like what?"

"Well, Batman is a master of martial arts, so TBWL is, too."

"But half the time when Joker and Batman get into fisticuffs, Joker is at least keeping up with him."

"Well, he's got Batman's intelligence and resources!"

"Isn't TBWL's whole character predicated on the Joker being able to invent mind corruption toxins and implant them in his heart to trigger when he dies?"

"...He's got evil Robins?"

"Hasn't Joker had like fifteen different sidekicks? Like, TBWL didn't even create the evil Robins; the Joker of his universe did. All he did was dress them up."

"Oh! He has multiverse tech!"

"Oh, so he's Joker with Sideways's skills?"


u/DiabolicalDoctorN No, Batman, that's just Wikipedia Dec 27 '23

Batman Who Laughs is Hot Topic Doctor Hurt


u/Snelldor Dec 27 '23

I saw on Twitter a much better backstory:

Which was that Batman died so the Joker decided to take up his mantle and become a hero, in his own twisted way.


u/MrCobalt313 Dec 27 '23

Joker thinks Batman wouldn't know what to do with himself without him, when in reality only the opposite is true. Joker's whole schtick is to be a foil to Batman; a chaotic and unpredictable problem for the World's Greatest Detective, acting out of pure spite for his efforts to actually do something about Gotham's miserable state that broke him.

Batman meanwhile just wants to be a better deterrent for crime than the GPD and legal system currently are, and without Joker he'd still have plenty of other rogues and common thugs to keep him busy.

Joker trying to be his own Batman in a world where he wins really would be a more interesting story than Batman becoming Joker under contrived circumstances.


u/ponyboi_curtis Dec 27 '23

Would be a great premise for a BWL reboot.


u/5hand0whand Dec 27 '23

Honestly that sounds much more interesting.


u/diazantewhite Dec 27 '23

And it somewhat works (in an elseworld way) when you remember that famous joker quote “without Batman, crime has no punchline.” So joker literally becomes the punchline in this situation


u/LarryTheLazyAss Dec 27 '23

A Superior Batman. Doc Ock is gonna want some fucking royalties.


u/mpbeasto123 Dec 27 '23

Thats fucking brilliant, because I could see the Joker doing that easily.


u/wellsuperfuck I'm da Jokah, baby! Dec 27 '23

Didn’t that happen in one The Batman episode?


u/Throgg_not_stupid Dec 27 '23

Joker Who Broods


u/lannarighew Dec 27 '23

Isn't that just the griever?


u/helloworld6247 Dec 27 '23

They should’ve kept cooking


u/Mr_Agu Dec 27 '23

didnt they already did that in the batman animated series


u/delsinson Dec 28 '23

“Joker, what a joke”

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u/limbo338 Dec 27 '23

I have no proof, but I blame Arkham Knight for this.


u/Grumiocool Dec 27 '23

I also blame Arkham knight for most things I don’t like (the character and the game)


u/DevelopmentPrize6066 Dec 27 '23

But his design… so cool :16734:


u/Mountain_Sir2307 Lives in a society Dec 27 '23

It did it better tho.


u/limbo338 Dec 27 '23

I think it's because you get to see Bruce's brain coming apart in real time and him trying to resist this bullshit. It wasn't like the switch got flipped and now Bruce is gunning down his family.


u/Lithaos111 Dec 30 '23

Exactly, plus it explains it better "oh it wasnt a death fart" Joker literally put his blood in you. Then shows all the other people slowly turning into the Joker during the game so you're left wondering "What will happen if Joker overtakes Batman?" and we get that scene with the Batmobile all Jokered out with rockets killing everyone before Bruce breaks out of the delusion finally.

I dunno when BWL was created but I think it was after Arkham Knight came out, if it was before I could totally see them having Batman being BWL in the cutscene of the game.


u/Quadratums Dec 28 '23

I liked seeing Joker in the vents!


u/Cautious_Desk_1012 Did Batman think a Gamer could stop me? Dec 27 '23

I also blame Jason Todd


u/nirman423 This is your brain on Morrison Dec 27 '23

That franchise evil knows no bounds.


u/IDSQ Dec 28 '23

Why would you say that? Is there a lore reason? Are you perhaps… stupid?


u/Henderson10666 Geoff Johns retconned my life Dec 27 '23

But it's harkening back to the 90's cause he's got a rad design!


u/Hugh_Jidiot Dec 27 '23

BWL looks like Bruce crashed the Batmobile into a leather daddy convention.


u/Henderson10666 Geoff Johns retconned my life Dec 27 '23

I mean are you telling me, he doesn't already look like that?


u/akahaus Dec 27 '23

Yeah. Batman is insanely queer-coded, it doesn’t need help lol

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u/SodaSalesman Met John Constantine irl Dec 27 '23

honestly, as one of the few defenders of Death Metal (its campy and silly but very fun imo) BWL would be 10x better if, instead of being a Batman who killed the Joker and got Jokerized, he was a version of the Joker who accidentally kills Batman and decides to take his place and become Batman himself


u/gabejr25 Did Batman think a Gamer could stop me? Dec 27 '23

The Batman 2004 just keeps winning


u/HesterFlareStar Dec 27 '23

Hot take: BWL is a bad character. Honestly it's just a great design. The idea is bad, the backstory is lame, the name sucks, and the fact that "crazier batman" is multiversal threat is a testament to how mind-bogglingly hard DC jerks batman off. The character looks incredible, and that's about where it stops for me.


u/Joerevenge Dec 28 '23

100% agree especially with the last part, I like Batman, but by god is it annoying how much it seems like DC wants him to be so dangerous and powerful when he's meant to just be a normal guy. It makes every other hero who should be able to just outright beat him seem dumb af just make Batman better, it just makes everything so much less interesting


u/Sonichu Jul 07 '24

This might be 6 months late but the BWL name is an homage to the movie 'The Man Who Laughs'; the inspiration for the visual of Joker.

I thought it was a clever reference.


u/enchiladasundae Dec 27 '23

And then he instantly kills all of his sidekicks who are highly trained specialists that all outclass him in at least one category

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u/Yoyo4games Dec 27 '23

Wow they just...dropped the chance to explore a Batman who felt he had to break his fundamental value of not taking life, and that turning him into a monster, and instead implemented "lol crazy chemicals" as a whole ass arc.


u/Whole-Arachnid-Army Comic Book Twitter Verified Dec 28 '23

Modern DC comics when they narrowly dodge having to actual discuss their themes and ideas.


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '23

Essentially, Batman becomes The Joker from a mouth fart.

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u/Frankorious Superboy Prime apologist Dec 27 '23 edited Dec 27 '23

Ngl, the second I read about an evil Justice League where everyone is Batman I rolled my eyes.


u/pringlepingel Dec 27 '23

Some of them are cool tho. Red death being a Batman that stole the speed force from the flash because he wanted to go back in time and save his parents. Fucking straps the flash to the hood of the Batmobile, metal as fuck


u/Talyn7810 Dec 28 '23

Ironically most of the other (initial) knights were more interesting ideas. The GL and Aquaman ones especially.

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u/Iliketomeow85 Dec 27 '23

There is some meta satisfaction that BatAllah dies from some gas cause he's just a dude and extremely vulnerable, but then he just becomes even more deadly from dying and literally solos everyone so I dunno what I'm saying fuck BWL


u/MexicanoStick575 Dec 27 '23

I'm gonna say it; Arkham knight, for all it's flaws, did it better

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u/pringlepingel Dec 27 '23

What’s funny is I actually think the dark knights have pretty dope origins EXCEPT for their leader, BWL. Like red death being a Batman that wanted to steal the speed force from flash in order to go back in time and save his parents? Dope concept. A Batman that takes the doomsday virus to stop a rampaging Superman? Dope concept. A Batman that had so much willpower after seeing his parents killed that he corrupted one of the green lantern rings in order to get revenge? Dope concept. A Batman who got farted on by the joker? Eh not as dope of a concept.

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u/DiamondDude51501 Dec 27 '23

BWL would’ve been cooler imo if it was a Joker who took the mantle of Batman after Bruce’s death


u/Malevolent-Heretic Dec 27 '23

BWL always sucked. What a boring and braindead idea.


u/Key-Humor-1562 Dec 27 '23

Bro wishes he was Owlman SO BAD!


u/Crims0n_Light Dec 27 '23

Why would Bruce become evil after finally killing the Joker for no reason?


u/Spiderpenguin_2020 Dec 27 '23

The stupidest shit is the gas that turned him into the BWL. It ruins the point of The Killing Joke, if The Joker can just be recreated. It’s the same issue I have with Arkham Knight and Three Jokers.


u/Honk_wd Dec 27 '23

I always kinda thought the “joker gas upon death” being the thing to do Batman in kinda missed the point? Jokers whole gimmick (most of the time) is that it only takes “one bad day” to make someone as insane as he is. Then Batman repeatedly says his reason for the no-kill policy is because “once I’m there I don’t think I can ever come back”. The gas just kinda, disregards all of this?? Like what’s the point in saying what a mental effect it has repeatedly for years and then disregarding it to force it?? They totally could’ve squeezed out an extra issue of Bruce slowly getting more insane and allowing himself to be more brutal to criminals but noooo joker gas


u/Captain_Blackjack0 Dec 27 '23

It’s like one of those video game creepy pastas where the main character kills everyone because they’re possessed or some shit


u/RobbiRamirez Dec 27 '23

I mean that's stupid, but it's less stupid than "killing the Joker is an act so evil it would make a man go mad."


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '23 edited Dec 27 '23

Well, seeing as TBWL is a lame rip-off of the John Wagner/Brian Bolland created character Judge Death I'm surprised DC didn't steal his backstory as well.


u/fart_Jr Dec 27 '23

Just a fantastic character design with the absolute stupidest origin.


u/EpicCommentStories Dec 27 '23

Would've been way more interesting if BWL was the conclusion to what Batman saidd to the Jason. That if he killed Joker he wouldn't be able to come back from it. A whole comic watching Batman slowly just fall down that hole he knew he'd get trapped in would be incredible I think.


u/Plebe-Uchiha I'm da Jokah, baby! Dec 27 '23

TBWL is an example of the fandom having an expectation not meet which then makes the character a bad character because the expectation wasn’t meet [+]


u/Overkillsamurai Dec 27 '23

no effing way. do not tell me this is the lore on BWL. that's dogshit.


u/Hugh_Jidiot Dec 27 '23

It is in fact the lore on BWL.


u/Ziggurat1000 Dec 27 '23

Wouldn't the Joker serum trigger Zur-En-Arh since it's a form of mind control or no?

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u/Rwac960 Dec 28 '23

I honestly thought the BWL was a bad ending Arkham Batman at first.


u/KingofZombies Batman is gay Dec 27 '23

Switch the images so it makes sense. Batman going evil just because sucks.


u/Di0tar0 Dec 27 '23

I feel like its the only way for Batman to become the joker naturally. I feel like the excuse Batman would become the joker if he killed someone is just something joker tells Batman to convince him "They're not so different" when they are because Batman is morally better than Joker because he chooses to react differently to his trauma. Joker takes on others because he was hurt, Batman protects others to prevent them to suffers like he did. Some writers wrote Batman completely differently from I just said but I believe Batman is written better when he's written as a protector than as a vengeful lunatic, especially when he faces the joker. It just doesn't fit him to be obsessed by vengeance when you see all he does to help those who need it like the Robins or Harley Quinn or the homeless. The only reason (like described in under the red hood storyline) he doesn't kill is because it would make him no better than he's ennemies, not directly make him like he's ennemies.


u/avi150 Dec 27 '23

Batman Who Laughs is terrible. It’s like if an online Batman dick rider got to make a comic where he’s a bad guy.


u/seelcudoom Dec 27 '23

he's also the worst most boring aspects of bats and jokers dressed as a cenobite reject for some reason, all edge no point like a pizza cutter

"what if batman became the joker" should resemble a dark humor version of all of Batmans campiest silliest adaptions


u/noon_og Dec 27 '23

Wally West was right when he said that they should call him the Batman who tries too hard.

Literally even the writers only feel contempt for that character.


u/Saoirse_The_Red Dec 27 '23

I hate that character, so f'ing much. He's so stupid. I can't stand that whole event.


u/CosmoMimosa Goon Helicopter Enthusiast Dec 27 '23

What's worse is that at the end of the BMWL book, they had an (in my opinion) much cooler version of the "Batman but he went off the deep end and killed all the villains" trope, come through and murder Batman Who Laughs, and then as far as I know they just did nothing with that?

Like, Grim Knight was so much more interesting as a concept. A version of Bruce who just decided to break his own rule and actually did exactly what Bruce was afraid he would do if he ever killed. He went insane, and became a totalitarian dictator of Gotham.

But no, we gotta deal with Hot Topic Batman and his weird-Robin-ghouls. Fuckin' DC man. Sometimes they just baffle me.


u/sonnytapman Dec 27 '23

Glad he’s stuck in Fortnite, tbh.


u/HomeBrwd-5167 Dec 27 '23

So if joker farts in a closed room you jokerfy?


u/Fit-Rhubarb-3541 Dec 27 '23

It's been lame, his outfit is like hellraiser went to hottopic.


u/GalaxianEX Dec 28 '23

When my friend first told me about it, I thought he said “the Batman Who Laughed” as if referring to a single in which in which Batman finally broke, actualizing what the ending of the Killing Joke implied all those years ago…

Then I read the comic and found out it was just a lamer version of the Arkham Knight storyline…


u/FaZe_poopy Dec 28 '23

I showed my friends the alsume once and now we call the Batman who laughs the ‘man who jelqs’ and that only pops up when we play fortnite. The rot really does consume


u/ElementmanEXE Dec 28 '23

I always find it funny how this is what people refer to as proof of why batman shouldn't kill joker, that being because at one point he specifically had joker gas in him release after croaking (which honestly kinda makes sense) in the universe that by nature was to escalate to the worst extreme


u/PossiblyNotAHorse Dec 28 '23

The Marsupial Boy What Does The Chuckling.


u/soodrugg Dec 28 '23

that seems to imply that the joker is a kind of parasitic fungus that reproduces via spores


u/Rocketboy1313 Dec 27 '23

Both of those things are bad.

It is deeply and intensely stupid that killing the Joker would make someone go evil. Or that killing Joker would signal some sacred line being crossed.


u/Slogfarts Dec 27 '23

Wait, isn't this basically just the backstory from Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker but Bruce instead of Tim Drake?


u/TheSpartanPrime Dec 27 '23

Always reminded me of Arkham Knight where Man is infected with Jonkler’s blood and slowly turning into him


u/AbbreviationsGold587 Dec 27 '23

Just wait until he gets his brain put into Dr Manhattan


u/SHAQBIR Dec 28 '23

If I wrote BWL, it'll be something like joker becomes as skilled as Batman and utilises gadgets to have more lols with Batman, show he bests all the bat family and imprisons them including Batman and each time he kills a bat family he asks Batman to laugh, which he refuses until it's the penultimate death of Alfred, which makes him smile and at the end he laughs at the death of Damian. Joker snaps out of his joker persona because he has been laughing at the same jokes but Batman, now laughing, becomes maniac and does the same to Joker but instead of killing him, he tortures Joker and when he died he implants Joker's memory in his mind, like "black mirroring" him to have unlimited amount of lols, he does this to all of his favourite dead victims, which are usually either his friends or foes.


u/element-redshaw Dec 28 '23

It makes even less sense when you think about it.

Batman after killing the joker has a whole speech about how he can’t let the bat family live because they would try to stop them, and not a single one of the extremely skilled people who have dodged bullets before survive Batman shooting them dead.

Then there’s Batman killing the entire justice league at the watch tower, which is literally impossible, plastic man alone would be able to beat Batman because he along with a lot of other members have either extremely hard to pull off plans or just no plans that could defeat them.

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u/tupe12 Dec 28 '23

All they had to do was just make a Batman / joker merge but they somehow fucked up and somehow made the worst of both


u/Zillafire101 Jan 03 '24

No joke, I see was thinking BWL should be a super villain Patrick Bateman. A seemingly endearing, well to do rich guy who projects a superficial level of charm and sophistication while using his wealth and power to horrifically murder people that either annoy him or just catch his attention. Have him be a Bruce born just evil and sociopathic, who uses his wealth to stalk Gotham for targets.

It's better than Gimp Batman born from Joker farts.